WSWflmM^M^iWw'fm^W^ â- '"<'• THF LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1922 BB WILMETTE CHURCH^ANNOUNCEMENm^^^^^S£ BAPIBT CHUSCH The series of Febuary sermons at the Baptist church will be entitled "Family Religion." Mr. Stifler will "take as his themes, February 5, "The House and the Home"; February 12, "The Unseen Guest"; February 19, -"tJndergirding the Church", and Feb- ruary 26, "The Fruitage of the Home." =^ speefft^^ffor»"W»^ he-made to have every member of every family out to mil these series and to have the fami- lies sit together. Mission Study is in full swing in the church. The Woman's society class in charge of Mrs. P. G. Turner, meets for its second session on Tues- ttayr afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.^F. C. Stifler, 1028 JForesLsvenue* The book being used is H. Paul Douglass' "From Survey to Service." This is the second Mis- sion Study course given by the Wom- an's society this year. The Young People's Mission Study Class meets on "Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. They are studying the book entitled "World Friendship, In- corporated," by J. Lovell Murray. "A Prayer Group among the women in the Interest of tie Baptist Contin- uation Campaign has been organized and will meet each Tuesday at the close of the Mission Study class. One week from tonight in connec- tion with the regular quarterly busi- ness meeting of the-Young People's ____jty a-banquet^i5dllJbeJhLeld-Xit^4:he- church at 6:30 o'clock. There will be a_j>rogram of toasts and an address, by the Rev. Herbert W- Hines, secre- taryof the Baptist Young People's, Union of America. Tile Woman*s* society meets today for its regular February session. White Cross sewing will begin at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. The program of the afternoon will be on "Christian Edu- cation," with an address by the Rev. James Madison Stifler, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Evanston. The Cabinet of officers and teachers In the Bible school will meet tonight at 8 o'clockrat the church for prayer and conference. At the last meeting the members decided to become responsible for one of the day's entertainments at the Children's Movies^::. The Vestry of St. Augustine's will hold ft*___February.â€"meeting next Wednesday evening, February 8, at 8 o'clock in the rector's study. The Pioneers of St. Augustine's will meet in the Parish House next Monday afternoon at 3:JJ<L The Rector will give an address at a meeting of young people in St. Mark's Church, Evanston, next Sun- day evening on "The Episcopal Church."â€"--------------<-----â- â€": At the Children's Movies yesterday in St. Augustine's Parish House the children were31 shown "Rip Van Win- kle," a film version in five reels of Washington Irving's_ well known story. The children were delighted with it and were present in hun- dreds. The Pathe News was also shown. The entertainment was pro- vided for the boys and girls of Wil- mette by Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Crowe of 234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth. The program at the Children's Mo- vies in St. Augustine's Parish House next Thursday, February 9, which is free to all boys-and girls of Wilmette, will be a Pathe program entire, con- sisting of "Netting the Leopard," an adventure film, "The Hare and the Frogs," from Aesop's Fables (in ani- mated cartoons), "A Day in the Wilds,", being the adventures of two boys hunting, "Over the Fence," a Harold Lloyd basebajl comedy and the Pa*hj^N^ws^3^is^_fiJiterJaminent will be provided by Mr. ad Mrs. G. W. Springer, 724 Forest i venue*-WiL- mette. Entertainments are at 3, 4:15 and 7:15 p. m. on Thursdays. ISTem^^lday will be the regular Sunday for .the monthly Communion, both of the Boys' and Girls' Com- munion Leagues at 8 o'clock and at 11 o'clock. S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Communion service and Recep- tion of Members will be next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. On next Tuesday evening the West- minister Guild will give a towel Neighborhood sKowef^ToT Howell house, All kinds of towels are needed (bath, hand, guest and kitchen) for the gym, cooking and sewing classes, and for use of the helpers. Ladies of the church will assist in making this a liberal shower. A Presbyterian Exposition, which has been presented in many of the large cities of the East, is to be put on in the Chicago Presbytery during the month of February. For the North division of the city and the North Shore churches, this exposition will be given in the Buena Memorial ^tFeh^February 1116vâ€"The-prograni includes exhibits of Home Lands, Near East, and many-of the foreign coun- tries. One of the most attractive features of this Exposition i» the "Pageant of Christian Liberty" with a cast of one hundred characters in costume. In addition thereto there -wilt be~anramber of motion-picture films of the Presbyterian Church at work throughout the world. The delegation from the Wilmette church is planning to attend Tuesday after? noon and evening, February 14. There will be a special program and exercises for children, from 3:45 to 5:30, Wednesday ^alternoon^ J^ttary ~: Ifc ^ SI JOHN'S LUTHERAN St. John's Lutheran Church.â€"Box St. John's has a real Gospel message toT^yoTTanfrydTnrcb3tffifm~^^ and Sunday "wT'o^^l^^^.j^^^..., 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible QnHniied on T>age 1AJL .Rev.. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, will begi a* series of sermons next Sun- i« mill kn»<n +l>{» *{*vtn 'nritti 4-Via flvol___«â€"-^_-_------»â€"â- ---------r^rr.â€":rrr KSSffiSSj" Iday_Jidll^egm^thls-time-w4th^ the first of a series of weekly church suppers prepared by the Woman's society. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock. Time will be provided for board and committee meetings from 7 until 8 b*ciock and the devotional hour jwill tdHowT~The JSrayer meelmglTEemes for this month are on "Our Church.and I|er Task." This week's theme will be "Our Church and Chicago." Whereas "Jesus Christ Today?" Morning service begins at 11 o'clock, The Community School of Relig- iousr Education will meet as usuel Monday at the Byron C. -Stolp school -atâ€"7-: 40 p. m. Revr-FrMerlctr C. Grant, who is-giving the course on "The Life and Times of Christ," wffl lead the devotions at the Assembly Period, 8:35-8; 50. Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for all ages. Men, women and children urged to come. I^^^fi ^•Dr, Stansell preaches at 11 o'clock. IfGood music by large chorus choir. Mm Junior Choir rehearBal Sunday: â- y^^^M^SpCT^rvice at J^o^clock, preach-' :§|§gj!i§lng; by the .pastor' and:"music by the Junior choir......'^~7~^^â€":.....-^r^-.â€"^;,: There will not be any regular Epworth League service* in our church ISitif i'next Sunday night, but instead there fliSpiffl. will be. a union young people's service. fp^litin .the 'Baptist. church at 6:45: o'clock !^S0& aTlo^MrT^Iyttr^r^^ ^W^gM Northwestern Y. M. C. A. will be the :;fflill#t| speaker,: on the subject, -"Making '^li|i|:~Egongfi" oFJesus^g^^peclal.lausie-:by â- #ll?iiftpi-r' a girls' quartet. - 1^ The regular monthly Official Board meeting will b6 held in the church Tuesday evening February 7 at eight O'clock. r ffiPrayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Pastor^ subject, "I Will." lUli lot -of people are. finding'this an :f^apStaterestlng- meeting, but, there is al- â- Wmw way* room for; more. .Bring; a., friend ::W^^;and; come :to .the*"'"~ "'fliliiil' ' Choir rehear8r, *™»««â€"*« iSSStif'list 5 ♦ 45 US m â- Willi &< rl Reception of members next Sunday Lincoln dinner if tne clhlDrcB next Thursday night, February 9. ^Fh^re-is-^i^omee-in the church^ mmmm% with': a secretary in charge-ilPlione llmimm 3348 *o *i*o announcementfi <*r for ^tlpl information about- anything In con fi^R;:]|ecaon with the. church. - ip^ittl^Remember'.. theâ€"-prayer meeting " "liljlWednesday aighfc' â- ---â- ----:-â€"-^'^^...... The women of the Associated Guilds at St. Augustine's, and their IfriendB meet today^^*^ay, for an ^irlll be ser*e*-|i#r*siial-at 12:30 for Th^ East End Circle, Mrs. J. W. UFisher^jehairman^ will hold, an all- flay meeting-TMondayfat the home^of Mrs. 3. Nye Macalistef, 918 Ashland avenue. 'â- ' :,.>,' ?The Board of Trustees will hold its regular monthly business meeting Monday evening, February 6, at the church.-.. ,.,t,...:,/,,,.fyviL..,,,,,..:,,,,,,, iA'Mid-Week service idf Prayer and ffraise wilt^be^faeld^in the Church Parlors at eight T^clock Wednesday; Mr. Lloyd will be in charge of the service, and a cordial invitation is extehdedTto all. During tne evening reports will be given by the Mem- bership Campaign committee and a discussion of the plans of the com- ~mlttee~will be held. 'm^^f'W^ff^B:'- ^Tne^alajpbchon Camp Fire Girls will conduct a Ceremonial at the Church Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. At this time three new girls wiir be taken into the circle, and four of the girls will take the rank of Fire Maker.:;;.: :• '-i-;^;§^|§|il^5S^'#'- e The Woman's Guild will hold its February luncheon at the Church, Friday, February 10. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock, and reser- Vfttions ffb""1d bn a<int tn TWTm. Maniif phone 957-W., oefore Thursday noon. After the business meeting, the For- eign Missionary Department will take charge of the program. ;^ j f t % The Roosevelt Troop of Boy Scouts^ will meet as usual Friday at 3:30 in the afternoon and 7^30 in the even^ ing. Mr. Harold Gilmore, scoutmas- ter; . . ... .... . 7 The Intermediate department of the Church school are planning for a big night, Saturday, February 18.__„/.â- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Woman's Bible s^Study ' class, '-•Mi^t-Ar-lairBeLi'y;^' Chlcagu, | 1"°^" will meet Tuesday afternoon, Feb- *uary 7T in^^the parlors ofH;he^urchi GREAT * ..â- â- • â- There is^n old man in Chicago who likes to tell how he laid out the Chicago river, z He says he nevef got any credit for it. â- '"......r*-â€"-â€".....-^:^-w.-..~-^^.^-^^^^^r7i^'v---^ somebody and how we never got any credit. SSbSSS^-^SbSS »i But whiw^rJ^for-praise ?_Why not wx>*lc lor the sheen jpxoTaccornjlisin^^ reward in burHens lightened, sorrows shared and help Tehderel This is the teaching of Jesusâ€"the fundamental doctrine; ^^^the ^farfsttafe^ gospel ^heZcnurches Si Wilniette-Leiidei lo you theirlielp and'asfe: yottr v FIRST sMETHpJWST; -C, jHUR^f:} :k;. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH JAUGUSTINE'S EPISCJpAC ^lURCH FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH : < .-.......... â- ____________________.___________________________.___ • â- . â- ..'â- " -..â- -â- â- _____________^_____,â€"^ â„¢STq^sMTERlAN£HIJRMS WJLMEJTE^EMGLlSiy^Xra^^ CHURCH A> â€"r-râ€"r-â€" -^S*i«wcr.^ "Sj^fi^^^j^*!*^ '^^^fc11 "£W$M ^^^^^^SP^^^^^^^i