14 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1^21 New Trier Favored In Suburban Swims H«ld by Expert to be Likely Champ- ion ASein This Year After Showing in laterecholestic Six schools will be represented by junior and senior teams in the Sub- urban High school swimming cham- pionship race. New Trier, Morton, Evanston, Deerfield, Proviso, and Oak ^ark" have nominated teams, and the schedule drawn by Swimming Chair- man E. B. Jackson of New Trier will be adopted. New Trier, champion last year, will be represented by a strong team which showed its ability in the annual Illinois A. C. Interscholastic two weeks ago by beating Lane, for three years winner of the event. 43 to 25 Joints. The schedule: Week of Tan. 9â€"New Trier at Ev- anston; Oak Park at Proviso; Morton at Deerfield. Week of Jan. 16â€"Oak Park at Evanston) Proviso at Mor- ton: Deerfield at New Trier. Week of Jan. 25â€"New Trier at Oak Park, Deerfield â€"at Proviso; Ev&nston at Morton. Week of Jan. 30â€"Morton at Oak Jark; Proviso at New Trier; Evanston at Deerfield; Week of Feb. 6â€"Oak Paf k at Deer- field; Proviso at Evanston ; New Trier at Morton. Week of Feb. 13â€" Proviso at Oak Park; Evanston at New Trier: Deerfield at Morton. Week of Feb. 20â€"Evanston at Oak Park; Morton at Proviso: New Trier at Deerfield. Week of Feb. 27â€"Oak Park at New Trier; Proviso at Deerfield; Morton at Evanston. Week of March 6-Oak Park at Morton: New-Trier at Proviso; Deer- field at Evanston. Week of March 13â€"-Deerfield at Oak Park; Evanston at Proviso; Morton at New Trier. NEW TRIER HIGH VOTES TO RETAIN ITS "COLORS** "The Debaters," a students' club at New Trier Hiph school, which is in- teresting itself in discussions and debates on various current topics, decider! Inst week that the school "colors" should not be changed. A large majority of the thirty members «r»taH in support of the negative-!^ a debate on the question. ^^is week the club was to debate the timely question : "Resolved : 'that the Philippine Islands should be given their independence immediately." The club expects later in the year to en- ter interscholastic debates and ora- torical contents. NEW TRIER ATHLETES ARE LEADERS AT NORTHWESTERN New Trier High school athletes are leaders at Northwestern university. James Paterson '17 is making a wonderful athletic and scholarship record at Northwestern this year. He has just been elected Captain of next year's football team. He had an en- viable career at New Trier as captain of the football team on which he Starred as fullback. He was also one of the best basketball guards the school ever produced, and was one of the honor students of the school.------ Harold McKenzie '18 is captain of Northwestcrn's basketball'team this year. There are three other New- Trier alumni on the squadâ€"Everett Calhoun, Harold ilolmes, and lames Paterson. This record undoubtedly speaks well for the athletic training given the men during their school life at New Trier. i.noi) VEWS Farmer Kin esbury's Iflaho Potato*: may now be secured of five of th< Xorth Shore grocers. Fit-ad his ad oi pag-e <♦. â€"-Adv. Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physichn â€" Pi. e V,'l :rrl 1'50 Wilmfett* Are. RESIDENCE /HONE m FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone wouid like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Or ring ton Ave., Evanston > The Smartest and Best Dressed W«m«n in Chkaf• bare their SportandWeek End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP mtiimitk fMr MM wuttruT S«»ito HI' St vow* Building------ ----- jt mm dmlph Iff N«rtfc State CHICAGO 1« Itectli W.l>..h NEW TRIER GRAD WRITES PLAY ON COLLEGE LIFE Theodosia Paynter, '19, New Trier rfigli school, is writing the libretto for a irtusical comedy, "Amazon Town," to be presented at North- western University in the spring. It is the first musical comedy to be given by the W. A. A. The writing of the play, the composing of the music and the .production is to be done by co-eds. Several New Trier alumni "are trying out for the musical contest, which is now open. "Amazon Town" is a vivid picture of every day life at Northwestern, featuring K. U. people. The main plot concerns a co-ed and her lover who are running for a class office. Dougherty Polytix, the villain, offers to stuff the m ballot box so that the election will come out in favor of the man in the case. He, however, re- fuses this offer, arid the girl wins over him, which illustrates the author's idea of the superiority of woman. The leading parts in the musical back- ground will be taken by the colored Cupid and his three sorority sisters. The production promises to be one of the best of its kind ever given by Northwestern students.: -wâ„¢. SW.MME* ^j±^^tsiSzTrier H3ffi£2?jS«ss ssss1 Harrison Tech swimmers ^«re W'""* ;,^ Friday evening in the New Trier tank. I Hamsonsjmle fellows J7 to a._____________________________ ^&. I AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R, Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1S49 Sherman A venu. STORAGE OF AUTOS Fireproof Building, safe heated room. Low insur- ance. Strictly safe. Rate about one third of gar- ages. STORAGE h FURNITURE CJ). yh *Vanston^r3ii MqjestK Underinound Gaifca^ Receiver 4 UNDERGROUND REaiYCR RrlW \m\Wod 1ST UB SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works 6024-32 Gr<nr« Ar*nu« CHICAGO SSs! RANDOLPH «*« Market MARKET PHONE 12S1 Ne«tirRo»enl>erg'. 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE rut HOLLY! CHRISTMAS TREES A full stock of all kinds and sizes are here. We are taking orders now for fancy baskets of fruit for presents â€"from $3.00 up. Turkeys - Geese - Ducks - Chickens all poultry is freshly killed and home dressed. Lowest prices. Settle back in your wide, comfortable seat and watch the countryside slip swiftly and noiselessly past. Note the steady, uniform rate of speedâ€"the air of quietness that prevailsâ€"the unobstrusive at- tentiveness of the employesâ€"the absence of smoke and ciiiolers. All these things, and more, go to make Restful Travel on the North Shore Line. Get acquainted with this convenient route. Limited trains for Milwaukee leaving Wil- mette every hour from 5:48 A. M. to 12:48 A.M. Express trains for Waukegan leaving Wil- mette every half-hour from 6:09 A. M. to 12:09 A. M., then 1:19 A. M, and 1:49 A. M. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. "~ Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue