"WPW jij,!,.;.!ipmpi|ii ji)jp]uj|i]i^;)'tffW!!ijt^!l»i flij^^Hg^S^yg '\mjifm0W]' 14 9 tJel^KE SHORE NEWS, Ftf^tfffON^^ 1923 THELAKESHORENEWS Established 1912 ^ with whi€h is combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL. NEWS Established 1898 ~~lXOYD HOiAlSTER, IWC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. 111. Telephone .Wilmette 1M0 SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR AH communications must be arcom- panied by the name and address of tne writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs, where in admittance charge will be made or ICollection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates Wnt*rt>d at the postofflce at Wilmette. ni!?o?"!/mall rn^rotthe second class, under the act of March 3. 1879 ._ DAILY BIBLE STUDY An obvious advantage results from studv of the Bible five days a week. ' A child who knows little or nothing about the great- est of books can learn in a term of four or five consecutive weeks of five days each what will be of benefit to him all his future life..... . .-"--,- v. Such a term as is being dis- cussed for this summer by rep- resentatives of Wilmette will en- able him to take his part in dis- cussions about evolution and the Bible, archaeology and the Gar- den of Eden, the mission of Jesus, and to act accordingly. He will be able to realize directly the literary and religious beauty of the Psalms and to appreciate the value of the Sermon on the Mount. Movements like the establish fflfMlt of t ___ us \ut harmony ANNUAL SCOUT RALLY â€"4Fhe Annual Rally of the Boy Scouts on Memorial Day was a fine exhibition of skill, speed, and co-operation. The spectacle pi WiljmejU^-bovj^nllm^^ pating in athletic competitions, and going through the usual scout exercises was certainly stirring. Those whose boys took part felt a peculiar thrill of in- terest as they looked on from the side lines. Memorial Day is an especially appropriate occasion for a scout rally, recalling as it does the patriotism and devotion and bravery of thousands of Amer- icans, and joining into one un- broken line the past, present, and future citizenry of our country. Public Library News and Reviews and evidences of a vigorous vital- ity in the modern church. '.'â- â- :::t'-« â- â€"--------------------------- WILMETTE TO DEERFIELD If The few "paupers" who do not *own Fords will enjoy the ride by fbus from Wilmette to Deerfieldâ€" jif the proposed line is put into joperation. The trip is really a Jvery pleasant one. You leave f Wilmette via Wilmette avenue, fthen over the Glen view road Scurving_west^ norths and west £gafn7 You reach the town~of iGienview^ I on Waukegan i road. gidii the way you will get a very beautiful view of the Skokie Val- ley stretching away to the north. The route from Glenview to deerfield along Waukegan road, Papini ..............Life of Christ The modern biographer, who ,as en- deavored to analyze and resuscitate the great historical figures of the p"ast, to take the dead material of docu- ment and record and extract from it the-enduring element of vital person- ality, is naturally tempted by the life that has done more to transform and transfigure the world than any other that has ever known, says Gamamiel Bradford in the Atlantic Monthly. But material such as the biographer demands is wholly lacking. Written words of Christ do not exist. Words and acts attributed to Him by others have come down through such a mist of confusion, transformation, misun- derstanding, misrepresentation that a careful, scientific study of the funda- mental personality seems quite-hope- less. But this very fluid, mobile con- dition of the materials, which is the dispair of the biographer, is clear â- ain fr>r ftfte, spiritual ?ntCTP1M't'>ri whn» isTookTng not for historical portrayal, but for emotional result. And he who School seem to «,=> '»* ..«,».*.w~y ^^ tor em.0tionai result, /vna ne wn< withâ€"theâ€"demands of 'â- theâ€"tunes.-wettld-effect this spiritual end is who! *~a a-.r'iAon^ac r»-f a vicrnrons vital-I ly right to approach the subject as Sijaj- nor Papini does, casting away all cri- tical apparatus and all nice and seep tical discussion, going straight to Christ's divine origin, his divine mis- sion, his divine endowment. Ever since the Reformation the Protestant world has insensibly, logically, been making the figure of Jesus the object of a process of elimination. . . .till- there was nothing left but /he pale shadow of New England Unitarianism. And shadows may blight the worldâ€" they cannot make it over. What Christ has done for the world has been-done as God notits man. Ethical -teaehingnrn^y~^e~^ be com- forting. Among the crying needs of the modern world none is greater than that of such an immediate personal contact with the Divine. 'There never was a time more cut off from Christ than ours, nor one which needed Him more,' says Signor Papini, with ab- solute truth. To meet this need he -retellsâ€"the.- old story, but with a cer Are YoudMembwrf CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 X G. STANTON _a •« .1 19____-l__ 4UAA North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 1-* Milton Cart Returned by auto insurance de- partment in 1922 RAZOR BLADES Sharpened Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them Tike new and mail back to you. v Double edge blades...35c dozen Single edge blades___Z5c doxen Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 hour service. Give us a trial. Giarailer's i*/buntain. Square * Ak E> V'A f-J S T O N if I SAVE 20% on your AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft, Collision Public Liability Pronei Annual Ratesâ€" â€" No Assessments PCall Wil. 733-J ETTIBONE 512 Central Ave. House No. 403 This b but «M oftkt mmyWac* BrkkhonrnwcMMtotkowyou, "It's Not the First Cbsl But the UpkeepH A WELL-KNOWN cartoonist has made t-Viic covinor known all over the land. ----this saying known all over the land. He has had a lpt of fiin with it. But it's no joke to the home-builder who doesn't take the matter seriously before he builds. Constant repair bills, quick depreciation, high insurance rates, big fuel billsâ€"and occasionally a fireâ€"are setious matters to a home-owner. And all eliminated if he builds with Face Brick. Come in and ask us jo prove it, or send^ for "The Story of Brick," a booklet that discusses the subject in a thorough and interesting way. Also see our collection of more than 100 beautiful Face Brick homes. II v§tP l%i <^§! â- :lfeS fife â- fHI * Borniei^Marshall Brick Co. S. S. Kimbell Brick Co. Brick Sales Co. Burt T. Wheeleiv Brick Co. Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co. 326 West Madison St. Room 1033 Chicafco ^ You Buy CASH WORTH or >~~-you past wide-spread farms and tain fresh and fiery ardor; shows the fields through countryside un- Christy-Ideal is so simple that a child '";::«%^..^u^^ k,, «*K-»™ Jmnrnvompnte } can understand it, yet so difficult that ^touched by urban improvements.ithe ^.^ can reaHze h „„, b tt_ We're looking forward to the day when this proposed bus line becomes a reality. 1 NEW TRIER SUMMER s Mive Jimidredy or^ jndrl^ stu- TRANSPORTATION VALUE the wisest can realize it only by gett- ing rid of their wisdom and becoming as little children. To get this result he employes often methods of melo- drama, and he would be the last to deny it. But he would say further, and many of us will agree with him, that, if the twentieth century is to be xegenerat;ed- by Christ-ran-ity,r it^can t>er 7n%, ^y; the Christianity of Christ. tients, in the Sew ^Trier summer school! It means much, to any community, to have half a thou- sand of its young people using the summer, or even only a part <|f it, for the organized formation Of better; habits of thinking and „„..^„v. Wi ViIV, „..„u. ,„. uvrv„ Vl, feelingJ^The state and country formal trivalities, the authdF^SilS %ui-be-improvcd by the extra cuf^^e J'uieasuriiig the letters of the % iiyation these prospectiye^iti^ens ||>;j|eceive."vV;:;:^;,v-:..^-'-':«r-. *~- |^ A word to our boys and girls'â- :' l^feegister now> so that those in § charge will |know what courses I you would like to take; if they I know early enough they can plan | t*he desired courses. If you watt || ^iey may not be able to accom- 3 itiodate you. 4/This registration II -will not bind you to attend. I-p I INDIAN HILL PARK f If anyone has any doubts about t|ie value of Indian frill park to t&siderits in the neighborhood, he need only imagine these lots filled with small storesv^Then let him linaptte-rtie-^^w-irf^tne rears of ^tlhese same stores from the homes <l«3rBertling lane. Store-rears are **»cb Irequet^tly cluttered with a horrible mikture of big and little boxes, unpainted sheds, barrels jfeuffed overfull with paper and cans, rubbish of all sorts. IfDoii't imagine ||ie park J Look "it itl Enjoy it! ..... Emily Post, the author of this lat- est book on etiquette, is a woman of •mdisputed authority on the subject. There is no exaggeration of minor de- 'ails at the expense of the more im- portant spirit of personal conduct and attitude of the mind. To dwell on sign^boards by the roadside instead of profiting by the directions they offer," â- ?ays the publisher's note. She would have us know that "it is not the peo- ple who make small technical mis- takes or even blunders, who are barr- ed from the paths of good society, but those of sham and pretense whose veneered ~ vulgarity at every step- tramples the flowers in the garden of cultivation. "Apart from the wealth of social information this book contains, it is a delight in its sparkling style and a treasure-house of worldly wisâ€" dorii. ""'".......7 Huneker f^Ivory apes and peacocks It has been said of Huneker that his criticisms are not prejudices, but the result of deliberate judgment an$ preference. This volume is most de- Jightful, not only because of Hunekgr*& "yoU BUY complete automobile Rvalue only when you get a |ood car^ phis the abin^ai^ a responsil institution to meet the daily re- quirements of th^^ ci^wnex. (X&MMM^^iM^ansporta Hon value at the rnafket price of the Dodge Brothers andfWills^Saiiite Claire lines/ style, but. because of the people of whom he writes. Richard Strauss, Joseph Conrad, Lafcadio Hearn, and Walt Whitman, to name only suiew, are sketched with the vividness which Huneker knew so well how to give. WERSTEli M^lf COMPANY^ 562 I^ncoln Ave. J WlNNETKA m<W^y^?$^ Katherine MacDoiiald, filnx_star, was married during the week, this being her second venture into matrimony. She is acclaimed as one of the twelve most beautiful women in America. t1>A^ge1rV^HfirR Wills Sai lite Claire Motor Cars AiJTOme^lles