Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Dec 1921, p. 20

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10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1921 wan r. «*<N09w*£P?;&.4 Classified Advertisements >>TESâ€"10c par line fov ••ch insertion. Minimum 3 lii Cepy mutt be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. Rates for th<urn. .dVertis«ment in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c per line. Blackface type charged double price. REAL ESTATE ________ IB FEET OF VACANT PROPERTY east of the tracks In Wlnnetka, with In S blocks of steam and electric sta tlons; choice of three lots 50x150 at M0 per foot, or corner 50x150 at $65. Oresory Avenue lot beautifully wood- ed. 50x171. at $37.50. tdnden or Oreenleaf Avenue frontage, 2 blocks east of the Elevated station, with a view of the lake: lots 50x196; very choice at $90 per foot. New 5 room brick bungalow with sun parlor, hot water heat, tile bath, gar- age in connection with house, sleep- ing porch, lot 50 x 156; price $12,000. 7 room white colonial; east central lo- cation: hot water heat; glassed sun parlor: extra deep wooded lot; 116,000. Attractive 8 room stucco; vapor heat, also Instantaneous gas heater for faucet water; glassed sun and sleep- ing porches; 2 baths; also extra lav- atory and toilet; 65 foot lot beauti- fully shrubbed and landscaped; 2 car garage: very fine value at $21,500. HAVE YOU PROPERTY FOR SALE, WE HAVEI SEVERAL REAL. BUY- ERS WAITING FOR US TO SUB- MIT THE RIGHT PROPERTY. LET VS KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO f\ TJ^ Tp "C^ T"* R. Iff. JOHNSTON & CO. 840 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 68 L6-ltc OVER $20,000.00 WORTH * OF OUR sample stocks of talking machines, pianos, player pianos, vacuum clean- ers, sewing machines, motors, man- gles, and a few records, were dam- aged by water when a Are started in the next store to us. On every article on which we were made an allowance by the Insurance adjust- ers we will make discounts of from 5% to S3 1-3%. Our regular guaran- tee goes with every purchase. Easy terms if desired. Patterson Bros.. 828 Davis St., Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 654.______________ LTGStfc FOR SALEL-A BRASS BED, MA'f- tress and springs; breakfast set; (a table and four chairs); dining table, (square, 48 Inches); sanitary couch and mattress, mission rocker, day bed (blue velour). also 4 part screen. reasonably priced. Call Wil. 2450. L6-ltc asn> Public Library News and Review* BY SUE 0SMOTHERLY, LIBRARIAN FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE. RUOS. piano, fixtures, plumbing. lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl-tfc FOR SALEâ€"USED VACCUUM CLEAN- ers. Others taken In trade. All overhauled; guaranteed; $5.00 to $15. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evanston giL4 FOR SALEâ€"NEW 5 ROOM STUCCO bungalow; garage, hot water ht. space for 2 extra rooms. $8,000>. 7 room stucco, good lot. comb. ht. small cttsft payment; easy terms. $9,500. 6 room bungalow, east side; $10,500. 16 rm. stucco, h. w. heat, newlv decorated throughout; a bargain at $12,500. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513-4th S"t A. J. Woodcock. Prop. Phone Wil. 1304 _______ Ltg6-ltc FOR SALE â€" AN S8-N0TE PIANO player in excellent condition; 25 rolls Included: also music * cabinet. Address 859 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1325. ________________ LTQ6-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A gas stove (four burner) Reliable, In good condition: also victrola and cellarette. 860 Lincoln Ave. Call Win. 1532.________LTQO-llo FOR SALE â€" MAHOGANY 88-NOTE piano player; bench, 55 rolls. Bar- gain at $300. Edge. 4423. L6-ltp FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY LIBRARY tnHe $20: p-rnv nainted chiffonier and dresser, $25. Phone Win. 855. LTG5-lte New fiction and non-fiction lately : suji ino uo Xaeaqjl anoX o% pappe Cliffordâ€"Four Corners. Tridonâ€"Psychoanalysis. Swinnertonâ€"Coquette. Shawâ€"Back to Methuselah. „ Aldenâ€"Introduction to Poetry. Spearmanâ€"Laramie Holds the Range. Whiteâ€"Heart of the Range. Burnhamâ€"Key Note. "Wrightâ€"Helen of the Old House. Sinclairâ€"Mr. Waddington of Wyck. Caineâ€"Master of Man. Lotiâ€"On Life's Byways. Macauleyâ€"Dangerous Ages. Galsworthyâ€"To Let. Hutchinsonâ€"If Winter Comes. Diverâ€"Far to Seek. Walpoleâ€"13 Travellers. Chioperfieldâ€"Trigger of Conscience. Fletcherâ€"Borough Treasurer. Greeneâ€"-Interpretation in song. Slossonâ€"Creative Chemistry. McKeevorâ€"Training the Boy. Stracheyâ€"Eminent Victorians. Robinsonâ€"My Brother, Theodore Roosevelt. Molnarâ€"Lilliom. Clarkâ€"When You Write a Letter. Gadâ€"Johan Bojer. Barfieâ€"Admirable Crichton. Gardinerâ€"An^lo American Future. Slossonâ€"Easy Lessons in Einstein. Sheridanâ€"From Mayfair to Mos- cow. Myersonâ€"Nervous Housewife. Anonymousâ€"Glass of Fashion. Dellâ€"Obstacle Race. Kyneâ€"Pride of Palomtr. Ferberâ€"Girls. Farnolâ€"Martin ConiibyV Ven- geance. ; Irwinâ€"Next War. Arnimâ€"Vera, Beerholmâ€"Christmas Garland. • Anonymousâ€"Mirrors of Washing- ton. Pooleâ€"Beggar's Gold. Newtonâ€"Magnificent Farce, Sadtlerâ€"Chemistry of Familiar Things. ^ Spauldingâ€"Your Dog and Your Cat. . O'Sheaâ€"Social Development in Education. Norsworthyâ€"Psychology of Child- hood. Kirkpatrickâ€"Individual in the Mak- ing. Burroughsâ€"Under the Maples. Goddardâ€"Human Efficiency and Levels of Intelligence. Dellâ€"Briary Bush. Baileyâ€"Gay Cockade. Riceâ€"Quin. Stefansonâ€"Denmark and Sweden. VanVorstâ€"Tradition. Walpoleâ€"Young Enchanted.- Adamsâ€"Success. Conklingâ€"Poems by a Little Girl. Chamberlainâ€"Principles of Bond Investment. McKeeverâ€"Training the~Girl. Elsomâ€"Social Games. Morleyâ€"Plum Pudding. Kingâ€"Empty Sack. Hackettâ€"Ireland. Widdemerâ€"Year of D Rinehart-More %***> Ordway-Opera Book. * Riisâ€"How the Other Half li Connor-To Him That]hJS Norriaâ€"Beloved WomanV The library will"be closedth* u days following Christina, Z^4 Year's Day, and the Satur£?> ings preceding those days. y ***i Story hour is held every S^' morning at 11 o'clock at *u T*^ Library on Wilmette Stents sure to let your duMd^^ 1 SMALL WORLD-SEZ2B One blissfully trustful former ,*. ice man has written the W^* Legion Weekly asking that «,?S | dier. at the las^nr^Sj cation "be sent to my new mSH® Esplanade St., NewOrS,^-, you for same. (Signed) ex-JSS There were ««i« ^£LS0««er.» BIG BIBLE CONFERENCE The Moody Bible Instituted ru cago announces its Annual rW£ Week conference to be held FeK 1 to 5 inclusive, with a strong gram of Bible teaching, mspirjjj^ addresses, and group meetings^ prayer and consideration of nrMI day problems. H w Read Farmer Kingsbury's ad page 9. â€"Adv. on AN OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT! SEVERAL FIRST MORTGAGES FOR FOR SALEâ€"ORIRXTAL RUG 10x13; $180. Phone- Wilmette 1860. LTG6-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS ANDE BEARmGT 7EPER CENT*n7 FOR SALE-8 NEW' mjSRlAWmC TEREST BESIDES DISCOUNT ?er <?-,shes' -$800 each: 5 piece colon- M. E. BARKER & CO. " End *'L" 407 Linden Tel. Wil. 407 LTG6-ltc P£R fLA,L? â€" JUST COMPLETED, I FoR-qTt> beautiful 6 room and *""*♦*"* -,«- I*'1 ' SAL.W ial silver plated coffee and tea serV' ice. $45.00; like new; antique vase, 1755; want offer; oak dining room screen. Phone Winnetka 1657. LTG6-ltc heated din- ing porch, brick and stucco resi- dence; h. w. heat. 115 Sixth St., Wil- mette. Choice east location. r»hnnr. Wilmette 1935. LTG4-tfc GENUINE MAHOGANY Victor victrola. $100 size. $50. .lust like new. Smith motor buckboard, $50. White enamel doll dresser. Phone Wil. 564. L6-lto FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE. UNFURNISHED. Tel. Win. 186. Address 887 Ash St. FOR SALEâ€"A TUXEDO. SIZE ST, brocaded silk vest, black. In perfect condition. Reasonable. 1015 Forest Ave. Wil. 1775. L6-ltp FOR, REXTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT TWO L6-ltc FOR RALEâ€"HUDSON SEAL DOLMAN ___: 40-42; In excellent condition; will â„¢ sell chean. Address Lake Shore News C.25. LTG5-3tc ------â€" - ---------- Li list"-l 10, FOR RENTâ€"COMFORTABLY FURN- FOR SALE â€" PREMIER VACUUM lshed room for one or two adults;! Cleaner, one-half price; good as now. 518 Washington Ave. Phone 2327. Phone Wil. 2327. L">-2te *--_________ L5-2tc FOR SALE )TUK KENTâ€"ONE LARGE PTTT nished room near transportation Apply at 629 Park avenue. Phone Wil. 2345. L6-ltc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water. 62!> W." Rail- road ajycnue^Wllmetie-___Phone Wil. LT47-tfe 1080. SITUATION WAXTKD----FKR A l,E '_ WANTEDâ€"A POSITION BY REFINED young experienced woman to care for chidren in a protectant home. Good references. Address Lake Shore _â-  News C-30. LT6-ftc HOOVER CLEANER FOR sale: in flue shape. Mrs. E. H. Hall. 629 Park^ avenue. _ LTG6-ltp WICKER GO-CART. FOR . LARGE doll; $3.00. Tel. Wil. 980-W. ___________â-  ____________L6-1tc W A N TED TOJflrVgM I Sf! ELLAJtEOgg- WANTED â€" MANUAL TRAINING work bench: also inexpensive male fl°Pâ€"Boston Terrier or Irish Setter TeL Win. 220. LTG-ltc WANTED TO RTJVâ€" SEPOVn HAVn â€"fM^^W-Hre-^^td"Ot^hp'^hA-Trsohr>lfl v^rt'l* Hichest prlr»es pnld for «nr»w. C»"»«*t Furniture Store 1004V« Emerson St. Evan«ton. Til. TO. l'<i TTOii.*^ Wil. 993-M. DRESSM AKINGâ€" Phone W i T. WANTEDâ€"DAY WORK BY COM E^^y^e ^rl. No washing ;TeL WANTED-nEED'DOI.I-CARRIAC.E. ,-----„„„„-â€"i- Must be in Rood condition. Ari'lro«i« Lake Shore News C-31. LT6^-ltn 2332. LTG-ltc HELP WAXTEP-FEWALE â€"â- â€" WANTEDâ€"GIRL TO HELP IN SMALL FOR family from three until eight P M. Call Wilmette 2188. L«-lto FOR* SALEâ€"AITOMOB1LBS SITUATION W.% STEPâ€"R A LB "WINNETKA LANDSCAPE COLLET us submit estimates on your land- scape work; trees, shrubs and per- ennials for sale: pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps re moved: also driveways put in; can1 furnish house-man. experienced and competent. M. J. Sullivan. Mgr.. 8*2 Pine St.. Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. ' LTG'6-lti> TWO KAItC \|\s SALEâ€"1920 DODGE TOURING in wonderful condition: looks and runs like new. Its equipment con- sists of Schillo winter inclnsure with extra summer curtains. 4 Rovaj c>-d tires-and extra bumper, Gabriel snub- bers. locking wheel, and carries "r" ,«Fl0f]£?TPros~ licei)se guarantee. $750 ng , 1919 WILLYS KNIGHT. 7 PASSENGER Touring with, the famous motor; Just out of our paint shop: excellent â- "Price. $r750 l0°kS a"d r"nS "ke neW- WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone W«n. 165 FOR SALEâ€"a 1»19 BUICK. IN FIRST MASSAGE AND MEDICAL GYMNAS^ tics, residence treatments {fiven. Hugo A. Lundstrom. 555 Provident Ave., Winnetka. Phone Win. !>37. -__________LTG6-4tc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around*, T~ • - â€" houses: 65c per hour. Oliver Hert-- I FOR SALEâ€"1919 HAYNES TOURING _berger. Phone Wil. 2345. LT6-2tp £arA guaranteed; perfect condition; ♦60°- James G. Barber. 1508 Elmwood avenue, Evanston. Plione Evanston LTG6-1 tc WANTEDâ€"CLEANING AROUND T house; will work by the hour. Phone ___Evans. 5758. LT6-lte HELP MAXTED-.MALE-------~ WANTHD - - A FURNACE MAN~OX Linden Ave., between 8th and 9th streets. Address Lake Shore News C-29. L6.,tc «lot «°!I?ltV>n; cor<1 tires: bumper. n"1 n55»: looks like new: reason- able. Address Lake Shore New* C- J6- LTG5-3te 4535: FGR SALEâ€"1 FORD ROADSTER. flrat class condition Hemselman. Phone wYnnetkk 5." J. HELP WAWKI)â€"MALE AWQ FEMALE CLERKS. FOR POSTAL MAIL AND Government Field Service; $125 mth. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, instruc- tions, write J. Leonard OTormer Civ- il Service examiner). r>90 Equitable Bldg.. Washington. D. C.________L5-21p ^rO» SALE-HOtSEHOLP GOODS FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOS. DECK> •r Sons. J85.O0, Weber $95.00. Cable $175.00, ' Wellington. $195.00. Special â€"•aâ€"new Player Piano. $395.00 Easy payments. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston 654. FOR LTG«-2tc LTG6-ltc RISCELLANEOlts" CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS REPAIR^ ed. replaced and all kinds EleotriVa' Sill »-t appliances repaired and sold. Robert Adams, Wil. j**K. LTGg-ltp PIANOS TUNED. REGULATED7~r"E- palred; expert; best references. Pn«. ter Phone W^in. 509-J. LTG5n-tfr *« «^^^. NOTICE 3°«£E*Tr:, 8.° CEXT: *l-00 ON THE pound. Information call Wil. 1351. T40-4tp MISTREAT DERANGED~VETS? Charges of negligence in tlie treat- ment of mentally deranged veterans of the world war are to be investi- gated soon by the United States Senate General George A. Wingate has informed the Of New York City. SALEâ€"USED WASHING HA- chines. $4500 to $75.00. All different SS^- Jfat«*rsoj» Bros^ 828 Davis has informed, the American Legion street. Evanston <554„ *** XT-â€" vâ€"•- •«*- DRY GOODS SALESMEN FOR OUR CHICAGO SALESROOMS We have openings in our Chicago house for several men from 25 to 35 years of age, who have sold under- wear, or work shirts, or dress shirts or overalls, and who have a general know- ledge of that class of mer- chandise. These positions carry a good starting salary, entail no traveling and will lead the right man to a future far above the average. In reply please state age, nationality, experience, and salary desired. Add re s s Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Box J. E. H. We are the house of Quality. Our prices are right. Home made Mince Pies. Good Coffee Real Home Cooking Welch's Cafeteria Central at Eleventh E^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mmmmmsmswsm. , THE UNIVERSAL CAS The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the win. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rimsiwith 3^-inch tires all around. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won't you come in md look at it? 1â€"râ€"r~r SK0KIE MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Sales anil Service 554 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA . §mm PHONE 288 »M m \ vMS £gftgf MS. V •*•-----s^ » • â€" I

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