fvipppppspp^^ THE LAKE^ SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1921 f>> Activities s- [North Shore Chbs by Rutk Rirle^n. UILMETTE Country Club has issued the following program full of interesting events, for the month of November: Saturday, November 5, Informal Dance. Monday, November 7, Men's Night. pifsday, November 10, Evening Bridge. [Saturdiv. November 12, Cabaret Dinner. >ioncla\ • November 14, Men's Night. Saturday. November 19, Annual Military Euchre. Momlay. November 21, Afternoon Bridge. Efonday, November 21, Men's Night. Wednesday, November 23, Thanksgiving Party. Formal Dinner Dance, rjdav. November 25, Junior Party. Saturday, November 26, Special Entertainment. r The various district workers for the Young Woman's Christian association are meeting this month in their own communities to hear of the work that has been accomplished through the funds received during the drive last spring. Mrs. William P. Sidley and Miss Emma Fohom, district chairmen, have invited the workers of the north shore to meet on Tuesday afternoon, November 8. at the Sidley home, 739 Humboldt avenue, Winnetka. Subscribe For Your Local Tlu- North Shore Theater Guild is fconoufnciiig its first tea and reception of the season to he held on Sunday afternoon. November 13,-from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. The guests of honor at this, reception will he Miss Edna* Berber, author of "Twelve Hundred aVear", the Guild's first production, and Mi" Frank Bacon, author and star of "Uphtnin", the most success- ful play in American Theatrical his- gfory Both Miss Ferber and Mr. Bacon will make addresses. and reception will bc~irrven( bers of the North Shore Th exclusively. \- has been stated beforfe. member ship in the Guild is open to anyone, anywhere, who is interested, and who pays the membership fee of $5 for the season of 1921-22. This entitles the mem hers to (a> two tickets to each of the three performances, .to he given in 1°21-22: (h) two tickets to the play to be triven to members only: (c) two tickets to' the tea and reception to speakers and quests. The first play of the season is to be riven Thursday and Friday evenings, November 10 and 11, at the Winnetka Woman's club, "Twelve Hundred a Year", written by a Chitairo woman and acted by a large cast of well- known and prominent players. It is nlay of humor and human interest. Tickets 1br these performances wib he on sale after November 5. at the< Winnetka Pharmacy and Ad&ms Pharmacv. Checks for membership in the Guild may be sent to Mr. Emory Cohh Andrews, 785 Willow road, Win- netka. â€"♦â€" Professor Andrew Mcl.auphlin of the University of Chicago was the speaker at the meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club on Thursday af- ternoon, his subject being apropos of the Disarmament Conference to be held in Washington^. C, beginning November 11, one of the most vital subjects of the day. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. William Carev. 883 Oak street, Winnetka. on Monday, November 7, at two-thirty o'clock. . â€"â€" T1.m Task of Congress" is the stilt - jpect to he discussed by Miss Julie Ad- ams at the Current Events class of the Wilmctte Woman's club, next Wed- nesday, November 9, at two-thirty o'clock; â€"t~~ â€"â€"' â€"•â€" The Executive Board of the New, America Shop will meet Monday. Nov- ember 7, at 1:30 o'clock, in Moom 921, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. The Smartut tad Beat ____Dratted Women in Chicago have thair Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "mod* with your own maurid"â€" Suit. 1418 !*••«*« 94lllir.| AanJalphim North SialaCHICACO 16 North Wafcaeh STORAGE OF AUTOMOBttXS We have a little space left for winter storage. Prices more reasonable than garages â€"- also more secure, and safer. For Tomorrow phones :|fey tenstonysn 9 615 Davis St., Evanston M\ T|VPf <»«!♦«*< f'v«nt' * 7 and 9 Friday and Saturday November 4 and 5 LOUISE GLAUM in "Greater Thaw Lgjjf- Extra, Fridayâ€"Scenic Christie Comedy Extra, Saturdayâ€"Pat he Newâ€" Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday - . November 7 and 8 Iâ€" CHARLES RAIT----- â€"INâ€" ~ "A Midnight Bell" -One of His Best Productions Wednesday end Thursday November 9 and 19 CONWAY TEARLE â€"INâ€" -----"After Mkfciight" A Powerful Drama Friday and Saturday November 11 and 12 The Charming Star MARY MILES MINTER â€"INâ€" "Her Winning Way* The Test Of Greater Holding Power Scientific laboratory tests have conclusively proved that the holding power between lay- ers of fabric in Hydro-Toron tires is 50% greater than in fabric not Toron-Treated. Toron treatment resists water and airâ€"increases tensile strengthâ€"and practically elimi- nates inside wear. Hydro-Toron are guaranteed for 10,000 miles against stone-bruise, rim-cut and blow-out. The Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process does away completely with skips, bulges, blisters and other hidden defects tha* cause tires to blow out prematurely. They are as big as cords, better than cords end sell at standard fabric priccu Size 30x3 30x3^ 32x3^ Mx4 32x4 33x4 34x4A 32x4y2 33x4}4 34x4^ 35x4^ 33x5 35x5 Hydro Price $14.5tf 17.50 21.30 24.50 28.25 29.75 30.40 - 37.85 39.10 40.30 42.15 45.85 48.60 Any Standard Cord Price $24.50 . 36.40 46.30 47.70 -48.95 -52.35 _53.55 54.90 56.50 $5.20 68.45 Saving: $ 7.00 15.10 18.05 17.95 18.55 14.50 14.45 14.60 14.35 19.35 19.85 NO WAR TAX WM. T. WEHRSTCDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. Basse Bmrmeits MOTOe CABS A Special Sale of Woolen Dresses at Your eyes will fairly pop when you see them, as ours did when the drosses \ve are about to de- scrihe were brought into our advertising sanc- tum. Ensued the following conversation* "Did you say they were only 19*95? We asked the buyer- Oh yes our buyer by the way, has^an ambi- tious snap in her eyes when she's up to some- thing of this sort-and there teas the snap! "That is all" she replied, "what doyoulhink of them?** __ Unanimously we replied '^ "They're Great" Whereupon we took "pen in hand" to dash off a few lines to let you know what we know about them. '.*♦: Brief Descriptions of four of them French serge makes oneâ€"the neck is round, the sleeves short, wide braid around the neck wends its way down the frontâ€"a row of gold thread buttons flank it on either side, right down to f he waist line. It is made che- mise fashion. Another one is a coat dress strictly straight lines, and the fabric is midnite blue with diag- onal threads, of tan through it. This one is made of midnite blue French sergeâ€"it is a straight line model, with large pocketsâ€"and here is an intriguing bit â€"- they're entirely covered with embroider}', blue orange, lavender and green floss with touches of gold thread. Imagine a tricotine dress at this price. The skirt is slightly gath- ered to a semi tit ted waistâ€"henna embroi- dery trims it. s» L O R D'S