SlfSSSPflBiSKRW'K iazxr£&> vK^^i^^'^KS^^^^' m THE T.AKE SHORE NEâ€" ™™*v TANUARY 26, 1983. BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th Shoe JV reduction in shoes well worth while your investigation Our entire stock will ferrtdncG&ior ONE WEEK only Jan. 27 to Feb. 1 Shoes of all sizes, styles and prices suitable for any member of the family Conservative footwear for Mother and Dad, and smart, snappy models f^r the "younger set" â- ;â- > M^ :„<. Come in and look over our L;j^jnay_see4nst what waiit^af a real ^saving m TL. RAFALSKI, Prop. ^â- :. ^150 CENTRAL AVE •• PHOME^^il77r '^^fi&tS^^^i^S^ ^ISSfefesrfS. '^m^^-'HuR i "S^S^'i^^f^*^^ *^*~'C^"-^y^ Si|S#3ii |Ii£**ii ii^»i^£vS?S5S?"Vt;«'T':S'^S'S