TRIER OPEN for required of Wllmatte -. would its longer of w<_ best the for UM. such/, purpose, nor retention fee for_th« of the Village of Wtl- THE r.Aifff. SHORE NBWSj Village m*®k High School Invites Inspco lii:J|tioivI>y Parents ::,. - I Annual "Open House" is to !>e?b: %£T% NeV Trier Tb^^1^ School Friday evening, â- £•*%•« VnrAin* to word received this week tS%Tom*** of the secondary *p2rt»t» and friends of high school gtffis and all other P<«Xllv £ Sled in the school are cordially in- vited to on that day make an exhaus- tive inspection of the school plant at ,n^f House" will begin ^with a ^ssmeeting in the^ch5ol1f,?i,*0(!{S2 - Shh Miss Elizabeth Packer, acting -iScjJl, in charge of the program. ^Included among the .features of the meeting will be music by the Glee ^2^j|3^^ at the meet- ^#^l£g7 outlining the details of the sum- liner school program at New Trier. â- '"â- â- % *tht departmental grouping of teach- Icrs will make it very convenient for parents to meet fonceoauliation-over â€"â€"^tudeWs^worTTor any other matters of interest. The various teachers of ~ each department will be assigned spe- cial rooms and a schedule or chart will be furnished the guests in order to simplify the task of locating any Scores in Recitals Last week, Mi'Iair Lusk; Wilmette violinist, played in Indiana Ind., with marked success. The recit- al took place isutlie Methodist church interest* ,ge«tlo» l.' i"*Hand for sale to the aforesatdVbe **â„¢*l*%lt & notice of <6sLt1oTk This ordinance shall take effectand'be'ln force from and after itMSSS% the PresWent and Board of Trustees of the viuagre o* toss' this 18th day ot^£rttt IMS. njynv vnlag:e dlerk. Approved by the^ President of the Village of WJlmette, Cook County, Illinois, this l8tn day of April m8.DWARD p president. Village of Wilmette ATTEST: rtt>««« .-"*. tuAsm village Clerk. duly opened an* considered •*â- «*« meetin/of the said C°Mf^J^J& July -5s. ~i?B*JUkr £&&»^ Â¥Wf^!o- C^esjaTd Village Clerk shall,be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reServem the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote any or all bids. The said,real estate jjlll be conveyed by the VjU^ge of WJl- mette by proper and sufficient deed to the of Wilmette. VILLAGE OF. WILMETTE, EDWARD ZIPF, President fi L26-10te ieWBy given that at a meeting, of the^ Board f of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, held on the-T~day ofMay, A. D. 1928, the following Ordinance was passed by a vote of more than three-fourths xi -wâ€" of all the members of the Village Harbor, jBoaraV _ - :^m^mt':^ *. *w~ y.~-------.„« .â€"-^--------,-r BE IT ORDAINED, By the President and every seat avajla^^ being the gWgtjfr â„¢hTc^»aid~bull* lage Hall Is wcw'"^* Village In the ln5^w1a ^-1t. byuslJess7 is no longer Xtsn&ffiBfor the terests of the tillage. That ProposaSS^ erty shall ^Published for a P e^ The That «n th "^SS? ./l1l.Sr??SlJâ„¢t ised and directed to convey saio Pgg erty to such party or,0*,â„¢16*1 Mooer bids have been accepted, by a PJJPfJ d»Ad op deeds of conveyance, â- **"?» therein the price therefor, with the seal of the corporation. SECTION 4 This Ordinance shall be iniforce and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. „ PASSED this^7 day of May, ltl» APPROVED this 7 day of May, 1928 JOSEPH BLBSEft „„ MATHEW" SCHNEIDER N. J. MILLER^^^^^^-^i,,-.-,.----^...........x-: A EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER Village Clerk EDWARD 2BUTSCHBL President ___^ '"" ii.sfa*. ^^ jus ««"»» * * Wn»yrnicu yr up* !re"hereby solicited. , . Jaid bids must be in writing, and sealed and deposited with the Village Clerk of the Village of Gross Point on or before the hour of 6:00 o'cIoejrKTKC on the 1st day of August. A. ©. 1928. Said bids will be submitted m to the Board of Trustees_ol^he_JVimg^o| ___________._ ________ „ _______.on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, A. D. 1923, or at the first regular meet- ing, or adjourned regular meeting of said Board of Trustees, held after that date. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby specifically reserved. JOSEPH BLESER # MATHBW SCHNEIDER VAJtD^AT-SCHNEnJ Village Clerk EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL DATED this 7 day of May, 1923; Vv#s'4 Â¥>»v^ •â- •'â- »' • *â- #:#' .'«#.â- •.â- •â- • • •«•â- â- l' •"»â- ••>•*. • »â- *£>' "JEWETT Jewett Sedan delivered Jewett Touring ^ Paige Sedan Paige Touring • • • ""V^M SALES - SERVKE& TRACY HOLMES MOTOR C0,|g ZrTmi -"-^TdL Evanston 4903; 1027 Dtwia St. * ^^^ ^^ $1620.00 wmtsw =^1 *iAr usual many encores were denian4- ?cd and after the performance, the Sprogram chairman of the Gary Wom- ^an's club engaged the violinist for a ^recital in Gary for November 5. Mr. Milan Lusk was engaged as a special attraction for the yearly musicale given by the Daughters of Indiana at Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Build- ing, Chicago, on May 1. i||; ? Besides his extensive concert work an announcement has been made that Milan Lusk will conduct a special summer course at his .Wilmette resi- oence.?.•* .,, â- ?â- &?>%?&â- â- m-® Name Wilmette Youth a « |ilSSl924 R. a T, C Offiiir sSEdwin 1>. Gremer, son of Mr. and I Mrs. J. B, Greiner, 631 Lake avenue, IWilmette, is to have the rank of cadet Imajor with the Northwestern univer- lalty R. O. T. C. next year, in accord- Siance with appointments of command- ling officers niade this week by the de- /Ipartment Of military science at\, the university.^ Greiner is a junior||p[e ~wa*"«adet commander at the Massanu- || Stewart Koberts, a junior, will havl l|ie cadet rank of lieutenant colonel, 4n& will be cemmanding officer. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rob- erts, 819 Michigan avenue, Evanston. While at Western Military Academy ilr. Roberts was cadet commander. m VIM.AGB:: OF WILMETTE * PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Wilmette held on the seventeenth day- ofâ€"April; lf2^~The ^ollowingf ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the mem- bers of the said Council: -^^f^mjmr- 'jm±:.z:.~ â- ,--**'â- . ordiw -Amm^WMiimiM 'â- â- TO SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR PUB- 1G '"USE.?^"'1-" "-v^.-'" , ,, w WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette |li|||.iB^ttoe. owner of the.title in fee to the iR^4 foilowlnsT described premises: -' ':'â- . iMM ^Beginning: at a point on South line o^ Northeast Quarter: (N. E. ' %) of Southeast Quarter (S. E. »4) of Sec- Stlon twenty-eight (28), at its Intersec- Ei ........ .- -. ^SHJ of•7Sroi»--PoIntjâ- -Ilrâ- tW"Collll«^oT^IJ6ok and State of Illinois: SECTION 1 That the following described real es- tate, to wit: Lots five (5) and six (6). in Block seven (7) of Soger's Subdivi- sion of the Northeast Quarter of the- Northwest Quarter, except the Bast two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (S3), Township forty-two (42) North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, Grace Forbes FriikM Exclusive Models Room 217, Hoyborn BIdg. Davis Street, Evanstoa 'PW^m Tel. Evanston 74«7 ||i fiiifiilillrhe'Car- that made f^6^-.lii.*Ay»^^#liff: IMilERM AN AVENUE ,'â- '.,'.^s.EVANfif ON ,M$ ==^;WsBte«l to b«y--WlIly«-K«ltTlil «m4 OverI»»d * «r- '" HENRY SCHAUFFLER Formerly head gardener for Jas. Simpson is prepared to do allJ4|||i>f igningan HE WILL ____ Design gardens and care for them, urnish designs and plans free on :work executed by him. Grade property, make lawns, fur- nish and plant trees, evergreens, shrubs and perennials. Telephones: Glencoe 27 and 354 'W^^^0^^r^^m^§& i lanes '-$$$>;. THIS^NEW PATTERN inlolid gSiiver has that delightiul feminine fltouch that appeals and grows on Jjyou,.:epith 'â- association. i;'||i||ll|^fi| HlOurs is a generation when the table |J lllappointments must be in good.taste^ijl i|"h;^:- â- "'vMfrlte&m^mâ- â- ?â- â- ::â- â- f-^:: ^§imM ^Ititsf^-tabll^picltW^Sdlid :Silver ;^ lllvill;:always;li.:;in?good taste, for: the^.; â- Jji I breakfast^ |or^fe4unch€on afidrfoigfi f ::the diriher :table^: and, with its" 4eli||g| 1 eate treatment bi-j.Qttmmi^^ J perfec^Tmfnio^ wltB ttieJineMandH^^J^^J laces^oi jjije ^ble qt distinction* S^fefoS^f^sSs^iSiS pjgl^ ^^B wm^ gplfifl imion with East line of Sixteenth Street «IS|ln the' Village .oi,Mlltoti!ett&-;&>tt\C6un'f y m>::llltnoiiii., g^^ia^Jforth;. v thence forth paralle with^feSt'Kife ot ISuq Northeast Quarter (N. E. %) of South ' ter (S E. H) of Secti< (88), 645.4 feet to ||f|tv mk'- sfISi __ quarter (&E. H) of Section twen- r-ei|fht (88), 645.4 feet to a line fl feet Southwest infv and paral- ll with Southwesterly line of right of y of the CHICAQO NORTHWEST- IN RAILWAY CO.. thence Nt>rth- â- terly at right angles to said South- westerly right of way line 191 feet to lid right of way line; thence North- resterly along said right of way llnr jf feet; thence Southwesterly at right ingles to said right of Way line SS7.1 iet to a points thence South on a line irallel with West line of said North- . _ Quarter (N. E. \L) of Southeast iart«r (S. E. %> of Section twenty- rht (18) to South line thereof; thence _jt fit feet to place of beginning, teeptrng therefrom the intersection J a highway, extending along West |de of right of way of CHICAGO & >RTHWE8TERN RAILROAD, com- >nly iknown as West Railroad Ave- ke, in Cook County, Illinois,' deserfbed In the Warranty Deed of EDWIN PEMPSElLJWd-JwTARY-^. ^ta?~m^^EiM&$nylL BAOLEY ANOEI^A !»., his wife, of Chicago, the- Village of Wilmette, dated it 20th, 1915, recorded in the __j>rdei'» ojBce -of Cook County, linois. 4n Book IS, 4S4 of Records, Pace 488, as Document No. 5,712.411, ~ oinber 17th, 1915; and W& ftlltf aforesaid >r«mtses I as' a public streef "Bton^ /impart o'f Sixteenth "^ln^he^VIlla»e of Wilmette: and TUBAS, the said premises are longer necessary, appropriate, or 'M}$ 'Sfcl, Evanston ^SlS^S^SI i'TpHE finest jewelry shop on the North X Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jej^Jfy! â- #ii Sill J:JJ<j££; ESTABLISHED 1854 I^^M' tSJ|IM|t:Sii& FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 12 Daw Stmt, Evanston, III. Phone Evanston 449 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phones Randolph 1346-1347 X long must be engineered as well as built^ It must be sound in its materials, as well as design and workmanship. Molybdenum steel, the strong- est, toughest of metals, goes Into every part of the Wills Sainte Claire subjected to strain and shock. The Wills Sainte Claire is en to Uvejajad last* viiasTED^ p^BSWlNNETKA, ILL.'j||| 165 SaiM5! MMi WmtE CLAIRE cM)torA ^ir;f^Uable roolerl Tiware js^a vast difference in roofing «na-^; terial, also in the method of laying it. Consequently a big - Igfet^ the greatest value for your money. Be guided by p|Sactsjjot_^roinis^^ protec|ejd;:;^by J$â- guarantee- that ^^me^s:s6me:tliing4^®:^^'"^^i""*"' tail i^»» tnglee Out Specialty , ,, ^ j,v,sitiv«ly do not have any agents canvassing from door to door and therefore save the home owner what is commonly known as the agents' commissions, ten per cent or twehtf five to forty dollars, depending entirely on the size of residence and quality of material used^^^^^^" SS^!;: Flinkote ^KA'= 9n^ll-payment wtll^rerckrf.your residence; bala like rent. Without any obligation phone or write: ^ 1307 Oiicago Avenue l» Illinois •Ski - fi