THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 COLUMBUS TRIMS LOCAL K, OF C. PIN EXPERTS Ouilmette K. of C.s were defeated twice at the Evanston bowling alleys Monday evening by Columbus' crack five. The opening tilt was a tie, each team finishing with 788. â€"-7 â- • Newmanites of Evanston dropped two of three contests to University. Charles Daly of the victorious quin- tet established a new record when he toppled the maples for 236 in the first encounter. Bruder of Evanston rolled for a 235 count in the final game. HOST OF FRIENDS ATTEND • OSGOOD BURIAL AT LOWELL University and Columbus will meet on Tuesday, March 1, Newman and Ouilmette competing on the opposite alleys. M. E. BARKER COMPANY REPORTS REALTY SALES M. E. Barker and Company report the following recent real estate sales: The new bungalow at 523 Linden avenue, property of Anna 7L.~Barry to Col. C. W. Castle of St. Paul, Minn.; the J. D. Finch bungalow, 2514 Thayer street, Evanston, to F. E. Whiting. Many friends of Mrs. John G. Os- good, formerly of Wilmette, journey- ed to Lowell, Ind., Monday, Febru- ary 21, to attend the funeral services of the popular member of the wil- mette VVoman's'club who passed away suddenly Saturday, February 19, fol- lowing a serious operation. Mrs. Osgood is survived by ner husband, three daughters, Helen, Margaret and Jean, and one son, RTherOsgoods left Wilmette several months ago to live in Lowell. The family has a host of friends in Wil- mette and Evanston. REPAIR GASOLINE-TASK That tunneling this weeic^in front of the North Shore garage, 611 West Railroad avenue, was for the purpose of getting at and repairing a leak in the gasoline station tank. t^,^: Vri'%1 > ^m WHO LOST THE ROSARY? A gold, glass beaded rosary was found early this week on Oakwood avenue near West Railroad avenue. The rosary may be obtained at the offices of The Lake Shore News upon proper identificationsâ€" ___RETURNS-FRQM^JOSPTFALâ€" Mrs.-A. H. Weeks, 1725 Washington avenue, returned Saturday from the St. Francis- hospital, Evanston; flowers lare Wall Paper T921 Patterns for BED ROOMS gr all in stock ^m E. 1SEYFORT 1150 Central Ave., Wilmette SPRING SUITS Silk and Serge Dresses for EASTER UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor : 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phonre Wilmette 2403 DownrmzPrice ROSES $1.50 to $8.0051 TULIPS $1.00 to $1.50 Z. CARNATIONS 75c to $2.50 E- Blooming Plants from 50c to $3 each Other Flowers Equally Reasonable Tloral pieces forTuSerals artistically designed Flowers delivered by telegraph to any part or\U. S. . Chicago's Reading floral pecoratorz PHONES J Evanston 829 Central 62Z Reverse Charges 30 E. RANDOLPH ST* (Second Floor) RETURNS TO DUTIES Miss Margaret Schinler, assistant cashier of the Wilmette State bank, has returned to her duties after sev- eral weeks' absence because of ill- ness. """" PURCHASES RESIDENCE Henry Hoffman of Elmwood ayt. nue, has purchased the S room hW~ at Sixteenth street and Wilmette avenue, and will take possesion m the near future. The Men Behind This Bank are all wejl known, conservative business men of \- Wilmette, Evanston, Gross Point and Kenilworth StATS lANK S. A. WHEELOCK, President PHH*UP^$FFMA*f--------------------FRED. A, SMITH* Vice-President Vice-President DAN. G. STILES, W. D. LEARY, Vice-Pres. and Manager Cashier L DIRECTORS F. L. BATEMAN, FRANK J. SENG W. W. BUCHANAN, C. N. STEVENS LYMAN M. DRAKE, JUDSON F. STONE, PHILLIP HOFFMAN ARTHUR J. TAYLOR BENJAMIN F. LEWIS, HENRY TAYLOR, Jr., S. A. WHEELOCK. Deposit With Your Home Bank WILMETTE STATE BANK \1Mftir/S\ir/»ir/Sâ„¢/iftl^^ a Would You Believe it ? We can offer a nearly new stucco home with 7 large rooms, with glassed dining and sleeping porches, hot water heat, tile bath, instantaneous water heater, garage andrf»1 C rnA wooded lot, 50x180, owner moving reduces to ____........................ :.y*«*fi,vv 7 room brick colonial, T~y««r» . old, hot water heat, tile bath, extra toilet and lavatory; heated sun porch, garage, wooded lot, .70x150; a bargaii •t ...........____,.;.; $10,500 8 room modem home in very finest section, beautifully arranged and decorated, 2 bath rooms double garage; fine wooded lot; a splendid buy for..................,..........____$18,000 10 room colonial, on beautiful wooded corner, hot water heat, 4 master bedroom, 2 sleeping porches and 2 tile baths, maid's room and extra bath. Unique decorations, double garage. A wonderful home .....................................$35,000 WOULD YOU BUY A LOT? WE HAVE SEV- ERAL SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN THE CHOIC- EST VACANT. M. E. BARKER & CO. 405 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 484 Pi. iJw SELLER OF GOOD FOOD % CASH Wilmette--CentraiAve.andl2thSt. >DISCOUNT Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Cash and Carry - - - - 5% Discount Cash and Defirered - - - - 2% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department. . Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free Special Sale, February 28th, to March 5th MILLER BROS. We have installed a complete hew equipment and we can offer to the residents of Wil- mette a first-class, up-to-date ady m^ver^respecT ^Wâ€"NOW Ojpeil^Fbr^JBuSmCef* lo furnish efficient service Wing Service Day and Night Bring your_car in^now and avoid the rush. ^erhauled Courteous Serviceâ€"Efficient pfeteMachine lmcT Rebuild- ing all Makes ofCarsâ€"Splendid Stock of Automobile Supplies and Accessories. Telephone Wilmette 234 FLORIDA ORANGESâ€" Delicious, sweet, perfect fruit. 216 size. Doz.................37c 176 size. Doz. ...............47c 150 size. Doz................55c GREENING APPLESâ€" For cooking or baking. Fancy â€"qua44ty^40-tes. ......<.......9&cr Barrel, 130 lbs. net ........$625 FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" 80 size, Doz. $1.00. Each ___9c 64 size. Doz. $1.40. Each ___12c Extra__ large Jumbo .....15c ST" LARDâ€"Pi '36 size. Doz. $1.75. Each ..... Fancy heavy fruit. CALIFORNIA LEMONSâ€" Large. 300 size. Doz. ........27c PREMIUM SODA CRACKERSâ€" National Biscuit Co/s finest salt wafer. Buy crackers in bulk. They are half the price of â€"package crackers. Lb. ......22c Ay2 lb. caddy .................95c RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS. You will like these better than any you have ever used. Large 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg........29c RICHELIEU COCOA â€" Dutch process. y2 lb. can ......27%c RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" The tomato flavor is not killed with spices. 17 oz. bottle ....32c RED WING CATSUPâ€" 18 oz. bottle 25c ,* 9 oz. ......14c DU BELLE CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€" Qt. 32 oz. bottle ....55c RED WING CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€"Pint bottle .â€"........30c BURT'S CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€"Large quart can, not in pint can..................35c COLLEGE SPANISH QUEEN OLIVESâ€"No. 20. Large olives, \Al/2 oz. ,-----..........:..^...55c _Dtt*WORtH»S=OIU ANGE MARMALADEâ€" 16 oz. jar...................35c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" 66 %l/2 oz. bars in box......$5.15 10 bars......................79c No discount LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Procter & Gamble's. 120 7 oz. bars in box....... .$5.15 ^0-bars ....................45c No discount RICHELIEU SMALL STRING- LESS BEANSâ€"Extra quality. Doz. $325; can ..............28c GRANULATED SUGARâ€"With an order of $2.00 charged or cash, 10 lbs.........................89c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn or Ceresota, H barrel........$1.39 DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER-42 oz. can ......20c S^Pure bulk, lb, ........19c COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos, lb ..24c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Equal Jo the finest coffee in cans at any price, lb..............:..38c RICHELIEU APPLE BUTTERâ€" The finest quality. Large No. 2 can................,.......35c PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara Fancy. 70-80 size, lb.................13c 50-60 size, lb. ..^^^^.AUc NAVY BEANSâ€" Hand picTced, lk-=^~-^ .„^7%c~ LIMA BEANSâ€"Dried, lb......12c MARSHMALLOWSâ€"Bulk, lb. 40c BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCO- LATEâ€"Lb...................49c HELMET PEACHESâ€" Yellow free, heavy syrup, large No. 2% can, doz. $3.45, can..29c SUNICAL PEACHESâ€" Yellow cling, heavy syrup, No. 2 can, doz. $3.10, can ........29c EASTER APRICOTSâ€" Fancy, heavy syrup, large No. 2% can, doz. $3.45, can......29c RICHELIEU HAWAIIANS PINE- APPLEâ€"There is no finer qua- lity, No. 2 can. Doz. $4.30; Can.................,..-.. ..35c ~72l0^%Tca'1' D<^- VsioTcan 44c MONSON PEELED APRICOTSâ€" Extra fancy; heavy syrup, No. 2 can, doz. $2.50; can........21c PARIS SUGAR CORNâ€"Burnham & Morrills' well known Maine Sweet Sugar Corn. Dozen $2.40 _, Canâ€"^jju^. .... '.â- ;â- "---------â- V-.a ^EACE EARLY Jim#1pEA3-- Remarkably fine at a very low price. Doz. $1.40; can ..____12c DEARBORN CLUB SWEET SIFTED PEASâ€"First quality, tender, sweet, doz^$&60; Can 22c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard. No. 2 can. Doz. $1.30. VER1BEST TOMATOES- ,. Armour's finest quality, No. 2 can. Doz. $1.60; can ........14c MONSON STRINGLESS BEANS Whole beans not cut, doz. $2.25 Can ....... .................29c