THE LAKE SHORE NE^S, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3^ 1922: S^j^lj^ SI Women's Roosevelt â-º Republican Club Is sNew Political Venture last Thursday, January 26, under the name of ♦Wpman'sHposevelt Republican Club ofWilmette." ~ The meeting for organ- F. B. Crossleyv Washington ave- nue. There ...was .a, large, j§$^fiaj|te attendance. r£:'x'::'^'^ The policy oX the brganiizatiion will be to foster higher ideals of govern- ment. The following officers were elected: president, Miss Martha Jen- kins; vice-president, Mrs. J. G. Wray; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Myron Howard West.'-'.. ,;.,:.:,;^-:--;t%-:K. 'henm©nlber»M|r^rtveHtor-tlie Wtl^f mette Public School Art league, which'* opened on Wednesday, is being con- ducted earlier In the season than has been the usual custom, in order that the children may have a longer time in Which to enjoy the plctures.lSI?#- The next group will go Friday af- parents and friends of the public school to see the absorbed, intelligent interest of the children, on Tuesday afternoon, they would become mem- bers of the Public School Art League, :£*„ feeling sure that the «maH~fw~wouid: bring returns one hundred per cent. This is only a part of the work which the Art Leajgue^ Js dojn£ for^ojir^Pub- lic Schools ThS BvellffirTlridge" club was'^enter tained at the home of Miss Alice Behn, in Winnetka on Saturday -Mening. evening including the sons and daugh- ters of the members and their Jriends, An address Will be given by S. J. Duncan Clark, director of the Boys/ , t Club Federation.Hlrh.erei will be spe- ^ae-i-cfetf-nnig^^ A real old-time birthday party, under the auspices of the Woman's Society, will be given at the home of Mrs,. J. F. Rowley, Thursday evening, Feb- ruary J^_^.l_adult members of the church "invited, ;.....-r.:.:,'...:^ Sunday SehooiSSE;S!Klil 9:30 A. M. •Church Service '.|||||ti|i. H:00 A. M. Junior 'C. E. ;?mStiipit||aii.3:3f ' .'Senior". C. E,#. TO • Mid-Week Services, Wed^ 8:00 fj^Tne-church lis located at the Hi Greenieaf avenue and Ninth Lake avenue, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Dorothy Grace, to ErwinjRisley Brigham, son Wlgrrand Mrs. HenryH.^rtgKam Glencoe. :v-i;; â- „ri,^,:^; . "*Pi E»psiion"Pi sorbrTty"wiirigrye ^ informal subscription danjce North Shore hotel on Friday evening, February 17. 7 " f^ Tbe Babies' Friendly Society will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, owg^glf - ^ ginning at 10:30 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at 12.30 p. m. f||g' surprise~birthday dinner^-*was given in honor of Harriet Mons, the occasion being her thirteenth birthday, at the Mons homejZggl_Oakwoodaye- TuesoTiy nue, on Tuesuay evening, members of her Sunday sch^ot^^elass were inattendance; -^Obl Thursday afternoon of last wookr -â€"-Membersâ€"of Mrs?^e^Pereyâ€"^Skillin,~-1019^~Sixth_ JEire^under^ the leadership^iol Jito street, delivered a most-interesting Alfred Herrman, address on "Vocational Training for the Shut-ins," before the North Shore "Beach The Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. Donald M. Galie, 1115 )d-ayenae. . Ouilmette Country Club has issued -its- schedule for the current month, which includes several interesting af- fairs for both the Juniors and the Sen- â€"Following la the-^rder--^ol--the_ Saturday, February 4th, Informal Dinner Dance. ^ Monday, February 6th, Afternoon Cards. Men's Night. Monday, February 13th, Luncheon and Pivot Bridge. Men's Night. Tuesdayv February_114tht Valentines Heart Party. ""S'attirffly; ~ Monday; 1February"20th, Truncheon, Progressive Bridge. Men's Night. Tuesday, February 21st, Formal Dinner Dance. XSeniors). Washing- lonLBirthdayL Party^ /_^_-z Wednesday, February 22nd, Juvenile Party, 2:30 p. m. Wonder Show with Punch and Judy show. Friday, ^ebraary__ 24th, Junior Party. Saturday, -CardST" ~ February 25th. Evening â€" xhurchâ„¢memberBr are^nvlted. On Tuesday- afternoon, the first group of the eighth grade with IMiss Caswell and four of thejmothers, were atr the Art Institute. Miss Sargent, a museum instructor, took them from the Egyptian, early Italian and Dutch rooms, through to the Field room, where they found the originals of the pictures which they ,enjoy in^he^ own school rooms.. ISevf^raiicls C. Stifter, 1028 Forest avenue, has returned from Beaver Dam, Wis., where he was chapel speaker on Wednesday at the Way- land"- Academy. ^^J^£^> v- Hi:}*. H'Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Pease have sold their home at 726 Laurel avenue, and are leaving March first for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Pease will be accompanied by~Mfsr H^ SH. Deyo and her daughter, Miss Berhiee Deyo. The home was ptir- tmasecHby^lr. H,JKaMEteinsbergerjof tss DOTothy 'Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, 729 Greenwood avenue, left for California lost night where she will visit her aunts, Miss E. Wilson of Winnetka lina IfffsT William Hand of Adrian, tilliFraTieTsx^ |ifH witb^tHem. in â- â- MaWI^^^KSS-'-â- liliSllMrf »Henry Burt .of .New' Orleans, P^rl Iwhuin to he-engaged-in-business: in Chicago for several weeks, is making S KaUtman7-102» ©mwood avenue; dur* ling his slay here. Mrs. Burt and tfthe^hildren wllfci^gtfrriir thipsflrth: jz |unt^hls-r^turji.|^|^|aia"' " ££ . .'?' - V -"______________:___.___:__II....... 0 I "â- â€"- Jilrsi Edwin P. Fatch was hosteasrtd Tuesday Luncheon and! Bridge |l clubs this week at her home, 611 Wash- es #ington avenue. jplli Mrs*. Wiliam D. Hamiltonpenter- %S tained at dinner and bridge on Tues- Mz day evening at her horned 835 Six- ffl' teenth streeti^n |^g|^m. .pgii -â- ^^-Jtfiss--Grace-GooperT-^24^La^ §§) nue^ is leaving tomorrow for a ten days' stay ^ Newport ci^. met at the home of Miss Jane dreiner, 631 Lake avenue, on Wednesday evening, where they cooked ^eiijoyed^^rsumptuous dinner, entirely by themselves. Mrs; George W. Kibby, 835 Lake avenue, is leaving tomorrow for an extended visit in San Diego, Cal. Mr. extended business trip in thVeastT*^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strickler of Mil- waukee, Wis., announce the birth of a daughter, on January 30* Mrs. was formerly Miss Helen Gemmil of this village. The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League was held on February 2, at the Win- netka Woman's club.. ________. The^ League__i5^glvJflg_a card party at the home jpt Mrs. T. N. Roberts, The next meeting of the Men's club, to be held February 17, will be an Rev. A. D. Wangerin, of the Addison Industrial Home for Girls and Manual Training School for Boys*;; Chicago, will address the Ladies Aid and Mis- sion society of St. John's Lutheran church, Thursday afternoon, February 9. concerning^ the work of the instltu* lo^whl^ iTcoh^ an 'denomination.:; â- ;>; , *;;.', ':-.y ^» WALTHER CONFERENCE mm *Many young people of Nwr Township are planning to attend ther Quarterly confer«nce <tf thi Waltjieg League of "Young \»iai|e"aJ^^^i*^^p the Lutheran ohurch,: t0 be held ai Libertyvilie; IU^ Sunday^ Fel ii2i4^The^-ar4--^©a^^ Evening Sesslotts;T:;?%$gg®', â- • -Sip: ,â- M fefThe Men's Duplicate Whisi met on Tuesday in the home/ Jlichardj^Wd^Pi^lajB^ forner rtreet^ %lub of IHr, iwoodil"^ avenue. SSSI|i2&SwMl8S| ^r, andLiMrs. Charles^N. jaeesei;72T; Forest avenue, are leaving this week end for an extended sojourn in Florida. fla^22ISMiSiM __ 1vtrs.v.Fr^terick___r _ ^^ei^^Wo^FwUi be hostess to the Thursday Club next week. ..w.*^^, : Mri and Mrsf John" Ai __________Duncan. 730 the A^-K1^a~^€aTgfftidate bourne, Fla. $^0!^^%.. OPEN BRANCH REALTV||OFFlCE "f-Oilbert ^J[ohnsx)n and ^Brother, north shore realtors, announce the opening of a branch office in Winnetka located directly east of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad station at No. 2 PrOUty Annexe The offices will be under ^Brown, with Raymond Orwig as assis- tant. The branch office will conduct transactions in properties in Hubbard Woods, Winnetka and-Indlan^Hillr---- f GUESS! GUESS! GUESS! g Guess what's in the pretty box! We refer, of course, to the attractive box in the window of Economy Shop, Greenieaf and East Railroad avenues. A Valentine souvenir is- promised every accurate. guesser^vy^vv^-^i'lilllSlJ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Iliff, have closed their home at 626 Washington avenue for the winter, and Mrs. Iliff hMrgoj^j£_her^ud„home JniMichigan for a several weeks' stay. The Woman's Society T»r-th& Ba|h tist church will give a dinner in the church parlors on Wednesday even- ing, February 8, at 6:30 o'clock. All Mr. and Mrs. Jonas H. Madsen of 548 Fir street, Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Maud, to Howard Eugene Bowers of Wichita, Kansas. Members of the Methodist church are reserving Thursday evening of next week in order that they may at- tend the Lincoln dinner which is to be held in the church parlors on that â- eveffingf'""';"" "v--â€"â€"^ -â- ---â- â- -j/--:- Mrs. J. J. Ball, 621 Eleventh street, is' spending the winter months with her mother, Mrs. Hebbard, at Orlando, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William A- Durgin, 1045 Elmwood avenue, have moved to Washington, D. C. ' " r#MR-and-Mrs. Howard JXJTObey,- Oakwood avenue, have gone to Jack- sonville, Fla* x nreifiee Blanche Fulkerson 1636 Chicago Avenue # Evanston, III. Phone£EvMiston 5047 The spring social season is waU under w^ |he- f©B^v|| ties associated vip ionabie gowns, reasonably priced, suitable for,,-^iil ,â- .fiacaii^JieiM^di^fci â- i^Sii^l^S^^piSK^ii mmm WM. M z®m Mm m mms "'^^P â- â- m Ifrton^ RUT""" COMMUNITY DANCING Every Tuesday Evening Byron C. Stolp School 10th and Central Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 H Dancing 8:30 to 11:00" ^^v^- jsion 50 cents per person, including wardrobe IS :M Mfof those teuse clress^^ Jidresses and hoys' bl^ mays needed in quantitieiSYoiciin^^^c these new^ materials fot Sp^n^lrftieW ^atternr mmm -m inost pleasant to' j^y^Jptdo^^to trhey offer al:^^ ;theKpr|c^j||g^^^ .........^ till Tissue Ginghams, all new, yard _ r . , French Ginghams, blue only, $afi ;ljB|^^^PP^ ii Real BUk:iGingh»mis^ T&WJfrjf, -:-%m ^rfeif Your H 'SM3SS&& |F7i7i^erl^/^n^ m Spfpgg?^ j$|ri^ jlliiii'lliiSilipill â- The Shu af Ptrwvd Sertice WmmS^^^m^ILLlNERY. and DRY GOOD^k iSSv W&Smt ^PicBrtdM Tafterns mitHMroumakeit ;&§®@§M Jiia- is no^uess workf ncrwaste terials||^hen^|^oil^isfe Pictorial Pat^rns! We have a large variety right he^ ^nafcii jexpr< j$& ism gEffis-iJihjg' mm Wi WWmm , ji^jyin; 1 Phone i;ffM^^^9^M %5M -*~T~*^ft**â„¢^^^^ nm '£Mmm. mm