Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1915, p. 2

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ass , P II ii ' '•" psgaJaad Fare, the lret vic*-presMeat of the Ravtala ctab. and Urs. Lucian Caryof Lake editor of the Chicago Evening Poet literary review. The music will be hy MiHi-ri Harry M. N. McCallum and F. !«â- â€¢Â». Following Is a Jtat of the ssersfcera of the Wilmette Mia. Cass. A. Wanner, Mra. H. K. Snider, first Mrs. Charles Bralth- Tice-chalrman; Mra. Bruch, third vice-chairman; Lyman Drake, .ecretary; and Alfred Berabach. K. Lv Frank P. Collier. Theo- dore Breyer. Walter W. Baldwin. W. 3. Mathews, J. * Slddall. Jr.. & W. IfcCollough. Edward L. Scheldenhelm. Frank J. Scheldenhelm, Edward XlHealid and Miss Anna Dingee. "La Fete Du Prtatempa." A unique aa well as attractive entertainment -was given mat Friday evening In the .parlors of the Methodist church by the membera of the Junior depart- ment, under the direction of Mr. Boy Klrtland, superintendent. Nearly one hundred children took part In the af- fair, and a neat little tmn waa added to the tree wiry. The program was augmented with specisl music by Harry Klrtland and his cornet, and ':' Chris Lane, a professional humorist from Chlcsgo. Among the youngsters who took part in the remainder of the urogram were the following: • Utilesâ€"Elenora Read. Mlnetta freeman, Catharine Smurr, Margaret «murr. Esther Morse. Marjorie Smith. Dandelions â€"Harold Gale, James Melville. Ralph English, Kimball White. William Osborn, Kenneth Page, Norman Shellman. j Rosesâ€"Mildred Gale, Ruth Stoker, Ellse Warner, Arlinc Woodcock, Gene- Tleve Emrlcb. Virginia Moore. Rath McDowell. <• Fairies â€"Ethel Plentye. Esther 'Morse, Ruth Morse, Virginia Kendall, Ruth Watt. Dorothy Yonkers. Marga- ret Rodman, Dorothy Rodman, Rebec- ca Fitch. . Colonial Ladles â€" Elisabeth Page. -:|fgrloa Page, Arax Boyajlan, Lillian Fitch, Ethel Mae Sturgeon, Jessie Shurtleff, Marguerite Lundberg, Anna Boyajlan. Dorothy Glover, Beatrice A number of the young people in the Tillage gave a hayrack party on Mon- day afternoon and evesrtag. The piSijT £*â- Â»Â» saasss. mmm•# »aa ***» -gasnnuwwii gar the woods at the edge of the north those who went were the Misses Marlon Moats. Helei Sjada, Grace and Helen Rlaley. Esther Hoffman. EsteUe Pierce. Mrs. Leona Oarrlty and Dr. Maude Sands, and Messrs. Haien Patterson. Jmy Klrtland. Sajmear Cunwlagham, Louis Mitten and WUllsm Wlsehart. Mrs. John Dalton wag a Ji hostess mat Wednesdsy at MO Wood court. In honor of Mrs. W. t. Everhart of Tulsa, Okla. A delightful surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden ave- nue, In honor of their son. Carletoav mat Saturday evening. Dancing oc- cupied the greater part of the evening With a mid-night luncheon. Among those present ware Mr. Warner Gatee. Misses Dorothy Iliff and Margaret Mc- Mlllen of Wilmette. and Messrs. Mer- rll King, Charles Stuart, Sherwood Baker. Robert Stephenson and the Misses Pauline Goodrich. Pauline Retzlcr. Gertrude Loop and Atoms VanSteederin of Lake Forest college â-  Bridge will be played at the Ouil mette Country club again tomorrow evening. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Mid dleton, Mr. Phillip Bright and Mrs. Stone were among the prise winners. w* Mrs. William T. Smith gave a midge party Wednesday afternoon at her home on Lake avenue. In honor of Mrs. Alexander Hopp. There will be a ladles' luncheon and bridge at the Oullmette Country club next Monday afternoon. The Sigma Nu fraternity of North- western university gave their final formal dancing party of the year last evening st the Oullmette Country club. Mrs. E. B. Rathbone will be hostess to her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club next Tuesday afternoon, at her home, 710 Central avenue. THE LAKE SHOE* HEWS. FRIPAV. JUNE *> IK* â-  a i' H â-  hi in ii " â€"â€"â€"qjgg^SSgSSSSSSg thar J. of several daya sister, Mrs. Ar* MCmim avenue left the first part of this week for their summer home In Old Mission. Mr. CallBwsy arm mako fro- trips there from the city, namber of the women of the vy-unn •*"•*•• â- â€¢*# »» ^sppp^^^sij^ 'Wednesday. Mra. #.*>, charge of the ceto- Gale. and two inWtha goaatsT day and tomorrow of Bar. and Mra. at their home In Union Rev. Gale will give aa en- Wilmette Societies D and Clubs D The Woman's Home Missionary so- ciety of the Methodist chureh met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg, IMS Walnut avenue. A meeting of the official board ot the Methodist church was held Tues- day evening at tile home of Mr. Fen- nlen A. Buck, 1215 Lake avenue. • The last luncheon of the year wm Bald at the Methodist church yester day served by the members of the sec- ond division. &a». The Thursday Sewing club *lll bold Its meeting this week on FUday aft- ernoon at the borne of Miss Frances Slade, 117 Broadway avenue. Mra. E. C. Buts waa a Luncheon and Bridge dob hostess last Thursday afternoon at her home, 702 Washing- ton avenue. _ The Little Music etas* ««• <-uter- tained last Thursday afternoon st the heme of Mrs. Percy Sklllen, 711 Ash- land avenue. . The Fortnightly bride* w«so «»t«r- >tained at luncheon Tuesday by Mrs. J. H. Verhalen. 1018 Elmwood avenue. Meat Friday afternoon the Wo.n»n» society of the Baptist will meet at the hoim, of Mrs. A, EL White, 1030 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. B. Frank Taber will lead a dls- L-Mexloo." Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Stokes and family of Chicago this week to Sis Fifteenth The meeting of the Laale*' Aid so clety of the Wilmette Congregational church for the election of officers and tha hearing trf reports from the vari- '-.'mm committees for the east year will be held la the church parlors Friday afternoon. June ii, at four o'clock. As this meeting marks the fortieth anni- versary of the organisation of the so - clety, aa many of the former officers possible will be present This is also the night of the "Anniversary Dinner." Plans are being formulated for a reception to be held, immediate- ly fallowing the meeting, until seven o'clock when dinner will be served. i Dr. I* O. Balrd will be toastmaster of the evening and Dr. William T. Me- Errata, pastor of the Congregational of Evaaatoa will speak. reservations should be made Frederick M. Bowes, not morning. The Tuesday fsjarfieoa and Five Bnadred dob i ras entertained this weak st the Hots e of Mrs. Leonard A. jfcaarer, leaf \jm Ian aaaaas. Dr J moved street. Dr. C. G. Smith. l32f> Uteenwood avenue, returned W«dne»jay frosa a short visit with relatives In Elkhart, ind. Mr. A. Nicholas., ./t Nch York spent the wceK-end with Mr and Mm Ed- ward A. Kaumeyet. COi Linden ave- nue. Mr w ilium vvio«httft ot (.;i.i.a8u was tno guest over Decot »tlou day oi Mr. Hazen Patterson, 719 Tenth street. Dr. Mad Mm WtlllAtn li t\..l»« ot 816 Elmwood tv.enue, and . party of friends motored to Fox Lake ao Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. ivuiiuu K af>«r<>. <*i Greenleaf avenue, are receiving on- gratulatlonB over the birth of a son. Tuesday, May 18. Mr. and Mrs. ueor«e i> hi n^rOa. 728 Central avenue. return*.a Tuesday from a week-end trip to the northern woods In Wisconsin. Mr. F. W. Hopkina aim t±u>n* »i 111 Ninth street left this week tor their summer home at Epw«rth Heights, Ludlngton, MUh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R »«u»tn end family, H2 Broadway avenue, spent spent several days recently on a motor trip to Rockford and vicinity, Mrs. Charles E. Casey, 1182 j^»*e avenue, returned Wednesday from a six months' visit In California, spend- ing the greater part of her time In Palo Alto. Mr. and Mrs W G Beyer. 1022 Lake avenue, and Miss Mbna jones motored to Niles, Mien., over the week-end, returning home late Mon- day evening. Owing to the rainy Weather on Sat- urday, a number of delightful pleasure trips over the week-end to various northern points hsd to be postponed until a later date. Mrs. Alexsnder Hopper returned yesterday to her home In New York after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Potter on Elmwood avenue for several days. Dr. F. W. Lesemsn, district â- uper- intendent of the northwest district of Bock River conference, will preach next Sunday morning at the Method- let chureh at 10:45 o'clock Mr. and Mra J. F. Parish left Sat- urday for their borne in fjlgssjlie. Wednesday was opening day at the North Shore GoU club for the ladles. The first of the weakly bridge parties was held at that time ___ -.: -J5S.-. Tha Travel Study clsss met yester day afternoon with Mrs. Chsrles Brsithwsite, fOC Greenwood aven •Ma*.. _ -s M. I aa. ^ the Methodist church evening. Mrs. W. D. Ketcnum and son Ray- mond, returned Mat weak from a six of the south, to their at 1054 Linden avenue. They visited la New Orleans. Tampa, ML Petersburg and Pats A Grille. Today they ate leaving for Allegan, Mich., where they will spend a month aa tha guests of Mr. J. M Colbert. Winnetka Mrs. Victor Cunnyngham and son, "Billy," are at Atlantic City. Mra, Jamas F. Porter waa chairman of tha committee la charge. Mra. June Smith has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mra. Douglas Smith. Mr. T. H. MUllngton from Tracy, 111.. Is occupying the house at 657 Elder lane. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Smith have moved Into their new home on Pros- pect avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreat moved Into their new house on Ridge svenue, Monday. Mr. and Mn. Herman Mats have taken the Ralph C Hamlll house on Spruce street tor the summer. J. N. Ott, H. Spauldlng Coffin and William Norton have purchased build- ing lots In the Indian Hill club sec- tion. The Drama class, which has been meeting at Mrs. Charles L. Weeks' this winter, has disbanded for the summer. Mr. Homer C. McDonald, who has been st the Hyde Psrk hotel all win- ter, has returned to Winnetka for the summer months. Mrs. John W. ISCoU £ave * oh»rm ing dance at the Wom..n a club Wednesday evening for her niece. Miss Marjory duett Mr. and Mrs. H N ftimor .v..a m*m tenner leave shortly tor California to meet Mr. Robert Elmer, who has been assigned to duty on the U S S York- town. Mr. and Mrs n iwdju tiwjri &Um Barah Hoyt, Miss Josephine London and Miss Dorothy Weart, wno have been touring Calitornia In the same party, returned Sunday evening Mr. and Mra John M Curran have taken the house at 1717 Chicago ave- nue, tfvanston. for the coming year. Thei. home on Prosper avenu« has been rented to Mr. and Mra A M. Belfieid. Mr. Calvin Fentreat. h«. bvuehi the John K. Lyon plsce lu Hubbsrd Wood* sod taken possession. Both Mr. Fentress and Mr. Lyon are bone nderies In the will of Mra Catherine L. Morrow, who recently died In Lon- don. Mien Maty Williams ot Huhtmrd Woods took an interesting automobile trip to Jacksonville, 111.. Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gonsalfes and Mr. Gensslves' sister, Mrs. Vincent A on taa village „ of the ftettp r written by Miss Mrs. Eugene Krebe spent the week Mrs. Frank o.' Mortimer left Mon- day far her hams, Pasadena. Cat Oa and after June 7 all dogs la the village of Glencoe must be muixled. Mr. aad Mra. Austin Armstrong snd son spent tha weekend at Barrington DJ. A son arrived st the haam-af-MiUr; very esrly start was morning, snd the (Arty day evening. Two hundred child; netko public schools t< 7^ Friday urned Tues of the Win k part lu the and Mia. Alfred F. Volts, Friday, May A son arrived at the home at Mr. and Mra. George W. Hessler, Sunday. May 80. Mrs. Henry H. Brigham was hostess to a luncheon and bridge Wednesday, June 2. Mrs. Barent G. Poucher aad Miss Harriet Biackstone left Sunday for California. The first of tha weekly bridge par- ties of the Skokle Golf club was held Tuesday afternoon. Mr. aad Mrs. Benjamin Book and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darling motored to La Porte, Ind., Monday. Miss Agnes Martin graduates from the Northwestern University School of Made, Wednesday, June 9. Miss Helen and Clifford Cushman entertained Sunday with a high tea- Covers were mid for twenty. Miss Malory and Woodward Sibley of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E Miner. Miss Helen Calhoun is at home for the summer vacation. She will leave in a couple of weeks for California. Mr. H. B. Boardman haa rented his home on Hazel and Longwood tor the summer months. Mr. Boardman and family will spent part of the summer at Lake George. The ladles of the Methodist Epis- copal church will hold a good old fa- shioned Rocial In the church psrlors to meet the new members and friends, Wednesday evening, June 9th. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church met Tuesday In the church psrlors; Mesdames Hufton and Marsh were the hostesses. Ice cream, cake and flpffee were served after the work In Band was finished. Mrs. E. J. Sherwln delightfully en- tertained her hearers Thursday after- noon by her rendering of Josephine, Preston Peabody's poetic drama, "The Piper," at the women's Library club room for the benefit of the Portrait Prize Fond of the Municipal Art League. The Glencoe branch of the Chicago Flower Mission met Tuesday, at the residence of Mrs. Thomas C. King, 792 Glencoe road Contributions of flowers cultivated and wild large and small stems not shorter than Ave Inches foliage, soco as lemon verbena and scented geranium, vegetables which may be easily packed, and mint is especmily desired. Pasteboard boxes (suit bases snd shop boxes), twine and old/scissors are especially asked for. SUM T. Dwlght Badd left Moada? oa trip to aprlngOdd, IB. Mr. JC1* Taylor and family are 00 cupymg the Frederick DeLsng cottage of Loegwood avenue for the summer. Mr. Walter E. Fox of Fond-du-Lsc. Wis. wss the weehend guest of A. Fox, A board of health has *"***£*' ed for Oleaeoa. Norman R. WIlBama, chairman; Walter C. Hughes snd Mrs. Frank W. Darling. This board Intends to make s careful Investigation of the Mnttary conditions at tha village, and eee that the ordinances controlling same are enforced. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Brown to Richard Miiis took place Tuesday evening, Jaae 1, at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Ben Newhall. Rev. Luther Pardee read the service. The bride waa given away by her brother. Clarence. The young couple left tvr a short trip to IndlanapoMs. lad, .,. The tennis tournament scheduled tor Saturday waa postponed on ac- count of the weather. Monday's game of mixed douales was won by Mr. and MrVF. M. DaBsers. The Men'a dou- bles waa not finished and will be car- ried over to the next meet A picnic supper was served on the tennis sriumls. ------- The muslcd program for the Sun* day morning service at the Glencoe Union church will he: Preludeâ€"Prologue ...........Rogers Anthemâ€"Sing Alleulla Forth...Buck Offertoryâ€"Intermezio ........Rogers Anthemâ€"Into the Woods My Mas- ter Went...............Piutheroe Pcstludeâ€"Toccato............Rogers An entertainment for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will be given at the chureh Fri- day afternoon and evening, June 11th. by Dr. snd Mrs. Tierce. The program will consist of punch and Judy, magic tricks aad cartooning. Children un- der fifteen years, 16 cents; adults, 25 cents. Matinee at 3:45; evening en- tor talnment at 7:45. The Glencoe committee ot the Ra- vinia club will entertain with a tea at tbe Women's Library Club rooms this afternoon at three o'clock. The object of tbe meeting is, to create a greater interest in the welfare of Ravlnla Park and to gain the hearty co-operation of every music lover in Glencoe to help In the upkeep of this splendid work. The committee have asked Mrs. Frank McMullen and Mrs. William Alexander of Highland Park to give s talk, ten dollsrs worth ot tickets entitles the holder to a club membership; five dol- lsrs worth of tickets gives a twenty- five cents entrance fee to the park. Single pickets are thirty-five cents. Fruits a Kenilworth Season Phones 1041-1042 "•^BPWW UTY SHOP Waving, Scalp and Central Avenue, WILMETTE AKLOR IALTY Family 3d as factory new. ellver. COP W. Railroad Avenue AjN JSIOUHC A Fir* * Cin Wilmetitf the and quick a serve WILMETTE CENTRAL AVENUE and ELECTRIC PLACE . ssa Travelers9 Cheeks It is dangerous to cany money for all vm Tmvefen* necessary to other identificat Hotels and We will be pleaW to give you full information. HAMCE LIU „, iptfWM-sssh GE THEATRE THEATRE. BEAUTIFUL TstRaMtHstriltOnM lift 1 WORLD Howard Ettabrook and Barbara THE Ion. June 7th Tub. June Katherine La Salle ji ^!LM!!?l]*Mii«ftis&s Celebrated Players Day br^NSON i Sat.June 12th «iM.pwXnted» â€" THE NATIONAL SUCCESS alio Paramount Trap«ti VISIT THE PARAMOUNT THEATRE USSiON 15 CENTS CHILDREN 10 CENTS Cleanliness 1105 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE wo^rF .... TELEPHONE e McGaurtn- New and Used 621 West R EXPERT REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY rmmmmmmm wmmmmmmm Clean Everything MflBBPl' Lawns cared far and graded Parnsces tsken careAf, Reliable help PRIVATE WATCHMAN PUKISHID POR PA1 EVANST0N KJNILWORTH WINNETKA \ O. Box 47 „ 10 Prouty Annex rnone 548....... " Phonm HIS •! TK*s W/it a iiv vr u Shop busings All worsYJone by expert *hae workers, Wifanette 1779

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