Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1922, p. 14

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, IMS arfSK F^SSTFTEP-AL)VKR llSEMENTS ^>REAL ESTATE OFFERS h Ratesâ€"10c per line ,for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines.. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1» p. m. Rates for the same advertisements ia,„The- =tafciF^hor* -NewsV Whwietka^ Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face _jype ATTRACTIVE NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA- lov? con^nieSt location, large, living r^-â€"room with fireplace, sun room, tile n. isatn, screened Urt^â„¢*,Jl1%&& ;; porches, hot water heat, flane lot 50x200 SSuStantiaj'jsioojmhome V* ^,£e East ^location; excellent interior condition, H-extra large and deep wooded lot. $ ll^%:reow^uc^F^hr* ftne^rehes* 2 fireplaces, tile bath, hot wate* heat, weatherstrips, garage, fine corner lot. I^Uractrve 7 room home c^^^LJ? both elevated and steam depots excel^ lent condition; heated sun porth, tile P-*=eap^garage< *18.0Qft. -..._:•...â- . Ideal 8 room home in best Northeast section, large sun room, 2 baths; on sec- ond floor, lavatory and toilet on first, exceptional construction, Plate glass windows and many other exceptional features; 2 car garage, 75 foot lot. RM°M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. Phone WU^SS FOR SALEâ€"MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE, large sun porch, h. w. heat, garage. 100?ft. $15,000. East of tracks. Best buy in Winnetka. Tel. Win. £j£*j9_ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED-TO-RBNTâ€"SW-OR-SEVEN room house oi^ungalow-in^North Shore suburb. Three adults. , F»r one year or longer. Option to buy Address 5011 Blackstone Avei, 1st Apt. 1^18-3^ I ^KA^TEIX-3!q HKNTâ€"FTjffiTff^lSS^" house 3 to 5 rooms on North Shore, by young married couple, no children. Ad- dress H63 Green Bay Rd., GJ^g.ltc WANTED, IN A LOCALITY THAT IS convenient to transportation, a house, modern with at least three bed rooms. ^-6 or 7 rooms preferred. Phone Wilmette 1020. -------- â€" Ltgl9-ltC THESE ^ARB BARGAIN^ COLONIAL HOME IN VERY CHOICEST _^sec«pnj_hot_3KaterJiL. JLJarge xooms^ " ' fireplace, sun porch, tile bath, extra J deep wooded lot. Great bargain at S $16,500. Owner must sell. Make offer. Substantial 8 room stucco bet. steam and "L". Large, light, airy rooms; 2 baths " If arid shower; sun and sip. prens., ige. 8 garage; splendid lot; hot water heat. ^ A bargain at $18,000. ."*,' New 6 room stucco in ideal East location, h. w. ht., tile bath, extra toilet and i lavatory, sun and sip. prchs, garage. ^Wonderful value. $18,500. „ New 8 room stucco nearly finished, £ J baths, h. w. ht., immense living room, ifireplaee, mahogany finish, best value ever at $21,500. m, ,».,»•.'. Beautiful 8 room brick near lake and J-. , "1 heated sun and sleeping P°rche|. ^ -baths, billiard room, h. w. ht., deep I wooded lot, double garage. $22,00. ^^feMake -offer. ^ .------.....-----â€"â€""^-^t*^--' M. E. BARKER CO. End "L" 407 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 â€" ~ Ltgl9-lte WESdO GRADING., .HAVE fou liberty bonds, old Pianos, sewing machines trade on piano& ^play- ers, sewing machines ©um Cleaners, mangles or washing machines, ONR^GUAKATTimTS GOOD- Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis St., Evanston, Pnone 654. Itg47-4tc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, NEW 5-RM. solid larick bungalow; water heat, near liakft and "k". $13,500. 7 room brick; 3 enclosed porches, library, water heat, central location, deep lot, 9 room brick stucco, 6 bed rooms, 2 baths, 12 heated porches, living room 17xd0, 2 car j»wwe>--^^*M^^--~--â„¢-x'~-""-~""~â„¢'"^" Wlhiietka modern 7~^oom^ vStAiGeo^-aun^ sleeping and breakfast porches, htd., icornerlot near transportation; 2 baths. 1$%M HILL fc WHEELER £ffa Elm St 401 Linden Ave. MORTGAGE 1<fo MS? SMALL HOUSE OR APARTMENT UN- furnished, May 1st or sooner. Rent reasonable. Tel. Gardener. Winnetka 1064 Ltgl9-ltp FfOft RENT=HOt*SE^ FOR RENTâ€"7 ROOM HOUSE, 274 SO. Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. I block north of S^edlfTTTeTT Glen. 945 after 7 p. m. FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENT FOR RENTâ€"MAY 1ST, MODERN POUR room apartment, near transportation. Adults only. Tel. Wil. 2399. L19-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOM WANTED â€" DRY BASEMENT ROOM unfurnished; Protestant family, center of town. Phone R. I., Wilmette 1920. â€" L17-tfc BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE large_j>t_ two^ smaller connecting rooms, has furniture^^ior^same^i^refer-board _a,ls HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. Two adults, one child 4 years. Call 536 South Ave* Glencoe or Tel. Glencoe 949. Ltgl7-tfc WANTEDâ€"GIRL (WHITE) FOR COOK^ ing artd general housework. Ref. re- quired. Wages $18.00, no washing. Tel. Kenil. 82. Ltgl9-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR MOTHER'S HELP- er Two small children in family. Knowledge" of cooking not necessary. 1062 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 319. L19-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework. No washing. 4 in family. ^TeK Win, 107Or -â€"^â€"^tl9-^t«^ WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Small family; $15 -^^eeki^^e^reenwaidrAve. -Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 442. Ltgl9-ltc gQR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES THREE BARGAINS 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNlGHT'7 passenger touring; in the very best mechanical condition; a good se* °* tires; this car is just out of our paint shop and is finished in beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gear. It ~irHoineBtlyâ„¢irspiie«fehtea send tr good fo^ -thousands of miles. Price $760. ^ 1918â€"5 passenger Commonwealth touring car. Electric lights and starter. Has the very lines of a modern car. In good mechanical condition. - Price $175, ;Uart one-ton truck, 1 year "Oil . overhauled and painted. It is in the very best condition and has been care- fully used by former owner. Its equip- ment consists of electric starter and lights, cab, a platform body with re- movable sides. Will gladly give any kind of a test demonstration. _ WINN^^ 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 .......... •â- â-  ------v,,â€"^-.^-- - "LtDl»-ltC OAKLAND 5 PASSENGER TOUKLNU car in very good m four good tires and spare "car in very good mechanical condition; OdJtf car for a business man at a bargain. body fenders iGr^conomlcal little and top excellent ar for a busineg WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 Ltgl9-ltc FOR SALEâ€"1918 USED FORD SEDAN, accessories, exellent mechanical con- dition. Reasonable price. SKOKIE MOTOR CO. Winnetka, 111. u-----------_.........--..........'â- ::-â€".::: ...........;......X,tgl9-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LATE 20 DODGE TOURING car and extras in excellent condition. Must be seen to be^ appreciated. Reason- able. Tel. Glen. 891. 472 Woodlawn Ave, Glencoe. Ltgl9-ltc BIG .BABOi^(_j:=J@AJ7irjjrN=^DDAM inline Tcon^TtfiBht^-TiteOI&e'new^'Wur" " i- model Ford Sedanâ€"as parfr payment. Tel. Winn. 690. Ltl9-ltc WANTED TO 6UVâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Groat Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, 111. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR~SAXE^ONE~SIMPLEX IRONBR, fine condition. Reasonable; r Terms if -wanted^ Rv I. Adams, Telr Wil. 2345. Ltgl9-ltc 1921 FIRE LOSS IS BIGGEST IN HISTORY Total Loss Expected to Exceed JdalL Billion Dollars (A Statement by National Fire Pro- tection Association) The fire loss for 1921 exceeded that oTany previous year in the history of the United States. While final figures present^timetoward a reduction ofF fire lossesv It is safe to say that over/ seventy-five per cent of this wasti is preventable. ~~~â€"~ . Carelessness Worst Enemy "nu§:f% Public indifference, carelessness, o%|g;l ignorance is responsible for most.. opli our fires. Consider the chief cause of ft firesâ€"Matchesâ€"Smoking. This onel! item costs us in the neighborhood efflg? eighteen million dollars yearly. Thisii hazard can only be reduced thrbughjji aT wTff(Sspread"caJaj^liiiir'TOnilueied. byMi the press with the co-operation of th various national associations, flreM^ marshals, and other bodies and indi-% viduals of influence. Any of the otherM main fire hazards, such_ag electricitylli; or defective chimneys could be relp are not available the total will be well over half a billion dollars. In spite of the steady development of fire flgjt- iiig science "andr~equipmenT~aTid~ fire protection engineering ^here has been a steadily increasing fire loss year after year. The figures are now reaching such tremendous-jjrpportions that the Na- tional Fire Association believes that it is justified in making an appeal to all persons in a position to inform the public, to«make a sustained effort dur- ing the present year to spread the gospel of fire prevention. It seems duced by a similar campaign. All Should'Help "â- â- â- ' : -||| Those who recognize this needlessly waste, and support the fight against il§l| ^are^erformtng-a^valuable public servl^ ice. The National Fire Protection asiS^ sociation is at all times ready andtlf willing to supply information or as^ sistance'to anyone interested in pre-Sli venting fire losses. ^ This year can be 5l| made the turning point. A standi! must be made against this disastrous!!! rising tide of flre^ There is no better g| time than now. Your support is ear-tf nestly requested. Address for bulletins,]! statistics and other information, Na^f ffearthat fire prevention education is\Uon*lJire^ Protection^AsBo elation, 87 is the most important factor at the Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Young AmeficanrAftist Tokioâ€"The interpretation of Korea and the^Xoreanfr-by means of .the wood-block color print is a service be- ing rendered Americans in the Orient and injnany of the larger American cities today by Miss Lillian ("Jack") „w _ ^........._______________ Miller, daughter oft Consul General for' saleâ€"ioo fine WHiTBL®Gr|^anavMr»»-Ransford S. Miller, -of Seoul, -BorSr-hens single cbmbT^ '^^^^ KoTe^ During the Christmas season just past Miss Miller's famous Korean ATTRACTIVE PIECES ON DEMON- stration and shoj>-worn vacuum clean- ers and used wash machines.W. Q. Beyer, Tel. Wilmette 81. L.19-ltc WANTEDâ€"MOTHER'S HELPER. TEL Wil. 637. L19-ltc WANTEDâ€"A GIRL. TO TAKE CARE OF «â€"year-ont^boy;r~4~~or^5"afternooris a week. TeL Kenil. 1007. Ltgl9-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT •er by the day. _________ DRBSSMAK Mrs. Holden. TeL Kenil. isgigB^eMiCTg^T#P^w=Â¥^â€"" WINNETKA LANDSCAPE JCO.XJEST I5S submit estimates on your landscape "WOrk;treOsr shrubs^ and p«rennials Tor sale; pruning trimming and ^grading; trees and stumps removed^ also drive- -ways put lii; cain furnish liouse-mah experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- â€" van* M«r„ 382 Pine Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1649. ___________Ltg-tfc WANTEDâ€"GARDENER, 13 YRS. EXPE- rience in greenhouse flowers, vegetables and shrubs, married, 2 small children. Address Winnetka Talk A-65. Ltgl9-ltp ELECTRIC IRON, VACUUM CLEAN - ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances^old^iijPJ^a^::R,:X^ Adams, EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE- cleaning and gardening. Oliver Hertz- berger. Phone Wilmette 2074. L18-2tp ^QHDS Ltgl9-ltp •^MaDartmehtsi-'These are toYestm«nt!°' modeling* ateo^ children'^.clothes. Work SOciety, which furnishes the leadership â- MR>^ ** the younger group, holds its week- SI|Si|ftMaturesln twoito sevenftyeax«.ft , ^S'l:SfS*i5Denominations -are $1,000,. $500, $100. investments^!! sssi ^PtT^llphone Wibnetti^lJ W§mx,'-p" 3, OOLDBACH, â- $'&M- ^iiills^ooM mgA .^Special; Representative j|| alK telephone Wilmette i03^^^jc BRICK AND #TUCCO; ON liollow tUe. Lot 82x^5. Pr«ferred rgn1&S^r$1£^!^ iffiiETTE toOTji _M^MiX. J. Woodcock,, Prwu.S£5SA« liBon|1vtonette 130iJfg^X3 ^{^itS;. WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE JSqANTBD TO BgY-^ Jp^J^j^SM^ «onte in WUmetfiT^^^n^b&rgaTnJ] troih wmerr not dverJ6,000v Give fuU details In letter. N. C. Campbell, 293 WILMETTE ^fWANTED. ^..HOME::':-IN . . Have Cadillac coupe, value i5,000v What have you? Addrds^Lake re Newa A.^3." ^ LtJibltfl !WANTED=A MOJ)E^CJ^^^^ or 8 rooms; must have at least .three i master bedrooms. Convenient to trans- l jwa*atloi_and desIiable^Joi^on^lslnv ^»oMjMiiai*H ^^rB^r^m^^^ ground one mile west of owa.mn_Wfa* %etka^t^e^--SttttaW»Jojt^«^»J^ tteirrFuffrer"Iitff6rn»trp^^^^ t| A. Lenemier, Shermervllle, IU,, Box 165. FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS - %i iJ^^ENTrrl^JRN. ROOMS; HOT AND f ^oW watef02^«&,Ra^ad avenue, >M "Wil. «80-J. Reasonable. PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 50a-J>~ LtglS^tfc WANTEDâ€"WINDOW CLEANING AND "house work, alau furuaues taken care «f. Tel. Win. 984. Ltl9*ltp FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING, RE- strain, best foundation stock possible. Tel. Wlly> 1940. Ltgl9-ltc ^KlHT^E^HMAS.AJlCTLBI^Ail^^ ^han§r cockerels for sale. Tel. Kenil. 1498 or call 522 Linden Ave. Kenilworth. L19-ltc FOR SALEâ€"REASONABLE, GENTLE- -^nmn^dressH8u4trâ€"TeK"Ken11.-i0ft!t L19-ltc FOR SALEâ€"50 TO 75 YDS. OP BLACK dirt. Tel; Wil; 168. L19^1t» BAPTIST CHURCH **What Christ asks of Men," is the sermon theme for the month at/the Baptist churchy jOllidrch 19, Mr- Stifler will speak from the record o^ the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus, tak^ ing for his text "Why Persecutest Thou Me?" The service commences promptly atjj_j>jcj^k:_^^ Besides the fully graded Bible school at 9:45 the church has now placed its expressional training for the children and young people upon a graded basis under the direction of the Young Peo- ple's Union of the church. At 4 o'clock at the church the .Tnnior^and charaetersv^1Father -Kim^ ^t*e^ old man of Korea; the washerwoman, who is prominent in '-Monday Morn- ing in K^rea^j^jan^ ^româ€"the--Japameseâ€"to tlie~KOTeag for the sr^can arttst^-has^ Intermediate societies will meet. Jun- iors are those of ages 8» 9, 10 and In situation wj^TEi»--jgeMALE2.^r[:iIT««<t1ftfatOT liriflfnifnin n^ f*11 ^^ "^ 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The Senior EXPERIENCED WOMAN. WANTS cooking and housework in small fam- ily. No laundry. Address Lake Shore News A-60» â-  , L19-ltp WANTBD^-NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St. Win. Phone 674-W. Ltgl?-ltfc WANTEDâ€"DAY WORK BY tent white girl. Tel. Wil. COMPE- 993-M. L19-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FC R SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, niano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, tfer, stoves. Anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St, Winnetka. Phone 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALEâ€"ONE FRENCH WILTON rug 9x12, $70.00, One Royal Wilton 8'6"x 10'6", $55. Both Small patterns, prac- tically new. Iredale Warehouse, 560 Center St., Winnetka. Ltgl9-ltc FORT SALEâ€"AN ELECTRIC SEWING machine, Foot-power can also be used, like new, all attachments, Singer head, $25,0OT TeL Kenil 1160. Ltgl9-ltp *OR SALEâ€"FULL SIZE BRASS BED with box spring and mattress. Complete. Also two Navajo rugsIS Call Glencoe FOR SALEâ€"SOLID BROWN MAHOG- ^alny serving or Console table, almost â€"newr^$25^ <saah^TeL^^129$^- .Ltglflr-.ltc FORr ISALB-^MAHOGANY BOOKCASE, child's high chair, bassinette â€" "*- AND POUND FOUNDâ€"W1LMETTB TICKET TO CHI- cago. Owner may have same; by pay- ing for' this ad and describing same LOSTâ€"THURSDAY AFT. MARCH _. black bill folder containing money. Re- . turn to Lake Shore Pub. Co. and re- ceive, rewwrd.*-:;;; â- â€¢ -^L^±^y-, â- â-  --~L19-ltp iJAt^Y^'WBrO LOST PUrSM d^N^lN- ing |5f0^biU and ehange can nave same by calling in person at The National for the younger group, holds its week- ly meeting at 5:30. At this meeting they'^'will launch a special month's campaign of evangelism. A record at- ^entlanceHls expected, iftz:â€"^~ r^| The closing. session of the Mission Study class of the B. Y. P. U. will be held atH^SO at the church. At this session will be read some recent let- ters of a young missionary who has been in China six months. i ^ mmm " â- â- ' ' i"' Church Night on Wednesday with dinner at 6 o'clock, Board and Com- mittee . meetings at 7 o'clock, and Weekly Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Reservations for dinner should be made as far as possible at the close ^HEnT'niornlBg^service Sunday. ;^ among the women today at the follow- ing places: With Mrs. P. H. Arden, 72? Washington. avenueH_for-41iose-ie» subjects, Miss Mill* back in 1917 I saw Korea first time. It seemed to me &. stor^g^ iag_garments of white, always wbite,â€" and the „men»â€"witlL4.heirâ€"odd~itttleâ€"- i!ii9d^ ^iding^-4n--the-H9h^ Prairie, Crescent and Termitfal dis^ tricts; with Mrs. S. B. Williams,* 1537 Central avenue, for those in the Park, Highland and Forest districts; with Mffc."4K Bl. Reid, 1030 Ashland avenue, ier-those in the Ashland and North â€"Tnir ilsptiltlcKurcli is 4ocated-at the northwest corner of Wilmette and For- est avenues._ Pastor, Rev. Francis tug for this ad and describing same. J??*> aveuue»._ jraaior,- «ev. xirancwf jcjuxc .«.*w-wjub- ww-waiMMrtwtwgc Mtb. f. Lt McCraken, l2(rN. jQfkwood Carr Stifler, phone 1675. Bible-school, 4bâ€"^Vassarâ€"her father-^w^ir^sent to aare..JLakKI5reiCJn^L^ ^Li9-itc 9:45»*Mornin^-worshiDâ€"it-etelock^ Korea* and wheir^he^TetuTiied-to ifee 9:45»^Morning-^worship 5i^ o'clock. Junior and Intermediate B.' Y. P. TJ. 4 o'clock; Senior B. Y. P. U. 5:30 o'clock; Read the Want Ads made well known, we:e purchased by thousands in Peking, Shanghai, Tokio and Seoul. Finishing her work in her studio, near Tokio, Miss Miller left for her father's home in Seoul, and during the present month she is ac- companying America's Consul General there in hunting trips for wild pigs, which may be found in that section of Korea..:....._i:,.^.....I:^4'fc^^-^%fe1f^^'^ An American girl, who was born in Tokio while her father was in the Consular service here. Miss Miller is today one of the outstanding Ameri- cans in the Orient who is really do- ing her share toward explaining this section of the world to the United States. Miller, who was among those mentioned for the post of Ambassa- dor to Japan, has been in :thj::Amerfc ^san tonsillar• seEvlce^slnce 1888. He was Japanese secretary of the Ameri- can Embassy in Tokio during Miss Miiler'a~ 4mildhoodTâ€"and it was in -those days that she first teMayin? teresteja fii Japanese woodcut are. She had her preliminary education in foreign schools in„Japan, going to Washington, D. C, for her high school workm At the age" of Iten: Ithe^was taking painting lessons under Kano, who was at tnaT time famous as a the conflict. It was when she returned | to Japan, in 1919, that she began herjg work in the wood-block^rt in earnest.;! Sought after by the diplomatic andp! business sets of Tokio, Miss Miller | has taken a studio in the suburbs ofg the Japanese capital, and it is seldomSI that she is seen at any social event. |f Her studio is a small Japanese house, | where she employs a Japanese wood-c§ block worker many days of the year | in the mechanical part of printings! "herâ€" original sketches^-ofâ€"Korea^andU Japan.. /'-.. Asked why she decided to changell Miss Miller's way of executing the wood-block painting is to sketch her subject first, finishing the completed color sketch. Her-work 1ms recently been shown in New ^York,; and only within the last few weeks she has re- ceived word of her election *to the Boston Arts and Crafts Society. Her nost famous print perhaps is "Old -;,^er^Ktm,"_thg=,Jiobacjao^jnan^ of [^orea. This print shows an old Xorean, in flowing white robe, tiny -iat on his head and a thirty-sectionl an held" high above his head. "Father Kim is a type which every merican who visits Korea loves," aid Miss Miller recently. "He always years the same white robe, carries fan and a tiny pipe, and he has the eyitabje tobacco ^pgugh. ,e He is a~~' or an umaroTthe Orient, and vith his friends he sits and smokes md talksâ€"'yagi-yagi,? the Koreans call it.? Prune Shrubs Now â-  •â- â€¢?. . . Proper pruning rejuvenates, improper pruning destroys. Have your pruning done now, before the growing season begins. All work is given Careful, skilful and prompt attention. Fullness of foliage and profusion of blossom depends.upon this important work and the time it is done, j ^ / f :; «ortb Sbore aLanDecap :§|f |§ â-  Hrcbitect0'i|||i: â- ',:M Service'l)epartment:l^??;":?W""y;:V^^ EVANSTON, ILL.IlPhonc Ev. 260 court painter-4n -$&&&;â€"-"^eTr-THrry" twelve years old she had exhibited paintings at the Uyeno Academy of Fine Art. While^^ she wasâ„¢at^coIfeg% Korea, and when she returned tolfre Orient, in 1917, she decided to study and to work definitely for a career in Mid-Week meeting Wednesday at«A art. When America entered the great 0'clock.iii s ^ war she went to Washington, where â€"% from 1918 until 1919 she Jsd, a share ._:: ^ _|jt ^e:^!ivjlianr"Work for carrylns on ^[<ni can be certain^ of the exact stated yolir^nanic^sraOl ' times, if you use our '0£ertifiti Public Accmi#anU&& %: ^l€A60,Hi; Randolph 2037 Wilmette 2270

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