- ku fk THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH11, 1921 ECHOES OF THE GREAT FIGHT IN THIS STORY Sunday Evening dlub Patron* to Hear Real Thriller Entitled "A 3,000â€" Mile Flight From thcrBoUhe- Seek Townsfolk*' Aid in Big Pilgrim Pageant New Trier Township Pilgrim Tercen- tenary Pageant Big Event of ""."":'" North Shore For June DR. L. A. CONVIS, SPEAKER Member of Polish Legion and Y. M. â€"^i-A^-Secretary in Russia, Has an Interest-compelling Story "A 3,000 Mile Flight for the Bol- sheviki" will be the subject of an ad- dress to be given March 13, before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, by Dr. Lewis A. Convis. - Dr. Convis went to Siberia in 1918 as a Y. M. C. A., secretary. He served with the Polish Legion which was recruited from Poles among the old Russian armies, and also from those who had been in the armies of the central powers-ami in Russian prison camps. It was the purpose of the Legion to go-against the central powers"if a new eastern front could be formed. The armistice making this impossible the allied command used some of these troops against the Bol- sheviki in support of Kolchak's army. Flight Across Siberia After the downfall of Kolchak, the legion was cut to pieces and Dr. Con- vis was one of the 870 survivors out of 16,000 men who escaped by taking to the forests. His story tells of his 3,000 mile flight across Siberia in the The preparations for the Pilgrim Tercentenary Pageant given by the New Trier Township High school are now well underway. One of the most difficult problems is the matter of getting, the right costumes and a sufficient number of them. In order to facilitate matters the Costume committee is asking for, information about costumes which the people in the township are willing to loan for use in the pageant. I The following list of costumes will give an idea of the kind wanted : Puritan and Quaker costumes; In- dian costumes (beads, feathers, skins, ornaments, portiers, capes for Indian wraps) and blankets; Dutch cos- tumes, English costumes of the Eliz- abethan or Early Stuart period ; Old felt hats for men ..ami..-women ; Bur ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH STARTED WITH ENTHUSIASM Special Lenten services will be held by the newly organized Wilmette English Lutheran church at the Wil- mette Woman's club, Sunday, March 13, at 11 o'clock. Rev. A^Q. Soholm, the pastor, will preaclT~Tynâ€"the text Exodus 12:13: "When I See th<*| Blood. I will pass over thee." Beatrice C. L. Miller will sing, "My Task." by^ B. L. Ashford. The accompanist is Miss Alice Schnauder. The new congregation inaugurated its services last Sunday morning at TtTe WomanVTlubr" The pastor was assisted in the servie-es_-by^tJie. Rev. John F. Seiherft, General Superin- tendent of Home Missions of the synod. The first service was well attended and great interest was evidenced in the new work in this field. winter of 1920-21. Dr. Convis has lived not only among the Poles and Russians, but among ihe Kerghis, Mongols, and Buriats. He has trav- eled extensively-in Japaa and China, as well as other parts of Asia and Europe. -The-musieal^rogram--ofthe -even- ing will be given by Miss Clara Louise Thurston, harpist, and Mrs. Marie Edwards von Ritter, organist. lap sacking for robes and blankets. Xhjose having , costumes^ or parts of costumes that may be used, are asked to telephone Winnetka 4, ask for Miss Murphy, Chairman of the Costume Committee and explain what they have to offer. It is necessary that this committee may know as soon as possible what material will be available as work on the costumeS must be started at once. If the peo- ple of the township are able to re- spond generously and promptly to this appeal it will aid greatly and save the school much time and ex- pense.___I_____r-------------------------------------- BUY AND SELL THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ST. PATRICK'S DANCE "Schuettie and Kiyi" (John Schneid- and George Bauer) are telling their friends of the good times all hands will have on Thursday evening. Marchi 17, St. Patrick's day. Jones' ha-H-w-tll-be-tbeseenc ofth+sâ€"aet+vity and Rodin's orchestra will furnish the music. Everyone is invited. Wall Paper T02T Patterns for BED ROOMS WT ALL IN,STOCK-e* E. SEYFORT 1150 Central Ave., Wilmette According to the Bible Joshua commanded the sun to stand'still. It did. Mr. Carefree man was told that if he didn't keep his shoes in good condition his health would stand -----------------------still. He didn't. It did.-----------^_â€"~â€"- Therein lies a moral. DEPENDABLE SHOE REPAIRING FACTORY F. W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Avenues ; Phone Wilmette 2358 Painting and Paperhanging Call WILMETTE 79S-J HENRY MILLER 818 Prairie Avenue Special Sale of g Suits and Dresses B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phone Wilmett. 2403 Money Grows^ but not in the ground, it is necessary to put it to work. A Savings Account with Your Home Bank with interest compounded serni-annually, will grow every day and eventually put money in your pocket which would otherwise be lost or spent foolishly. . $1.00 will start an account today at the unique style shop j WILMETTE STATE BANK Under State Control and Supervision ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m. = First glimpse inside the Bar-Naz Plant. This office conveys an idea of the orderliness and sanitation === that prevai's through the entire plant. A very competent and courteous young woman in 5=5 this office attends to orders and. instructions, from customers, and makes the = "â- >--' '-.â- *. appointments for Mr. Barsumian. Easter Candies and Novelties in all sizes, shapes and designs at popular prices .SATISFACTION GUARANTEED lll!|!ii::!i:!l[ll!lll!,!ll!M:ill!MIIIIIIIIMIIIIMNMIIIIMIMMIinillMIIHiniMllllinilllllllllMMIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIIMIUHiriMIIIIMMIIMIII!l!ilHMIilIIIIIIII|! Wm. P. Parks Con/ec//oner "Everything Sweet to Eat" Ridge and Lake Aves. WILMETTE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1450 " The people of America were slow te> appreciateftrFFy the charms-â€"some hidden, some S apparent of Kastern rutfs and carpets. Hut, having learned to esteem this wonderful work in |§ weaving, all dasses became interested, and with the excellent taste of Americans, and the .=5 Hlmndancc'Of their resources, they purchased in a manner characteristic of the American B people ..so lli.itHow the most beautiful rugs in the world, very choice antiques, have- found si «TlioiiTe in The 1-fHted~States. ~ZT~ == Oriental rugs will undoubtedly continue to grow in popularity as they have during f= mm That Cold With FOR Colds, Cough the past quarter century, for without doubt they make th(F most beautiful, as indeed the most hygienic, •floojFToTeTTn^concfi'fvable. - Xotwithstanding .this fact, vague ideas prevail in thy -minds of most people regrirdirrg' ther~rn) porta nee of their proper care and treatment. There is perhaps, no lie-Id in .which the ignorance of the public ns so great and misleading. ias it is in regard to this particular trade. Let us clean some of your rugs and you will wonder at their real glory ancLcolor. Our washing process not only removes the dirt, dust and spots, but restores the natural freshness of color, and gives you a rug that is THOROUGHLY CLEAN, CLEAR THROUGH. Careful attention is given each rug as though it were the ONLY rug we had to clean. No machinery is used that will wear ^ndTear the rug; no chemicals are used, but the purest soap obtainable; and proficient workmen are employed to do the work. The rug is re- turned to you thoroughlyLcleaned, perWc^ and g -germ proof. ,A s ^OM\^ Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy-for the first sneeze. .â€".' Breaks up_a ccld In 24 hours â€" Relieves. 1 Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Exceireht for Headache, Quinine in this form does not affect the, headâ€"Cascara is best^Tonic Laxativeâ€"tfo Opiate in Hill's. __. â€" â- ' 'â- ____ ^LttTTHt *&SELL It PHQNEJWILMETTE 56 IIIIIIIIIllll lllllllll IIIIIIIIIllll