Sill PpP THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIPA^, JUNE 23,1922 'pf' â- Slil SOCMiriACTI\OTIES il ITEMS:. OKlPERSQNAl; MENTION Summer Season Opens I with Many Partiet Picnics, Lawn -m' 1-RS. JOHN R. COCHRAN, of 809 JY/I Linden avenue, and Mrs. Judson *V^-P. Stone, of 1324 Ashland ave- nue, are giving a bridge luncheon for one hundred and fifty guests today at Westmoreland Country cl^b, v ^ The marriage ofj|| MissfSHelena Mickey, daughter of Judge and Mrs. D. M. Mickey, and Mr. Iver T. Stockel of Chicago was solemnized quietly in St. Augustine's church, last Saturday afternoon, :g| Rev. Hubert Carleton read the service at five o'clock. The bride, who was unattended, wore a charming frock of white canton crepe, and instead of the usual veil, a small picture hat of the canton crepe. She carried a corsage of sweetheart roses and sweet - peas. * A small reception was held at the Mickey home, 1523 Walnut street, following the ceremony. â€"-My. and Mrs.-â€"Stocked-are spending their honeymoon at Saugatuck, Mich. They will occupy the J. G. Wray home Vat 618 Washington avenue for the } ' summer. ZMZmm-^m:m'mm â- On Tuesday, Miss Clementine East- man, entertained at luncheon and bridge at her home, 1027 Elm wood avenue, in honor of Mrs. Charles Glen- nott of Albuquerque, N. M., and Mrs. A. Leal Bibbins of New York^fThere wex* mymM,t<or ten guests.......„,.,,.IH,,.^„,,.V :/Mrs. O. A. Hinsdell and Miss Har- riet Carlson of 501 Washington ave- nue, left Wednesday for Boston, from where they will sail on June 29 aboard the S. S. Granite City to London for a three months' trip abroad. Upon their return Miss Carlson will enter Bradford academy in September. ||:Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hess of Chicago, formerly of Wilmette, an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Grace Chapman, to- Mr. John Mc^ _ "Culloctr White on Saturday, June IT: Mr. and Mrs. White will be at home r In order that Wilmette folks may become better_jaequaintedr with the Childr~Weirare Magazine, the official organ of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' associa- tions, Mrs. R. Tencher, 507 Washing ton avenue, has accepted the chair manship of circulation here for the; coming year. Mrs. O. T, Bright anc Mrs. B. F. Langworthy are assistant editors of the magazine, which reports the activities of state-branches and conducts a 'Question box" concerning child welfare, mothers' problems and Parent-Teacher "interests. *? Miss Vera Lobanoff, accompanied by Miss Jessie Hess of 807 Fifteenth street, and Miss Esther Griffiths of River Forest, is leaving tomorrow on an extended trip in northwestern Canada, and along the Pacific coast before joining her family, who re? ceiitly^mi»eja^toiJE-os Ajngeles^^Miss Hess expects to be absent from the village for about two months, but Lobanoff wttl remain with her Miss parents in the west. of ?|Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Houghton 5% Eleventh street, are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Houghton formerly^ of Wilmette, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. ^Key^are" alstr^iBitingK4n^Sturgeon Bay and returning by way of Kil- hourtt, stopping at the Dells for* short time, and returning home about the '25th.:-:|^Silg;;;;v};;;-:â- â- i.:â- v?-'. %^ â- Mrs Charles Jackson, 1017 Elm- wood avenue, is leaving the latter part ------------â€"â€"â€"----------â€"â€"Park, Mich., of the week for mortage where she will spend the greater part of the summer. - â€" 5 Mr. Thomas McGJrath, 129 Ninth street, has been confined to his home with Illness this past week. , -o Miss Dorothy Wilson entertained at luncheon and bridge on Thursday at her home, 729 Greenwood avenue, for Mrs. Edward Biery of Tulare, Cal., wlKrurrived in Winnetka recently to spend the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber. There .were â- â- covers for~^^tr|^^;ggg|§|| Mrs of Evanston Edwin Badger and her family "spenalHg-- several are HI days wltfa-Mre, Henry Pope. Jflfl.....Lake avenue, prior to northern resort. their departure to a t% Mrs C H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, entertained twenty friends informally at bunco* on Thursday afternoon of last week, the occasion being Jbej birthday anniversary. â- mms IS Invitations have been issued by Miss Alice Thompson of Wendell,^ Mrs. Arthur W. Wigglesworth, Mrs5|j;daho|i|will arrive Saturday at the William E, Ingersoll and Mrs. Arthur L. Rice for a bridge luncheon to be given on the afternoon of June 30. in the Wigglesworth home, 426 Central avenue.?:: %--viyU X; ;â- ;;::fmmr^mm^f0?M after July 15 at 1660-A Farwell avenue, Chicago. ':v>;^=ft>^:-,;; 'â- h.[C-:y^-:'>w:MA'A-^^-- Mrs. George W. Springer, 724 Forest avenue, -with he* daughters. Wino- gene, Martha and Jane, left last Satur- day for Crystal Lake, Michigan where they will spend the summer, -mi Springer went east the first of the week, and upon his return will join the family for the remainder of the summer. ..... ,â€"oâ€" . ;,-..,,..,,,:,,,... i'^Mf.-and Mrs. George Zendt, who have lust recently returned from a: ten dayVnshing trip in northern Minne- sota, are occupying the Harper ho: on Park avenue again this summer. LastrSTaturday evening Mrs. Zendt, better known in the musical world as^ Marie Sidenius Zendt, sang in the ra4ip.concert in Minneapolis, The grounds surrounding tbe resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Seng, 1226 Chestnut avenue, were opened for a benefit bridge party on Wednes- day afternoon, tor the Sanctuary de- partment of the Wilmetter TJaThoIic Woman's club. . â€"oâ€" Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake ave- nue, returned last week from a trip to Michigan where she visited her parents and other, friends. While there Mrs. Tucker attended a family reunion and celebration of her father's ninetieth birthday anniversary; Miss Elizabeth Simmons of 1040 Ashland avenue, returned last Friday 4rom the University of Wisconsin, and left on Saturday with, a party from the University for a month's trip through Estes, YellowMone and Glacier Na- tional Parks. â- .»•â- â- '.• Col. and Mrs. Charles R. fPickard, 1121 Greenleaf_aieJttue, entertained at dinner for Dr. Norman Parry and Ms mother of Salt Lake City, on Wednes- day evening of last week. Dr. Parry graduated from Wesley hospital on Monday morning. - â€"oâ€"'v.;^ -..â- â- .-.â- . Miss Elizabeth Casey, head of the Spanish department of New Trier High school, leaves Saturday night to spend the summer with her mother in California. She will visit Yellowstone National Park and other points of in- terest en-route. -----â€"^/..;.-.., v" :,.â- . .The North Shore Wellesley club wHl Hto"vera~picnic-onr4he grounds-of Mrs. Bruce MacLeish's house in Glen- coe at one O'clock next Monday. The members of the club are asked to take their own limchesf^l-^;;:^^^' . Bf. Maude McKerchar, 1109 Central avenue, is spendingâ€"the -week in Saugatuck, Mich., Mr. McKerchar will join her for the Week-end. -'J^Sf "&•> IIIIUIHIII MnrammmmimmmtiHiMinR^^ smmiinninniiiimn! pJE^ilNilElD'Ai^ll SlilllSlliliii to^be-praei^4^yJ^S^S&Mt^M north^horeIthIatrC^I^ at T>RAMA LEAGUEjQE^llilii lilliilkDMISSION $...1*50. lUif TICKETS ON SALE ATI §| i; ,jg|iiii^ home of Mrs. Frank Hli&allagher, 1233 Forest avenue, to be their guest for several days. Later in the week she will continue her trip to Btyts- burgh^:"#pB~^3i®t^ Mr. liii "Mrs. Charles DIn|e1f lint family who have been making their home with Mrs. Henrietta Panushka, this past year, expect to move back into their own home on Lake avenue, the first of the month. m^^^M^^^^ Miss Christelle Ferguson of Homer, La., who is on her way to Salt Lake City, to attend the national convention of Chi Omega sorority, Was the guest of Miss Hazel Russell 1009 Elmwood avenuey^ovejr^ Washington avenue, had as their week-end guests, Mrs. Edwin West of Sandwich, I1L; Miss Bit* U Jones of Millington, 111., and Mr. Anton Stark Mrs. J. B,Olwin, 820 Lake avenue, entertained the members of the Neigh- borhood Circle informally on Tuesday afternoon on the spacious lawn sur- rounding her home. M SMS*! Mr. and Mufc E. G. Low and sons, Roger and JWn, 914 Thirteenth street, left by motor Saturday last for Kelly Lake, Wis.; where thSy iWill spend the mmm........ i Oh account o/ illness, Mrs. Edward MacDowell was unable to appear be- fore the North Shore MacDowell Club on Thursday evening. JuutJ?!^.was previously â- ;annouttced^:::;;:;^':, rfll^i â- . â- .'. Mrs. thee D. Bond, 12110 Lake ave? nue, has gone to Spider Lake, Wis., tor, .th©......summer monL_......_„_..,1_ ome r the summer Albert" Miis Evelyn Kletzing, who has |»e«| teaching; in Indianapolis during tlMr winter, fias returned to spend tfclf summer with her father, J. F^JHJleUt JjUfei' 622; ;Washingt6h'; .avenue,^ '^r-;\i Miss Clara Gage who made her home with her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Kibby, dnr| ing the college year, has returned to her :ho^.^J1Hartford,. ;Coni^: to^;;tlt|'.. summer^ ]'^^M§^:.r^:-'^â- '."":-"â- ']s'^'P^':(iiW:i\|i Mr, ana Mrs. A. W» Wlgl$e8W0itli| bare re-opened their home at 426 Central avenue, for the summer, hav- ing returned a fortnight ago from their winter home in Buena Vista, Fit m. *gMisa; Edi|hLRay YountJiL^BpMlillf her summer vacation ^tb Jae^jMrti^ entSNat-lflncennesi.-Ind.;:;;- ^UC; from the University of Wisconsin, for I family of 22« tfehtlt street have gono the summer vacation. • to Crystal Lake, lit, for the summer. ^Mm^iS^A Mrs. W5' D. Hamilton, who has been visiUnf friends and relatives in Indi^ anapolls and Fort Benjamin Harrison, for the past three weeks, will return to her home at 835 Sixteenth llr; and llrs. John iy^^ntgomery of Hubbard Woods announce the ssarriage of their daughter, Ellen to Mrv^Jihitzerawley at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. Among those who had tables at the Delta Gamma Bridge benefit on Wed- nesday afternoon at Anchor Inn were Mesdames Mortimer B. Skinner, G. Ross Stewart, Stalham Williams and IS,- Jr., . ^:-,aw,.^,,,::,;,i,,.,,J,..,.,„J,S;: One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs, which during the sum- mer months is meeting on Wednes- days, will meet next week at the home of Mrs. John Iliff, ills Greenwood ave- nue. . ';iW[:"'^i:--k-' :W^Wi?r-':"'-W^%^M â- ^M* and Mrs. Malcolm McKerchar entertained at a week-end party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Denton of ^Bearnes7TJy^MaTSIisir3e^s~T>^^ of Princeville, 111. (The third of a series of luncheons was given at the home of Mrs. C. A. Koepke, 414 Washington avenue, on Wednesday, June 14. Covers were laid for fourteen. ?^ Iv^^V . ^Ms^mfSs^$^i^W^PMv^wSwm MUSIC AT Why not give your child thorough and intensive in thcr time^x>f year^wheir it ir po«wble?| your child does noi WO]r|c music The public schools are c need all his time for play. N â- Mfe. Improve th^Opportsinityi^ 1 SUMMER SCHOOL1 of MUSIC mm Q KTU W ES T E R N U N1VE R S1 Tiffj 0:j^:M;..,....... ,,,.i,-;,...............â- • â- â- â- â- â- - â- ,â- â- .â- â- '-â- ' ' ^PII^bII Miffical Kind^ Sliest. 1 There are other classes in Ear-training, Notation and II STechnic for those a little older.\ And there are private lessons Ijlfin 'Hano, .Violin.; and *CeUoP|§§g|^®^^^^^^| ISp^tjasTsum^ â- : "'â- â- -rl^li?^^'^ S4M..