10 ip.jiiwipil Mipswpwwi THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1921 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1913 with which it combined THE WILMBTTB LOCAL NBWS ifletabllehed- tm ______ IMS! I'.ll FRIDAY Or BACH WBBK by LAKB RHOHB PUBLISHING COMPANY 1SS2 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Telephone............... .Wilmette 1980 M list HII'TIOV ,f2.00 A YBAR j through the day and then mail them all in a bunch at night.. The tendency of this must be to create in all large post offices a great accumulation of mail in tlic evening. Either then additional help must be hired to work off that peak load, or a lot of mail will he delayed. So far as possible people should mail their stuff as soon as it is ready, and in so doing the results for which they write letters and dispatch packages will be accomplished sooner. All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address o? tne writer. Articles for publication â- neuld roach this office by Wednesday afternoon to Insure appearance iv â- , „«Tont issue. uL. ..^solutions of condolence, cards o* ..mnkR, obituary poetry, notices owiitertixlnments or other affairs wherv ..M admittance charge will be made oi collection taken, will be charged ro«t regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoflle© at Wilmette, Illinois, n* mail mattor of the second class, under the aet of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1921 Unemployment And Housework It is claimed that over 5,000.000 peo- ple arc out of work. As many factories employing women have been running with short forces, this total must include a larjje num- ber of women. And yet there are probably 1,000,000 homes in this country that formerly employed servants, but which do so no longer, on account of scarcity and high cost of such help. If some of these unemployed women would con- descend to return to the pots and pans by which multitudes of women used to earn a living, the number of idle people would be greatly reduce One reason why they don't, is that many housewives won't -employ a helper unless she works much°longer hours than factory employes have to. It will pay the housewife who desires help to give a girl a comfortable room and let her go early in the evening, so she can have her share of the so-, cial life of her own crowd. HOUSEFLY IS TIRELESS WALKER. EXPERT SHOWS Washington.â€"That bothersome, ob- noxious pest, the fly, is a tiresome little traveler, according to experi- ments conducted by the Department of Entomology of the Department of Agriculture. The tests showed that the house fly makes an average journey of five to six miles in the space of twenty-four hours. Upon being released, after capture flies would travel as high at 1000 feet in the air in a few min- utes during the experiments. The ease with whfch flies travel many miles, contends the Bureau of Entomology, shows the importance of general sanitaxy measures to destroy breeding places'. ______ Subscribe For Yeur Local Paper THIS CHRISTMAS Trade at THE HOUSE OF , KIRCHBERp DIAMONDS VI FOUNDED 1867 Watches, Jewelry, Silverware 104 N.sute Street, Chicago 1 Door North of Washington St., Oppoaitl Field's M ttare' htntal nwehandUlnf la ••wiumnH* Purchaaea Can he Made by Mail Catalog on Requeet Developing Aviation Kurope is making much more rap- id progress than this country in de- veloping aviation. The guide book giv- ing the time tables of the European air routes includes about 100 pages. Fourteen pages are required to give the timetables of the regular daily or twice daily services in Germany alone. Five regular lines of air service are now running out of Paris, to London, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Spain, and Havre. Next year will sec lines run- ning through to Rome, Constantinople, Morocco, and Tunis. Fear of another war leads Europe to~develop aviation rapidly. Our gov- ernment can not afford to neglect a phase of modern science that is essential both"to national defense and commercial progress. The Advance in Liberty Bonds fâ€" Liberty bonds today are worth on the market a total of $1,250,000,000 more than they were some months ago. This will do something to remove a sore spot from many people's minds. When the plain man who knows lit- tle of investments, went up to his bank a year or so ago, and found he could only get around $85.00 for his $100.00 bond, he felt the ground caving in around him. It tended to upset his confidence in his country. Many people felt that the govern- ment at all costs should have taken . steps to bring those bonds back to par. But the natural course of events will bring them back all right. When they cross par, it will be a boost for business. ~~r~ Mailing Letters Early Post office officials are conducting *a campaign to persuade the public to mail their letters and packages earlier in the day. Karly mailing they say, gives prompt delivery, and brings ad- ditonal business. It should be the aim of all occupa- tions to stabilize the work to be per- formed, so that it should flqw in as even current as possible. The habi of the^ublic in regard "to mail, has been for people to pile up letters TONIGHT. Before or after the theater visit De JONGHES internationally famous restaurant Francaise. H^eoneJndtthe mpj„t„chojce_M ed from the four corners of the world, made into the most tempting dishesâ€"Monsieur Emil Zehr himself can cook. Our Peacock Room, the favorite luncheon room for afternoon lady shoppers, will now remain open until 1.00 A. M., where we will make a specialty of serving Shrimp de Jonghe Lobster, oysters and all choice sea foods. Dancing in Gold Room 6-8 P. M. _JDancing in thfijnain DiningJtoom aftetiheater--^ no cover charge, DeJONGHES. Monro* between State and Wabash Ave. _______ --CHICAGO________-^^~-----â- 'â- •• New Individual Family Washway 25 pounds washed clean and well wrung - - $1,28 Flatwork ironed, apparel soft dried --------$2.25 This is a new individual washwayâ€"a real helpâ€"cheaper.. and better than any other way. Try It! Nelson Brothers Laundry PHONE WILMETTE 1800 WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. UNERAL DIRECTORS WE STRIVE TO Our constant desire when ceiled is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. CASKETS as LOW as $35 CIAL SELLI OXFORD 5 Oxfords $635 Oxfords^5 As advertised last Friday, we are selling $10.00 & $12.00 Oxfords at Several other Lots have been added to those put on sale 529 In North Shore Hotel Phone Ev. 6757 Davis Street Open Saturday Evenings Chicago Ave. $6.35 OXFORDS $635 OXFORDS $6.35