Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1923, p. 14

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WW*f;: THE LAKE .SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1923 r LfJ i 5 The Best Thing about our Christmas Sav- ing Club, outside, of course, of the benefits you'll derive from it next Christmas, is the simple system we now have in effect. . ftV^^tEA^yftErjto at the Wilmette A. J. WOODCOCK, 513 4th St. REAL ESTA.TC FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE FURNACE JTEAT 4.roSSmhoJai ^ove'^'^^Jun^ s-loom " house'.' Ht.' * Waier' hi.' ft"i>i|«d. 7-room F. ht- from May 1st ......$125.00 4-room furnished ..............""EZLa S-room furnished, $175.00; unfurnished, $150.00. ^ WH-METTE REALTY CO. PROPRIETOR Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG12-ltc W1XNETKA â€" BEAUTIFU L 7 ROOM Colonial, garage and driveway, extra choice location. $16,500. „„„,_„ . WILMETTEâ€"VERY FINE STLCCO, « rooms, lof 50x150. sleeping porch, front porch, water heat, garage; near L bargain. 114.500. " W. G. STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave._________Phone WiL 308 VACANT BUSINESS PROPERTT ON CENTRAL " St., Evanston, ripe for development, stores and apartments. JOHN F. HAHN HIS Sherman Ave. TeL Evans. 2382 __LTG10-2tc WIXNETKA. NEW 6-ROOM COLONIAL on nicely wooded lot., six large rooms, hot water heat, 2 porches, large garage. For quick cash sale $13,000. Inquire at 877 Elm St., Winn. Ph. Winn. 1689. LTG12-ltc ABOUT 6 RM. HOUSE FOR April delivery, east side preferred, must be modern, good condition. Smith 1434 Lunt Ave, Chicago, give full par- ticulars in letter. LT10-2tc LOST AND FOUND LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN. LARGE size Airedale^ dog. black saddle, right eye gone, answers To name of "Teddy." Disappeared on Sunday. Jan. 7th. Tel. Glen. 480. Mrs. Crandall, 690 Bluff st. _______________LTG12-ltc LOST^AJRBDALE DOG ONE YEAR old, name and address on collar; anyone returning same to 931 Chestnut ave., Wilmette, will receive reward. Phone 1220.___________________________LTG12-ltc LOSTâ€"LEATHER DRIVING MIT. TEL. Ev. 3451-W.______________________L12-ltp HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE SITUAJ^N_WANTKD--FB^ai(| k LAUNDRY WORK l*Y TB^'day:^* cleaning, or take bundle washing iESr TeL KeniL 194 before 7 a. m. or *f£ 5:30 p. m. and all day Sunday. e5n or an* .________ _ ___ -TCH*.^ SIT. WANTEDâ€"BY MAID WITH OOon references in small family, ad££k Lake Shore News A^S*. WfcJJ YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN~~\bJJ care for children afternoons. Can ^* nish references. TeL WH._W02. WANTED â€" HOUSEWORK OR ~C4tti for children, half or whole day/7?? WiL 9»3iM._ ____ LT012-5 WANTEDâ€"WASHING, mONING"~AKli cleaning by the day, Swedlshj^el W 248«.________ _ LTQH-h* COLORED LADY WANTS LAUNBftT References. TeL Evanston 8120. HEuP WANTEDâ€"MALE - â-  MONEY. ^ easily made by anyone. Ho selling or other work neces- sary. Just send us* names of friends^or acquaintances who expect to be in the market for an automobile in the $1,000 class this year. Write for par- ticulars. Address "Guaranteed1' care this paper. ;| LTG12-3t* €falT^ffice work in , real estate office. Stenographer or one who can operate typewriter preferred. A. R. Eddington & Co.. 1157 Wilmette ave. Phone WiL 640. L12-ltc CLASSIFIEDADÂ¥ERTISEMENrI^ CrPllPm.1 A//l/f/V*Câ€" Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living in the district vrcwt** nuui,** ,.â„¢ w»-..*^. ^ mâ€"_ ^^..HvCj wh0se names appear in the telephone The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly- directory, or to persons whcr are regular subscribers to either Talk or Glencoe News. ' . : ]?srtec...... y? cents per hne tn one paP€.r- 2° cents per Ihie in all three papers mSXAWCS (Average of live words to the Kne). \ / ______ Deadline for Insertions i^fiXt^^T^s the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday- 12 o'clock for the 192} or WINNETKA 388. J be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock >r all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for coe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920- WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE GIRL, general housework, family of 4. No washing, must be fond of children. 6- room house. $15 per week. Mathison, J4 Abbottsford Rd. Tel. KeniL_2190. WANTEDâ€"REFINED YOTJNG" OR MID- dlef^aged woman to assist with chil- dren and mending. Home nights, ex- cept on occasions. Umr^Kenil. 528. ______________ _____L12-ltc WANTEDâ€"LAUNDRESS (WHITB> electric - washer. ironer and good laundry room, good plaice for good laundress^ TeL Glen. 459. LTG12-ltc WANTED â€" REFlSfED WOMAN TO take care of little boy, Monday after- noons. Mrs. J. B. Whidden, 1009 Elm- wood ave. Tel. Wil. 763-W. L12-ltc WANTEDâ€" M AID FOR GENERAL housework. 121 Bertling Lane, one block east of Indian Hill.station. Win- netka.____________________LTG12-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAlD. GENERAL HOUSE- work. only experienced need apply. (White) no washing; priv. room and bath. TeL^WiL_ 126._________LTG12-tfc WANTED>*-GIRL FOR~GEN'L. HOUSE- work. 3 in family; no washing; good wages. TeL Win. 1919. _LTG12-ltc WANTEDâ€"PRIVATE PARTY TO TAKE family washing home. Tel. Wil. 297. _____________j___________________LTG12-ltc WANTED â€"COMPETENT WHITE laundress. Thor washer. 1161 Oakley ave., tel. Wil. 1284. LTG12-ltc REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED Excellent opportunity for real live-wire Apply to Hill & Stone, end of «l/» Wilmette. TeL WIL 1644. LTG12-ltt WANTEDâ€"REALTOR TO ASSIST IN office, one experienced preferred. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-58. _________________________________LTG12-It© WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED REAL ES". tate salesman with automobile; 1016 Central St.. Evanston. I1L__LTG12m ____SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL ^5f would like work in home, outside of school hours. Willing worker. Address Lake Shore News A-59. LTLMtp FOR RetOâ€"ROOMS LARGE FRONT ROOM, STEAM HEAT, twin beds; suitable for two, near Rodg^ ers Park Station. TeL Rodgers Parte 2358._________________ _ L12-ltp FOR RENTâ€"ROOM FOR ONEdR~TW<> gentlemen, 725 Prairie ave., near trans. TeL Wil 442. LTG12,-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GENERAL WK; must go home nights; 1351 Greenwood "avenue; Phone wil 292. JL12-ltc FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, i convenient to trans, and cafeteria. TeL j Wil. 1303.___________________LTG12-1US' FOR RENTâ€"LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, twin beds, adjoining bath. 2% blocks Hubbard Wood* station. TeL Winn. 1765. _LTG12-ltc FOR RENTâ€"WARM, BRIGHT, COMFOR- table rooms, south windows, east side Near trans, and ifeafeteria. Tel. WjL 1940._ _____ LTGi2-ltC FOR ._RENT-â€"NICELY FURNISHED room, *& block to transportation. TeL Wil. 2711 Sunday.________________L12-ltp BNTRAL â€"HOTEL"^ NICE-----CLEAN outs. rms.. steam heat, hot and cold rung, water. TeL WiL 1080. 629 Main St. Wil. _ LT5-tfc FOR-RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. TeJ. Wtt. Wt* K». __alL_trans. LTl-tfc V*SANTED_TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTELWTO RENT 8-RM. HOUSE in Kenilworth or Winnetka, east side. TeL KeniL 2219. LT12-2te FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS ,.'! USED SEWING MACHINES TAKEN if trade on Singer electrics: Davis $12.00; Wheeler & Wilson $15.W; White $16.00; Singer $18.00; Florence electric portable $30.00; Wilson portable ~$3&0O. We also have some Singer electric portables shop worn and used, from $40.00 to $50.00. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St.. Evans* ton, 111^____________________ LTG9-2tc FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS. CART, anything bought, sold and exchanged, piano, fixtures, plbg.. lumber, stoves. »n» Oak St.. Win. T*»l. 1212. LTG3-tfc m FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, anything bought, sold or exchanged,: â€"piano, fixtures, plbg-,- lumber, stoves;" 808 Oak St., Win. TeL 1212. LTG3-tfc REAL ESTATE Wf are agents for Wilmette's newest and last subdivision at the corner of Wilmette avenue and Seventeenth street, formerly the base ball grounds. The of- ficial opening is Saturday, January 27. These lots will sell very rapidly owing to the great scarcity of vacant in Wil- mette, so you had better get in on the ground floor at once and make your selections. Buy these lots and make some real money. Prices only $30.00 to $40.00 per ft. Easyâ€"terms. Very attractive brick bungalow 5 rooms, east location,- convenient to transporta- tion. $13,500.00. " Beautiful 10-room frame house, two baths, large jporch _jiewjy decorated, painted and weather stripped. Two car garage, lot 72x200 ft. and beautifully wooded. $18,500.00. 8-room stucco house with 2 baths, sleeping porch and dining porch, 2 car garage, very convenient to stores and- transportation. $23,500.00. Bear in mind that we nave one of the best lists of homes that can be had. Let you choose yours. _1^UR._EDDINGTDBLAjD0_ 1157 WHmette Ave. Phone WIL 640 L12-ltc " FOR SAL£â€"WILMETTE Owner leaving; village' has to sen. Six room pressed brick bungalow. Water ht,: canvassed watts, sun pch.; close to schools. Price 112,000.15. Z. Terras^^ ~^ Attractive 7 rm. home; • chambers, -dUning ^uid sip. pchs., gar.; line wooded * lot Wfate*TNr. lake and trans. Must be ^yd< IB -VTVimrmn A anan $20,000 00----- HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. ?4tl 41*1*"*^" ~ Phone Wtt S766 R. M. JOHNSTON & CO OFFER Substantial 6-room home in good east location, pleasant rooms, excellent -con- dition, garage, lot 50x180, $10,500. Attractive 6-room home in best section West Wilmette. 2 fine enclosed porches, large living room with fireplace, 3 fine bedrooms, house well located and well kept, 50 foot lot with trees, $12,500. 5-room brick bungalow, good east loca- tion, heated, sun parlor, hot water heat, attractive lay-out, $15,000. 9-room stucco in best northeast sec- tion, large enclosed sun and sleeping porches, 4 large bedrooms on second, 2 on third floor, lot 50 by 180, only 4 blocks to station. $17,500. V Beautiful 6-room stucco in central east section, extra large bright rooms; 2 fine porches, tile *bathr deep lot with exceptional trees and perennials, 2 car gar«?ge, $21,000. Bargain in vacant corner 3 blocks from depot, west, at $2,500. Beautifully wooded.JptJjO Jbx 184,_Gr*enleaf avenue, at 1H0 peFloot. 340 Linden avenue, phones Wilmette 68 and 444,____________-------------------------U2-ite /^. NEEDING LARGER HOME, WELL, sacrifice 5 rm. stucco bungalow, porches, large trees, well kept place. Garage, Terms. $10,000.99 ~ BE OUR LOTS 3 BLOCKS TO LAKE; close to "L" choice sectionâ€"Bargain. __J50 per ft. LOT ON SHERIDAN ROAD 50x1*1. BAR- â€"gain at $130 per ft. M L. MOODY & CO. End of "L" 511 4th St. TeL Wtt. 2248 LTGll-ltc FOR SALEâ€"IN BEST EAST LOCATION' near lake, beautiful 8 rm. home, most «^ctl^e ^tf^or and ideal arrange- ment, huge Bv. rm., sun porch and sleep, porch (each 14x15 ft.) four bed V"8-*0116.,15^?5' 3. baths' e^tra lav. and *SSut*. oU ~bun»ins7 hot water heat, built-in garage. Fine wooded lot. Trim! decorations and fixtures to suit $30,000 ^J^J* RM- WINNETKA HOME IN splendid east section, artistic and to finest condition, beautiful wooded lot.' farage, cut to $12,500. www*» *oi, Several unusual bargains in choice,hts/- «uy now before prices advance "^ M. E. BARKER & CO. End «X" 417 Linden. Ph. Wilmette 407 ___^______________________L12-ltc }ffi- N?^» Dakota, and Louisiana £*"**• Write for particulars. Peter* CuSS* r^ncy' 3396 Milwaukee iw., Chicago. DL LTG12-lti WttL BUBUD jrOUR^HOME FOR CaS br monthy payments. " ^«sa CHARLES-BREXHQLLV Loans. Fire, Liability, Theft and Autn Insurance, wbnt anTsecond MortgaSsT ^^JW.^Raih5ad_avii^r^|^p^I^f?8A â€"______________________________LTGll-tfc CXCI.USIVE HOMES AT BHCRH 714 8HtIRlDAN ROAD 1MSh JOHN F. HAHN Wit Sherman Ave. mmxmUm SS82 ^v^^y^^^^f^^^^^^v-v LTGU-ltc You Believe You Believe Thf^Norflr~Shore is a^good place to live. You Know In the future~gfowth and de- velopment of this territory* The Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad serving this district is keeping abreast of this growth. Do You Know The remarkable earnings of this road?â€"That the preferred shares x>l this company carry ^j25.00 per share in accrued dividends.^ and arelselling be- low their mtrinsic vaJpe? ^_Hione or write for market quotations or a ditional information. -â- ^ymm^m^-^^^^W^ i/. >i. sTr.. -i^..:JiliSii^#f!^#^IM^ig5^jJjS^-^ THE ROOKERY Mem bers af Ckingn sto few*' ^SSSt. niwn mm, i. : 4 jjitgjy-1 Â¥i^-W^&£:j&MM& ^l^&^^^^^^liiSifMMiii^S

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