3P1' | tSJTfft'! '"^W^^^W^iWW^i^'W^^f^W^ -j^jpi^H^^ The Camp Fire Girls of Kenilworth will give four one-act plays at the Com- munity Center on Saturday evening, March 31. The plays to be presented are "The Burglar," "Katrinka," "Two Flatterns and the King," and "The Fatal Quest." Miss Elizabeth Duffy, who is Sardian of the Camp Fire, and a mem- r of the North Shore Theatre Guild, has/been coaching the girls, and the plays are expected to be a great suc- cess. Miss Eleanor Eckhart arrived home on Monday from Vaissar and Miss Char- lotte Eckhart from Miss Madeira's school in Washington^ on Friday to spend the spring vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Eckhart, 206 Cumberland road. Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, 512 Rdslynroad, and Mrs. Samuel L. Hypes of Glencoe, entertained at bridge today at Mrs. Parmelee's home in honor of Mrs. F. A. Gerould of East Orange, N. J. and Miss Helen Larige of "Worcester, Mass., who is the guest of Mrs. Samuel Hypes. Mr. F. F. Speel of 338 Woodstock oad, who has just enjoyed a trip down the Panayna Canal, was joined by Mrs. Skeel in New York city on Sunday, and together they are touring the southern coast of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, left Thursday for New York where they will meet their sons, Gilbert and Robert Osgood, who at- tend Exeter, for the Easter holiday. ifllUftpf^Tfpgpr^ ifpspgff .................._ â- ^â- â- *w^T^y!^f;prg ^t/i'V-r??!!T^nqP^TV>:- ^Tv5T^R. '*v^ AMr. and Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 Abbottsford road, entertained at bridge for Mrs. George Sanford of St Louis, on Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. Sanford has been the house guest of the DeCamps for a fortnight. Miss.Marjorie Burchard arrived home on Friday of last week from Wellesley college to spend the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard, 319 Oxford road. Misses Constance and Mary Hannah have returned from Warrenton, Va., to spend the Easter vacation with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Han- nah, 256 Woodstock road. Mr. William Reichmann returned last week from Brown University, Provi- dence, R. I., to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reich- mann of the Webster hotel. Miss Jane Ridgway returned home on Saturday from Bradford academy to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumberland road, over Easter. "Mrs. John HickiT entertained her card club on Friday afternoon of last week at her residence on Melrose avenue. Mrs. Fred H. Deacon, 351 Cumberland road, was hostess at luncheon and bridge on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Frank Young, 333 Cumnor road, entertained her card club on Thursday of this week at her residence. Mrs, Sydney -Eastman, avenue, has returned home from an ex- tended visit in the South. Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley Clague, 323 Cumnor road, have taken an apartment at Kedzie and Michigan avenue, Evans- ton, and will occupy it on April 18. Miss Clementine Eastman was hostess at a luncheon and bridge a£ her home in Wilmette on Monday in honor of Mrs. F. A .Gerould. Mr. Carl Keith and sons, Elbridge, Carl and Harold, motored to their island at Big Lake, Wis., on Friday of last week to spend ten days there. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Everett, 415 Cumnor road, motored to Champaign, over last week-end. Mr. William McClintock, 34 Melrose avenue, arrived home on Tuesday eve- ning from Dartmouth college for spring vacation. Miss Elizabeth Meyer luncheon and bridge at Tuesday. entertained at her home on Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 Abbotts- ford road, was hostess at a tea on Thursday afternoon. Science Teacher Gives k Up Work at New Trier L. S. Parker, instructor in the Science department at New Trier High school, has resigned to accept the position of assistant secretary of the City Club of Chicago. During the past year Mr. Parker has had charge of the registration in addi- tion to his class duties. Mr. Mons, for 255â€"Melgese-|Aen-years a members of^the faculty of the La Salle-Peru Township High school, will succeed Mr. Parker. tarrBestI HERE, at headquarters for boys' cloth- ing and furnishings, are those very values you seek in boys' wearâ€"long life of garment, style and reasonable prices, with large and varied assortments from which to make your selections. n a •^H^s^ip Clothes lor High SScKooi B â- ,:"-L:, Ages j4 to $0 years ays The styles and models are exact reproductions of the clothes we sell at our college,branches. All suits have vests and two pairs of long trousers. Many of the suits have extra knickers to match for hiking or £/> ^ & j &~ golf. Considering quality, workmanship and serv ce. these T-j ^ jrr\ 4rO suits cannot be duplicated; anywhere for the price, ; ^*-^ lv/: *~ks Boys' ^Juvenile Top Coa/ti: yk-'Ages 1 to lQtyearsMMl Boys' driolk Suits I In a variety of styles and fab- ricsâ€"fancy tweeds, worjiteds^ serges^ and soft fleecy polo cloths. An unlimited assort- ment to choose from, and the prices are most reasonable. Many are London made. l_ ^10.50 to $25.00 Hats or Caps to match range in price from $2.00 to $4.50. All ir.ade with two pairs of knickers hx Ji_ vgrjL choice as- sortment of all-wool materials Many off the London mad suits have vests to match. ; Our boys' suits at the price are the best values in Chicago. $18.75 to $30.00 Caps to match, $2 to $3.50. ;\ 3oysk:m j Shirts f§ & Blouses Polo or sport style in oxfords, poplins and other materials. Excep- tional values ranging from $1.50 to $2.50. ^â- .v;BpysfeI^s^a^Bi g^i':"'Siia , C^aps#'i:p Made of tweeds, cheviots and soft fleecy fabrics that match our coats and suits. Exceptional assort* merit to choose from, ranging in price from $2.00 to $5.00. Horace Mann Radio Club Will Hold Competition* Radio is making a hit in the Horace Mann school. jiBoys of the sixth grade have organized a Radio club and are devoting their manual train- ng periods to the building of radio cabinets and sets. As soon as the outfits are done a SB competition will be held to determine the owner of the most efficient sit. The winner will be given a chance to demonstrate his radio before the Horace Mann assembly. â- â- \':'mmm:j:"y':^. Wm pLEASES NORMAN PROPERTY Women of the tWihnwtstc Parish: Methodist church anounce a Manu- facturer's dinner to be given at the|ft church Tuesday evening, April 3. i| 3-4;/Hqsie^ Cotton?. Hale «* silk. Plain or fancy colors. Ranging in price Shoes and Oxford from 50c to $1.50 Boys If 5 ffw. **•• 6â- ' to 14 ymtH : WW^M'M: vj The Tip Top Oxford in Tan or Black Sizes 11 to 2, | Sizes 2J4 to oY $5.00 I $5.00 The Tip Top Shoe in Tan or Black___â- --___ Sizes 11 to 2.:.,......v.$5.0t Sizes 254 to 6......... ..$5.00 S ndolph and Wabash !J^^i$^^^KiS^'$^9^^^^ ro^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^amnMMMiMET â- ^^H^^ ' ' A. S. Van Deusen CENTRAL A^|M^gp^^ EXTRA S^^^ APRIL 2nd tl 7th 1 CANE GRANULATED SUGAR Guaranteed to be Cane, and not Beet sugar, lb. NATIVE POT ROAST OF BEEF lb*.................. ,...., i.....,...,,.....tv?^~* SHORT RIBS OF BEEF lb................... SHOULDER LAMP CHOPS y ib........;.' .;:;:7â„¢;.;;;;^'7.:. ;;.;.^;;^ LAMB PATTIES' ; 'â- â- ^â- ^!:S:A^^ lb...........;v..".â- ;â- J'.';..".:;.I.^..^",:.. NATIVE BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF COFFEE My own Blend, Regular 40c value.... . LIPTON'S TEA ^.....^^^l^*$&^ Yellow Label Orange Pekoe, V% lb. can ... .PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS ""xMtMx%:W^ National Biscuit Co., lb. ,. 5.. ;â- '•. ? ft\ S |.. CHEESE ::2__:^^yto White Cloud Sprague, Warner & Co.'* ^CM§$§ Extra Fancy Quality of American, lb............ RICHELIEU CATSUP 'M^SM-^MM^^^ sj,y.;.; Tbe flavor is .not. spoiled with spMses^^f;|§;fj§ ' RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS ':" ;,-; ^ '"COMB HONEY.. ^-^h^> ^ Fancy White, each _______...,,......... RICHELIEU MACARONI AND ..â- â- â- SPAGHETTI Finest quality and an extra large 12 oz. pkg............................... EHMAN'S XX CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES ^,W:r2-c,.. fil Quact can ..........................*». ANTONIN1 PURE ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Quart can...................... Dos., $2J$; 10 oz. can BAYSIDE APRICOTS^r-â€" -â€"-^:- Splendid quality, tender fruit, heavy syrup, large No. 2% can, doz., $3JO; PLYMOUTH ROCK PEACHES :^#Â¥#? Yellow Cling, large No. 2% can, do&, $3^0; can > ..................... SUNBEAM ASPARAGUS POINTS Extra Fancy, Mammoth, White. No. 1 square can, doz., $4.95; can........ RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORN The most perfect quality produced. Doz., $1.90; can.......T~~7ZI777~77 CARMELO SWEET GARDEN PEAS Tender, sweet, wonderful value, doz., $2.00' can .... RICHELIEU TOMATOES NO. 2 CAN Superfine quality. Nothing but red. Ripe tomatoes usedDoz^ $L15; can .. RICHELIEU CRANBERRY CUT STttlNGLESS BEANS Perfect, and the price is very low. Doa^, $2^5; can .............-----..,. AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP 66 bars in box; $4.15â€"10 bars .:.-tf&Zi. *... •. 20c SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY i£s§si»'..pfarjs...._kftv*LtiJ»_«.j.jti»'......'•-.*.«*â- •"• *:.jh_»rj PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAP If -•-»;-*"*"-*: *'â- -»'- • . >: *;» « » *" Sy|;ii!S|' SCOTCH BELIJE_.TOIICT.PAPE lot. wnt--doa.fiiT..".'"."".".'.')' 'V*8W'GB i^,iifeli^tt^^SiiWi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^ §m â- mtftUttiilMi mitmim m^g^^^ttm mm