Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1923, p. 14

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r THE LAKE SHORE ^ The Right Idea about our Savings Department ;may make it much more attractive to you. So many people do not understand that we permit withdrawals at any time, and that only the money actually taken from the account is lost. A savings account is not as flexible as a checking account, as it is meant as a depository of surplus, rather than what Ihight be termed "working capital/' but^ a Wilmette State savings account will be fotind to> meel^esreiyjsrdtt^^ â-  raenfcr1-'-'-â€" * / CentalAveatTWelfth III your Home HEINSEfT&lXARK, INC. INDIAN HILL 101 tl of vacant only *70 per ft. one- thkd WmNETKA HEIGHTS Wonderfully wooded lot, â„¢gn g , SubBtantW_CotonUU.h^lar»e^; c cor. [0htS;otnPeCrhSlea5ing city. $18,000 GLENCOE Colonial. 7-rooms It Marge uv^j and sun panor, i.u'i____ __ ioUp. nr. lake, and sun parlor; shower, sip. pen; htd. gar, ?So°om residence, 4 chs; :2 baths show- er, 2nd fl; htd. sun and sip. pebs. atta gar; immense, wooded lot, nr fchtfols and tggg^gj^O. s%rasr*asss fKa.ffiS' Colons, breakfast nook. good neighborhood; must be sold, $11, 2-flat 12-room frame^h. w. ht; centrally located, $7,000. ,**^.,*h with tiled Almost new colonial, bath wltn uiea walls; toilet and lav., 1st floor. Hot water heat. Choice east section. Nice- ly wooded lot. Nr. Lake, school and trans. $16,500. EVANSTON Lincoln wood, $3,000 per acre. BATAVIA Comfortable 9-room home on 1% *?***> beautifully wooded, on Lincoln High- way; h. w. ht; gar; 1 hr. train ride from^hicago^_TermsJ_$12,000. Owner wanted to^rentâ€"h wanted toT Sent April 1st. furnished -ta^SL house, while, building a horte/W sponsible party, who Dresfcrw property as you would, pay* and furnishes best of referei Winn. 789 or 1220. WANTEDâ€"TCX RENT 8-RB^J« in Kenllworth or Wlnnetka?'^ Tel. Kenll. 2219. . ^ â€" TaST AND FOUNtT^* LOST-GOLDrtRIMMBp SPSJt in Aimer & Coe case. Thurs. ev*i 18, between Village Theatre and K* western depot. Phone Wilmette $ 3* LOSTâ€"LARGEB^OWNCJIBLr"^ $ ed dogr eh^sajJe^fteTBayRetrtevwi ^ ward.___Phone Wilmette 2161 LOST â€" ONE WEED TlRE~<jii 35x4%, reward. Dr. Mann. 1121 Ql wood ave.___Tel. Wll. 957-W. £J, LOSTâ€"A WHITE POObLE~55cr' male, answers to the name DinW ward. Tel. Wll. 603. *£^ POUNDâ€"FEMALE AIREDALE, seven months old. Phone Winn. I/Pi£p HELP WANTEDâ€"FENJALg^ WANTEDâ€"MAID, GENERAL H0M work, only experienced need an* l (White) no washing; priv. rW« bath. Tei Wll. 126._______ig$£ WANTEDâ€"SALESGIRLS WITITIqJ experience in selling desired, but i essential. Store In Wilmette. An Address tj T 1. in own handwriting. Shore News A-62. LU.J must sell. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. £xchmve Agents Winaetka Office 556 Center, Winn. 254 Wilmette Office 421 4th St. WiL 2760 LTG-lte WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR~C«i eral housewjork; familyâ€"©f " Chestnut st., Wilmette. Tel. WIL1J _________________________________LTCǤ WANTEDâ€"RELIABLE WOMAN flj general housework; family of 3 adoj no laundry. 228 Leicester rd., Kent worth. JTel. Kenll. 429. LTQU.7 WANTED^BXJ*.r MA1D-POR G] housework, .with or without 3 in family; good wages. Tel. "WSJ 185.________________________LTG13.1I i WANTEDâ€" COMPE TENT WITH laundress. Thor washer. 1161 Oakl ; o.,^ *al W<«n 1SJU. LTGlJ-l * WELMETTE^SPECIAL FOR SALEâ€"MODERN 6-ROOM STUCCO home, centrally located between "L" and steam trains. Hot water heat, perfect condition; garage; immediate possession; easy terms, 114,500. FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL, MODERN, 8- room brick home on Greenwood ave., near Sheridan Rd. H. W^ Heat, 2 â€" bathrooins,"^pperloT colIsfructldnTio- cated on large wooded lot; garage; don't fail to see the home, $35,000. HILL & STONE End of "L" Wilmette LTG13-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE^ Owner leaving village has to sell. Six room pressed brick bungalow. Water ht.; canvassed walls, sun pch.7 close to schools. Price $12,000. E. Z. Terms. Attractive 7 rm. home; 4 chambers, dining and sip. pchs, gar.; fine wooded lot 50x200/ Nr. lake and trans. Must be sold. E. Z. Terms. A snap $20,000.00. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 421 4th St._______ Phone JE1L-2760 ---------------------------LTG12-ltc aye.. tel Winn. 1J8* WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENERAL BW Exp. 3 m family. No washings, q Winn. 1706._________________LTG«.l( i PIANOS TUNED EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRS L. W. Foster, piano maker. CaD w home tuner. Tel. Win. 609-J. LTQifctl 3ltU AVION1 WANTlb-^EMA STTr-WATSrTED=AB COMPANIONl elderly lady in North Shore prot. bra by lady of refinement, good reader, t travel. Highest references. Addri Lake_ Shore News A-61. UH SECY.-STENO.â€"DESIRES POS. N0B1 shore; 25 yrs. old; good ed. 8 yrs. eq reliable, capable; best refs. Addra Lake^ Shore-News A-61. L18-H COLORED LADYâ€"WANTS LAUNDHJ References. Tel. Evanston 8120. LT12-« SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MAtE FOR SALEâ€"COMFORTABLE, WELL „; planned, fine constructed home. Won- * derful living room, ^arge fireplace, 2 â- : baths, hot water heat, garage. Size of lot 100x175. Beautiful trees and shrubs. House could not be duplicated at the price we are offering, $25,000. WILMETTE REALTY CO. __^J-^A. J. WOODCQCK, PROP. 513 4th St. - Wll. 1304 .;• :_______________ -________LTQM3-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW, ATTRACTIVE 6-RM. Colonial, sun parlor, sleeping porch, hot water heat, lot 50x198, 2 blocks to transportation, good location, $15,000. By owner, 128 Linden ave., Glencoe. LTQ13-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE M<mim0jW i^i^£,'jn CLASSIFIED m 'S-il^-.r AS CHAUFFEUR WITH 12 YEARS H perience. And houseman. Best I references. Telv Atlantic 2769. ;: ________________ LTQ1MI HELP WANTEDâ€"WALE^OIT^F^KIAU SALESMAN OR SALESWOMANâ€"MUB estate; prefer high grade young or woman residing in Glencoe. perience desirable but nqfcwpo *m as energy and ambition-to make money. Apply Frederick B. H»! & Co., 10 S. La Salle, Chicago^- FOR RENTâ€" ROOMS FOR RENT â€"NICELY FURNI8 rooms, desirable neighborhood, pr family, 4 mln. walk to Hubbard station, N. W. R. E. or N. S. Tel. Winn. 968. LTOl FOR RENTâ€"WARM, BRIGHT.COMW table rooms, south windows, east n Near trans, and -cafeteria. Tel I 1940. ....â- â€¢. ________LTGC-1 HELP WANTED-r-MALE d/yn/vrnl A7*/»ff/vc-^CIa8sified advertisements, will be charged only %o persons living in the district Kjrvnvrui> lMU*tL>eo from-^aristorto^^leric6er"inclu^iVe, whose*uames appear in the telephone Hifecltory, or to persons who are regular subscrlbe*>£t^ Talk-or- Glencoe New«r^ .....y.....-~â€"^â€":,:,.:;;-â€"^^^a.;>;,,~ . .; ?â-  -^.^^y/riv-y^/:^:" ::.^\J; Prrfjrr ^ cents per line in one paper; 20 ceftW p<^ line in all three papers. J\.UrT€Smmmm' (Average of liye words to th« liDe).^;?*.:;;:..T:'J:vs;:':>v;^V!f"%'^y TionAliino -fn*> T*t etfrtirkMC Classified advertisements will be accepted, up to Wednesday 12 o'clock UeaUline /^l^mM^ferThe;^ke,gborcNe^ or all three papers. Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and JFrid.ay l^4oMpck for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE' 1920- 1921 or WINNETKA 388. , ^* t ^ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED ^ Reputable North Shore firm with offices in Chicago and branches on the North Shore has opening for a live saleman living on the North Shore. Prefer man owning automobile and one familiar with territory. Must be capable of handling high class clinets. (No subdivision proposition.) The jrlght man wi!l_b_e_given a most promising proposition as brancbr^nanageir upon proof of ability. Address Lake Shore News A-66. LTG13-ltc STOCKS AND BONDS STOCKS' AND BONDS REAL E8TATE We are- agents for Wilmette's newest and last subdivision at the corner of Wilmette ave. and Seventeenth street, formerly the base ball grounds. The official opening is Saturday, January 27. These lots will sell very rapidly owing. * :the ^^V^^&S^nfe^1^ i|IP in Wilmette, so you on the ground floor at_jnee__and^4nak«v your selection. Buy these lots and make some real money, Prices only 130.00 ' $40.00 per foot, easy terms. Attractive 6-rm. brick bungalow, con- venient location, water heat. Good buy at ___...........• •...............$12,000 7-rm. house, high class east section, beau, lot, strictly modern home. Price now.............................$18,000 6-rm. Colonial, extreme east location, water heat, huge living rm. splendid sur- roundings. Price.................13,600 Do not forget that we have the best list of homes that can be had along the north shore. Let us help" you select yours. A. R. ELLINGTON & CO. Phone Wil. 64<1 11S7 Wilmette Ave. FOR SALEâ€"NJBW COLONIAL HOME, now under construction on Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka, If interested, see plana at-onee for itrwlirsoon be too late to make minor changes. A, L. PERRIN sil *6S Lincoln Ave. TeL Win. 1949 WINNETKA. NEW 6-ROOM COLONIAL .. on nicely wooded lot, six large rooms, mt&m&M^&AJ****' neat*-* porcheit large garage. *m---5^--rf;^-pgr^^uick cash sale $18,000. Inquire »Qtri^ in ^change for ellerant Locomo- bUe, Umousine, News A-$5. address Lake Shore LTGU-ltc :l sg^fel REfAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"Owner transferred to" New York offers at special price, 6-room home In choicest west side section, built 8 years, ideal arrangement, all large airy rooms, property in excellent condition, garage,, fine lpjt with wonderful Elms. A choice east section, 4 Artistic y-roOi blo^s from LUke/ Convenient Steam and "h," Uv. rm. 1Ca28, beautiful Bun panor, buffet kitchen wiHi;.breakfast nook, h. w. heat, deep heavily wooded lot, financial reasons: compel, owner to sell, $18,000. InTfeSt east location, near Lake, beautiful new 8-room hqme, most attractive ex- terior and ideal arrangement, huge liv. rm; sun porch and sleeping porch (each 14x15 ft.) four bed rooms, one 15x26, 3- baths, extra lav. and toilet, oil burning hot water "heat, built-in garage, fine wood- ed lot, trim, decorations and fixtures to sultr $30,000. T :^l M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 417. Linden Ph. Wilmette 407r4fii REAL ESTATE R. M. JOIWSTON A CO. ^^?,^t.OFFER -:^^^ Substantial 6-room home In good east location, pleasant rooms, excellent con- dition, garage, lot 60x180, $10,500. Attractive 6-room honleV in best section -West-W4teaette> -2- fine enelosed porohfta, room wRB" fireplace; 3 fine .,______________„_________________, WELL sacrifice 5 rm. stucco bungalow, porches, large trees, well kept place. Oarage. *ee4_Terms. $10,000r-«get busy/* SEE OUR LOT 3 BLOCKS TO LAKE; close to "L" choice sectionâ€"Bargain, 145 per ft. sJfeeding money. -â- /-> ' ON 8B*RIDAN ROAD 60xl«L BAR _ in ftt $125 and $135 per M, L. MOODY & n£a H End of ««V* 8»>fe» St. ^Tet WIL 2148 . '*â- â-  ..~t. liTG13-ltc m*jtn_ mm st, winn. ^â- *ng^&imxmw^mi& ON KORTH » • â-  â-  - _________â€"w.-y*u** *" shore in exchange for good income WANTBIXâ€"VACANT* i^tufiUKXJ OR*f business property or valuable industrial vacant on- north side, near^oop;â€"A* dress Lake Shore News A-«4. r w- bedrooms, house well located and well kept, 60 foot lot with trees, $12,600. 5 -room brick bungalow, good east loca- tion, heated, sun parlor, hot water heat, attractive lay-ou/t, $16,000; ^9-foom stucco/ in best northeast sec- tion, large enclosed sun and sleeping porches,-4 large bedrooms on second, 2 on third floor, lot 50 by 180, only 4 blocks to station, U7.500. _______- Beautiful 6-room stucco in central east section, extra large bright rooms, 2 fine porches, tile bath, deep lot with exceptional trees and perennials, 2 car garage, $21,000. ;â€"----- ^ Bargain in. vacantâ€"eornerâ€"$â€"^gcks: You Believe You Believe 1SH-' 2^00r-BeauHK Greenleaf avent Ll3-ltc ITTE --^REMODELBD 7-RO O M frame, sleeping porch, water ht., 50-ft lot, garage, near "L," ..;.....$13,000 lake, well built 7-rm. stucco, 8 baths, 3 ex. lav. water ht, lge. wooded lot jf****?. ------...........,..*.....$35,000 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wll. 308 L18-ltc FOR RENTâ€"6ARA4fc a«"' FOR RBNT-^-GARAGE. CONVENIENT- ~ ^ ,lpS^2L"fi*^r^H»ir:^Bia--:iBtK »t. â-  â-  TeL Wil. 2427. wm^m% :' Ll3-3tc The North Shpte is a good place to live. In the future growthmod d&« velopment o£ mk tenitoiy. j The Chicago North Shore A Milwaukee Railroad serving this district is keeping abreast of this growth. Do You Know The remarkable ^earnings^ of thirrdad?â€"^1 haTSie^referr JiaKe8-jr£^this-^$ic^pra^--cai^ dividend^ mid are selling fe lowMtheir intrinsic -..,; P^^f write for market quotations or ad- ditional information. ------- Membenof Chicago Stock Exchange the . Mo^jci tm&m^ mssff m M^ pspr

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