JETTE SCORES WIN OVER FASTATHLET1CS Long Lotinf Streak With 5 to 4 Victory! Aok Townspeople To Boost the Athletic . Club Wilmette broke its. long losing J$k Sunday^ trimmm^the strong Ipicago ling team l,coo \thletics 5 to 4. After suffer straight defeats, the home 'leathered itself for a final stand led by a north breeze, the bov lifowed their early season (orm bj â€"otrt^and copping the pro Btepps The 'game was fraught with thrills, â- fifrhfohed 1>y our own Chubby I.eis. who in the absence of a regular out- BUlHer sat in for the matinee and KaUed all the glory with three •Darkling catches. One of these Bitches was made on a hit by Lefty iSoote of the Athletics which was labeled for the tall grass in right field until T.eis flagged it. There was one runner'perched on the sacks at the time and if that Hit had escaped the final result might have been a differ- ent,,°r5' Sl.r. At Short In addition to Leis, Herold at short stopped everything that headed his way and in other directions also. The - .ljii„i I iJilj^^l{MJ||M|iil|Pl<ll «M i â- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1921 '"""J- J.....mimmmmmmm*^*â„¢ Remembtr that this is the only place left where you boy can indulge in tne great national pastime so turn out on Sunday afternoons and give the club that is working for the boys a big boost. Your presence is the boost that is needed because it will show the village officials that you are backing the movement for a sport field similar to those already in oper- ation in Evanston, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. It is just what the town needs. We have a gym in the school which can be Following closely an appeal sound- ed in last week's issue of The Lake Shore News by the Wilmette Itn- ,..,,• , -. provement association to save Wil X !i,J i MW"Jte£ Htt lf the owners-^nctte's beautiful shade trees frOm/m of the 7th street and Wil- jury and oossihl* destruction hv th mette avenue sell, then there will be no place left where your boy can toss the horse-hide and stretch his legs in the summer. So, again we ask you to come out and Boost." Hawks haw! What Do You Make of This Phenomenon? Hawkshawt What ...1 col box.. Truth is ever stranger than fiction. Proof of that oft repeated statement is found again in the accompanying brief communication received at the offices of The Lake Shore News this week. The Lake Shore News, -~ itafeTeliow covers a world of ground Wilmette, Illinois. m. ' -i.- *-u-«, ««* ♦«« o-.r.w.ri.Kr Dear birs: and cracks rhem out too, garnering three safeties and two markers dur- ing the afternoon. Norman, the new hurler, comes in for his share of the hand clapping also, as he was master of the oppo- sition in every pinch, being in hot water only once when the defense behind him slipped a peg allowing two runners to tally. Besides these fellows, Saunders and Robinson played their usual steady and heady games. Each of these boys are inthegames_e_VLeryuminiitfi_ from start to finish and the bobbles tbaTtbey make areâ€"few-and far be- tween. Both are somewhat heavy footed but-they always seem to get there just the same. Plea Tc Fans "Next Sunday there will be another good game on the home field at 17th street and Wilmette avenue. Do not get mixed on the location of the fold." the__management asks, "the Wilmette Club is playing in Wilmette and not on any other field. The club is an amateur team and charges no admission for the pleasure of your company so conie out and watch the home boys perform. The home club Ts-mrra semi-pro outfit as far as pay- ing..its-players -is concernedJmt in tne_ playing of its players it is way above the average semi-pro team. Come out and give the team your moral sup- port. The boys are playing on the only open field in the village that is large enough for a ball field and it is hoped by the Wilmette Athletic Club that their efforts of this year will be the beginning of a community play field which will accommodate the boys and young men of the town. TwO crab apple trees planted this Spring at 1048 Lake avenue on the Wilmette avenue side are blooming for the second time presenting the phenomenon of apples and blossoms on the same tree. .. * â€"Observer And so â€" Optimist rejoices at the unusual and beautiful spectacle while Pessimist deplores the fact the new- ly arrived blossoms will never bring forth fruit. Judge and MTs7~Letand witlTTheir daughter, Miss Floss Leland of Kansas, are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon. 1125 Ashland avenue. .The McKinnons' have taken a cottage at Ephraim on Green Bay, for the month of August, so with their parents and sister left "Wednesday for their summer vaca- tion*._____1 Let's Save the Trees, WritesF.A.WaidnerJr. Urge. Villager. Unit* in Fighting Cottony Maple Scale Now Infest- ing Shade Treat jury and possible destruction by the Tussock Moth and Cottony Maple Scale comes a communication from F. A. Waidner, Jr., 1048 Lake avenue, calling upon villagers to co-operate in "Saving the Trees," and suggest- ing a commonly used remedy. The communication follows: "Wilmette, July 28th, 1921 The Lake Shore News, Wilmette, 111. Dear Sirs: „ SAVE THE TREES The maple trees, and possibly others, are again infested with the Cottony Maple Scale. The only re- lief is to spray with kerosene emul- sion, kerosene and soft soap, a light application now and aMieavy one in the Fall after the leaves are gone. This is the course recommended by the Agricultural Department and by the Lincoln Park Board. An inspection of the maple trees around the Village Hall will show just how bad the trouble is now and the trees should be looked after NOW. In the last epdemic hundreds of trees in Wilmette were killed while the ones that were sprayed came through. It takes a-long while to grow a tree so let's look after the big ones that we have now. Yours very truly, F. A. Waidner, Jr." OUILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB Bridge is on the program at the Ouilmette Country club for Saturday evening bf this week. The hour is 8 o'clock. Luncheon and Bridge are scheduled for Monday, August 8. Luncheon is at 1 o'clock and Bridge at 2130 o'clock. Reservations for the luncheon arc to be made with the club steward not later than noon on Satur- day. Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave, RESIDENCE PHONE »7 Y//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Wilmette Ice & ^3fe^Hn4mg-Go^ F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 Give Thought to Your Future It stands to reason that all serious minded peo- ple hope to be successful, to own a home and to be regarded highly by the residents of their community. In the opening of a savings ac- count with the First National Bank of Wil- mette the first step is taken. The growth of this account once started, proves your thrift. Determine, today's the day. RUT e ill * rst National Dank .â€"ss= of Wilmette ^^â€"• -------'---------------â- ------------------S> â- -.-------._____________ ^^omeafSarti^Deposifors Member of Federal Reserve Bank Black Soil for Lawns Grading Lawn Fertilizer Sand and Gravel FILLING- Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Driveways REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave. Phono Wil. 53 %â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ! I; â- --, -â€" 'â- 'â- â- " ' - â- " % A Trust .â- J â- â- r n .â- Some people in commenting on our adver- mm iB tisements have inferred that we belong to the â- _ 1 trust. â- 1 I That is a fact. We do belong, to two trusts, the farmers trust in us to sell their product and to see that they get their money, our pat- rons trust us to give them the best goods and service possible for as low a price as is con- sistent with a fair return on our investment and for service rendered. It is a great trust and one that we hope we shall never betray. ~~â€"~ t~ So far as any gentlemen's agreement con- trolling prices or any combination in restraint of trade, there is none existing in the milk business to our knowledge. Butâ€"if good milk, cream and buttermilk is what you want every day in the yearâ€"try us. We give the best goods and the best service possible. . " *. S WILMETTE DAIRY = LEON DEAN, Proprietor â- ! 1819 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette 224 â- â- 1 S.. 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE HYDRO-TORON TIRES This guarantee is not only backed by the factory, it is our personal guarantee as well. All adjustments will be taken care of direct, there will be no need1 of the tires being send to the company and no waits for the proper fixing of your claims. The strength of these tires is greatly increased byjhe TORON (no rot) process, a chemical treatment that prevents oxidation. I I 1 1 1 It is known that after an ordinary tire has been run 5000 miles the cotton fabric in it, even if the best quality, drops fully 33 1-3% in strength. A. HYDRO-TORON tire with every layer a 5049 layer will have its strength pulled down leSs than 7% in 5000 miles. The fabric in the ordinary tire goes bad at 2000 to 3000 miles, at 5000 miles the TORON fabric is almost as good as new. .. There is more rubber in HYDRO-TORON tires. The process makes for a greater percentage of rubber in the fabric, and between the fabric layers, making a better holding power, and cutting down the possibility of rot still more. Prices 30x3^ ....................... 17.5Q 32x3y2 31x4 . 32x4 i- 33x4 - 34x4 . 21.30 .24.50 .28.25 .29.75 .30.40 Efficient Repairs If K L M R E E T ] 32x4J*.......................37.85 33x4K......................39.10 34x4%......................40.30 35x4^ ......................42.15 33x5........................45.85 35x5........................48.60 Standard o>~ 562 Lincoln Ave. IWW. T. WEHRSTEPT, Proprietor Telephone Winnetka 165