r^i^ SHORE NEWS, FPT" A v rmK l- â- ™° â- ......- IMiiW W. FrcM?Mc£UtreHeu} President SiS So/ ThSOuilmMe Country Club Wl Frank McClure, 219 : Boardway, president of the Wilmette Sunday Evening club and a prominent figure m the advertising world, has been el-. jiected president of the Ouil- ftmette Country club. %â- "Mr. McClure's organizing ^ability is^ well known to the jCmembers," states an article in Ithe May issue of the Ouil- wiette Country club magazine. â- "His work as president of the , Wilmette Sunday Evening club is noted throughout Wilmette. in fact, throughout the United States., , This club, organized eight years ago, is now one of the most successful commun- ity enterprises of its kind in existence. "As president of thewAdver- tising Council of the Chicago Association of Commerce from its inception to the pres- ent time, a perior of five years, Mr. McClure has further demonstrated his ability as a leader. This council now has a membership of 1,800 which makes it the largest organiza- tion of its kind it the world. This growth largely is due to Mr. McClure's work. Photo Wi Frank McClure ARTIST PRODIGY 'â- Many north shore women who gave their service overseas during the nwar, will attend the national convention <d the Women's Overseas league, an or- ganization made up of Red Cross nurses, Salvation Army workers, canteen work- ers, signal corps girls,. 1'branans and entertainers who served in the oase Hos- pitals and on the firing line in France, which will be held at the Drake hotel, June 14-17. . The organization, though still m its infancy, has sent out a renewed call to the service with the object of continu- ing the wartime work by visiting the crippled, gassed and blinded soldiers in the hospitals, supplying flowers, magazines, phonograph records, and ar- ranging entertainments for the wounded doughboys, co-operating with the Red Cross home service, and holding the workers in readiness for ujr national or local.emergency; More, tfwi 2JJ00 women including 11,000 nurses, serveu in France. Miss Louise Wells of cago is the national president ei organization which now carries a bership 6i 2,500. WATCH YOUR SPiNEsm^ ah a,Mite as weiTas long standing conditions, which have r Ml acute as well *• *â„¢ methods of troatment. re»poti.» toj CH^DPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS ! LESLIE W.JONES;M-D#D.C. PHYSICMN-CHIROPRACTOR--OCULIST Evo» Examined and Glasses Fi«^Mjh#n n.caaaary 7 wSmattaOlficat Room 27, Brown Building ;-^^0,m Hours- 10 to 12 A M.; 2 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 8 P.M. ^ ** Office Tel. wXette 2667 Reeidenc. T.L WiltoetU 2651 Mr. McClure is also chairman of the National Advertising Commission of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World and in this position has attracted the attention of advertising men every where by his capabilities and foresight. ^ "Mr. McClure is vice-president in charge of • the Chicago offices of Albert ^rank and company, well known advertising agency of New York, Chicago and London. He already f&s done much for the Ouilmette Country club. He has served as a director for two years, and chairman of the Special Entertainment committee for the last three years." . - __ _ „ Other officers of the club elected to serve in the ensuing year are: F. £,. War- wood, vice president; Elmer A. Rich Jr., secretary; F. J. Scheidenhelm, treasurer; A. W. Crawford, W. D. Lawrence, J. H. Krafthefer and H. P. Pruden, directors $. A. ICaatettMto â€"â€"â€"~~~"1SuccejiwH»r» to Dnnwell A Ford Established 1876 STATIONERS â€" ENGRAVERS â€" PRINTERS Leather Goodsâ€"Memorandumsâ€"Playing Card«â€"Game* Socialâ€"Officeâ€"Businessâ€"Club Work Country Home Stationery a Specialty during this month 114 So. Wabash Ave. Palmer House Block Telephone Central 2185 ALL MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION 000.00 Like to Have Can Help You - 'To serve you; that is the desire of this bank. We are seeking every legitimate way to further your interests financially. Our Bank Savings Life Insurance Plan is a new service that we now offer. We want you to be a "charter member." Will you come in and let us explain it to you? w^'r"?^^: :.}'S^-:-; f'?% THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK -Si '^W$> Courteous ^WILMETTE Dependable \ressive anse WffiM^^-^Tl^Mpresents" %;ux^<~--:-::'^M^ ^XJl!Tritk About Blayds" | ^/fy^-'^^^fa three-act\Conu^^$^f^^^I^;^ ^J^l^^sK Passes B^^ji::y:^i^^M^ityW^A Saturday, June 2 pane Ku|ipinheimer Memorial Hall || Skokie School, Winnetka|f §i&::. Monday, June 4 %*?%MM?0$i IIDiirald Hall, Lake le^estjf lililllSIIP^"«»dayv June' ^';m%ij§k(MMl$ Kenilworth Ghib, Keni|wo|||l Wednesday, ;8l|ine^,,,;SllliilS "oman's Ciulf Efifflsibnll Extra Pdffoimarice, Thursday, Jujn^ :§SSMÂ¥innetka. Woman'sâ- Club Itll The Largest Exclusive Bosrs* Store in the Wc^dâ€"1^ Floor •n ffftifl itliii Jy^r^etlSe-" 'dirt"ill put'lUwiptt1? Ijpo"clean' 'you couldn't §§§ |iget any more-^Then it wasn^t clean, was it? Besides |§ Jllook how it wears thehi otit-~awful! We wash .themâ€"- JM J carpets and the finest rugstâ€"as clean as your linen. Every Sjj iiptrtielel of dust and dirt%"ta1ceTr1out, restoring the colors JS§ 1 fin their original brightness1 and making the carpet or ^ llrug like newâ€"except as to wear. And washing does ^ ifiiot in jure fabric or the stitchingi;^ Qttr-ser-vice.. is ja _, wjg>|y|| f||ierful help at housecleaning ^^|^Te;:wilI store;;your.:rugs^Jor^umnieifefnM^ WB': '-â- & l^:>,J«i?i^narger.it. desired, yfe- - :^^fms^m^Mmim^^^m^-^ r\X TE'Rl iea$t with real styles in pencil stripesjight grays, plain serges, unfinished worsteds and dark mixtures. They all have two^firousers and are the kind of Clothes that w^ S long after Graduation Day is past- v White Flannel KnickerbockersMM uits lij^pli?|l â- :Its ve*V important to see that he gets exactly the right ,:pi^lli|i||i|i|| |J^^^^;;:pcwpdoT^;;;;|^"l^^ .....Lyt^rffi^was'.^^^^fpf |i|^^^^^3^b,esigne3-.especla^ meet his needs. Styles and patterns^lJI^*^^ ;fii^:*'?^"R,t^8S .'that will appeal to those young fellows just beginning to take l.j;:#|llil an interest in their clothes. Sizes 32 to 36. $30, $35 to $45. S||||| White J^nneII,o^";Trowief,». ilf|.. S^^^^'.-W»^S^^^^Si White Duck 'Tr<Lwse^-Lang-m'S fSlliliiSiiSi 'W^^m§, Finest grade Imported Eiiglish^Btoacldoth ShirS'o^^^W^^^l- limiM^iim^wM^B-VmwW; i_» " " " .--.â- -.,â- â- â- . ..â- ,.â- ..â- ..-- -,.-,,......>......>.,,.,.*.......^...-,..,. 'WS^^eSM^mii^fMmMk nil 3pR"!;'vK'f!« high luster, resembling silk v ^ ,^^^|1| Fine White Madras Blouses; low collar, satin striped, a««^l^l|0!i|.aps». %ll ^mm&*M^ IM l!§?S^:'$MsM •â- â- â- •â- â- â- ^â- â- ' '&$% wM II'ssjssi^ssaa