THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1919 AMERICAN LEGION TO HAVE BENEFIT SHOW Local Men Join in Ticket Campaign For Victory Re-union and Circus Hippodrome To Be Staged At Amphitheater PLAN BIG ENTERTAINMENT Welfare Organization*, Including Those in Charge of Work Among Disabled Soldiers, Have Booths UMPIRE DEFEATED IN LATE SEASON BASEBALL AFFAIR Fifty thousand men who have serv- ed in the army, navy or marine corps from Cook and Lake counties have pledged their support in the ticket campaign which opens for the Am- erican Legion Victory Re-union and Circus Hippodrome to be held for i the benefit of the Legion November 8 to 16, at the International Amphi- theater, Chicago. Because this is the organization of men who have fought for their country and are de- termined that after their upholding the ideals of the nation through the war these ideals shall not be for- gotten, and that the Americanism which was their inspiration shall be backed by a strong body of American men, these members of the posts of the American Legion are, tt-oing everything in their power to make of their first great re-union and enter- tainment a huge success. *" Plans Completed The International Amphitheater in the stock yards has been laid out v^ith a large space for a dancing hall fpr the yeung people, a tea room and a^reception room for service men. In another part will be the circus ring ahd animal cagesâ€"for there will be aWarge menagerie in charge of Cy de Vry, for many years animal keep- er at the Lincoln Park zoo, and bands will be playing everywhere. â- Prominent welfare organizations wiU have booths at the show, among them the Salvation Army, the Red Ctoss drive, the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., the Knights of Columbus, the Chicago Babies' Free Milk fund, whose workers will conduct the tea room; the Fort Sheridan Recall, under the direction of which the work of disabled soldiers at Fort Sheridan will be shown and sold; the Service League for the Handi- capped, the Sarah Hackett Steven- son Memorial lodging house, the National Park Seminary day nursery and many others. MANY PATIENTS ARRIVE AT FORT SHERIDAN POST ' Fort Sheridan is receiving addi- tional patients at the rate of about sixty or seventy a day. This latest shipping in of wounded men began last Thursday and will continue for some time. An additional quota of about 500 patients is being sent to the Fort from Des Moines and Fort Slocum, and the general hospitals at the latter places are being closed. Gradually hospitals at various plac- es are being closed and the patients either discharged or sent to the concentration hospital at Fort Sher- idan, There are at present about 4,000 patients at the Fort. Putrid umpiring featured a pair of indoor baseball games participated in Sunday-by two picked teams from among Gross Point residents. When game time was called the Borre- villes lined up against the Soda dis- pensers. Schmidt, umpire for the dispensers, extended himself in the matter of puriioning the contest from the Borresvilles but lost 4 to 2. Jack Huerter was the hurler for the Dis- pensers while Joseph Schmidt did the twirling for the Borresvilles. In the second clash Harry Hassel- berg and Deputy Sheriff Schaefer, essayed the arbiter jobs. The game •was a peaceful affair Schaefer being the while armed with a persuader. His decisions were accepted without comment. The Borrevilles won the affair 4 to 2. Borre was on the mound for. his team in the second argument while Jack Huerter did the iron man stunt for the Dis- pensers. The Borrevilles are seeking a game with a picked aggregation from Wil- mette for Sunday. NAVY MAN RETURNS HOMEj PARENTS IN ENTERTAINMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Schopen, 418 Prairie arcfnue, were hosts at a wel- come home party given Sunday even- ing at their residence in honor of their son Frank, who was discharged Friday of last week after serving in the navy for two and a haft years, recently arriving from Siberia. Forty guests were present and the evening was spent in playing games •end dancing. At midnight a buffet luncheon was served. m llilllll == ?llllm,l,,IIM,wllmlmmill'|iii«Hiiin^^ rS2 THE BLUE PARROT '//s//////////'r'M^^^ GAME CANCELLED Mason Park called of the light- weight game scheduled for last Sun- day afternoon with the Wilmette Juniors. SONORA $50 TO $1000 FIRST PRIZE FOR TONE We carry all the best maizes EASY PAYMENTS Patterson Bros, 828 Davis St., Evanston Tel. Ev. 654 Tel. Wil. 526 Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Eve's You can ••• u» from th« "L" GIFT SHOP â- S//////////M////&/////////////////////Zf///////////////////S///////J I I announces its opening I | I i â- I i | I Saturday, October, 25 || â- | 1551 Sherman Avenue f j 1 I Evanston II sag g' § ~jâ€" s=' fiimimiinimiimiiimmimmHimmmHMimmiiMfWiimmmimmwiiuimiMii^ 555 m IOE30E IOC 30E30E Special Price List on Groceries and Meats Wilmette Grocery & Market FORMERLY ASPEGREN &. CO. 11*4/48 CENTRAL AVE. 5 PHONES-ALL 420 THIS PRICE LIST IS GOOD FROM TODAY UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 1 fJjyiMMKJ^^ 1 o A Bank Is Known by the Depositors It Keeps We encourage our patrons getting ac- quainted with our officers. In that way we are able to give better indi- vidual service. We desire our customers "to feel at home,, with us, and we are always glad to assist them with advice. Please recommend "Our Bank" as "YOUR. Bank" to your friends and neighbors. 1 WILMETTE STATE BANK RESOURCES OVER $1,250,000.00 ;Cr;-:sj .,â- â- WILMETTE, ILL. COFFEE, several liigh grade brands, at less than wholesale 5(>c kind, per lb.............45c TOMATOES, large cans, per can, 19c; dozen $2.19 No. 2 size, per can 15c; .doz. $1.75 No. 1 size, can 12c; dozen $1.25 ATKINSON'S Tomatoes (in glass) 10c each, dozen ............$1.B0 PEAS, Richelieu or Burt Olneys (Telephone) per can ........20c Dozen ......................$220 Sifted Honey Sweet doz-n $1.85 CORN, Fancy Country Gentleman Can 22c; dozen ............$2.45 RYZON Baking Powcer, 40c kind for 29c lb.; % lb 15c; U lb. 9c MONARCH Brand Hominy, in cms, per can 15c; doz.....$1.65 i ASPARAGUS, Fancy Tips, perl Can 35c; dozen $4.15; large cans j per can 45c; dozen ........$5.00; KIDNEY BEANS, per can 18c; ! dozen ......................$2.10 i PORK & BEANS, we offer several j brands of hest quality Pork & I Beans, per can 15; dozen $1.75 FRENCH PEAS, tiny small peas, per can 35c; dozen ___.,$4.00 TALL CANS of Fruit, put up in good syrnp. PLUMS, per can 20c; dozen $2.15 PEACHES, sliced or half, can 25c; Dozen......................$2.65 SPINACH, No. 2 can of MonarcH brand, can 18c; dozen ___$1.90 Spinach, No. 3 can of all best brand?, per can 25cj, dozen $2.90 SAUERKRAUT, large cans, value 25c, per can 18c; dozen $2.00 PRUNES, in cans, 20c can 14c; Dozen ...,........,.........$150 FULL QUART JARS of Sweet Relish. 50c size for ........39c SALAD DRESSING, 40c jar. for .....................:-.... .25c CATSUP, 8 oz. bottle 15c; d*. $1.7$ PURE CIDER VINEGAR, per pt. bottle........................15c ARMOUR'S Rolled Oats, 15c pkg. for ..........................10c ARMOUR'S Corn Flakes, 15c package for .................10c PINEAPPLE, sliced of grated, No. 1 flat cans, per can ..........15c dozen..................... $1.75 MONARCH APRICOT BUTTER, per can 20c; dozen ........$2.25 SUNSHINE COOKIES of all kinds 20c pkg. 16c; 10c pkg, for 7}£c Large cans of Krispy Crackers. $1,80 can for ..............$1.35 OLIVE OIL, per bottle 25c Imported Pure Olive Oil, per qt. can .........................$1.45 LIPTON'S TEAS, per lb.....85c per 14 -lb.....................45c SPRAGUE WARNER & CO. ! est brands of Jam (Rich or Fern- dell) 6()c_kind for 45c; doz. $5.00 JELLY, 15c glass of Coney Bear Jelly each ..................10c TALL 18 oz. Preserves ,38o k:nd, each 29c; dozen ___........$3.25 OLD MANSE SYRUP, per Pint can 31c; quart 59c; 1 gallon $1.10 ORANGE MARMALADE!, per glass 25c; dozen.......... .$2.85 FANCY Hand-picked Navy Beans pound 12c; 3 pounds for___35c RICH or FERNDELL Drinking Cider, regular price per gallon $1.15; our prjee $1.00; y gall. 5Sc ' quart ........................30c PARMESAN CHEESE, reg. $1.00 size for................___65c Fancy American Cheese, yellow, per pound ............-.......49c MARASCHINO CHERRIES, per small bottle..................15c OLIVES, Fancy Ripe Olives, per • can 2»c; dozen ..........,.$3L29 PLUM PUDDING, 55c cans for 49c dozen ......................$5.45 LARGE QUEEN OLIVES, Selects, 75c grade per large cyl. jar 50c Olives, Libby's, small bottles only .........................15c SARDINES, Fancy Small Fish, in pnre Olive Oil, per can 20c dozen $2.15 SALMON, tall cans of Red Salmon per can 35c; dozen........$3.95 POTTED TUNA, «an 10c; dozen ......................$i.oo WOOL SOAP, (amount limited), per bar ...... 5^. GINGER CAKE MOLASSES," per snail can .............lZ%c per 2x/2 lb. can 25c; dozen $2.75 per 5 lb. can 45c; dozen $5.00 per 10 lb. can ..............85c; NEW MANSE SYRUP, pint 25c per quart can 45c; r< gallon 85c MILK, per small can, 4 for 25c; dozen........................75c PURITY CROSS PRODUCTS, small cans Creamed Salmon, Finnan Haddie, Creamed Cod- fish, etc.. per can 19c; dozen $2.15 MARY MARGARET MARMAL- ADE, assorted kinds, small size 15c; dozen $1.50; large size 25c; dozen .......\ ..-............$2.90 OVAL BARS of Toilet Soap, 15c kind. 3 for ................25c CREAMOIL TOILET SOAP, per baric; dozen ..............$1.00 BORAX (20-Mule Team), per y2 pound package 12^c; dozen $1.45 BROOMS, regular $1.25 broom 90c TOILET PAPER, Silk Tissue, doz. rolls $129; or 2,for..........25c 20-MULE TEAM BORAX SOAP CHIPS, 15c' size, package 10c; or case of 48 packages for $4.75 SOAP (Swift's Pride) Yellow. Laundry Soap per bar 5c; cas* Of 100 bars .......•.........$4.75 LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER or Soap Powder, package 5c; %dz. 55c MEATS You haven't had the best MEAT there is if yoti have not tried our market. Here are a few specials to convince you that our prices are right* Lamb Stew, lb. ..... Dixie Bacon, lb. ..... Shoulder Veal, lb. ... Fresh Hamburger, lb. .15c ..37c ..30c 30c Spring Leg of Lamb, lb.....40c Armour's Sta>r or Swift's Perimum Bacon (whole) per lb. ......49c Armour's Star or Swift's Premium q Hams (whole) per lb.......39c Salt Pork, lb. ..................35c 6E30 ^^^^^^^^fi^^^li^^Qf^-^':Mi WE DELIVER ANY PLACE FREE OF CHARGE ! ____ u sssaonoEsso lOQOl tocaoi lOEIOE IOJ901 I0E301