I THE LAKI? SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 Kenilworth Happenings Kenilworth is to have several fash- ionable weddings this spring and summer.- Miss Charlotte Parmelee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Parmelee of 512 Roslyn road,' has chosen March 12 for her marriage to Samuel Loomis Hypes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hypes of Evanston. Miss Margaret Fitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brewster iFtch. will become the-Wide of Wil- liam-Wool McCarthy of Evanston on April 2. Miss Olive Bulley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Frederick Bulley, will be married to Ward Starrett of Chi- cago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Starrett of Wilmington, N. G, in June. Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K Reichmann, of 322 Kenilworth avenue, of the en- gagement of their daughter, Hen- riette. to Maulsby Forrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Forrest of High- land Park. The announcement was made at a luncheon given at the Webster hotel on Friday of last week. No date has been set for the wedding but it will probably take, place in the early fall. Mrs. Leon T. Ellis of Evanston en- tertained twelve of tfie members of the Kenilworth branch of the Evans- ___lQn_Hospital Guild at luncheon on Monday of last week. The Guild meets every fortnight and is doing) excellent work, making all sorts of hospital garments and supplies. Sometimes the Guild is called upon to do other work, such as sewing for Arden Shore or various other organizations and then it meets every .week â€"♦â€" Miss ' Frances Louise Stevens, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Edmbnd H. Stevens, has chosen Friday evening, _Fehruary 25, for the- date of her The Misses Priscilla Allen and ,Miriam Shattuck will arrive home! from Santa Fe, New Mexico, next Sunday. â- ♦ ' Mrs. James Prentiss invited a few friends in on Monday afternoon, to meet Mrs. MacDougal's sister, Mrs. Will Jack of Peoria. __♦_ Mr. James Prentiss left for Florida last Saturday to be gone a fortnight or so. â€"*â€" Mrs. Grant Ridgeway will entertain at luncheon on Tuesday next for her daughter, Harriette. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sears of Oregon are the guests of Mr. Sears' mother, Mrs. Joseph Sears. â€"♦â€" nois on a short visit with his par ents. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, on Tuesday of next week. â€"+â€" Mrs. Willis H. Hutsjon will enter- tain informally at bridge this after- noon in her home, 1222 Elmwood avenue. ~-râ€" â€"♦â€" „,. The Temskatawa chapter of Camp Fire girls met with Miss Betty Har- wood, 606 Greenleaf avenue, last Fri- day^afternoon. â€"♦â€". Mrs. Andrew D. Cameron and fam- Mr. John Keith is-home-ffom Iliaâ€" | ily of 225 Woodbirre avenue, have moved to 4324 Drexel boulevard, Chicago. Mrs. Charles Wilson entertained at luncheon for Miss Frances Stevens on Thursday;----- â€"•â€" Mr. Fred C tittle leaves on Feb ruary 10 for California to be gone on a two months' business trip. The Misses Emily and Dorothy Foresman are planning to go to the Princeton "prom" the first of March. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rathbone will ajrrive_home on Friday from an ex- tended trip to Califorinia. â€"•â€" Mrs. William B. Kunkle, who has been ill at the Evanston hospital, re- turned home on Wednesday. â€"*â€" Mrs. Carl KeH'th entertained in- formally last Friday afternoon in hori'or of Mrs. Phil Sears. EXPECT LEGION DANCE TO BRING OUT GOOD CROWD marriage to Mr. Zero Marx of Ken- ilworth. The service will be read at 8:30 o'clock, in the Assembly Hall, and will be followed by a reception. â€"♦â€" Though it is a bit late to start in the, gamp, Kenilworth has started-a. drive for the Hoover fund. Mrs, Barrett is in charge, and has a num- ber of assistants working diligently in the village to make the campaign a success. â€"•â€" i Mrs. Fred C. Traver has rented her home to Mr. and Mrs. â€"Frank. Watt,, who at the present time are Â¥ aiding at the Kenilworth Inn. Mrs. raver is planning to leave soon for California. â€"#â€" vMrs. George B. "Dryden of Evans- fon entertained with a luncheon at , the Drake hotel on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Will Jack. After the luncheon the quests "returned to the Dryden home, to play bridge. Mrs. William Zimmerman and her small son, Billy, who has been con- valescing for some months, left for Florida on Friday to be gone in- definitely. FINISHING TOUCHES Ffinishing touches on the rebuild- ing and renovation of the village hall interior were in progress this week as workmen busiecLjtliemselves in naying heavy battleship linoleum over the entire floor space in thtvvarious departments. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett gave a tobogganing party for Mrs. WHUack. iast~Tuesday evening, at the Indiiri Hill club. Late supper was served in-the clubhouse. - â€"♦â€"' Mrs. Frank E. Nellis entertained the Kenilworth branch of the Ev- anston Hospital Guild at luncheon last Thursday at her home in Ev- anston._____________. â€"+â€" Miss Helen Reye^has been home from Ferry Hall, visiting her parents over the week-end. Mrs. Reeves entertained at an informal supper for her daughter on Sunday evening. Mrs. Walter Marx entertained at iuncheon^. Miss^ Frances^ Sieve ns, " of last week"," and is entertaining again ; today honor. â€" â€" in her â€"*- "Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn enter- tained Mr. and Mrs E. D. Parmelee, and Mr. and Mrs.- Warren Pease at dinner and the theater on Wednes- day evening, â€"♦â€". - . Mf* Sidney Corning Eastman, who is ill at the St^ Francis hospital ex- pects to be able to return home about the middle of next week. â- *=m*^; Mr. D'Aix is in New York on busi- ness this week--â€" This evening is the time, the Ouil- mette Country club the place for a dance of Unusual interest to be given under auspices of the Wilmette Post of the American Legion. Tickets h ave been selling with extraordinary rapidity and a record crowd is an- ticipated. Excellent music is prom- ised. Every resident of the north shore is invited to attend the affair. Tickets may be had at the door. Plans are in progress for an attrac- tive meeting of the Post in the near future at Wilmette Community Hous^T There is~foT>e sTsupper, busi- ness session and an evening of gen- eral entertainment. WalLPaper 1921 Patterns for BED ROOMS ALL IN STOCK -mm E. SEYFORT 1150 Central AmJÂ¥jlmette Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Reese, 727 Forest avenue, are leaving this week to spend several weeks in St. Peters- burg, Fla. ~~T~ â€"♦â€" I Miss Elaine Seibold and Mr. Warren Seibold, of 523 Washington avenue, will entertain at a dancing party at the Ouilmette Country club on Friday evening of next week. On Tuesday of this week, Mrs. F. D. Day entertained a few friends in- formally at luncheon at her home, 1716 Foresttivenue. â€" â€"â€"♦-=----------- The McAllister $tores Co. anese 48x48 inches Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avenue, left Monday to spend the remainder of the winter in Hollywood, Cal. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Bartlett, 1324 Elmwood avenue, left Saturday for Miami, Fla. Taking your hat off when the band plays the national anthem doesn't get you anything with Uncle Sam un- less you pay your income tax. NOTICE Have your piano and player tuned. Now is the time. We do fine work. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 654 and Wilmette 56. LTG12-tfc '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,, Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. | WEmEB2EanmmzBmnM2m&aa& GEORGE STUMP â€"------TENOR Teacher of Singing Assistant to Frantz Proschowaky 718 Fin* Arts Bids;. CHICAGO Telenhone: Harrison 4031 K^MmnmBEEBB&m&Bm^zzt William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER | -----------------------------------------! ESTIMATES cheerfullyfurnished on | New or Repair Work 964Spruce St., Winnetka | ~. __ . ___ s J Phone, Winnetka 1055 WEBmammMmmmwBmB2MB& f SPRING SUITS Silk and Serge Dresses for EASTER 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE YOUR ATTENTION IS REQUESTED '"""".....""........."""'""I"......nimiiiiiiti.......IIII11IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII........iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii......limn Aram K. Mestjian wishes to announce to all his patrons and friends that he has movechhTs^smrjitsrlment from Ridge Ave. to 607^RAILROAD-AVE., Wilmette. Preparations have been made for careful leaning and repairing of Oriental rugs, ' ^cleaning and dying of ladies' and gentlemen's garments. ~~ A trial order is solicited. -607fRailroad Ave. Phone Wilmette 1949 These imported blue and white lunch cloths are suitable for all occasions, easily laundered and 1â€" shown in handsome patterns. Your choice of Cherry blossom, Wisteria or Rose designs, which sold up to ?1.S0. On Sale for One Day Only Monday, February 7th_ The McAllister Stores Go. 1148 Central Avenue, WILMETTE, ILL. Cut Flowers EVANSTON 829 -^hicago^s^-eadin^FlorarDecorators 3012 2k&hst- Phone Central 627 3025E£s£;ISt White Teeth, Healthy Gums, and a Clean Mouth "PEOPLE who use Klenzq Dental J^Creme regularljivtelUisihat i€ keeps their teeth whiteâ€"their â€"gumsâ€"firmâ€"and their mouths healthy, clean, and comfortable, with that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling. And Klenzo is a safe dentifrice, approved by the dental profession because it .does, all that any dentifrice ought to do. Try it. DENTAL CREME We now have a large size which contains three times as much as the 25c size and costs you only 50c, plus 2c war tax. Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 Stor* hour« for Sunday duriogwintw month* t Op^n 1