THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 HE home of Mr. and. Mrs. Mites H. McMillen at 1010 Linden avenue, was the scene of a lovely wedding on Tuesday after- noon last, when their daughter, Norma, was united in mar- riage to John. Shedd Prescott, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Prescott of 1019 Linden avenue. The service was read at half past three o'clock by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the Congregational church, and was preceded by the singing of lovely songs by Miss D< >rothy Watt, a sorority sister of the bride. Following the cere- mony, a group of the Alpha Phi's rendered a number of their chapter songs. The bridal gown was of velvet embossed blue chiffon over jade green satin, with a gold girdle and the gold slippers and hosiery. The bridal bouquet was a sheaf of gold ophir roses. Mrs. Warren Fifer was her sister's only attendant. Mr. Chase Prescott served his brother as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Prescott are stopping en route to their new home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for a honeymoon in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Decker, 622 Greenleaf avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Adeline Margaret, to William B. Wiemers of St. Louis. The announcement was made at a Christmas dinner given at the home for friends and relatives. Miss Decker is now a student at the University of Illinois and a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Mr. Wiemers is a senior at the University and a member of the Phi Kappa Tau fra- ternity. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Bernice Rae Shurtleff, daughter of Mr. Wilford C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, to Munrte Cole of 911 Greenwood avenue. The Tatapochon Camp Fire Girls of Wilmette brought joy to thirty-six boys last Saturday afternoon by giving them a real Christmas Party. Through the kindness of some Wil- mette men. twelve of the girls drove to ArdetvNSjiore with a Christmas tree, presents fortjhe boys and good things to eat. ^ A committee in charge,, consisting of Louise Stephens, Dorothy Glover, Martha Crossley and Jane Pardee, left Wilmette about noon, drove to Arden Shore, and prepared the way, helping £anta trim the tree, etc., later the other' girls, with Miss Clague, Guardian, and Miss Dorothy Ander- son, Assistant Guardian, started off. During the afternoon games of vari- ous sorts were played by .boys and girls, then everyone was seated around in one big circle while ice cream and cakes (made by the girls) were served. At about 3:30 o'clock the boys marched into the parlor where Santa Claus had deposited the beautifully trimmed tree and the presents. Each boy received one present and a stock- ing filled with candies. The remainder of the program con- solo by one of the sisted of music, a boys, a piano solo by another boy, a im Lakc -venue> for t^g immediat few selections by the Mouth Organ famiUes; a|g relatives, following th The marriage of Miss Gertrude Schildgen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schildgen to Mr. Joseph H. Heinzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heinzen, was solemnized on Tuesday morning of this week, at St. Joseph's church. Father Joseph Schildgen, an uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony at nine o'clock. The bride, who was attended by her sister, Miss Rose Schildgen, as maid of honor, and Miss Gertrude Reinert, as bridesmaid, wore a charming gown of white satin and lace, made with a court train. Her veil of tulle was held in place by a cap of lace and tulle, surrounded by a wreath of of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The attendants wore . frocks of taffeta and tulle, trimmed with sil- ver, and large picture hats of the same coloring, Miss" Schildgen wear- ing a French blue, and Miss Reinert, a deep pink. Mr. Leslie Bushonville of Chicago served Mr. Heinzen as best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Joseph and Lawrence Schildgen. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents at for the immediate e Glover at the mandolin, and a number l>f~;Christmas carols by the whole_ group. It is hard to tell which group en- joyed the party most, boys or girls. The Central Avenue Circle of the Congregational church will hold their regular monthly meeting on January 13 in the church parlors. -- Local alumni are very much inter- ested in the concert which is to be given this evening in the ballroom of the Blackstone hotel at eight- thirty o'clock, by the combined Musical Clubs of the Massachusetts At a special meeting of the Manuka club last Friday afternoon, a number of baskets were packed with Christ- mas dinners and "goodies" for sev- eral of the poor families on the north shore. It was also voted to send a Christmas check to the American Legion. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gordon and small daughter of Whiting, Ind., are the guests of Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 1231' For- est avenue, over the holidays. Mrs. Cohen is entertaining informally at luncheon today in honor of her daugh- ter. Invitations have been issued by Mr. Bogos Neman for the marriage of his daughter, Miss Haigoohi Neman, torat-Phoenix hall this evening. mh d&z Dr. and Mrs. George P. Magifl have Ouilmette council will take place at announced New Year "<open house" Jones'hall, Tuesday evening, January at their residence, 731 Elmwood ave nue. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weil of 212 Fourth street, entertained, at a large family dinner on Christmas day at their home. 10. at 8 o'clock. OUILMETTE'S DROP GAME TO FAST RAVENS WOOD LADS Ouilmette council K. of C. Indoor team dropped a game, 9 to 2, to the fast Ravenswood council team last Friday evening at Phoenix Hall, Di- vision and Sedgwick streets, Chicago. Ouilmette meets Marquette council Mr. Haig Kashian of this village, to take place on Saturday evening, De- cemmber 31,, at his home in Highland Park, Michigan. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Jessie De Lang, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. De Lang, to Charles Anderson Saxby of Glencoe, which took place on Christ- mas Eve, at the residence of the bride's parents in Glencoe. --•-- Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Taylor, 1501 Ardmore avenue, Edgewater, are re- ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Arthur Williams, on December 14. Mrs. Taylor was form- erly Miss Adele Williams. --*_ Miss Naomi Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mueller of 126 Sixth street, returned to Carthage College Monday after spending the holidays with her parents. _ -- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowan of 618 Fifteenth street, have taken up their residence at 525 Surf street, Chicago, for the winter months. . --•-- Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, entertained at a bridge luncheon yesterday at her home, 804 Forest avenue. Another interesting engagement is that of Miss Christine Braun and Mr. Edward Keil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Keil of Gross Point. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Cur- ran, 415 Gregory avenue, are enjoying an extended trip through the southern states. George L. Emrich Jr. returned from Dartmouth college last Saturday, to spend the holidays with his parents. The next reguter~rlreeting pi the WILMETTE GLASS WORKS 1030 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2568 Plate and Window Glass ^ Artglass, Mirrors, Glazing orchestra of the camp,-popnlair music ceremotlVf and there was a reception played by Dorothy Glover and Ruth jn the &e afternoon for friends of Anderson at the piano, and Joseph the young co„pie. Mr. and Mrs. Heinzen are enjoying aTTextended honeymoon^trip-andlup^ on their return will make their home temporarily with Mr. Heinzen's par- ents at 1466 Lake avenue, until their home on Lake avenue, is ready for occupancy. -- --• The Woman's Catholic club of Wil- mette will give a holiday party for the children of St. Frances Xavier's j parish this afternoon, from two until five o'clock, at Brown's hall. • --+-- : Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer and their daughter, accompanied by Miss Latham, of 430 Maple avenue, spent UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Proprietor 1126 Central Avenue Wilmette Phone Wil. Z403 Dr. LESLIE W. JONES PHYSICIAN--CHIROPRACTOR-OCULIST Wilmette Office Room 27, Brown Building-Hour.: 10-12 A. M. 2-5-7-9 P.M. Telephone Wilmette 2557 Residence Phone Wilmette 2558 1! pw/w/w/^^ Institute of Technology, under the Christmas with relatives in Michigan auspices of the Technology Club of «. , . Chicago. This is the first concert to . H*% inav _^__ be given by the Technology Musical j Mf and Mfg Samuei Russell Clubs of Chicago since the ?neT^ven . gaffbrd of Glencoe, announce^the en- eapement of their daughter, Miss Helen Anderson, to Mr. Artemus De on their last western trip in Jannu- ary, 1917* * The patronesses for the concert are Mesdames Frank D. Chase, Frederick K. Copeland, Robert S. De Golyer, Samuel M^Jiklton, Louis A^Fergiison, Samuel D. Flood, Leonard S. Tlor- sheim, John M~ Frank, Morris L. Greeley, George Bayard Jones, Henry <\V. Kern, Clifford M. Leonard, Ken- neth Lockett, William H. Merrill, harles W. Pen Dell, Theodore Rob- inson, Richard E. Schmidt, Howard Van Doren Shaw, John L. Shortatl, Meyer J. Sturm and Daniel T. Torn^ Tnfson.------------=--------- The Young Woman's Auxitiaryen- tertained at a "baby doll" party on Wednesday evening in the Woman's ctubrooms. Each member dressed as a small child, and there were many interesting and old fashioned games for amusement. _--1---- *J The engagement of Miss Helen Schwall of 126 Spencer avenue, to Mr. George J. Schaefer, son of Mrs. Anna Schaefer of ^ross ^oint,--ts_a recent holiday announcement. No late has been set for the wedding. Long Watson, Jr., son of Mr. A. D. Watson of Glencoe. --•-- rlNRalphJi. Banet of Fort: Wayne, Ind.,* andler small "daughter, ~Mar- jorie Jean/have been the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mueller, over the holidays. Mr. T. J. Edwards of Detroit, Mich., is spending the holiday week as the guest of Mr. Lee Underhill, 701 Wash- ington^ avenue Community Dancing Every Tuesday Evening BYRON C. STOLP SCHOOL 10th and Central Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 Dancing 8:30 to 11:00 Admission BO cents per pewon, Including wardrobe *»»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ?W///M///MMIM William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished on New or Repair Work i r - 964Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 ?mjm>mmmjmm^^ A GREAT Clearance Sale will begin Tuesday, January 3rd --i*-- Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Keller of Har- vard, 111., spent the Christmas holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller, 820 Greenwood avenue. MISS GERTRUDE ULRICH VOCAL INSTRUCTION , Pupil of George Nelson Halt of Columbia School of Music of Chicaro.__________________^____ Phone WU. 142. Tit Linden A™. Wi ltf^4te4c€^t Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Sawn Fortier Land and Gra»el ^FILLING--- 732 W. Ruined AVo. Cinders Material Tearing We Build Driveways REASONABLE Vfatch Our Windows 5 For the greatest BARGAINS ever seen in Wilmette. The Winner of the Large Gift Stocking on Christmas Eve was Mrs.E.A.Brown, 629 Prairie Ave >, Wilmette iiiiiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiihiiiiiiMiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinwwi WU.53 Flinker & Flinker --m The Store 0/ Personal Service • MILLINERY mi DRY GOODS 1217 Wilmette Jtenue Just west 0/ the tracks Phone Wil 2279 1 '