" ' •â- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY; MAY 20, 1921 ♦*â- :-..•â- - * -____:_____♦♦ Church [twunconenl ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ I 8»«»nsffls«:«m:»tttsttt«m»«ttKmim METHODIST CHURCH The Ladies* Aid treasurer added about seventy dollars to the bank account of that society as one result of the birthday party held in the held in the church last Friday even- ing. There were two other results worth more than seventy dollars each. A lot of talent among our membership wis discovered. Every- one present learned that it is possible to have a first-class time at a church social. The subject for the Teachers' Training class for Monday evening, May 23, is "Some Essential Points of Emphasis in Teaching Religion".------ The Third Division was entertained Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. C. A. Tfclley. Waukegan. T«he Third was sister Kejley's division be- fore she had a parsonage of her own to look after.4; A good time was re- ported. Mrs. E. G. Bentley, 804 Klmwood avenue, entertained the Second Di- vision Tuesday afternoon of this week. This meeting was postponed from last week oh account of Mrs. PattisonV beinir sick. Do not forget that Dr. J-U'ckman, professor of public speaking at the ChicaKo Training School, will preach for us Sunday morning, May 22t This is a preacher whom you should hear. Brother Ben Cox's class of boys have organized a baseball team and have issued i challenge to the teach- ers and officers of the Sunday school to play them in a match game. The date will be announced later. You can get a free ticket to the Chicago Methodist demonstration, to be held in the Auditorium, Monday evening, May 23, from Dr. Rapp next Sunday. Bishop Nicholson. Dr. Wed- derspoon and Dr. Thompson will speak. Mr. Dilfendorfer will show in .ctures, from all parts of the world, a year of Methodist achievement. St. Mark's colored choir will furnish the music. The Epworth League young peo- ple are planning a basket social, to be held jn the__church early in June, for all the church, old and young. Keep it in mind and count on attend- ing.------â€"- Please rememberâ€"------ Men's Bible class in Jones' hall at 9:40 Sunday. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45. Preaching service at 11. â€"Mid-week service for prayeiyAVed- n cm lay at 8. Kpworth League meeting at .6. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Burgesser and daughter, KfizabeTh, from Yorky Pa., joined our church Sunday by letter of transfer. They have not decided what their Wilmette address will be, but they are here to stay and they know that they are Methodists. TTie pastors of all the churches in this vicinity have been asked by the War Department, t<» announce that there is a Victory Medal for every man that enlisted.in tin- service dur- ing the war. This medal may be had by presenting otfers discharge papers to the Victory Medal officers on the second floor of the Federal Building. If you cannot go yourself you can scud your papers, by any friend or relative and they can get the medal for you. While you need to present your discharge papers you do not surrender them. Hy actual test the writer took the papers of another man and got his medal for him in ten minutes; There is no red tape and no waiting. The Victory Medal and the sentiment surrounding it wiu oe- come increasingly valuable. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Services each Sunday at the Wil- mette Woman's club, Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Sunday school at 9:45. Church services at 11 o clock. All children and ^adults not ^filia- ted with any congregation are cord- ially invited to'the Sunday school and church services. This new rongregation is encour- aged with its very satisfactory be- ginning and anticipates building a church in a desirable location in W il- mette. The lot has been selected and negotiations are now in progress. The Charter MemberstttjrToU was closed on Sunday, May IS. with ap- propriate services. The roster con- tains thirty-eight charter members. Come and worship â€" you will be welcomed. iion society. A great This will permit the Lutheri* Foreign *«**? ^J*1*;,, MJ the. Wilmette to attend the 75tK£l sary service! co be held Mayan commemoration of the found;?' %fiS$M \^nejday night *£* oarticiuated in by some of the local £™t wonw.1. * Beginning tonight and going through Sunday will be a iathfring of the young women of ^churches of jfe^^/S^ i*ed under the "Baptist World w ia« GuildTAl) of these meetings are heldI in the Immanuel Baptist church. 2320 South Michigan beulevard, Chi- cago. topic. Sunday -morn- BAPTIST CHURCH St. Paul's, the first Lutheran in Chicago. PRESBYTERIAN CHUltd The church it on the com*, Greenleaf avenue and Ninth The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Baptist church will be held at Brown hall on Wednesday evening. May 25th, at 8 o'clock. Brief written reports, recording the achievements of a very successful year wiH be read, and the election of officersâ€"for the coming year will be held. The at- tendance required to constitute a quorum at this, meeting makes it imr perative that-^vcry~meTfibjer~of the - Mt -^trrter'^ - imr wi I be. "The Gospel According o Jesu ". This will be the fourth ser- mon in his series on great Texts of Se Bible. The text of the <lay being lohn 10:10. in 'I am come that, tbe> Might Have Life and that they Might Have it More Abundantly . ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN •Our Fathers' Faith, Our Country's Language." Church at Linden and Prairie ave- nues. Service 11 o'clock. â€"__ Sunday school ^at Library Hall, Wilmette. 9:45 A. M. The pastor's sermon will be based on the gospel for Trinity Sunday, John 3:1-15. Subject: Jesus and the Sincere Inquirer. Everyone is cor- dially invited. church be in attendance. The meet- ing will be filled with interset and en- thusiasm throughout. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. P. H. Arden, 722 Wash- ington avenue, the Mid-Month meet- ing of the Reading Circle of the Wo- man's society "Will be held. At this meeting there will be an explanation and inauguration of the White Cross work, which the women of the church are to do for Mission hospitals at home and abroad,- This, week has been the occasion of some great gatherings of Baptist women in Chicago, in connection with Next Wednesday evening at 8 the fifth of the lectures on the "Doc- trinal Position of the Lutheran Church, its Customs and Practices", takes place at St. John's. The sub- ject Js^The Church, its Character. Office and Work". r? Sunday Services Bible School, 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship. 11 A. M, Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 pi Senior Christian Endeavor] 6 m Wednesday Services Intermediate Christian En«U 7 P.M. Mid-week Prayer Meeting, day, 8 P. M. The Rev. George P. Magill, n. pastor of the Wilmette Preshy ian church, hat been chosen a$ of the commissioners from the cago Presbytery to the General sembly of the Presbyterian chu, which meets at Winona Lake, hi ana, May 19 to 27. This is one oft most notable church gatherings America and is comprised of ab<, a thousand delegates represent! the Presbyterian church through the world. SulurayTMav 22, is Ratty day~Tor the Associated Lutheran Young Peo- ple's societies of the north shore, which will meet at. Trinity church. Hawthorne and Greenwood avenues. Gleneoe. The afternoon session, be- ginning-at 3:30, will be devoted to such matters of business as have to do with the League's church work. Supper will be served at the church rooms between 6 and 7.. A song ser- vice opens the1 evening program at 7:45, after which Dr. E. D. Sopcr 'of the faculty at Northwestern will ad- dress the gathering. A highly inter- esting lecture is assured. The offer- ings of the meeting are in behalf of missionary work in China. Mission Sunday at St. John's ha the celebration of the Golden Jubilee been posponed from the last Sunday of the Women's American Baptist in May to the last Sunday in June. Special Announcement A very unique and interesting gram has been arranged for the * mette Presbyterian church next „ day. when all the appointments the day will be given over to Presbyterian Board of Church tension of Chicago. The progr^tm-vviU includejirj Hemonstrations or the work be, done in the congested districts] Chicago, presented by a number] representatives from the Mis/ and Settlement Houses. The special feature for the'Sunj school hour will be the Royal Itaj Hand. This company of little ml cians is led by an Italian boyf years of age. Clyde VV. Smith and Georgel Searles are the special speakers] the church service at 11 A. M. Tit men will tell of the very extenj and practical work being done I Institutes and Missions throug the city. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock,] regular hour for the Junior Chrisj Endeavor, will be occupied by 1 l.u'ella Graf in telling stories of] "All That I Have Says: Labor Secretary Davi, Some one asked me where J got my in- spiration that led me to become promi- nent in the labor world and I replied from a carpenter, and that carpenter, Jesus, the lowly Nazarine, Who knew hot where to lay his head, but Who in three years of ministry revolutionized all existing law, laid the foundations for a new civilization Golden ruleâ€"which if made the law of life, nearly 20 centuries after He enun- ciated it, would settle every problem that could possibly arise. â€" *~T~ "I repeat, what I am and what I have been able to accomplish in my life I owe to the Sunday school and my good Christian and gave to the world the great law-â€"the parents, who in my childhood sent me there/' The Wilmette Baptist Church The First Presbyterian Church St St John's Lutheran Church The First Congregational Church Wilmette English Lutheran Church Methodist â- â-