THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 CATCH 'EM WHEN YOUNG? Excursion After Easy Money Ended on the Scaffold. By EDGAR TAYLOR WHEELOCK. <C«pyrl|bt. lftti, American Pr««» Hip^ A cartal* young man, whose name and the full details of whose life It Is not necessary to repeat here. Uietl Is the Cook county jail. Illinois. Sn the autumn of 1920. A Jury had decided that he was u menace to society and must be removed. Became a Spender When a Boy. This man had acquired extravagant habits when a youth 'by frequentlog pool rooms, cabarets, dance hulls and other pTenWre resorrsr-withâ€"the--result that he took to petty stealing in or- der to raise money to pay the piper. An arrest, a term in Pontiac and a parole followed. * ~~^~~ An unusual feature of this ense-'conâ€" tlsts of a series of articles printed in The Low Cost Of Advertising Space Hend of Great Advertising Agency Shows How Newspaper Adver- tising is Mort Economical one of the Oh i»agi> newspapers under the beading "Beatteg. Back." in which this young man pictured himself as a repentant sinner smigtfllritf to rvjndu a respectable position in society and an opportunity t<> make good undream. an honest living. Of course the iden- tity of the individual whose story was told in the articles was not dis- Few advertising men know that ad- vertising space in new\spapers is by far , the most economical way to reach" the I consumer. It ia a fact and the "tily ' reason tRatt hdverltsinj| Was ever created was because wtse and shrewd [business men learned that they could buy white; apace in publications at a minimum coal-and because of the i mcssajfe: they would put into that Lsp&ce they could make a profit on I the transact ion an<l make the adver- Itiding a real investment in prudue- I if!i of -ales and good v\ ill. In these day's of high cost of white paper and printing -the. advertiser could not print a full pave advertise- ment and buy the white paper at the small cost that the newspaper charges him for the complete page delivered into the home by invitation. That is t'n say, the readers of this newsp;tper buy a "paper because they want to read it and because "they know they closed until Inter, J____.' â- '. Given Chance to Make Good. As a matter of fmit a position \rr«* given him by nirift nf fKf Iftrgri tnrtn«. ^rlffi;~~i1er~wim"pinced In -a position of trust and paid a living salary: he knew from actual, personal exf-en- ence what habits, of extravagance would lend to; his story as it was re- loted to the newspaper reporter den>- pet more for their niotu-v at 2 <>r 3 cents than an/tiling else they could buy at thai pTtcc. That is what makes the adve.rt-i^iuy so valuable to the ad onstrated beyond question that he had* nothing further to learn on that bead. But the habits acquired as a bud- ding youth apparently were too strong for him. He began a systematic courw; of embezzlement from the first and in the end committed murder in a moment of panic while attempting to hold up n motion picture manager In order to, get easy "money to help him out of Immediate nUancial didi- cultles. Arrest, confession and the •caffold followed quickly. . Merely a Typical Spender. This -young: muYrn>oTojTged -to- iho •pending class, like all criminals. All spenders are not criminals but all criminals are spenders. Tt la a fset that the criminal class are notoriously hard up practically oil the tlm>'. Onf the other hand, the savers :.'•'•• the people Mho come to own property. -ItJs estimated UiaJL_but_42 per y, :a of- tht^ fatnfrTrs, ttr-thjs country â- u their homes. ariTTit Is sate to ed»l: •.<â- •>> that OS per cent of the home ov,m-,s belong to rtre wrvlng class. , The best wav to educate saver* i* to eateh ' thetn-.-wlo'nâ€"y-owitf. atul c"; < ^ them /what they may expect to..fnui at the ends of the two roads. yerttser,- provided they have the right 111e.s<age. the right illustration ami t lie right mcrchandistng plan back of the advertising.' â€"....â€" \< w spaper advertisiiur is by fjfr the most economical method to reach t h »• consumer. William II.' Rankin. . l're-ide-n.t. William ii. Rankirr^d- \-1 'â- t i • iin: Ayrv «-c V- -in -X e w «qj.apeJ dt >mr A military - band, from Jefferson Barracks. Missouri, with Amerieau and' AnieHeTi'n tre&ion'Hags in a pro cession, was passing through the central section of S't, Louis. As they neared a prompunft corner, a man •. i 'In! out : 'Tiftbcl this two dolTar â- :': t!; : i v. oiH take off my lul "for those flags'*. ---.'.. ||c |ovi ro' a !..♦ v'.ion man nearby. • he lost his hat. which hit the street with such force that.furth- er u^e was out of the question. BETTER DEAD a burden when-the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim, becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL "History, -repeats, it self." ..Yes. when was i-'. Florida the Ponce de Hcon ha<l .,iu ,i sij-j). 'Youth Wanted.'"â€" Lou rs v i fiv7 feu riw^ o u r n a I. JIMlMHiaill The national remedy of Holland for_Ayef_ .Teivnis. golf and ' other -outdo > Sports are becoming, popular ;.: the votings women of Argentina, : 200 years; if is an enemy of atrpemaTe-^ ouliin^ fsom kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation SERVICE i Telephoning Is Easy Do you realize how easy and simple it is Just call ^i^iTg Distance" from your own telephone. Our operator does the rest. ' y • - Thc^_»5rvicfe is good, the lines are adequate to handle your calls, and the charges are reasonable.______ Get acquainted with the money and time saving station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Mr. Tohn Taylor of Pittsburgh was theIgwest 61 hU-ister, Mrs. William J. Taylor, over the week-end. Mr. .Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue, Juis returned hoin an extended trtp through the west and south. » Ah octave inbound is produced by double the number of vibrations pgfc second of its fundanu-utal. Self-Reducing CORSETS J3 L n' r?m 6l^>^ 622 th f ftPCT rnDQFT^ FOR STOUT fc WOMEN SIZE,S| 24-3® REDUCTION in Taxi Rates Effective Now New Rates:- 6:30 A. M. to 9|0OtVM â€" 1 passenger 25c Each additional 25 After 9 P. M ~ _L or 2 passengers 5Gc â€" -: _Eaeh additional .2 5< Comfortable, Capable Cars Courteous Chauffeurs WItMETTE EXPRESS^tO: 1225 Central Ave. Plioae Wilmette 4 0 MIMctor For Motor Ills The Automatic Steam Carburetor for which we have the ex- clusive agency may be readily attached to any motor, and will great- ly increase its efficiency. It completely eliminates carbon depositsâ€"saving its cost in six months. By actual test it increases gasoline mileage 20 per cent to 40 per cent at the same time increasing the pulling power and speed 10 per cent to 25 per cent. A full line of standard accessoriesâ€" - We will gladly demonstrate this standard tread tiresâ€"and the best wonderful instrument to youâ€"in of oils and gasoline. actuaLoperalioiu '~ -~ . '-- General repair work of every kind, specializing on Cadillac repairs* Wm. T. W4hr*t€dtr Proprietor. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 165