THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, .1921 N Classified Advertisements R" >TES-10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesdays 4|JQJ». M. Rates for the tame advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS? 20c per line. Black face type charged double price. FOR SALEâ€"REAL, ESTATE 7IH-S4LB â€" HfcJKK'8 THE HOUSE â- F(i r vou New colonial, unusually fSl constructed; finest plumbing flx- H,rps H. W. heat; 3 bedr.; tile bath: Ir^kfast nook;â€"attached garage; l«rt crechler; all the little extra fea- Kesthat make a real home. $17,000. lout value ever for the moneyâ€"Hon- ' ativ built 8 r. stucco in choicest sec- don; heated sun pen.; sleep. pch.;.2 baths; maid's qtrs.; 4 large light SklTter bedr.; dble garage; heated $auf. qtrs., with bath. Reduced to InJiir^oing east has cut $3,000 from ,0nrfre 9 r. stucco in beautiful east- Si section; H. W. heat; tile baths; Smiard r.: deep wooded lot with dble Sir A wonderful home for $18,750. W other extra good buys in homes. ESt us submit list. WE HAVE SOME REAL BARGAINS IN CHOICE LOTS. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "IT. Linden. ...Wilmette 407 WANTED TO IjBHTâ€"ROOMS Malted to rent â€" 2 pleasant looms for 3 weeks beginning Sept 22; preferably on west side; 3 in family. Phone Wilmette 828J L45-ltc â- -S\LBâ€"5 k. STUCCO & FRAME; flVeplaee; $8,500. feVe-r.-bungalow; h. w.; easy terms; 16 r. stucco; 3 bedrooms; reduced to $11,000. • , ' . It r stucco; dining and sleeping porch- 1 Vs; almost new; $14,000. U r stucco; h. w. heat; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths: $18,000. 7r solid brick; h. w. heat; good trans; a desirable home; $18,500. [We have a number of bargains in va- c WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop.. a ,« - 4CH St. H«m. JJft 1M4 [FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, SUBSTAN- tial t» '"roomâ€" home, in convenient TXf^â€"lo^atvnn; g bedro0msT7oak rs throughout; 2 nre places; 50 ft. corner lot; garage; $9,500. Exclusive RJVI._JQHNSTO|r&CO.L 40 Linden Ave. Phone Wij. 68 L45-ltc fcWXER- NEEDING MONE** OFFERS 6 room, new stucco, h. w. heat; all large rooms, sun and sleeping prchs; garage; deep wooded lot; about $14,500; make offer. . |\*erv attractive 7 room stucco, h. w. heat; 3 glass prchs; garage; easy terms; big bargain; $14,500 WANTED TO RENT â€" THREE OR rour room apartment, at moderate rental. Address Lake Shore News D'44- LTG45-ltp W A NTED TO RENT â€" TWO OR three rooms suitable for housekeep- ing. Phone Wilmette 1446. L43-tfc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FURNITURE CAN BE STORED IN private, new double garage in cen- tral Wilmette, $15.00 per mo; or rent for autos.__________L45-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HALF OF A DOUBLE garage. 710 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 142« L45-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED â€" YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with housework part of each day. 710 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 142._____________LT45-ltc WANTED â€" MIDDLE-AGED WHITE woman for all or two hours house- work each morning. Call Dr. Mc- Kerchar. Wil. 219. ., L45-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE WOMAN EVERY Friday for cleaning. 801 Forest Av., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2292. _____ LT45-lte WANTEDâ€"AN EXPERIENCED COOK. Tel. Win. 15. LT45-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE OR FEMALE IFOJTRENTâ€"STORE ON BEST Busi- ness street in H. Woods; immediate possession; brick bldg; $35 a month. FRANK A. REID |933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Telephone: Winnetka 1300 LTG45-ltc IFOR SALEâ€"MODERN 7 RM. STUCCO; water ht.; big wooded lot in choice east location; shrubs; gar.; liv. rm.; 18 x 24 htd. din. & slpg pchs; open sun por.; tile bath; all in first class condition. Price for quick sale. J14.500. Address Lake. Shore News D-3S. * L45-ltp IFOR SALEâ€"NEW, NKAKbK COM- plfeted 7 room brick and stucco res- idence; 115 Sixth street, Wilmette choice location; east side; must be seen to be appreciated; built and designed by owner. Apply 244 Laurel avenue, Wilmette. Phone w^,^^ iFOR SALEâ€"NEW 6 ROOM. WHITE semi-bungalow: 2 bedrms; big bath; sun room; 3 car garage; immediate possession; $10,650. Address Shore News D-46 Lake •L45-ltp SALE OR RENT â€" SIX KWM modern bungalow; hot water heat ll.roo cash, balance like rent. 1526 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 343^43 3tc [FOR SALE â€"5 ROOM BUNGALOW; Price $S.000: terms. 1411 Hill Wilmette. ________ L45-ltc _______FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE IFOR RENT -THREE SIX-ROOM COM- pletely furnished houses in GlenCoe. Highland Park and High wood, hot water heat. Each not over $55.50. cheaper rent if several months is ad- vanced. Address H. S. M.. Box 218. Highland Park, Illinois. Pho«f. J&Z Highland Park:------------------ LTG44-2tc ! FOR rk XT â€" FURNISHED STUCCO house splendid location; complete in everv detail: $175.00-per mo.; Decem- ber ir, to April 15; Glencoe. Address .Lak.- Shore News D-45. LTG4o-ltc |FOR [ti'KTâ€"7 ROOM FURNISHED, house. Dot. 1st to May 1st. Anply to owner at 912 Lake Ave.. Wilmette. Ph..„e Wil. 1184. LTG45-ltp CLERKS, 18 UPWARDS,, FOR POSTAL Mail Service. $120 month. Exper- ience unnecessary. For free partic- ulars of examinations, write J. Leon- ard (former Civil Service examiner) 590 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. â€"--------L45-2tp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE TRAINED NURSE WILL CARE FOR aged in own home. Phone Glen. 430. ------------------- _ LTG44-2tc j °^D,,.BOOo*S BOUGHT- SIMON. 719 Oakton St., Evanston, 111. TG26-ltp HIILDEKS CARPENTER CONTRACTING Jobbing and Roofing Specialties Estimates at Pre-War" Prices BARTLETT COMPANY / Phone: Evanston 2929 ___________________________L45-tfc MISCELLANEOUS RHPINISHINO. POLISHING. VARN- Ishing pianos, talking machines, etc. Special Inducement this month. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- to" ________ LTG41-6to WE CLEAN AND REMODEL LADIES' hats: reasonable charges: satisfac- tory work. Flinkerand Flinker. 1217 Wilmette Ave., just west of the tracks. Phone Wilmette 2279. ______________________â- L45-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"PIANO FOR 9 months. Phone Win. 1081. ___________________ LTG45-ltc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert. Foster. Phone Win. B0P-.T._________________________LTG39-tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST â€" A STRING OF PEARLS BE- tween Marywood School and Chestnut. Ave., Monday afternoon. 1120 Chestnut Ave. Reward. L45-ltC LOSTâ€"SQUIRREL THROW ABOUT 2 yds. long by 14 in. wide, on Sept. 7: Finder please return and receive lib- eral reward. Call Armitage 4071. 2734 Evergreen Ave., Chicago, 111. L45-ltc â€"7- Books and Friends. One cannot celebrate books suffi- ciently. After saying his best, still something better remains to be spoken in their praise. As with friends, one finds new beauties at every interview, and would stay long In the presence of those choice companions. As with friends, he may dispense with a wide acquaintance. Few and choice. The richest minds need not large libraries. That is a good book which is opened with^-expectationâ€"an«lâ€"closed with profit.â€"A. Bronson Ateott. The Shoe Sale that was 3; two weeks ago, is Still Going On 609 Railroad Ave. Phone Wil. 590 CLEAN OUT ATTICWIT4iArMFORSALE??AD FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOQPS FOR SALE â€" % WHITE ENAMEL bed, spring and hair mattress com- plete for $10; 1 gas range in good condition $10: 1 gas heater for living room: 1 mahogany music cabinet: 1 set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 1033 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wil. 2270. L45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS ARTI- cles including clock, baby bled, etc.; also shoes and clothes of all kinds for both men and women. 512 Cen- tral Ave., Wilmette. L45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LAUNDRY STOVE: GAS water heajter* almost new; 9 x 12 Wilton rug: doer house. 412 Laurel Ave. Phone Wilmette 701-J. L45-ltc FOR SALE â€"FUMED OAK DINING room set; gas range: bed room set; also cooking utensils. Phone Wil. 1665. LT45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY POKER TA- ble; Chippendale living room set; kitchen tables;, and porch chairs. Phone Winnetka 206. LTG44-2tc FOR SALEâ€"UPRIGHT PIANO IN EX- .cellent condition; Phone Win. .1635. mornings or after 6 o'clock evenings. â- __________________________LTG45-ltp FOR SALE â€" ONE MEDIUM SIZED Oriental rug: 2 smaller ones. 857 Michigan avenue, Wilmette. Phone , Wilmette 1672. L45-ltc FOR SALE â€" EDEN WASHING MA- chine. _good condition, $45.00. Phone Winnetka 44. - LTG45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE IWANTKP TO RENTâ€"5 TO 7 ROOM house: Evanston-or Wilmette; about Oct. 1st; $«0 to $75 a month: Gentile couple: best references: good care. "Writ. m?k. Tavlor, care Lake Shore /News, Wilmette._______ L45-1 tc Wanted to rentâ€"six to right room house from May 1st: Wilmette or Winnetka. Address Lake Shore _X.-ws Q-37. Wilmette. LT45^Uc _____FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS________ Ok RE NT â€" PLEASANT FRONT room, with board, for two adults. 731 â€"-TVnth street. Wilmette. L44-2tp FOR KENT â€" LARGE FURN. ROOM. 630 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wil. 5*3. L44-3tc 7>K UK.NTâ€"PLEASANT FURNISHED room nt s.30 Lake Ave; no children. Mrs, T. S. Gillette. Phone Wilmette _JMi..T.-------- â€" L45-UC *»K 11EXT „â€" ROOM IN M O D E K R nom^-: past loc; convenient cafeteria & transp.; garage. Phone Wil. M4-J Li45-ltc p0R RE XTâ€"TO STUDENT OR GEN Uetnas employed, pleasant room with lavatory, in private family. Phone JWilm„Ue 25. _______________ L.46-UC ^'^tKNTâ€"LARGE LtGHT ROOM; Private family; convenient to_Jrans; *6 a week. Phone Wil. 786-R. __ _______________________ L45-ltc P°R RENTâ€"PLEASANT FURNISH- ES room for 1 or 2 employed;, small refined family. Phone Wil. 87*-M. L45-ltc FOR SALE â€" ISOTTO-FRASCHINI The finest make of Italian car. This car was bought during the last months of the war, bought cheaply with foreign money, and will be sold to the first buyer with $800.00 that approaches the . advertiser. It is heavily upholstered in rea.1 leather, seats seven people. It. is in perfect condition mechanically and there are no parts on it that can not be re- placed by American manufacturers. Long wheel base, drives from the right. It is now the property of the president of the Detroit Stock Ex- change1. If interested in further par- ticulars, write ISOTTO. care Lake Shore News. Wilmette. LTG45-ltc FOR' SALE â€" DODGE SEDAN: PRI- vate family car; newly painted: first class condition: Michilin tires: heat- er: extras: 12,000 miles: bought two winters ago: insured to Feb. 1922: vised by family only: good barpriin. $925.00: possibly terms. Phone Wil- mette 1455. LTG4.ri-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND SIX ROAD- ster; good bargain; also 20-gauge Winchester; new; a big bargain. Tel. Wil. 188. 932 Lake avenue. Wil- mette. LTG45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FQR_SALEâ€"HOT WATER HEATING svstem for small house, consisting of "three gas operated radiators and pipes; Cheap. Phone Wilmette 93. LTG45-ltc HEMSTITCHING ANDHPTCOTING AT- taohrnent. works on all sewTng ma- chines. 1$2: personal checks 10c extra. Liirht's Mail Order House. Box 127. Birmingham. Ala. LTG41-6tp FOR SALEâ€"BROWN VELOUR BEAV- er trimmed suit, size 36; also full length muskrat coat with s*»al trim- ming. Phone Win. 206. LTG45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GIRL'S BTCYCLE: FIELD model: practically new: $37.59. Phone Wilmette 1961. LT44-tfc FOR SALEâ€"SECONDHAND DELIV- ery bicycle, $10. Tel. Wil. 2265. L45-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUT â€" SECOND-HANr. furniture and other household smorN Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-* Emerson St.. Evanston. Hi. Tel. m. LTG19-tfc I BTTY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 10S and I will call. N. Fell. 1644 Maple Ave. LTG17-tfc Big Stores 1S59 Sherman Ave. Cash Meat Market Stores 1526 Greenleaf Ave. EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Evanston 2720 THIS IS "PEACOCK" WEEK ! PEACOCK BACON, By Strip............................38c lb. J â- PEACOCK BACONâ€"Sliced .... ....... .... .50c lb. â- PEACOCK RIB BACON 29V2c â€"BEST PEACOCK HAMS 33V»c J : VERY BEST SIRLOIN STEAKS..................... ......... ...... 4^ CHOICE CUT POT ROAST....... ......•..... ................ 20c STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKEN............................... 3^/ STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED BOILING CHICKEN ........v............... ........3E VERY BEST RIB ROAST (standing)........ ....... ........................... jg GENUINE SPRING HIND QUARTER LAMB .^_ ...., ._..;.„.„___......... lb. 35c FRESH CALVES SWEET BREADS........... ..............5^ STRICTLY FRESH CALVES LIVER........................:...;.....................4* MILLER AND HART BACON, »trip ........----- . ........ ..... 4 jjl^. BONELESS RUMP CORN BEEF.................................. ..............