THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARYTiTlMl !^V Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line.^ Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Gleneoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 100 per line. V HELP WANTED-FBMALK WANTEDâ€"A COMPETENT YOUNO lady for the position of bookkeeper and cashier. McAllister Stores Co.. Wilmette. LTQ14-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID BY THE^WEEk for half-day work; mornings; no cooking-. Phone Wil. S187. LTQ14-lto Laundress wantiodâ€"white; to come to the house or take washing home. Phone WUmette 1819. ______________* L-14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GIRL'S BICYCLE. HAS never been used. Price $25. Phone WUmette 2274. ________ LTG-14-lto SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"POSITION AS COMPANION soelal secretary or governess, sub- urban preferred; eduoated, efficient, best of references. Call Mrs. Melton Central 4700, parlor Z. Reverse charges._________________• LTQ14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS FOR SALEâ€"1920"~7 PASS. OLDS? fully equipped; driven less than 5000 miles and In perfect condition. Must sell at once. 527 Linden Ave. Wil- TWette-1501. L-14-ltp FOR SALEâ€"OVERLAND ROADSTBRi excellent mechanical condition; new battery; new generator; motor re- cently overhauled. $850. Holllster, WHmette J920. LT014-tf FOR SALEâ€"BARGAIN-NEW DORT touring car. Never been used. Phone Winnetka 452. LTQ-14-lto STEPHENS SALIENT SIX QOOZTCON- _dltlon, Call Wil. 640 or 777-M. ____________________________LTG-14-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE SITUATION WANTEDâ€"JOB WORK by day or hour. Phone Evanston 8587-J. Bert Downs. L-14-8tp WANTEDâ€"PAINTING AND P'APBR- hanging. Call Wil. 796.-J. L9-tfo FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR MALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS #6R SALEâ€"RUGS, STOVESTtABLBST chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTO-14-tfo WANTED TO RENTâ€" HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"ABOUT APRIL 15th, six to eight room house un- furnished. Long term lease, best of care assured. Address Room 1004 - Cooper-Carlton Hotel. Chicago, 111. LT-14-ltc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Bvanston. Phone Ev- anston 105.____________ LTG89-tfo FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; unfurnished; hot water heat; new home. 1725 Washingtonâ€"avi Phone Wil. 825-R. L18-2tc FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED steam heated teom; Phone WH. 1080. ________________________________Lll-tfc FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED FRONT bedroom. Call 1085 Willow St. - LT-14-ltc WANTEDâ€"TO RENT HY RESIDENT of WUmette six or seven room mod- ern house.-^Family of two. Wll- mette or Kenilworth. Long or short lease. Phone WUmette 105. _______ "" _______ L-14-ltc WANTEDâ€"TO RENT SMALL HOUSE or bungalow by May 1st, between WUmette and Gleneoe. Phone Wln- netka 1478. LT-14-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BOUGHT; ANY QUANTITY! Address V. F. Simon, 719 Oakton street, Bvanston, 111. L-14-ltp WANTEDâ€"CLEAN RAGS; 8c POUND. Lake_Shore__Publ^_Co^Aa5^^2e^ JiiuillMiitiii avenu^TWTlmette. , L29-tf FOR SALEâ€"BUNGALOW FOR SALEâ€"VERY ATTRACTIVE 5- room stucco bungalow; large living room, fireplace, bookcases, nearly new, $9,800; North Bvanston. Phone Owner, Bvanston 6669. L-14-tfo FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNETKA; LEAV- ing i'or tin* farm; will sacrifice for quick Hiilc* cozy stucco bungalow, 2 blocks from depot, $7,500.00. Phone Winnetka 1689. LTG18-2to BUSINESS TRIP Bernard Meyer of Gross Point, mason contractor, left this week for Texas on a business trip. He will return next week. VISITING SISTER HERE Mrs. Russell Ames of Waukegan, is the guest for a short period, of her sister, Mrs. Henry Zeutschel of Lake avenue. _________FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE_________ ^OR SALEâ€"IN HUBBARD WOODS; must be sold before March Int. Com- plete well built brick house, hot water heat, 3 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch; lot large and high; two blockh from depot. Lots of hardy flowers and shrubs. For quick sale $18,500. Can be shown only af- ter 2:80 in the afternoon. Call Win- netka 1300. LTG-14-lto HOME TREATMENT RELIEVES GOITRE FOR SALEâ€"DON'T may be just what you want; 1012 Linden avenue, WUmette. 8 room home, painted and decorated throughout last fall; 3 porches; $13,000. Phone WH. -21fr. " L14-lto FORr RENTâ€"GAR AGE FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 JffOOD Phone Wil. court. MISCELLANEOUS •H= reen Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- nort; Gret Indianapolis People Will Relate Ex- periences _ ^ ^ Note: It would be illegal to publish DBLAY~"""THIS! the8e statements if they were not true. This article was .copied from the In- dianapolis Star: 'These Indianapolis people have had goitre removed by Sorbol Quadruple. Anx of them will Kladly tell you their experience. Mrs. F. W. Harlan, 845 Christian St., C. F. Johnson, R. R. C, Box 369, Mrs. Emma Davis, 418 E. St. Clair St^JMrs. Fred Mass, 422 Christian." It would pay you to go to Indianapolis to see these peo- ple or even write to them. Sorbol â€"Qttadruaia=eofflHBâ€"Ht=^smatt bottles containing enough for most cases. It will not stain or irritate. Does not interfere With daily work. 2332. L5*-tfc HAVE YOU SEEN 2745 Woodbine Avenue? A modern 7 room stucco home, steel construc- tion, hot water heat, instantaneous heater, glazed dining andâ€"sleeping -porches, screened front porch, living room 13x25, 4 fine bedrooms, garage, driveway, shrubbery, wooded lot 53x180. Owner is moving and for quick sale has authorized us to offer the property at................. .$15,800 M. E. BARKER & CO Extra good value in a 7 room stucco home, un- usually large living room with fireplace, tile bath, sleeping porch, garage, shrubbery, lot 50x 200. Owner has left and wants offer......$12,000 Modern 7 room home In ehoiceet North East section, hot water heat; tile bath, extra lavatory and toilet on 1st floor, dining porch, wooded lot 50x175, newly re-decorated . ..............$18,500 Beautiful 9 room home on choice corner, hot water heat, 2 tile bathrooms, maid's room and bath on third. Owner wants offer and will sell at a bargain. 405 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 484 iiiiiMiiiimiiiimiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiin NO ft m IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mlllt<ltllTlllllllllt1tlltfttMI111Mlttllllt1MtltlMtIllllllt1ttlItltltttlllllllI1llllllMltr(ltllMtttlltlltllllIllllltlllllIllllltlll(llllll|4ll1t1li:|llfllllllllt We have installed a complete new equipment and we can offer to the residents of Wilmette a first-class, up-to-date garage ready in every respect to furnish efficient service*__: TOWING -SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Courteous Serviceâ€"Efficient Mechanics Complete Ma- chine Shopâ€"Repairing and Rebuilding all Makes of Cars â€"Splendid Stock of Automobile Supplies and Accessories I mXM+*i*m.vm SHORE GARAGE Telephone Wilmette 234 MILLER BROS., Props. . •tiiti.*'iitt(tttittitiittittiiittiii«iitiai«iiitiiiiiiiiitiitii«t«it»tii.....tititiiiiiittiiiMtiiiiititiiiiittiiiititiiitiiitiiittit.....iaiiiiitiiaiitii(iiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiit(tiitittiiiiiitiiittttiititttitiitaiitiiiiiii«tiiitt»ittii*ii*itiiti(iiiitiiiitiiiiitiitiitiiittiiitiititttiiiiiij.....ttitttiifiitiitnitt^ veloped modern necFopolts; perpetual' f?"MT^ff in h^uiTf.,1 «oJ£*i â„¢n care for entire area; special Individ- I JS^^J^^SJ^xSSSL^^^^ uaWot^velopment^accesst^^^ Requires 10 minutes Electric and Auto roads. For informa- tion call Owen Tenant Smith, 1167 Wilmette avenue, WUmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M. I/rai8-tfc TREES REMOVEDâ€"WOOD, CUT. LET â€"me-t«.ke out your surplus trees -and: cut them into firewood. I use Im- proved machinery; quick Job; Don't wait till spring; yourâ€"lawns wiU- be damaged. A. P. Graham, 215 Nanaiff- â€"Aye;----Wilmette; Phone Wil. ^136. ' _____________LTG-14-4tp A NURSERY FOR INFANTS AND small children has been opened by Miss Eloise Wright at her home, 721 Ninth St. The nursery is open every week day except Monday. All ap- polntments must be made one day daily. Get further information at Ren- necknr Drug Co., drug stores every- where or write Sorbol Company, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. (Advertisement) Golfersâ€" A Club is now being organized in the NorUiShoreJistrj^ departure in plans has been launch- ed, insuring sound financing and exclusive membership, limited to 300 members. If interested, write 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid- ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard egainst this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland's national vemedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for th« namo Gold Medal on every box --------------and accept no Imitation BARGAINS iiiVACANT ese.seesee ahead. Phone 1937. L-14-ltc DO YOUR TREES NEED " ATTBN- tlon? Have them treated by experts. Now Is the time to.have them prop- erly sprayed. Phones Winnetka 1294 and 313. LTQ-14H4to FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS RETIRED PROFESSOR OF ART wishes to dispose of his art collec- tion. A large and select represen- tation of old masters and eminent American painters now on exhibition I at his Evanston home. For appoint- > -â€"ment phone Bvanston 4376. . ---------- L-14-ltp FOR SALEâ€"ELECTRIC INCUBATOR and brooder. good as new; $15.00. Extra fine white Wyandotte cockerel, $5.00. Phone Wilmette 2282. .____: V _ L-14-ltp FORSALEâ€"BROWN RFBD OONDOLA baby cab. Oood condition. 115. Phone Wilmette 840. LTQ-14-ltc North Shore Baths NORTH SHOKr HOT! I BUILDING Reducing Treatments a Specially PHONE I VANS!ON 6424 PLAN with us for materials, when you build or repair. EDWARD HWES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple^Aver^ Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 50x140 Nicely wooded, Gleneoe . 100x262 Wooded, splendid location ... .. .$5,000 113x185 In the woods, but near depot 7777777T$$,500 200x159 Hubbard Woods, close in..........----$8,000 50x159 West Asbury Avenue .... >........___$600 97x200 East Hubbard Woods........ .. $3,500 SOME CHOICE LOCATIONS ON ONE OF THE PRIVATE DRIVES IN EAST HUBBARD WOODS. THING BETTEIt-ON^raE^NORTH^SHORE. REAL ESTATE 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Wood*. Phone Win. 1300 FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own MBKC lylOt^l wcllCa ^*w« Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston Have Your Overhauling Done Now by Expert Mechanics WILMETTE MOTOR SALES 515 Fourth St., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 636 Kill Thut^o4d With CASCARA Q QUININE Colds, Coughs AND L«â€"GVripyy Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. ..S. :___. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours â€"Relieves______ Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Excellent for Headache, Quinine in this form does not affect the headâ€"Cascara is boat Tonic Laxativeâ€"No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT The Federal Electric ium Cleaner «j It cleans â€" it cleans absolutely and thor- oughly everything you bring to its at- tention. The machine does the work, not you. A sanitary house is not possible without^ a vacuum cleaning. Sold on Monthly Payment* CLEAN OUT ATTIC WITH A "FOR SALE" AD ;. Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois