16 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 9, 1923 """ Till '"""1 EwryWy* GoJ? ^<^*-^>^f^^^<SS^gigjgyg^St YOUR HOME will be a finer home if you use the Best lumber and build- mgmaterial. It will cost you less in the long run and will look better. You can rest assured that when com- pleted it will meet satisfactorily the closest inspection. WE CARRYon]yJirst class lumber ^jindJbullding-material. Our line is C|ull and varied. It contains every- thing that masons or carpenters need in putting up a modern dwelling from basement to roof. UNDERSTANDING thoroughly the needsjan^jdesires of home-mak- I ers^ we have gained valuable experi- ence^ wn|ch4s^ a^-your-servicer- We deliver prDmptlyT iff slim '$•§& j % Z» HUBBARD WOODS &race - tUMBER&^OATrCOMPANY