.imilar county law, had effected ^t savings of money to the tax- iyers of the state and county. P The association, the report reveals, actively interested in bringing hout the investigation of the pay- !.Vnts of vast sums of money to city SSSti where, it is shown, that 18.4 gj cent of the total amount of the 5 000 000 of bdnds voted by the peo- le in 1919 for street widening im- provements had gone to these ex- perts. Shows Election Frauds Alleged election frauds were brought to the attention of the proper officials by the Citizens' association with the expected result of a com- plete revision of the county and city poll books. â- The association is working to block the double limitation of Cook County's representation in the State Assembly, the report states, and expects, through fair and just compromise, to bring about an equitable adjustment of that matter at the approaching session of the Constitutional Convention. The association previously conducted a campaign over a period of five years in the interest of a Constitutional Convention. # m The Citizens' association this year, at the request of various civic organ- izations, became a clearing house for all information regarding the legis- lative programs of the different or- Wilmette Ice & Teaming Cor. F. MEIER* Prop. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 23 ganizations in the effort tto bring about more effective co-operation among these civic bodies. One of the outstanding achieve- ments of the association was the re- quest for approval of the bill author- izing appointment of a commission to continue investigation of building con- ditions, which led to a thorough in- vestigation, still in progress, and con- sequent indictment of numerous per- DISTILLED WATER ICE Hack Soil for Lawns Grading Sawn Fertiliser Land and Gravel Cinders Buiktini Material We Build Driveway* FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave. WU.53 __ â- jz CIGARS 1 ROBT. McDANIEL 1 AGENT â- â- Special Sale on Pipes â- Full line From - 25c to $5.00 â- rj Ourâ€"__i_ TERMINAL GROCERY AND MARKET. We make it our aim to carry only the best of everything. Fresh Vegetables Fine Meats and Groceries We have two butchers which enables us to fill your order promptlyâ€" "no waiting". 402 Linden Avenue Phone 150 sons charged with being responsible for certain bad practices, and the sub- sequent Landis wage award. The association sponsored and sup- ported numerous other civic projects in the interest of the taxpayers of the state, county and city. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.â€"Thoreau. I QUICK I SERVICE Come here for your breakfast before go- ing to the loop. You can be served «ind still catch your train easily. Short orders all day â€"special dinners and lunches. I NORTH SHORE LUNCH ROOM! OPPOSITE THE N.W. DEPOT >**+*•»•» ♦•»♦+<! â- CIGARS â- TOBACCO ! CIGARETTES Are. Always Fresh â- SAVE THE ; coupons â- We give them with | all purchases. a Special New Line of 5c Cigars 617 W. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE 445 â€" CIGARS REPAIRING â€" RECHARGING â€" REPLACING â€" RENTING- We Specialize on Vesta Batteries and do work on â€" All Other Makes â€" Let us refill and test your Battery â€" regard- less of the make â€" FREE ! Phone 691 Rear of 1209 Washington Ave. »/j2Vfjrsx&/x///sx'sC&v&y//^^ "Jack wanted to kiss me last night," she told her girl friend. "How do you know he did?" "Because he woudn't have done it if he hadn't wanted to."â€"Boston Thanscript. "Tell me, Mary, would you mind serving us dinner out on the lawn ?• "Oh, no, sir, I'd love it. It would re- mind me of the time when I used to look after the cows."â€"Paris Le Rire, m m m t ^w* ^^ ^ â- ^^^^^^rlr'rr",,} - ! I li I' I1 1 Si Who Pays the Bill? If a banker lent money to anyone who asked for it, he'd have to make the honest people pay a high enough interest to cover his losses from the dishonest. â€"' That is exactly what the ordinary insurance company does. Your pre- mium covers the high margin of loss that results from promiscuous insuring. -We insure character, first and fore- -â€"moaU-That is why we can offer more protection at lower cost than most companies. American Automobile Sbtbrxtortto* 209 West Jackson Boulevard Telephones WebeehtWt__________â- = t^fe^fe C. U. HfUURT HAUL. INSULL Rraa. Common? NOTHING* can stop MC IF MY FEET ARE HAPPYI RAFALSKI SAYST" "The Biggest Obstacle In Some Men's Lives Are Attached To Their Legs Just Below Their Ankles" And what Rafalski Says Is So tF your conscience is clear and your brain is active and your feet are will- ing, nobody but Old Man Death will stop your progress toward success. Fit yourself out with a pair of stylish shoes from our shop. Step into the ear- nest crowd that's going somewhere and you!ve got a chance to get there tooâ€" get the idea? RAFALSKI 1150 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1779 .Wilmette iloring Save Money ! Don't miss this monster bargain sale. The season's'finest fabrics at amazing low prices. Every suit tailored strictly to order and guaranteed. OVERCOATS $2322 Meltons in all colors. Kerseys in ox- ford and brown. Herringbones in grey and tan and a beautiful assort- ment of fancy and plaidbacks. AND UP S U 1 Herringbones, Club Checks, Pencil Stripes, Over Plaids, the new Autumn Browns and Staple Blues and Blacks. S$2222 icil a»a» A N or UP Come in and see our remarkable bargains. Order your Thanks- giving clothes now. We will tailor the clothes now and deliver them at once or hold them until they are wanted. 5 Kaplan 627 Railroad Avenue Wilmette 667 y/ty/y/////////u/yx/^/////jr/y///j'x//y^///y/////////y/'//y//////yxy^//^/////y/^y'x//x///y^//^////. TAYLOR'S DRY GOODS "THE SATISFACTORY STORE" â€"We Deliverâ€" 1125-27 Central Ave. Phone 1914