Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Dec 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 S ARLETON KAUMEYER, of Wilmette, who is one of the »J artists to appear in a joint recital on the evening of Monday, | December 12, with Mrs. Albert Pick, Jr., of Winnetka, pia- _ nist, and Eugene Dressier, tenor, at the Evanston Woman's ubThas an interesting violin in his possession which will be used [on this occasion. The instrument is known as La Scala Guarnarius, land was made by Joseph Guarnarius in the year 1725 at Cremona, Italy. Some years ago, Mr. George Hart, a wealthy Englishman, and a famous violin connoisseur, discov- ered the violin at the La Scala Opera house at Milan, Italy, and purchased it for his collection. It later was owned by several of the no- bility and still later was sent to the United States, where it was purchased by Joseph Hawley, of Pitts- burgh, a multi-millionaire. Upon Mr. Hawley's death, Lyon and Healy of Chica- go purchased his entire col- lection, and it was here in Chicago that Mr. Kaumeyer found it about seven years ago. Mrs. Pick and Mr. Kau- meyer recently appeared-on Carleton Kaumeyer an 'interesting program at the residence of Mrs. Albert Pick in Win- netka, for the benefit of the Dorcas Home. Mr. Dressier is soloist with the Apollo Club pf Chicago. --------------•>-------;------. Mrs. Charles Warren of Louisville, Ky., announces the mar- riage of her daughter, Myra Aldridge, to Mr. Harry James Hurl- but, son of Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut of 715 Greenleaf avenue, on Saturday, November 26. The young couple are spending their hon- eymoon in Tennessee, and upon their return will make their home in Hinsdale. The wedding of Miss Margaret Marriner, daughter of Mrs. Robert G. Marriner, to Dr. Donald Muir- head Gallic, son of Dr. and Mrs. Don- ald Mack ay Gallic of 1115 Elmwood avenue, took place Saturday evening last, at the home of the bride's moth- er in Menominee, Mich. The cere- mony at eight-thirty o'clock was per- formed by Rev. J. J. Lawrence of the Episcopal church. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore a gown of ivory sa- . tin trimmed with rose point lace, and her veil of the same lace was held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms, and fell the full length of the court train. She carried a shower boquet of white roses and lilies of the val- ley. Mrs. Harold Tideman, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore a gown of jade green brocade, and car- ried an old fashioned bouquet of small chrysanthemums, roses and pansics. Little Margaret Tideman, a niece of the bride, in a dainty frock of pink, acted, as flower girl. Mr. Harold Tideman attended Dr. Gallie as best man. The decorations in Th~e~1isnie were iirlarge-pinkâ€"and vhite chrysanthemums and smilax against a background of palms" and ferns. Dr. and Mrs. Gallie are spending their honeymoon at the Signal Moun- tain Hotel in Chattanoogo, Tennes- see, and upon their return will make their home at 1617 Ridge avenue, Ev- anston. Mrs. Gallie attended Wellesley col- lect and Northwestern university, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Phi. Dr. Gallie is a graduate of ihe University of Illinois, and is a Siprna Delta fraternities. fraternities. Northwestern alumnae of Delta Delta Delta sorority,, assisted by the active chapter, are giving a Christmas bazaar at the Rogers Park Woman s ' club, Ashland boulevard and Estes avenue, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, December 7. In con- junctiqrMwitirfhe bazisjrthere will be a party during the afternoon, begin- ning at two-thirty o'clock, followed by a hot supper to be served between : the hours of six and eiyht o'clock. ^ In the evening there will be in- formal dancing. Tickets for any of these affairs may be obtained from Mrs. George F. Gonsalves, Mrs. George Roehm or Mrs. Delbert W. Poff of Winnetka. The proceeds will he demoted to the new sorority house to he built on the campus. â€"•â€" Mrs. Catherine Fehlen entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor - of Miss Gertrude SchUdgen and her fiance. Mr. Joseph Heinzen, at her home. 1803 Walnut avenue, on Satur- day evening last. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Mary Steiner, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steiner, to Mr. Fred Siegel of Glencoe, on Thanksgiving Day. The service took place at three-thirty o'clock in the parsonage of St. Frances Xavier's church, and was followed by a wed- ding supper and reception for fifty relatives and friends at the home of the bride's parents, 1441 Wilmette av- enue. Miss Florence Steiner was her sis- ter's only attendant, and Mr. William Siegel served his brother as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Seigel will make their home in Glencoe. â€"aâ€" Of interest on the north shore is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Eleanor Whiteside, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George Whiteside of Thompsonville, Conn., formerly of Evanston, to Dr. Howard W. Bos- worth of Buffalo, N. V. Miss White- side was an instructor at the Girton school, a few years ago. â€"•â€" An evening card party will be given under the auspices of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League at the residence of Mrs. Charles Ryan, 825 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods,! on Friday evening, December 9, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Herbert Monti of Wilmette and Mrs. Frederick Hubsch of Winnetka will be in charge of the arrangements. â€"♦â€" The Reading Circle is planning to attend the meeting of the University Guild on netft Monday afternoon, when Kate Upson Clark, the noted lecturer, who is professor of litera- ture at the University of Syracuse, will give an address on "Great His- toric Romances." Tomorrow afternoon the Circle will attend in a body-4he-performance-ot "Enter Madame" at the Playhouse. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunz, 171 PraicuL^avenue^eft yesterday for New Orleans. They expect to travef through Texas, Mexico and Lower California, during the coming months returning home early in April. On Tuesday evening of last week, home, 1635 Lake avenue, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moran enter tained informally at their home in Highland Park, in honor of Miss Ger- trude Schildgen and Mr. Joseph Heinzen, whose engagement was re- cently announced. The affair took the form of a miscellaneous shower. Mr. Heinzeu is a member of the High- land Park lodge of B. P. O. E. â€"♦â€" Miss Esther Hoffman entertained twenty members of the Sigma Beta afternoon last. There will be a meeting of the Ba» bies* Friendly society on Thursday, December 8, at 10:30 a. m., at 1414 Forest avenue. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock. The Executive Board of the New America Shop will meet Monday, December 5, at 1:30 p. m. in Room Theta sorority informally at her i 921 Fine Arts building, Chicago. Trained operators under the tiell known Marinsllo system - - take tare of every branch of the efficient work we do, Every process, that has found favor in the beautifying of Milady is used here, Marincllo cosmet- ics are on sale. The Powder Puff Suctunr to Miu Chunk tilt Central Attn* Wilmette 1129 Your Photograph Is a Christmas Gift that lasts. Hoyburn Bldg. Eugene L. Ray â€" â-  . At last the eventful day for "the Congregational church Bazaar is on- ly a matter of a few days. December 7 will see everything in readiness and at one o'clock the sale will begin. There will be home-cooked food for which these women arc noted, home- made candy, fancy goods from which to select dainty sifts, dolls of every style and size completely outfitted and reasonable priced. Aprons for every household need from kitchen to afternoon tea, apron dresses so pretty that they may be worn on the street; collar and cuff sets, and won- derful home-made lingerie which will] make such attractive gifts. Every- body is welcome. A series of Bridge parties is being arranged by the local board of the Evanston Hospital, the proceeds to be used toward furnishing a room in the hospital. Mrs. Charles Hastings, 503 Central avenue, has very kindly given the use of her home for the first par- ty, which will be on Saturday after- noon, December 10, at two o'clock. Attractive prizes will be given at each party and at the conclusionâ€"of the series a prize of ten dollars will be awarded to the holder of the highest score made during the series. Tables and single tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Albert S. Web- ster, Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, Mrs. P. W. Andrews and Mrs. Carl B. Heck- er. The members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church are looking forward to a "banquet" which Saturday evening. December 17, and that fact is interesting because part of the members are going to do the eating, and the other part will at- tend to the task of serving good things. This event will celebrate the con- clusion of a strenuous membership campaign, which is now in progress. It is a contest between the two di- visions, one of which is led by Miss Marguerite Lundberg, and the other by Miss Ruth Stoker. The winners will be the guests at the banquet on the 17th, and the losers will serve. Rumors from the Entertainment committee promise an enjoyable pro- gram to follow the dinner. On November 26, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Eck celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their marriage at their home, 121 W. 74th Place, Los Angeles, Cat Following a church ceremony an elaborate dinner was served to the immediate family, fol- lowed by a reception. The house was prettily decorated in silver streamers and foliage. Mr. Eck and family were formerly residents of Wilmette but have made Los Angeles their home aYgr HX i 'mf^SM â-  Wsm This Special Price List begins Sat Dec. 3 and ends Sat Dec. 10. Sprague Warner ex Co. Cling Peaches, 2*» large Curtice Bluo Label Swept Garden Peas, per can cam, par can 40c; dozen .......7777^Y..$4^S 28cj dozen................ .........SM Richelieu Urge can* Pineapple, do*.........4.20 Curtice Blue Label Eutra Small Peas, per can Richelieu tall can No. 1 Tid Bit Pineapple, cm 25c 38c; dozen ......................*...... 4.1S dozen ..*7w.............. ........... Mi Curtice Bluo Label Refugee String!... Beam, Richelieu FruU Salad, Urge can 50c; doz. S.7S per can 35c; doz.n...................... *M Aotttu Rod Raspberries, can 40ct do... 4J0 Curtice Blue Label Eatre Small Beet., per No. I Cherries, No. 2 can, per can 40c Red Pitted dozen ................... ...... .....4JS Fancy Strawberries, per can 4tcj dea. â€" 4JS Also Blackberries, Black Raspberries and Blue. berries, per can 38c; doe. ...-----....... 42M Richelieu Kidney Beans, per Urge can 20c dozen .....•........ Z.00 No. S Stone Jars of Pure Jam, Richelieu Brand, *Jfr can 30c; dozen ....................... Curtice Bluo Label Small Lima Beans, can 33e dozen .....*.... ........................*«** Curtice Blue Label Boned Chicken, per can Sic deaea..................................;> *» Curtice Blue Label Chicken, Clam or Mutton Broth, fine for invalid, or growing children, Loganberry at ...................................... l«ee 10 ox. Old Manse Pure Preserves, all flavors, all per can 15c; dozen ......................MS eM Muds suck a* Strawberry, Red sUepberryr^ru else offer their full line of Canned Fruit. Cherry, while they last These fruits are all tree ripened wklck gives then an entirely better flavor ths= s=7 ether packers*. The psackas and pears are all kand net be told from tke fruit end sugar, per can 40c; per doz. 4.50 10 oz. Jar of Silver Leaf Preserves, per Jar 35c dozen....................................." ewa New Manse Syrup, per quart can............30c Pure Maple Sap Syrup, per quart can....... .OSe Old Monk Olive Oil, tke finest imported olive oil, per gallon...................... .......4J» Fancy Shelled Almond., per Ik. .... ....... .eec Large Santa Clara Prunes, per Ik. 20c; 10 lbs. 2.75 Medium Santa Clara Prunes, Ik. 23c; 10 lbs. 240 Fancy dry Apricot., specially priced, Ik.......30e Cluster Raisins Spanish MaUga, per lb. ... .50c Pkez Imported Turki.h Figs, pkg.........Wt« _ • ++ *â- â- > ^ ^j^onmeinarM it Willi 20.BY 50c coffee and you cosnrmce yourself that oar. is superior in aroma end taste, per lb. 41s; or 3 lbs. for....................â€" â€"......M* CURTICE BLUE LABEL GOODS Curtke Blue Lake! He. J solid meat T This store has made special arrangements to karo a Curtice Breakers salesman from Rochester, with us end ke will call at your home by appointment and skew yea tkeir complete line of canned goods and specialties. Large bottles of Kummel, Vermouth, Curacog Create do Montko. Apricot, Grenadine, per bottle ......... ....... â€".............»*» Fancy Rice, 3 Iks. for ....."...................*** Fancy Selected Sterilized Egge, per dozen -STc Nance Crab Meat, new goods, per % can 40c dozen....................------ ..........US 9*e of Boneless and Skinless 'i cb Catsup, per large bottle 20 :b Chili Sauce, Urge bottle 3! 20 Mule Team Borsz Ckipe, 15c pkg. can So; dc Pupa â- ; e; < at .10a since last winter, P»* Curtice Blue Label Maine Corn, per can New Urge Da can Fancy Idaho Baking «pin2 forus.perpk.lJ5

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