■im #*r E3!-SW5»K*MS! ' * THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, "THURSDAY, "FEBRUARY 28, 1918 S^T; Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE—USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer; White *5.00, Domestic |€.00, Singer $14.00; White Rotary, latest ■tyre |17.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $15.00. Other bargains. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton.___________________________12-123-tfc FOR SALE—USKD PIANOS; EMBR- •on, $130.00; HI riser, $90.00; Whee- lock, $120.00; Strumtx, $85.00. Other bargains. Sale on new pianos this month. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- mtn avenue. Evanston. 12-123-tfo MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR ■ale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. ._____ 31-12-52tc FOR SALE—LATE MODEL. PAIGE, six cylinder, seven passenger, with glass sides; in perfect running con- dition. Will demonstrate. Call Wil- mette 118.____________________14-123-tfc FOR SALE—TWO STORY FRAMED garage 21x25; in excellent condition; would make ideal cottage. Call Wil- mette lljL________________________14-tfc FOR SALE—DINING ROOM SALETlN- cludinK table, .six chairs and buffet: a golden oak dressing- table. prre**n wicker swing and one steamer chair. Add less Mrs. Stevenson, 522 Central avenue. _________________lfj-ltc FOR SAL IS—NEARLY NEW GAS AND laundry stove, ice box and miscel- laneous furniture. 4 29 Hill street. Phone 2023 Wilrnetle. Ifi-lte FOR SALE —5-RASSENGER AI'TO; good mechanical condition; very cheap. Phone Wil. 702-J. U-123-Up FOR RENT BIG SHARE ON 5-ROOM HOUSE AND garden for $7.50 a month by H. C. Schwegler, Locust street and Lake avenue. Box 165, Gross Point. 16-2tc ____ WANTED TO RBNT WANTED —ABOUT APRIL FIRST, room and board, or two rooms with meals near by, for three adults and child seven years of age; very best references. Address Lake Shore News. "A-57."___________________16-ltc REAL estate; wanted WANTED—BRICK OR STUCCO MOD- ern house, north of Central avenue, Wilmette by May 1st; must have five sleeping rooms; state exact location and price; prefer to do business with owner. Address Lake Shore News. "A-60."_________________ 16-1 tp WANTED—TO BUY SIX ROOM BUNG- alow; Wilmette preferred. A. Hoop, 300 W. Adams street, Chicago. 2tc SITUATIONS WASTED_________ SIVPaTION WANTED—BY 2 GIRLS as domestics; prefer positions with families going' West. Address Win- netka Talk. "A-3." 16-123-ltc MISS EDWYL REDDING. TEACHER of piano. Knupfer Studios, Boulevard Building. Thursdays._________ 16-tfc WOULD LIKE MENDING. PLAIN SEW- ipg. or care of children; experienced. Address Lake Shore News. "B-4." _____________________ 16-1tp HELP WANTED WANTED—A PLAIN WOMAN TO HELP dress semi-invalid three mornings a week for a dollar each morning. Phone Wilmette 1912. 16-ltc WANTED—YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST in housework. Call at 1534 Highland avenue.____ 16-Up WANTED—COMPETENT MAID FOR reneial housework. Tel. Wilmette 6S4. 16-ltc LOST AND FOUND FOUND—MAN'S WATCH, CENTRAL and W. R. R, avenue; owner can have same by describing watch and pav- ing for this ad. Phone 9695 Wilmette. 16-ltc MISCELLANEOUS RAZOR BLADES—ALL. KINDS Oir razor blades sharpened while you wail. Satisfaction guaranteed, Chrmdlers. 630 Davis-st., Evanston. ..6-123-tfc WANTED—A BABY CARRIAGE, GOOD condition and reasonable. Phone* 95S-W Wilmette. 16-ltc WANTED—PATRIOTIC MEN TO JOIN Military Band; no enlistment re- quired: any age 16 to SO; practice one evening each week; send in your name and instrument to Harry B. Boardman, Longwood and Hazel ave- nue, Glencoe, III. Telephone 339-M. 16-l23-3tc TREES AND SHRUBBERY TRIMMED, dead timber removed. Telephone Wil. 2096. 16-2tp tflLL. PAY 6c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery, firing to Lake Shore News Office. 1222 Central-av.. Wilmette, or phone Wilmette <920._________________«7-tf<Ite A KELI.%BLE BUY IS WANTED BY THE LAKE SHORE NEWS To make himself useful around office, arid to deliver light packages, quick advancement for the right boy. >:<3r-:«TC^eK<K~err<^^ ——----^r———~ Highest Class Talking Machine in the World ^dTlOI3$l FOR purity and beauty of tone, for gracefulness of de- sign and for perfection of in- dividual parts you will choose this splendid instrument. ISO 155 160 fttS S105 $U0 IM0 $160 $180 1200 STlf $T75 $500 11000 PATTERSON BROS. PIANO HOUSE 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston OpenTues., Thurs. and Sat. Evening* 'WM&t THE CONVENIENT I NORTH SHORE LINE The all-steel Limited 8:24 A. M. North Shore train affords Wilmette residents the most con- venient morning train to MILWAUKEE It takes you to the heart of the city, arriving at 10:15 A. M. No taxi or street car necessary. Fare $1.35, Not Including War Tax. Limited service hourly to Milwaukee from 7:24 A. M. to 10:24 P. M. Running time one hour fifty-one minutts. Parlor Cars 9:24 A. M. and 2:24 P. M. Dining Cars 12:24 P. M. and 5:24 P. M. I NORTH SHORE •<*"^>- Money for Red Croat. Red,Cross appropriations for work in Italy from November 1, 1.17, to May 1, 1918, total $4,771,990. Berlin Trust. WM It is reported from Berlin that a trust is being formed for handling all motion-picture films. I )BOI locaoi IOE30I tocaoi I9BW TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 Soap, olive oil, canned goods of variety are of great value to anyone these days. Will it not be worth your while to find out good values by speaking to our salesmen? Flour can generally be bought according to government regulation. Predictions are that equal amount of substitutes must be bought with flour purchase. lllinnillllHllllllllllllli!|l|inilllllllllllll!lllll!!l!ll!ll!!lllllllllllll!llli!l!lll!HIIHltlinill!lllllllllllllllllllllllllnillll!l!l STORE OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY, BUT NO DELIVERY IN THE AFTERNOON. Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables of Quality * OBOE IOESOI rocaoi IOBOI Pork Loins, Best Native Sirloin Steak. .32c FRESH EGGS............43c Cottage Cheese, lb........10c Shoulder Lamb Chops.....20c Boneless Sirloin Roast... .25c Lutfisk ................13VaC Veribest Cheese, half or whole, lb.............29Vsc King Bird Peas, 2 for......25c Snider's Tomato Soup, can. 10c Blue Ridge Tomatoes, 2 for*....................25c Canned Pumpkin........10c 4c 15c Mazola Oil, pts. 35c; qU.......69c One-half gal. $1.33; ft-al.....$2.52 Armour's Plymouth Bacon.....33c Lakeside Sifted. Peas, do*...................$1.95 Lakeside* Tiny String Beans, dox.'...........2.25 Helmet Corn, 2 for.......25c Chitterlings ............13%c Swedish Potato Sausage.. .20c Fresh Neck Bones.........10c Pure Olive Oil, qta...........$1.35 Al-Co-Nut ...............33c Elgin Creamery Butter 50c; Brick..........___55c Native Rib Roast of Beef............18c-22c-25c Native Rolled Roast of Beef ..... .........25c-28c Peas, per can'... .*.......I2V2C Tall Can Salmon..........20c Com.................15c-20c Lakeside Peas and Pork, ready to serve, 3 cans. .25c Goodluck, 2 lbs. .65c Calves' Sweet- breads ........65c T-Bone Steak, lb. ...;.......25c Boneless Sirloin Steak ........25c Brains..........15c Best Native Rump Corn Beef.....25c Large Lobsters, ,65c ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE 12 qts $3.75 Armour's Dev- onshire Sausage Links .....35c Meat .....35c Jones' Sausage MEAT ...37c LINKS ... 40c Yacht Club Salad Dressing, large bottle ........25c Brick Cheese, whole........25c Pork Tenderloin.39c LARD, 2 lbs. ...61c Beef Sweet- breads ........45c Pigs' Snouts.... 18c Frankfurts .....22c Bologna........22c Liver Sausage.. .20c Headcheese ... .20c Country Roll___29c Order Early Only 1 Delivery Saturday Tel. 1822-23-24 We Take Telephone Orders Friday for Saturday Sale 0 Aspegren & Company? Evanston Packing 1565 Sherman f*g\rt%nanir Near Davis St. Avenue ..\AJIIl|WlIiy • Evanston I Phones: Evanston 1822-1823-1824 Wilmette 1137 27c Best Native Boneless Corned Beef........ 25c Forequarter Lamb.....................19*/2C Leaf Lard 5 pounds to a customer............26*/2c Fancy Dry-Pick Turkeys..................................39c Fancy Dry-Picked Ducks............................ ___36c Leg of Veal...... .......................................25c Chickens ............................................35c-38c Forequarter Veal.........................................19e Boston Cut Sirloin Steak.................................22c Pot Roast Beef........................................15V&C Smoked Butts..........................................28V2c Hamburger Steak......................................18Vfce MONARCH COFFEE, 3-lb. can 85c TRY OUR 20c COFFEE Lard Compound..........27c Armour's Star Bacon......47c Beef Tenderloin...........25c Troco......jj^...........33c Dixie Bacon............. .38c