THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 *,- Mr, MAfi*-=l-*??K :££ 'J^r&r^ Kenitwortk Hiypeihigf dent* .George Maher of Kenilworth, Thurs BOUT one hundred of Keni> I afternoon. December 22. worth's most prominent res*-? ^ o^rriage service will be read! *\JfJ'scott and her sTanddaugh- enjoyed one ot the lovebest rt f^ o'clock in the afternoon in the' that there will be a large attendance. Mrs. William F. Freudenrich's sis- toms of the season green Tnesday nftecnoon of last week between the hoars of four and six o'clock by Mrs. Frank Watt. Mrs. Watt, in a gown of royal bine velvet, was assisted in receiving by her sister, Miss Emily Riddlesford. wearing a gown of em- erald green velvet; Mrs. Edward L, Scheidenhehn in a gown of fnchia colored velvet: Mrs. Herbert Sey- novr. -sister-in-law of Mrs. Watt, in a lavender chiffon gown, wd Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd in an attractive (own of black velvet. Miss Marion-Oarre Cook of Lake Bluff and Miss Katherine Scheaden- helm of Wihnette, poured. Miss Cook, a sorority sister of Miss Watt's Ot National Park seminary, looked â-¼err charming in a gown of wine colored velvet trimmed with black sequins andjwearing a black feather comb in her hair. Miss Scheidenhehn Church of the Redeemer, the Rev. John Henry Hopkins officiating. Iter* Sarah, will return to their home in Portland, Main*. Monday. Mr*. W. W. Malt by will entertain Girls9 Club At New Trier Start* Xmas Giving Early In just one half-hour after the Red Cross supply of 250 cartons arrived at New Trier Township High school, they were in the hands of members of the school Girls' club and receiv- f riends from Ashton, 111 • of .Mrs Tisher dfiS^M giving holiday, and retJriSiJB Sunday evening. ^*****1 Miss Winifred Adkbs, iin „ avenue, spent the Thanks,^ Ct«* end at home, returning sSS?^' ing to the University of 3E&N Miss Rosalind Wright, Iftss Harriet j Jones. _ CarDenter is in the East! giving-"and the manner-in which the * 5*2â„¢lassistance has caused the entire stu- The ushers will be Mcssts, Frank Packard Tack Finlay. Howard Clem- ents, Archibald Hooker. Walter Paep- ke. Warren Fease and James Bulk- ley of Detroit Mrs. Owen T. Reeves. Jr.. has just returned home after several week's taffeta gown, which she purchased in Paris, during her trip abroad this summer Miss Ruth Wan. in a smart rose velvet gown. Miss Phoebe Hoff- oaan of Wihnene. and little John Watt, assisted fen serving refresh- soents. Pink roses and chrysanthemums filled the house, presenting a most cheerful effect Mr. Jerome,UhL baritone, lately Off Paris, and now with the Chicago Grand Opera company, rendered oj st pleasing program, 'including, an Mrs. Harry Cresap is hostess to the soiourn in Washington, D. C where she was called dse to a very^erkws j j^j^TYnd" Bridge club on Wed accident which occurred when «er, e.j_v daughter Miss Hellen Reeves, who was attending Mount. Vernon sernin- arv was throm-n from a horse. Miss also look^ very lovelv in a pink *^«* * ncw attending National i ;« ' Park seminary. Mrs, Loomis Hypes has just returu- on «»H*«Bndge- club .t her horn. ; £§£%* ?%iM with warm „p$ £S£!iHill will open the winter and mitttns, toys, pencils, crayons, Sels^ wi" a dte«MM« Saturday, I ribbons, ties, dolls, tor*«c December 3 FIRST BASKETBALL TILT Manv north shore sport followers are expecting to witness the first ot the big basketball games of the sea- son Saturday tfternoon of this week td from the East a here she and berjw^en Xorthwestern University meets husband spent three or font weeks. ^^50^ Institute at Patten gymna- prevkms to Mr. Hypes' sailing tor j jjura. France on a business trip. While in ' ___---------,----------- Xew York Mrs. Hypes visited Mrs, w. C T. U. MEETING Frank Gerould. formerly Miss Mary Thc Woman"s Christian Temper- Taylor of Kenilwortn. ; inc< Cn5on ^j,, fttt. with jjr$. jon- bostess evening Mrs. Walker Mr- and Mrs. Roy Hulhurt wili be Ne the speaker. Aria from Thais, and other operatic j hostr-atâ€"«n- informal tea riven at I PHYSICAL TRAINING EXPERT •elections. Mr. Vhi was aocom- j their home, Sunday, evening. Decern- w,:^ Louisa May Greeley, a grad- pooied by Miss Pntnanv -her 4. !«ate of New Trier High school, is The First Chsb Bridge party of the I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hulburt will bei now in charge of physical training year took place a: the KemHcorth | hosts a: an informal-tea a: their home, j jee girls at the Country ' Sunday evcr.:r.c. .December, 4. it Winnetka. D, C Owen entertained the :' --------------------- Dav school club Tcesday evening. It is very interesting to know that it mis sup- ported by one of the largest attend- onces ever known.â€"Thr Mrs. rrr?r ': Din Tier Bridge chsb a: her home Sat- urday last, Mrs \Y W KIPPY DANCE Monday morning Miss Ruth Mills, chairman of the Christmas commit-: tee, received a letter from the Red Cross headquarters in Chicago. "Will you please thank the teach- j ers and the pupils of New Trier forj the fascinating box«s they sent in,** I the letter stated in part. *Td love to open them myself. We shall have a packing party Friday morning and j just as soon as I can, I'll let you know the exact destination, and I j hope your school will get some let-1 ters so you will know just who re-1 ceives the packages." The Girls' club, under the leader- ship of Miss Bobs VVaidner, has al- so managed the campaign for .Red Cross memberships, and has just started the sale of Christmas seals. Miss Mary Fisher, daughter of Mrs. Wilmette iCe| Teaming Co, F. MEIER, rW DISTILLED WATEr"^ Black S*il for Uwiu Gradfet Sawn Fwtiw J Gravel Stsm FILLING^. REASOliAittt 733 W. Railed At« Amin"eer be bro^t t, ^°ttfodro*oUtWaCQUalllU,lw^ N. C. Fisher, 908 Greenwood avenue. returned home for the holidays frotn j the Sacred Heart Convent, Lake! Forest. Miss Gertrude Richardson, a ] Burn* depicted the vain* ftf friendship in thii lltuTnJj Pictures keep intact frlwffi and memories of the oast, tffi â-¼alue portraits of your fVitX and likewise they vi&ueyoorir Portraits are not expend. And it is only a little troubUoS your part to have a sitting. ThlS of the valu»*«f s©a» *>ortraitto your friends for Christmas. PHOTOGRAPHER BORGFELDT, 1159 Wilmette Ate. Pboo* WUmtttt 17S4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦WH prire , „rday last. The Kippy Dance club announces a was won by Mr. and Mrs. Workman."f. ^^ -yy •yy Mahl>v wip' enrestain] special dance for Saturday evening. i*£ toe second hy Mrs, C a Burnhaar- hcV^o«h "»de Lunches and Bridge j ftocemoer .?. at the Winnetka >Vo- ; ♦ ond Mrr Leroy \\ ooolandV-am< the j ;lnh Ft^iv [man's club. Dr. Watsons celebrated I ♦ Alco Artists, five dusky syncopators. !« will furnish the^music. : * LOFC BEATS LEGION J GAIRINi third prire hy Mrs. O. C Owen and Mr* Bacchus.. The sserx-fnir of delicious refreshments cevnehnded a mcGi en- club Friday. Mrs Rosenberg of Ke-» York city is. the gues: of Mr. and Mrs George lones. Miss Ruth Woodspard, daughter of lfr. and Mrs, XV. L Woodward, has returned from Ca^fomia. where sbf sr-jr.: the month of Xovemhfr -with ker aunt., Mrs. J. H. Karns of Claarn- *^ershurg. Pa. j Mr. John C Carpenter is m the ; Ouilmette council Indoor team las- East or. a busmess m?. he « expert- Wednesday defeated the Wilmette ec home next week. Legion nine, 10 to 7. The Ouilmette Mrs.. D. C Owen entertaaaed tl»e|ifaaa is atSIiated with the Chicago Dinner Bridge club a: her hotne.'. 5as»] Knag-Jus of Columbus Indoor B?>c-! crday last. J ball Iciieae. = aptTUIE AND MIRROR FRAMING Christmas Greeting Cards 1613 Orrington Ave. Evamton, I1L ♦♦♦♦+♦♦+♦♦♦+♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+++♦♦♦♦♦»♦; UBDI One Block From Lake & "LM rro ^ ENTIRE TRACT MUST^FSOLD AT ONCE Cheapest Surrounding Property 50 Higher CHOICEST LOTS TO FIRST BUYERS M. E. BARKER & CO. END "L" 407 LINDEN AVE. TEL. WILMETTE 407