iPISSl * tfilflilKI |CAkOh5r£"isfEWg; THURSI5&*, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918. QcieJ H^pperurvdj Nor ore £y Rutk Ridley DECORATED IN BLACK AND GOLD, and numerous floral decorations, the Army and Navy Center, now located in the Brown building made a most elegant appearance at the re- ception on Tuesday evening. From the size of the crowd, one might judge that the whole of Wilmette is interested in this latest project sponsored by the War Camp Community service. On the reception committee were Messrs. and Mesdames Henry B. Gates, O. G. Corns, J. Melville Brown, and Thomas Moulding. An interesting musical program was rendered by Carlton Kaumeyer, violinist, and Mr. Smith, organist. On the decoration committee were Mesdames Perry L. Smithers, Frederick M. Bowes, Charles W. Triggs, and Mrs. Alcock. At the Punch bowl presided Mrs. Jacob Greiner, assisted by Mrs. Guy B. Morrison, and Mrs. Herbert Leach. There was an excellent showing of young folks at the Army and Navy club on Sunday evening, when Mrs. Guy S. McCabe of Evanston, and the Imperial quartet were in charge of the program The hosts and hostesses included Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Corn, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kibby, Mr. and Mrs. George Murdoch, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard. W. Jordan. Mrs. Marshall Doty was in charge of the pro- gram, and there was the usual group at the refreshment table, in- cluding Mesdames J. B. Greiner, G. B. Morrison, Herbert Leach, C. H. Deuchler, and Wallace W. Kerr. | On Ttiesday evening of last week, labout twenty-five friends and neigh- bors of ,Mrs. E. V, Long, 1616 Forest avenue, surprised her in honor of her eightieth birthday. An enormous birthday cake inscribed "Eighty Years Young"- and several baskets of flowers were presented to her. Old- fashioned games and a. basket supper made the occasion a most delightful birthday party. Mrs. Long's three children, Mrs. Ora Taylor -oi Ken- osha. Wis.. Mr. Francis Long of Rogers Park, and Mr. Albert Long of Wilmette were prcscnt.^,.^,:^,j.,^.t-^ Miss Esther Cohen, 1231 Forest avenue, and Miss Verna Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, will leave the last of the month for Madison. Wis., where they will continue their studies in the university. ■X'^-'^^i^'^^^- ^^.-v^-'- ■::£ '"'" -- *--.....' j Miss Alice Gallagher, daughter of %r. and Mrs. Frank H. Gallagher, 1231 Forest avenue, will leave the latter part of the month to enter the university of Wisconsin, j^w-.^.w " --*-- :;■:■■€■■, ,;/i '>*' The Misses Dorothy Hardenbrook,; 1101 Forest avenue, and Mildred Latham, of Evanston, Katherine Co- dy, 908 Greenwood avenue, and Catherine Orde of Glencoe, will at- .tend Wells college this year. ;/ <-';jf^ --*-- J Miss Caroline Sanborn, daughter of h/Lr. and Mrs. Victor C Sanborn of ■■■Kenilworth will leave Saturday for "the east, where she will attend 'college. Mr. Joseph L. Gillson, assistant paymaster. U. S. N. R. F. and Miss Grace Irene Brown, a Northwestern student were married at the Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D. C, last Friday. Mr. Gillson is a Wilmette boy, and is now the Commissary Officer of the transport George Washington. '■ Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wray Miss Charlotte Springer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer, 430 Hill street, and Miss Mildred Affleck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Affleck, 827 Greenwood avenue, will leave next Tuesday for Nashville, Tenn., where they will attend Ward- Belmont college. Today is "Peach Stone Day" in the public schools.' The government has requested the board of education to have school children take the pits of peaches and other fruits, and the shells of nuts to the schools: Later the board of education will collect them and turn them over to the proper officials for use in the making of gas masks for the soldiers.'"" 'V.;v . --+ -- 1 Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner, 723 ! Central, avenue, will entertain at luncheon to day for Mrs. Harry Gris- wold of Madison, Wis. Mrs. Griswold is a guest at the home of Mrs. Kerry Meagher, on Central avenue. --j.-- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan have rented their house on Elmwood ave- nue, and will spend the winter at the home of Mrs. Edward B. Robin- son, 630 Central, avenue.,; ;X ?('; md -family returned to their home at 618 'Washington avenue, after spending ;:;the summer at their cottage at Lake iKegonza, Wis. Miss Grace Freeman, daughter of ■|Mr. and Mrs. William S. Freeman, 3711 Lake avenue, left this week for fWellesley college. f'l^^tW^"^ """"^'V""' ■--*-- ^Gordon Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. f Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake avenue, will ! attend the Northwestern Military 1 academy this winter. ^|:;^y•;"■■;■ 'V.;";'"^ i^Miss Teresa Schaefer. 1501 Wash- :i ington avenue, has returned from the I Columbus hospital, where she tinder- -4. went an operation on her hand. ^;-.; :M*x.„ r\ XM Russell of returned SEEK FUNDS FOR &,grm?&W&W-yfEUFARE STATION (Continued from Pag-e One) Trier mothers are invited to bring their children, under six years old, on Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. They should bring their Government weighing and measur- ing cards for each child. Cards will be furnished for children not yet weighed. Consultation and service free. |||p|;C'|^>ySffi^P^M&^::S^^^- The station opened Wednesday, September 18, at 2 o'clock P. M. Guests welcome from 1 until 2 o'clock. Physician, M. C. Hecht, M. D. : Nurse, Mrs. Heinemann, R. N. >? Chairman, Mrs. Hope Thompson, ,- , , Wilmette, 111, the lumber and erected the board, which Mr. John J. Weber artist- ically painted.- It may be "seen by all those who "commute":-as-well'as by those who. do not. esi«;-»-;.-?,vi-^«.i The Wilmette Liberty Loan com4 mittee is ready, Let's meet therri half way by coming toward them all the way with our maximum subscrip- tion "right off the bat;"-,--,•'-, Syimifift fPtlt LIBERTY LOAN GUNS ,:-^ Wy^:.,y^H^READY FOR "DRIVE (Continued from Page One) on every acre of ground in the United States, and by an indorse- ment of every citizen's pluck, energy, ability, confidence and determination to see them paid to the last dollar both as to principal and interest when due. It is a sacred duty for trustees to invest in Liberty bonds all they can. The probate court per- mits it,--and we would like to lay our wondering optics upon the in- efficacious biped who dared object. Dr. Hickson would immediately be called upon to make another psy- copathic examination, the verdict of which we are ready to predict at this moment of going to press. Through the courtesy of the North Shore Electric line to be exact, The Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railroad, a large sign board has been erected in "Electric Park", for use for War Purposes ONLY. Mrs. C. H. Brethold kindly donated articular Women Cl|§pli" thi "* F^f ^.^PpWi^ Most Suitable to their Skin There is one shade, one weight and one texture of face powder which suits your complexion better than any other. We have the exact powder you want --flesh, white, brunette; light, me- dium or heavy. We will be glad to demonstrate and explain any of these powders. .^. Renneckar Drug !Mm-:S^IS'W^S'M^ E. R«nneckar, R. Ph. yyf:%MM^fB"^ Telephones 29 and 28 Thm $9*jaM, Stvm « WILMETTE, ILL. WMMM*^JM»»JM»JI/»MM^^ 1009 Elm- early this Wisconsin Mrs. O. W. kwood avenue, week from an outing in and Minnesota. -;;; «• ; > ilMrs H. E. Rohrer, 1008 Greenleaf avenue, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. A. C. King at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. I:f Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm, 704 take avenue, will leave shortly for the east to attend National Park Seminary at Washington, D. C. ^1 The Manuwa.club met Wednesday ffternoon with Mrs. E. R. James, 1304 Forest avenue. --*-- : ' Miss Eleanor Blymyer, 626 Lake avenue has gone east to attend Ab- bott academy in Massachsetts. . Miss Virginia Olwin; 820 Lake avenue, will enter Smith college .this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White have given up their home on Central ave- nue, and will reside at Dr. Lester E. Mees' home on Chestnut avenue, this winter. Miss Roberta Skinner, 723 Central avenue, accompanied by Miss Vir- ginia Buchanan of Winnetka, will leave next week to attend Devon Manor at Devon, Penn.i " ; ;;r\ _*-- ■-' ' ■* -'- Mr. E. C. Latham of Brooklyn. N. Y., is a guest at the home of his sister. Mrs. Lewis Springer, 430 Hill street.;-'-"-"'r^:•■""- '" •";>■-V '--";"'v- One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will meet next week with Mrs. Thomas Knox, 519 Forest avenue. >:■-;•'■ ;■■? .?■■■> 'T'.!-;?.?•; y?w?& Miss Genevieve Pegg returned to Creston. 111., after spending several days as the guest of her sister, Miss Edythe Pegg, 829 Greenleaf avenue. --+-- Miss Katherine Beaumont. 519 Greenleaf avenue, has entered train- ing at the Evanston hospital. --4--- The opening meeting of the Wil- mette Woman's club will be held on Wednesday, October 9. The Thursday Luncheon club was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. C. R. Morrison in Evanston. Miss Virginia Lilienfield. 816 Mich- igan avenue, will leave this week to enter Castle college in New York. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ::^y-;(::~':::'-:\-:i'ii:^ WILMETTE. ILLINOISv;:.,:;i^i -&a««s5 FREE lTBCTURE 'VW/V:/■'] -v'"' ON : ':.'\/"' " Christian BY DRl JOHN m TUTT, C. S. B. ftpFlKANSAS CITY, Ma?,v^;;:^^^^| The --*--' Philathea class met Tuesday evening ofTas7week with Mrs. Iva Starr, 1215 Lake avenue. i-i--•.„ .;.Rej»».««Lker Safe Over*ea» ^',Word has been received of the safe arrival overseas of Carl Ren- necker of 1109 Greenleaf avenue. The message from the Wilmette man was received by his wife early this week. Member of the JSoarcl of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. ;« ■ *i;' 22 AT 3:30 O'CLOCK *i$t s ciner^pie Ave. Winnetka, Illinois Take C. N. S. & Milwaukee Elec. Ry. to Cherry and Oak. Sts. Suijmjuuh^^