i>>t«><m<m<>m>mii •< • «\w»*<<""* 10 THE t Atrt? cHnpRKRWS. FRID^V TTTNE *â- 1923 ^:-'^'v>:!!'^T-l;i|:iE^ CfL: JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie Aves., Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Ave., Telephone 1396 SERVICES 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon at the church. . , 10:45 A. M. Preparatory service for communicants. . . 11:00 A. M. Second service and Holy Communion. • «..«,.-.„ MEETINGS Monday eve at 8 the Church council at the pastor's study. , Tuesday afternoon at 2, Ladies Aid and Mission at Library Hall. Thursday eve at 8, "The Builders ,Young People's Society and Walther League at Library Hall. / Monday and Friday at 4, Children s Classes. Friday eve at 8, Choir meeting at the church. Over four hundred Sunday school of- ficers and teachers attended the associa- tion meeting at Trinity Lutheran church, Oak Park, last Sunday afternoon and evening. There was not a moment of inactivity during the various sessions which occupied from 4 to 9 P. M. I he result was that three or perhaps more Sunday school teachers' Institutes will be called into life in the various sections of Chicago, all of them, however, be- belonging to the General Association which is to meet twice a year. A sec- ond meeting will take place on the last Sunday in September at which definite plans will be adpoted. The second term of the North Shore Lutheran Sunday School Teachers In- stitute closed on Monday evening last. While not attended quite as well as the iaU term, both the attendance and the work done proved highly encouraging. Its benefits will be felt in the congrega- tion whose Sunday school teachers have taken this introductory course. ^ ^he-Ladies'Aid and Mission Society has its regular monthly business and social meeting on Thursday, May 31, at 2 o'clock at Library Hall. The usual devotional and study program begins at 3 :30, at which a missionary subject will be taken up. On Thursday evening, at 8, the Young People have their regular meeting at Library hall. The program opens with devotional service, followed by a study period on American Church History. All that attend should be punctual. % Children's classes are conducted every Monday and Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church. Any child 8 years of age or above may enroll: Instruction is free to,all. The Junior class is under the direction of Miss C. Mueller, while the pastor teaches the advanced children. Parents who expect to have their chil- dren confirmed are encouraged to send their" children to these classes for a term of at least three years so that they may thoroughly complete the prescribed course without interfering with their school work. Now is the time to enroll your children. Beginners Department is in great need of a piano. Is there someone in the Parish owning a piano they are not using and which they would sell for a reasonable price. If so, please notify the church office. Preparatory Classes will meet with Miss Fleming on Friday at 3:30 p. m., in the absense of the Pastor. Midweek Prayer and Praise Service lesson wifll be drawn from the 9th chapter of Acts. METHODIST CHURCH Next Sunday morning the Pastor will speak on the subject "A Just Pur- pose for a Jazz Age." Next Sunday Vespers the Pastor will give the second of his series of addresses on the general theme "No Man Ever Spoke as Did Jesus." The -tepie-forthetlay will be "Follow" and the text will be taken from Matt. 9$. The Pastor of the church will return to his pulpit on Sunday morning where a report will be given of the sessions of the Northern Baptist Convention at Atlantic City upon which he has just been in attendance. The Bible School with graded in- struction for all ages will meet at 9:45. The Beginners' and Primary Depart- ments will meet in Children's Hall, the Senior, Intermediate, Junior and Adult departments in the Church. The Adult classes commence promptly at 10 o'clock. The Junior B. Y. P. under the direc- tion of Miss Maybelle Rennacker will meet at three o'clock in Children's Hall. The Intermediate B. Y. P. U., Miss Marion Allison Superintendent, will meet at three o'clock in the Assembly Room. ____ ___t___ The Senior B. Y. P. U. will hold their regular meeting at 5:30 in Chil- dren's Hall. The regular mid-week meeting for Prayer and Fellowship will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Wilmette Baptist Choral society will meet for rehearsal as usual, on Thursday evening, at 7:45 at the church. The Annual session^^pXJM Chicago, BaptisT "association will Be Tield on Thursday and Friday, June 7 and 8, at the North Shore Baptist church, cor- ner of Lakeside and Berwyn avenues, Chicago. There will be afternoon and evening sessions on both days. The June meeting of the Woman's society is held today at the Church. At 10 o'clock this morning, there will be White Cross Work. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock and the program of the day will begin at 2 o'clock_cJoa^ ing at 3:45. The subject of the pro-1 gram will be, "The American Indian oft the New Trail." AH the women are cordially invited. The Wilmete Baptist church is located at Wilmette and Forest Avenues and welcomes all to its services. The Pas- tor may be reached at his study during the mornings or by appointment. The Church Office in charge of Miss Badger is open from 9-5 daily except Saturdays and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church Telephone is Wilmette 2235. =^Anhual Field Day and Parish Pic- nic has been set for Saturday, June 9, at the Glenview Forest Preserve, west of Evanston Central street. The peo- ple will leave the church at 9:30, so as to-reacrr the Preserve in time for the ball game and the races in the forenoon. Drills and pageants will be given in the afternoon. The Girl Scouts will sell ice cream cones, pea- ^tsrpopand home made candy: The following committees are in charge of arrangements: Committee on Ar- rangementsâ€"Messrs. Bontecour Stok- er, Stafford and Cox and Misses Stewart and Davison; Transportation â€"Mr. Kracke; Baseballâ€"Mr. Matson; Racesâ€"Mr. Williams. Refreshmentsâ€" Mr Stoker; Girl Scoutsâ€"Miss Flem- ing; Boy Scoutsâ€"Mr. Stokes; Page- *nt-~*Miss JDavason; Music â€" Mr. I Promotion Day for the Sunday School has been set for June 17th. "Freedom and the Flag," a dramatic diU will be given by the Intermediate girls, and allot the Kindergarten, Pri- and junior departments for Children's Day. At the Junior Congregation service at 10:30, Mr. Stoffer will preachy the sermon, and Mr. Lloyd will conduct the devotional service. At eleven o'clock, the summer sche- dule of morning service will be in- augurated. Service will begin prompt- ly at eleven o'clock, at which time, Mr. Lloyd hopes that the congrega- tion will be in their places, and will close promptly at twelve. Mr .Lloyd's subject for the morning sermon will be "The Ambitions of Jesus." Miss Welch and Mr. Dahl- quist will sing. On Monday, June fourth, the East End Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. C. J. Broughton, 928 Ashland avenue. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet on Monday, June fourth, with Mrs. Harry Clarke, 958 W Spruce street, Winnetka at 4W p m. Members of the union in this church are cordially invited to at- tend. The Board of Trustee will meet at the home "of the Chairman, Mr, E S. Harlan, 430 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, Monday, June fourth. Tuesday the Wolf Cubs will meet at 3:30 on the playground for work and drill. The Roosevelt Boy Scouts, No. 2, will meet at headquarters at 7:15. The Evanston District Sunday School Convention will meet Tuesday evening in the First Baptist church of Evanston. Dinner at 6:15 with business session and inspirational message following. The conference will meet in four divisions as fefc lows: Childrens, Young oeohw Adults and Administration. lS3C. â- and officers of the school are, uSUJJ Mid-week service Wednesday «,i> ©it be° a conference on summer"wo|k!^ Thursday, June seventh, the Co» Corner Circle will hold its annS meeting and election of officers. p2J ium-nccn. »«five w cunesaay evf* ning at eight o'clock in the chuS parlor, Mr. Lloyd in charge. F611o«? ing the devotional service there orts of the year's work will be given* Luncheon will be served at 12>3o Business meeting at 2:30. Thu-S. very important business and every member is urged to be present. â- â- 'â- â- ?$ On Friday, June eighth, the jffl man's Guild will meet in the church parlor at 2 o'clock. Election of of. fleers for the coming year. This is the final meeting for the year. !?f The "4-C" Club had their final meet- *"§m On Wednesday, Memorial Day, there was a service in St. Augustine's at 8 A. M., consisting of the Holy Communion with Memorial Prayers and Prayers for the Nation. The children, and all others con- nected with the operetta "The Frog Prince" to be presented at the Wo- man's club next Monday and jfues- day^-evenirtgr-^ttne 4â€"and S, a re re- hearsing assiduously and the operetta promises to be a great success, It is -given underwrite auspices of the As- sociated Guilds. Dr. Carleton, rector of St. Augus- tine's, was _ one of those placed in nomination before the recent Conven- tion of the Diocese of Bethlehem for election to be Bishop of Bethlehem. The ladies of St. Augustine's are invited to * Tea at the -residence of Mrs. Frosechle, 136 Maple avenue, this afternoon, Friday, June 1, from 2 o'clock on. Bring your sewing and 25c for the fund being raisedT^ A sim- ilar tea was held at the Rectory last week and announcement of others will be made later. ._ . i "I'll Do That on Sunday Instead of Going to Church" Busy week-days crowd many of your home duties in- to Sunday. Time is shortâ€"the work looms bigâ€"so you say-:-~~'.."';.;..'.- . *TIf do thatl>n Sunday instead of going to church." Whatever "that" may be, don't decide to let it take the place of your Sunday hour *of meditation and prayer, unless you honestly believe it's more important. But after you've compared them, you'll realize it's much like saying: "I'll eat candy instead of my dinner after this." There's no comparison. Nothing can take the place_of_ the .spiritual strength coming to church gives you. You need it. You need it much more than you need that time for work or play. The task that threatens to usurp your church hour, whether it's painting the back porch or getting Sunday dinner, can be arranged and done without sacrificing the inspiration and guidance you'll get from coming to church. GOME TO CHURCH FIRST* -*-fr- mary and Junior children will take parfc^Ajnorectetate SelglvenTOhTrTOT ^-Jv^^^tWM^^ck.-, Dr. Carleton is receiving registra- tions for St. Augustine's Boys Camp beginning June 25, to be held at Lake Ripley, Wis. All Boys belonging to St. Augustine's organizations and de- siring to attend the camp, should register as quickly as possible. The boys of DIRECTQJRY OF €HUR€HBSr Wilmette English Lutheran Church The First Methodist Church fr 703 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Ave. _£i'__~^-l ~ Rev. Hubert Carleton Lake and Wilmette Avesl. - Rev. Gilbert Stansell The First Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf- -^-^^^^^ in the Boy Scouts and in the Pioneer Cadets, made a yery^^reditatLle_J5how^ ing onnMemorial Day in the Parade, and the Boy Scout Troop in the after- noon at the InterTroop Rally and '.Official Boarctjneethig^m lv: ^f Ladies Aid wMjneer jyLikeL Crurclt IttSur sdayT 7«ne7tbTat 10:30pThis uritt be the Annual meeting, with elec- tion of officers. Lunch, wMl be served rvt>jr the First Division, an<f all oTthe P?|r!eaTtyv.:reports^.wU be read at the m ;*ablc^:ii^if^S^«^illii"'"""'....." "'"'**"**' St. John's Lutheran Rev. Herman W. Meyer 4^nden-andHrVairie~^vesrc Rev. George P. Magill; The Wilmette Baptbt aurch Forest and Wilmette Aves/ Rett. Francis Stifler '-Z££ First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Aves.