THE LAKE SHOl Jbci&l Happewivd/ VMliftette^KewlvWK" by Ruth Ridey k^ «-« IE of a group of Harvard plays^J'trhe Flower Shop" and "Our Aunt from California,^ by Madeline Demarest Bar^ num, two short plays, which were presented before the w members of the Woman's club a little over a week ago, with hexcellent success, will be repeated on the evening of Friday, Iil 22, at the clubhouse, and will be followed by informal dancing. is performance is open to the public and tickets may be obtained im any member of the Auxiliary, of which Miss Katherine Win- p is president. "The Flower Shop" has a cast made of some excellent amateur snt in the Misses Marjorie Grabb, Helen Bell, Nettie Smith, rothy Lyons and Dorothy Golden. The second playlet entitled "Our Aunt from California," sounds y much like a good old comedy, and the various character parts I be impersonated by the Misses Eunice Wright, Norreh Lyons. rcia~Lauer, Gladys Kuelzow, Marion Boyden and Winifred Rein- th Mr. and Mrs. Frederick )p. Cain, 1229 Scott avenue, Hubbard foods, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, [iss Jessie Forrester Cain, to Mr. Addison Burbank, son of Mrs. lanche Burbank of San Francisco, Cal., to take place on Saturday Hernoon, April 30, in their home, 1229 Scott avenue, Hubbard roods. Rev. Dr. Louis Perkins Cain of Edgewater will read the frvice at four-thirty o'clock. Mrs. John C. Slade, Miss Gladys Spry of Evanston and Miss Elito- beth Stone of Chicago have charge of a party at Arden Shore camp on Saturday, April 16, in honor of the boys who have gratuated there and are now in business in Chicago. It is called a home-coming party and many of the old boys are expected. Rev. George Craig Stewart of Ev- anston will talk to the boys and Mr. Colvitlc Jackson, captain of the Uni- versity of Chicago football team will also be there *.o help give the little chaps a good time. It is the boys' party but anyone who cares to attend will bs most welcome. Miss Dorothy Joyce Yonkers, 911 Sheridan road, enjoyed a trip < to Bermuda during the Easter vacation, in company with many other young .. very pretty early Spring wedding is solemni/cd on Saturday evening, inl 2, irt the Congregational church, Miss Virginia Ruth Olwin, jughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Irandt Olwin was united in mar- _ to .Mr. John Rutherford Nichol-. sn of Chicago. The ceremony was fad at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Stephen A. loyd, pastor of the church officiat- |g« [The bride wore a lovely gown of ,-ory white satin made with a court rain and carried an attractive show- houquet of sweet peas and lilies of le valley. Her veil was made of a [uaint lace shoulder wrap worn by j'er great grandmother, over tulle, rhich was held in place by a coronet f rose point lace. The attendants' frocks were made M1 ,.,„,,,,tlllv „.„„ ,„<„,, „,,..... , , . , â- taffeta, with full skirts, and long women from National Park Seminary ains of colored georgette, weighted I and their chaperones. The entire party was delightfully feted both Mrs. Charles H. Deuchter will entertain at luncheon and Bridge on Tuesday afternoon, April 26, at her home, 723 Ashland avenue. There will be covers for fifty guests. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will be entertained next week at the home of Mrs. Edwin Drury, 1116 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue, were guests at a din- ner and theater party on Wednesday evening given in honor of their fortieth wedding anniversary. On Monday evening Miss Neva Scott, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox, 519 Forest ^venuer forr8ev_eral~days, rcturned-to- her home in Des Moines, la* Mrs. William O. Morris and chil- dren of 112 Ninth street, are leaving today for an extended stay in Pied- mont, N. Y. Miss Clara L. Williams, who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. I. F. Niles, 106 Ninth street, since last July, is leaving on Sunday for Glen Vale, Cal. Tlie Young Woman's Missionary society and the Standard Bearers of the Methodist church, Will be enter- tained this evening at the home of Mrs. E. E. Teal, 1017 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frint Georgerwho have been residing at the Evanston hotel for the past month, left on Monday for an extended trip through Canada. Mrs^ George ^hrader of Mount Vernon, N. Y., formerly of Wilmette, is the house guest of Mrs. Charles A. Wanner, 629 Central avenue. The Thursday club will be enter- tained in the home of Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor, 835 Central avenue, on Thurs- day of next. week. Mrs. Richard S. Pattillo was host- ess to the Thursday Luncheon and- Bridge club this week at -her home,; 620 Forest avenue.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, and Miss Katherine Winship of 803 Chest- nut avenue, returned on Saturday from in extended stay in Florida. Mrs. Sheridan and her son, John, are confined to their home at 1126 Forest avenue, with scarlet fever. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, HI., Announces A FREE LECTURE â€" ON â€" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -BYâ€" ^Wm* ?.Grossr£5rfc^ OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Mtmtxr of th. Board of Lectureship of Th« Mother Church. The First Church off Christ, Scientist. In Boston, Maw. Thursday Evening, April 21,1921 At Eight o'clock IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE A8&SBS?»iS2rE WILMETTE. ILLINOIS [own with *• band-of-rosebuds, and irgc taffeta hats to match the trains. The maid of honor, Miss Katherine Schcidenhelm, wore a costume of pale iink taffeta and georgette, and carri- |u and arm bouquet of pink roses; liss Betty Dafter of Evanston, wore pale yellow frock with the pale blue [rain and carried yellow sweet peas ind blue larkspur. Miss Laura Wil- son, oF East Orange, N. J., wore i gown of Nile green and orchid, and carried orchid sweet peas and orch- ids. Another bridesmaid, Miss Fran- :ess Cutler, wore a frock or orchid taffeta with a yellow train, and car- iried an arm bouquet of yellow daisies land orchid sweet peas. Miss Mar- garet CouiTer was costumed in pale b'ue taffet-i and peach georgette, and carried a bouquet of Aaron Ward roses and blue larkspur. Mr. Coe Adams of Chicago attend- ed Mr. Nicholson a«* best man, and the ushers included Messrs. Charles Brown, William Avirette and Dr. Vincent O'Connor of Chicago, Roger Chapin of Springfield, 111., Willis Perkins of Detroit, Mich.^and Henry Cooper of Evanston. One hundred guests attended the reception which followed the cere- mony, at the Olwin home, 820 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson returned "ii Sunday last from a trip to White Sulphur Springs, and are now resid- ing in their apartment at-1129 Maple EvanMon^ Their "at frome^- tended trip to Honolulu^ aiwL the avenue, date has been^eT7oirlIay"I5r The annual meeting of the Young Woman's auxiliary of the Wilmette Woman's club will be held at the clubhouse on next. Monday evening. A»ri\ f&~ The Election of officers will also take place at this time. ^The April party for Junior mem- r)'7rs oTThiilmette Country club will ••' held on Friday evening of this week. The following evening, there aboard ship and on the Island. Other islands in the Bahama group were visited where Easter lHies, oleanders and hibiscus were ii*. bloom. One de- lightful affair was a tea given" in honor of the young women by prom- inent Americans stopping at their hotel. Mrs. E. O. Lyon and small daugh- ter,. Sara Catheriha, of Denver, Colo., who have been the guests of her brother, Mr. Edwin Phelps and fam- ily, 260 Wood court, for several weeks, left yesterday to join Mr. Lyon in Memphis, Tenn., where they will make their home ior several months. Mrs. Lyon, who was form- erly Miss Hilda Phelps of this vil- lage, has been spending sometime with her mother in Rockford, and with Mr. Lyons' family in Milwau- kee, during her visit here^-â€"-0 Minor Coburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn will be a member of the cast of "Wedding Bells," a comedy produced by an all-star cast in Chicago, less than a year ago, -which has been selected.__by the Campus Players of Northwestern University for their spring produc- tion on May 13 and 14. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hawkes of Montclair, N. J., formerly of Wil- mette, are expected to arrive today to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Ben- jamin Hawkes ifrKenilworth. They are just returning home from an ex- CRASH AT LINDEN AVENUE C. E. Schwartz, 105 Fourth street, narrowly escaped serious injury Tues- day afternoon when an^ automobile he was driving collided with a north- bound Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railway express train at the Linden avenue crossing. The im- pact of the crash overturned the ma- chine. Schwartz luckily escaped with- out - injuries. • It was-. ..stated the warning signal device at the cross- ing was not in operation at the time of the accident. "RAILROADERS" OPEN SEASON Automobile "railroaders", irrespon- sible youths who take particular de- light in joyriding in other persons cars acquired for the occasion, start- ed their season's work Tuesday even- ing by taking a*machine parked,near the Village theatre. The carr prop^ erty of Roy C. Osgood of 423 Essex road, Kenitworth, was recovered early Wednesday morning abandoned at Eleventh street and Lake avenue. GARAGE AND CAR BURN Fire early Tuesday evening com- pletely destroyed a private garage on the J. P. Young premises at 1233 Elm- wood avenue. A new Chandler tour- ing car in the garage was demolish- ed. Sparks from a nearby rubbish fire were thought to have been responsible for the blaze, I HtRE YOU WILL FIND A PLMTT COMPLEX* Wet Wash Called (or TUESDAY Delivered WEDNESDAY Called for WEDNESDAY Delivered FRIDAY Called for SATURDAY Delivered TUESDAY PHONE KENILWORTtt 222 I Spring House Cleaning ashianflros. IMS Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 1200 SPECIAL SPRING OFFER FOR APRIL ONLY One Dozen, 6x10 Silvertone (t*1 A Portraits (Regular Price $14) «P 1V EUGENE L. RAY PHOTOGRAPHER Hoyburn Building EVANSTON For Appointment Phone 2238 BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IHIIIIIIHIIIHIIWJIMIMMM^^ west. Mrs. William; R. Crawford of 527 Laurel avenue, essisted Mrs. Archi- bald Freer at the Charity bazaar, held at the Blackstone hotel last Satur- day. 1 There will be a meeting of the Wil- mette Public School Art league on Tuesday, April 19, at the home of Mrs. F.'L. Joy, 812 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby, 835 will be a cabaret dinner and dance I Lake avenue left yesterday for a trip the Seniors. to Xev/ York City. rs///////////////////////////////////////////////////s///""^"L ijZBZEL ,//////////////////////////////""<. BURNS' TOGGERY The Store for Men WILMETTE Opp. C. & N. W. Station I REMINDER- Some New Knitted Tiee, at $1.50 and $2.00 JTaWMMMWrn mp»uujjj»jfftff>»iU»»»»»»M^^^ SOAP SPECIAL 2 tans of Cleansers FREE with each 10 bars el Lighthouse Laundry Soap Or 12 cans of Cleanser with a case of Lighthouse Laundry Soap 1 bar Cream Oil Toilet Soap FREE with each 10 bars Crystal White Soap 1 bar of Wool Soap FREE with each 10 bars Classic Laundry Seap Charge account extended to responsible people. that's why we can give unlimited courteous service Wo have our own delivery service;