" Sfliiv$;l~ffJ^'T^'^;1"^?< VOL. UL,.$£&£& sat The Timely Record of Community Events —■■■— .......mmmmm———KtT-*~ 7T ~"i"T ■ ■—m m i —»«Mf||||i i ■ -FWmiVE PABES , .....,. ...... 'i|l'li(!»Hii> Ml in i LiH Iff U'i'ii'iHI If. __J_ PRICE^FreE CENTS SCHAEFERS MAK^ TOWN tpO/IOST^fED^ROOl Speeders in Wilmette are speeding out of existence. There was a time, perhaps, when one could "step on the gas," grip the old steering wheel, and tear over WJlmette highways at a Prizes Awarrtffa to 5M4>n^ ^»-^g*-^^ Branch Kiley. iivangel Who can Identify Composi- tions and Composersi If EDUCATlOi^OWWlE ColUe^TtoTIaveT^esuTt^t de- veloping Aesthetic 'Nature New Trier High schcwrt this week opened a Music Memory contest under direction of Mrs. Homer. E. Cotton, director bf music at the northSshbre school. . A phonograph record, which 4s on the contest list, was played before the student body Tuesday o£ this week to aid the_^prospeGtivjt contestants in ------identifying the number at a later date when the competition proper takes place. A record is to be played every school day noon during lunchperiods until the contest is closed. interesting Method — _ The contest, open to every student at New Trier; is torjhe purpose of acquainting the high school students with the best compositionsy-compoi and thejeriod in whick the_cojnposers lived; The contest wilt be ^udged_ds -the following basis: the number of ^j^^ojnplis^^ are correctly iden- tified when they are played; along with the ability to name the composer, - bis nationality and the century in which he lived. Spelling, .which is standardized on the list,, wjii also be an important factor. ^ _-_! The first eohteatswili be-among-si ^^ dents within. Ibe^cJiOiiL^^and^jszilL^ hettTprobably late in March or early in April. The winners of this contest will then compete with the winners of the Deerfield-Shields High school contest and, possibly, with contestants representing other high schools in Jhis Icinit; Three prizes are to be offered New Trier winners including a season ticket to the Eavinia Opera as the first awatdLt|in dollars asjfcbe^econd -prizer^and^ve^oTTars represented in phonograph records- as the third award. The latter prize has been offered ~hy the North Sfiore Talking Machine company of Bvanston which is. providing the phonograph for the contest Mrs." Cotton has expressed the^fiope that every^ student atr N~ewTrier will pidfield;| feBut that time: bas passed. There are four reasnos for the change of affairs, two of which are the Schaefer frr/T»fj^«,Jji™« liftman mntnr. bike^ ^JdMgI3^|te^ej^h«?rn **•*>«»**»»« wno are known throughout t_he„north shore:as^the"speediptof speed cops. The other two reasons are the two Jbrand new, high*powered, four-lunged, Henderson motorcycles the Schaefer* brothers ride. These machines, only lately acquired by the police depart- ment, are capable of traveling oodles of miles an hour, and it is said that George and Pete can coax even more Frank BranchTtileyT promtne~nt at- torney of Portland, Oregon, and well than that out of them. _j^ljknpwn traveler, author and lejcturej» But thAtZwaslfasi enough ^or^^H^ ^will &ppeaM>efore the Wilmette Sun Huberty, 4406 Armitage -avenue", Chi cago, who was but one of many brought in during the last few days. Huberty, in his hasty Ford tried to race George Schaefer on his Hendei^ son at the rate of 33 miles an hour. "Why, this Ford can't go thirty- three," argued Huberty..|..V'>W'.;,:r^'Vfet —"Giv«--eiM:f»^erI^^^ 35," challenged George. . "Nope," said Hiiharty^......^ "Ten"and costs," said the judge. Miss L. J. Collins of 117 Lee street, Evanston, thought Pete couldn't catch teridan road at 44 per. But Pete caught her. lYou3injply^ahnbt get away from aefers. --j^ '^%"~;_„-.-_-.-J CHEFS FON Ml Put OiimOld-Time #fCootie Party Next Friday Night SUNDAY CLUB TOPIC of Northwest^* to Give Leo ttireSun(^LEvjetiirig. HAS STIRRiNG MESSAGE Arthur Jones, London Opera* S$ar, to Augment Program day Evening club, February 19. His subject will be "God's Out-Doors." Mr. Riley has spoken many times be- fore the most important organizations of this country, including the Union League club and the Association of Commerce of Chicago. His address The Community Dance committee announces its special Washj^ Birthday parfyTor~TFuesday night; ^gy^^gv^f^^alcSi^iir. continue until 12 midnight, A banjo will be added t& the regular orchestra to furnish the extra syncopation heeded to prop?r-ty wHiniiimtfi the toes, and feet - Of the daiicers^^^dLJ^J^^ any case oJ-the^^uesiEe^^ ^colors... ■ jy.3:-^::/SM-.:.:::.,. /.^i^jv. V^,.:i-^::, The extra number last Tuesday^- The Dance dTTlie Four Brooms-—creat- ed such a lot of fun that it will be re- peated next Tuesday with additional "frolic?*trimmings, and during the evening the Brooms themselves Will be given away JLS-J^Jzes^-Th be special women's and men's prises* Don't miss the party as the com- mittee had ari^gjdjjapr^mm con^ flthlnirilblheis^^ tion with The Wedding March from Peter Grim, The Waitress at the Church, The Charge of the Sick Hun- dred, and other "classics" that are certain to hold your undivided atten- Sunday evening^ with n^nffififlph ntng™ ph a made into attractive colored lantern slides7"The--Cotmmrntty views will be displayed by an expert operator. '"^^ "Evangel of Northwest** : Frank Brancfloptt&^s:i-popularly known as * 'The Evangel of thef North- west." Of him the Plymouth Insti- tute-o^-^Brookrjfii^^Neir^T^^ "Riley has more magnetism, more fire, more fun. and more genuine affection for his subject material than any lec- turer we have ever heard in New York." -^ ■-. "It (the lecture) almost made the tears come to your eyes at the grand- eur of it all. I never heard anything like it, nor saw anything to ea.uai the pictures," is another comment. ' /-I'/'- " Opera Star to Sing ':-p*V;'v- The special musical -program, in addition to Mrs. Van Hitter's excellent organ numbers, will be provided by Arthur Jones, recently of Daly's Opera company of London. ;fl[e. wj& sin& *Sai*cisse tJhfriftfBL Sortes des Gateux, Pet des nonnes, Cafe au lait, :r;! sounds ominous and mysterious enough at first glance but as a matter of fact_is sjmply_theLiaettiLto be ot fefed"by the men of the Logan school Parent-Teacher association "Friday evening, February 24, upon the occa- held at the Logan sohool hall» begin- Tiing atr r^clock! =e«tei^4he%iiSieiMemoryH3ontes^^^ chief value of which is to give the student of high school age a knowl- Isdge of music that is preeminently worth-while. The contests cannot fail to^ha^e^th^eTecrToTTleveloping the "aestKeticFIide of the student's hlture, i consideration that has been too often Overlooked in this^TOodern^dayr of specialized instruction and training; ^Mrg^*njtnn^gTpn^e^ iiiteresi 'M expandlug, a'ttiT adding ;B~yptoTi< the ■tor fert the instruction in musie in and secondary schools. A list oLltie records to be played in the con^it at New Trier is_Lto be found ih another column of this issue. NEW TRIER TANKERSTO OPPOSE EASTERN HIGH #%few Trier high school will stage i§ swimming meet with Allegheney iligh school bf Pittsburgh,, P^.t east- alern interscholastic champions, in the Indian fill's school pool sotne timeTn |March, a^cordfng to an annotmcehieht llmade this week by B. B. Jackson, l|tank mentor at the suburban school. Other meets in Chicago for the visit- g swimmers are considered probable gr Coach Jackson, Who said t^e^ Pitts- uTrgh authorities would like to have fheir team-meet other representative -Iniddle-western rank aggregations, ^n —Iresponse, the coach suggested meets with Hyde Park and Harrison, senior »nd junior division champions of the "SJPublic Schools-^Athletlc league, jyithj^ul^ Military Academy, vanquishes Chicago's and am which suburban |tmrfTr»Tining tAAma ,with-A_hig1t degree ^-Tegularity;.....-—;—'—- - •■ ■• r-r-■;■.;: ... - a Allesheiny^htgh"rsish^otshas^~team^ 'I'Mil M fine swimmers.^according to-reports ^f^-troiH the East,^^ and Is^ the strongest w^jfeontender for the 1922 eastern title. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY— is ;« Members of the Wilmet^e ^"Ihtn^br^nd their friends axe to hold ^ la Washington's Birthday l>alffi ___ the t hurch parlors t riday evening, Fe •^is^mmx^^^li. l|«cial program will be menu however forbidding it may appear, will be positively harmless, actually edible. J They have denominated the affair lii^ot^PartyV'* the mc^lerh^iiiterpi^ tation of which is entirely foreign fcp that herve-racking pastime known to every- ex-doughboy. : - A unique form of program will be presented^jlj^js stateaVvi or«r~to |it continuous hilarity and amusement, as well as an opportunity tQ becomie acquainted with their fellow neigh- player's clearly outclassed their, op* ponenfes. In the. lightweight game Smith featured wUh^hia.exceptional : :*agket^ll^ wiIFbe~spent around the pianos' sing- ing the old songs-that were sung in the good'old schobTanoVcourtingjiaySj: or skipping^aira gliding through the good old Virginia Reel and barn danc- es. The latter part of ■ the entertain- mentwill be given over 7 to the game ■of—'^cootie," which is characterized |s a riot of fun and amusement. | A - nominal admission fee _wfll be charged to cover the expenses of the evening, Looks Like Spring; Ball Team Holds Annual Confab Spring is in the .air. Disregarding the" cold snap* oTtEis-week members of the Wilmette Athletic club decided it Was high time to hold the annual meeting and "get their house in or- der" for the great Spring drive on the ballyard at Seventeenth street and Wilmette avenue. ; iZ\iLThe annual meeting of the -elub is <r^cheduled,for Thursday evening, Feb- ruary 23, at the Central school, Tenth street and Central avenue. Plans for the approaching season will be dis- isusse<l-jn~ detail, new officers elected and a general business discussion con- ducted. r Every Wilmette resident interested in the national pastime, and in the WilmiB^teteam in particular, is urged to ja±tend_this "fanning bee*** ' r by Dr. Frederick Coweh. ■■■ v ■ ■ ■ ■ Mrs: Vo» Ritte will ■include. ^- -: --•""•"- -::;. ■■- ■P*yf$*^0?i:£gE.., Prelude: Pilgrim's Chorusy.wj,,,*i& ... ."l'.'.\..;......../. .TannbauSer Minuet from Offertoire; --Gavotte-.. Postlude: Recessional COMMUNITY DANGE ON tion. The committee wiHErbA^JllWJ^ successfully, so all needs "a large at- tp^^fc^ifcfflEejr^ supporters of the Dance are" especlaliy-fe^ quested to attend. Also those who are not regular supporters -have a spe* cial 'ixwitntion^y^^^^^^ Edwa^ Zipf ChaTrnian ol izens' Qjaiss&jm^gisisg gUnitmg Wilmette v^ Busse, George' A.^Milier»;:D> ;iJi"lP|ei8ii-^^ and ;..wniiam • ^GJL^iv;^^ the .April primaries for rGook^©Mffl^|^^ commissi^wsjQi^^^:.ito^ pose7^rf :the::)pi^a^aatipn^ i^^pJ^e^M^^BiittMl-efc^^ Trler^ownship aas^iailoii which ^ to conduct a township-wide campaign in the interest of the above candidates. ^ ;■ Called .by':^dward.^lgC^ ;Frlday -^eitt^J^ initially;;'" 'HF M^^^o^j0<^i^^M: bi Pei ........Itsl recent dinner Will/^^ Voters to Spproye Purchase of W«?sj; Side J^an^; ^fWith the prospect in view of secur- ing for school purposes the tract of land lying betwen Ridge avenue and SevenMentfe strelt, boulded on the i-wSeplifeDK^ 7L&~ NEW TRIER FIVES BOTH The school ball the"fihal New Triers Township High lighTF and heavyweight basket- teams won theirjirst games ih round for the Suburban League championship Saturday night at the High school" gymn, Where the lights defeated Thornton High, 25 to rSSFEPLACES FOR YOXJR SPARE MC^EY i|!; Opportunities for wise, invest- ments are to be found in the |i CLASSIFIED COLUMNS grounds also iriust be submitted to j; A ZimmetinattP^*^ the voters, in accordance With a spe- cific, state law in that regard, it is said." ■:;**L -v .: ■ . -. ■ • ■ ■' '• *:?■;' ■ 'fmM^MmM. f^^^L^r^r^^m^^^S^^^^ here "is one running this week- V<fc ^0LD-BOND| On Rogers Park two-flat, apart- ments. These are investments of The highest class. Incumbrance is only, 60% of the total value of the security. Matures in two to seven years. Denominations are of $100, $500, .$1,000. -f:T";;V;:^ ■ "^rtW^: ' Both Boy and Girt *rA in; the making at organizations ■""Special >^epresentatiV&'ff.ji?:| Telephone _ \ t^lniet^J^^y^ READ THE CLASSIFIED lIlrv'ERTlSEM^Ti^^MS^ back ot Lake street, the school board has arranged to put the proposition of purchase^hefore^^he citizens early in March at a^special school bond issue election Suite.ii^Bizet4^Thie iandr-TKJnipTisi^ vMartint teen acres, has Tieen Tentatively di- Marchi^lgk. |dd£dihit^itasDa-|^^ Provostjhaif it is proposed will be the site of a modern and spacious school struc- ture. The western half has been se- lected as the logical location for a great municipal playground. ^^While "there "islfb be" p distinct divislpn of the property the school board and Yillage „officials have' y agreed that the suggested division irthe^;mosT"teasible.....plan^®|fi«iilfe. Village Prepared to Help v. Village President Zipf has virtually assured Superintendent Harper of the ^istrici,_jhat Jhe-JWllage ^f-F" vtik&^m^ affiitte^wlfqSe^tt-%^^^ R^ai>b thft-h^rtafrT^f wfgf Iff firoinring the tract, action, of course, being de- ferred pending approval of the pro- posed Jjondjt; s ue b^th^lchtpol^hitr^ voters;................ TO INSPECT CARINGFOR Chairman of the Hospital^Bommittee o* the Woman's Auxiliary of the AMerican Leiipn, D^artment..of JHjk ' .jvi^SiiSitKln^leltoi^^ ties otlthis office, will visit sixty^nine hospMs throughout the state in tiie interSsf ot the ex-service men Who ate. patients., .'ufPpp3€^ Mrs. Shanti wal bie ot the wegah- iiers and is now actively affiliated with the Wilmette Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion, one of the first auxiliaries to be.established in this section of the country, and which has enjoyed a flour ishiag grewtb* Prowler Escapes Police In establish campaign each village of the township. Mr. Zipf was selected chairman of the^^gilmette unit at tJ^biitset Priday*s session, witht John Mw Steffe fens,. Beemt^,^m4^.Mm^^ ; ft is the aim of" the;'WMn^tte'^n«5'IRfc secure a, 100 pet •' cent, vote ■.. at.::':theE^^p Primaries' on behalf of the above■can^SS'^ didates as the means necessary to afp iiu»e_Jhe^4aoj0Qih«t^^ Penfleld ;\and;: Wailiam :-"H^ McLean, -theli^^ two candidates from*this ;^trlb^'-Mp||>.: ■. -A;:. f«rthel;'pur^bi^v ^^^Gr^^^^^r .tioh;;;4t:iw^e^aih^d^ ' eiPafeelipi^aition^g^ in-%fVery-se^ftwtrbf :,New^TJiel5^afeh^^^ the.Pleaders . hbpeV■; wiii^'.result::"ih;^ 'pB^^ united-and favOTable^:expressibn,;^ township at 'the ■ Primariei,::<TR^ll:Kf ■"■ ■"mga2m^ J|||" 'Name.' "Steertna^-'Comt^l^^ the meeting carried^ through t gestlon of one of™the leaders to point steering committees, each mittee tov^a^e-t^^inemberff^ in each of the-v'tett-^reeincj^^^bitithil^^ village;, .-■■-111' accbrdi following precinct ctomm^ttee mem- ■s^er«;--nanied:^';r:'::;;:"'^T:'~':--IS' ■'.-.• ....." Fire Station: Av A. McKeighah^;0^:Mp|Si HellmHthi-i^5^**^^-' i^ff^^^l^^^^m^^M ;; v'\LibrlaB:,#?^;lfofrmlliS^ soii^George Aiies.■■. .'■■■'■'■'.■ :^,.; :■■...;■r.^-y-^f^sk ■■. .■: South".; predlhct-;;::"^.;'v.lg|wj./ f|y WaiJter:*Sch^ervSi8r'"'"""""""'" '*•—*-•— Pierson. scnooi House Karl:DV.'Kingl| School House M^-Br-¥eaablesv Harding jaerudj John R Village Hall Pauperis!!! Buildih*1* ^Jm. Cochran. , ll^^ebeits. ool of Journalism To , '^M. Award Graduate Degree The Medill School of Jonrnalism of Northwestern diversity will «#a«ll' the graduate degree of Master # Science next year, according toVjiBf announcement made yesterday by H. P. Harrington, director of the school. It will be conferred on students hold- ing the Bachelor of Artsdegree tfoli Northwestern tJhiversity or of afe other institution at accepted ■ griide^^^ Answering a call from the home of A. C. Hammond, 500 Gregory street, August Cresap, night patrolman on the Police departme&t,^exchanged_4ahots with a mawmder last week, whom the near the Hammond home. . . _ ' ' - Attemi ^ftw>mfftid-JN>T"« ^fti^-^gst=^hTgBdmy morning but escaped after he fired at Cr^saju^^esap^wj^j^gl^ A candidate for the master's degree must present graduate credit amount-HH ing to.' twenty-six . semester hours :.■ in. ^M approved courses. • At least one*aifi|j§ :of-, this- creditHshair:be:.:f©r::work^ltt.:!^ Journalism; the remainder may lie pit .<^Pgej^ojiLthe^epartmehta: of -®E*r-:^g '" ':-€e^TOuaefte,!'j^l|tr~^fS ieal-: Scienc^Histdir^olr"P^chology, flii but .purely elementary courses in ll^alrtmentrmsy^Bgf-be presented; ::g ^fbr the Master ^f must present twenty- graduate credit ^A caHdidate Science degree six semester hours _ ^^ _____ whIcB.;imust ■■^Mi'§anSSMi^^lf.ij^ijW$ thesis must ,nt baaad be presented by the stu- oh jmrtgliiiif i i"iim"hi 11 li <|i ^3ou*ser taken"-1ft ©ith# ■S^Ssif? ;5':g|:g!; ■ISfl iburhaTiem Evanston or Chicago will count