thusiastically the people responded to the call made two weeks ago by The Lake,...Shore. News, and announced in -after the paper went into the mail/the calls began to conie in, and our supply of orphans was cuicfely exh^ustedr-and-, many families were much disappointed by not being ablrrto get any~"The uni- WILME1TE Wilt VOTE ON CHANGE IN GOVERNMENT Petition in CifcuMiorf T^ $}$$ Speciaji Election ; To-4f '.IpfChange To. Com-^Jggj --^^--mission-Form^ ELECTION INFfcBRUARY Trustee Freeman ^ppolll-- . Favors yillage Manager J| '"'^W^S? Plan W^MM JWTilniette will vote upon the com- J mission form of government within *. the wextTsixty days. A p^titlonTis^fie- ing signed asking the cdunty judge to call a special election on the proposi- there is considerable inter- est in the proposition, there will be no difficulty in securing the requisite i number of signersr- The matter is be- ing-hurried up in- order to get it, through in time to have the first elec- tion of officers under the new form, if it passes, at the regular spring elec-1 tion in April. :p^:v" ;.;fefr;^y"77T ~'H^£ At a-second special meetingof "tn&"^ Wiimette Plans Commission, last £ Thursday night, at the village hall, .* .the: proposition was further discussed. .:; and a committee was appointed to se- "versal expfessions_ofthe homeajKhere -the-efeHdr^n-^v^r^^ent^Ftained-Ja^e--ta the effect that it was a happy day both to the children and to the grown- ups of the home. The children's mani- fest happiness kiiidled-aHike flame in the hearts of those who 'vv-e're making them happy. ',V.V,'-....;■.;""'.■'""■'./■ ';.■■:,' ;.;;. ./^ '.;'■ Pesides.. the 57 families.' who took Tliildren for the day, fourteen' other families who"' could not secure fink drento entertain in their homes^ sent cure the , required number of signers jp;^ to a petition to the county judge for IfK the call of an election in order that ?IS tire-people- -nray~Tatccept or refuse the % ' change .to 'the .commission form._i^S|i|^:^ ^Sueh--a-^e^ition--mu^H^tY^^^^^^ast^ oneTelUh^of""the~^oTirs^cttst for--all^S caitdidatesTTor president-of the" boarcT of trustees at the last" preceding vil- lage election. On this basis, it wjll require about fifty signers to the peti- tion, which it is expected to secure very quickly. The county judge will, then, call such an election, probably for some' .tune in February, when the ppop 1 e • • wi 11 say whether or not they want to make the change. ,:}2ffj^.:;% donations to the orphanage, for thos^ who could riot come. And ten others gave caslrto help out in other direc- tions. Altogether, eighty-one families ";';,nw .'•• Ho,d .Primary. ,22ZTS^S| If the vote carries for the commis-v ^OBrfprm^ which seems quite prob-.^ abler there will be a primary election ,', had_a-4KirLJn, giving a happy ■0firist^j^e}d_K>n the second Tuesday in March,S mas to the children of the orphanage.! l0i^the nomination of candidates for- and many more Wanted the privilege. j m.vyor imd commissioners, tVbe voted ^ ...• l;f Deserving of Credit.- 7 :j upon at the general municipal election, ^ Perhaps to Roy M. Kirtland, mofe\j the third Tuesday in-April. The com-S than to any other, belongs the credit, mission .form organization jvvill theii.^ for the success of the undertaking.Abe completed and in force, £s ' -^ Hej_p^sluHT~T;he thing through to a|^ H M Gardiner had become mucin finLsh^and to the big^success that it i interested in the city-manager plan,': has'proven. He spent day and night, j and suggested a combination of the almost, for two weeks t>r more in thtrftwo, and ealFEThe^bmmissicnvman^ work of organizing and planning out!ager plan This proposition will likelyil thgjletaiUj, and spent no little aniQunt- of ;mpii.eyjz^S-^;?. •' ■■ tv: fjftz^r~~ ±^~ The Chicago, North Shore & Mil- waukee--Klectrie company and At- torney Ca-rl R. Latham personally, de- "e_d(nje<:ted into the^ issue, a.nd-ca&- for-consideration along with the com- mission form proposition,:* '•'r:*^^--^^ BSi^Big Fight Expected.- S|T' 'fll s^rve speeiarmention forithe generous;~^ This is one of the most important; part taken in donating a special train j propositions that -could possible come- }f*t\vo cars to bring (he children down; before the people,' and demands very and return th« the prphanage,; thorough and open- and^free, tickets fco^_thQae_who had to j tioji Jand discussion, that the people go up and take care of the children ; may vote intelligently. If it is a bet- both ways. _It was a fine thing for the company to do, on Mr, Latham's recommendation. ^v::..,.^...:-.:::. :.; - $800 In Gifts. ■*&"&&&■& It -is very gratifying ■, to note the 'hearty interest so nianyf" of the peo- pletooklin -tneZSSttertE: Thezchfli were royally trex Lance, an<Hoa4ed-4ow-n-w4th-ehi4stm«rs-pres- ents of various kinds--Itoys, candy, books, clothing.' it^^ is^e^nservatively;4!?HfiU be a number of publitj meetingsi estimated that $800 would not cover the ChristhlasT-^oOd things given 10 these children,, and the people Xfere quite as happy;: in the giving as the t^TTflreh were M ^e-reeeiving. T^e Lake ShoievNews^has had great deltglit and- hap^i^Bess-fat- giving- pub' licity to, and otheywise boosting,'this trig thing; to a sucCes'sful rftnishn The entire force has tafc.en great pleasure in some little part in the good work. "May it be .repeated next Christmas," seemsJtoj>e the general wish. _ ^ ter form than our present trustee7J; ;fJ form, we/want it; if it isn't, we want ■•^^ to keep what we've got^ ^:^^- There will doubtless be articles con-^iv\~T tri buted pro and con, which^The-iakeS^^S Shore News will gladly publish. SuchllfSS l^g will^b%~~uTrinipa^sion^diTand- can be considered deliberatelyr^andi the arguments weighed in a judicial frame of mind. There doubtless, also.; for discussion of the proposition.: •^-'-■■T?J?.&."} Trustee~J,reeman^ of ~the Village .boa"rd, has contHbuted the following; article against the commission fOrm AndJavoring^the village manager formf of government; ~z^' 3^~s ^...--:zL'^riU^ FREEMAN FAVORS MANAGER. The proposition tox pres^" ent form of village^government for thev if commission form brings directly be-£K '■ fore the people of Wiimette a prob-J lein: wbtch ^they-must face sooner orS