?iiiiiM|twMim TH£ LA1CE SHORE NEW&,FRIBAY, TOM ;..|5,.1^2a,':^^il^ â€"â€">â€"i J jim.............in mit .11.iiir.....)immmm*m*mmm*m~l&mm**mmmmm*4m>im^ [iiiiEl11 iiiii rum.......n.........mi. i iiiiinini 11 liiHw ';$& Slit ftlfSPHPI! ^S^^^^iSS^^^^^^^^^^iitti^^fwl' - Ipl^f ;|^f^|t?|;S §;f;5i|i?«^i|;j|]fj l§| Village of Kenilworth 1 Garbage and Ash Removal Contract Proposals for collecting and re- moving garbage, ashes and mis- cellaneous waste in the Village of Kenilworth for the year com- mencing July 1, 1923 will be re- ceived at the village office up to S o'clock P. M. Monday June 18, Kidding sheets may be ob- tained from the Village Man- ager. LSN-33-ltc. Wednesday, the 1st day of August, A. D. 1923, or at the first regular meet- ing, or adjourned regular meeting of said Board of Trustees, held after that date. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby specifically reserved. JOSEPH BLESER MATHBW SCHNEIDER 3 N.J.MILLER EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER Village Clerk EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL DATED this 7 day of May, 1923. L28-10tc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Wilmette held on the seventeenth day of April, 1923, the following ordinance was Eassed by three-fourths of the mem- ers of the said Council: AN ORDINANCE TO SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR PUB- LIC USE. WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette Is the owner of the title in fee to the I â- i^i^^'^^ij' pit iiiii •lb wWSW;' Preparations for the start of Pola Negri's next starring vehicle, "The Spanish Dancer," are going forward rapidly. -Herbert- Brenon, producer, re- turned to Hollywood last week from Del Monte, Cal., where he was in con- ference with the star. This picture was adapted from the story, "Dot? Caesar de Kazan." It will be Miss Negri's third and most ambitious American uiidertak- ing. Victor Fleming and company making "To the Last Man," a Zane Grey pro- duction, in which Richard Dix, Lois Wilson, Noah Beery, Robert Edeson, and Frank Campeau are featured, has .re- turned to civilization after spending several weeks in the Tonto Basin, Ark. Miss Dupont who will be featured shortly in "The Broken Wing" began her screen career under the name of Margaret Armstrong. NOTICE OF SALE OP VILLAGE WV PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby glv?n that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the vfllage of <3«>m "gnt. held on the 7 day of May, A. D. 19Z3, the following Ordinance was passed by6a vote'of more than.three-fourths of all the members of the Village BOard' ORDINANCE ~ 7,7 BE IT ORDAINED. ByJ^J^ff"* and Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, in the County of Cook and State or IlMmgsr- SECTION 1 #il â- â- â- â- . __ That the frtI6^i^deBCrtbe*"r«^a* tate, to wit: Lots five (5) »nd ffac <6> in Block seven (7) of Soger's Subdivi- sion of the Northeast Q««*' of«2£$ iwrsrSrjyar & KSffVfc«g fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thtmUhVee' ^v^^wnshi^ortv.twj â€"uz\ North. Range 13 East or ine Third* Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinoisjjogether wlthall^the beine the property on which tne yu- lage^Hall is ^ted wh^hs^ bnm- ihe was used by the Village in tne conduct of its business, is no longer n«oeasarv appropriate or required for the S? of sSaTillage or profitable to. or its longer retention for the best in- 35rests dr tne Vilwge^--.-, â€"T SECTION 2 That proposals to sell the aaid.prop- yl ^^^ P^^^^rA^i^%^ not less than sixty (60Y days lh The Lake Shore News and that said prop- erty be sold to the highest and best bidder- provided, however, the Board $ TrustSes may by majority vote re- ?|ct any and^U bids received therefor. SECTION 3 â- .â- â- „â- ',_ * That in the event said property is iokl as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk SI the laid Boards are hereby author- ed Inddirected to convey said prop- erty to such party or parties whose bids have been accepted, by a Proper deed or deeds of conveyance, "tatirtg therein the price Jherefor, with the seal of the corporation. "w( f "'SKECTION 4 â- â- â- $ APPROVED this 7 day of May. 192* IJOSEPH BLESER â- IMATHEW SCHNEIDER Wn. J. MILLER:^j^^:f^r::;i^\?C.:. Village Clerk IeDWARD ZEUTSCHEL : $p£i>;--- President PROPOSALS . . ' bSijJs Jfor the_s^bwedesj*iJ^...proP: following described premises: Beginning at a point on South line of Northeast Quarter (N. E. %) of Southeast Quarter (S. E. %) of Sec- tion twenty-eight (28), at its intersec- tion with East line of Sixteenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, produced North; thence North parallel with West line of said Northeast Quarter (N. E. %) of South- east quarter (S. E. %) of Section twen- ty-eight (28), 645.1 feet to a line 191 feet Southwest of and paral- 4el with Southwesterly line of right of way of the CHICAGO NORTHWEST- ERN RAILWAY CO., thence North- easterly at right angles to said South- westerly right of way line 191 feet to said right of way line; thence North- westerly along said right of way line 66 feet; thence Southwesterly at right angles, to said right of way line 227.1 feet to a point; thence South on a line parallel with West line of said North- east Quarter (N. E. %) of Southeast Quarter (S. E. %) of Section twenty- eight (28) to South line thereof; thence East 66 feet to place of beginning, excepting therefrom the intersection of a highway, extending along West side of right of way of CHICAGO & NORTHWESTBRir; RAIEROAD. eon* mohly known as West Railroad Ave- nue, in ' Cook County, Illinois, as described in the Warranty Deed of J. EDWIN DEM PS EY and MARY J., his wife, and EDWARD H. BAGLEY and ANGELA L.. his wife, of Chicago, to the Village of Wilmette, dated August 20th, 1915, recorded in the Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 13, 434 of Records, on Page 488, as Document No. 5,712,431, on September 17th, 1915; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid premises are now being used as a public street and known as a part of Sixteenth Street .in the Village of Wilmette; and WHEREAS, the said premises are no longer necessary, appropriate, or required for the use of the Village of Wilmette for such purpose, nor would its longer retention be for the best interests of the Village of Wil- mette; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT and BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: Section 1. That the premises, as aToresard T>e advertised for sale to the highest bidder, and that a notice of the proposal to sell, together with a copy of this Ordinance be published THE JOY OF LIv-INGrl The joy of living comes from the ability to| satisfy simple needs in a wholesome way. A well-managed home contributes more for the happiness of a community than two cars •in the garage. ;';SSfc^ '?&&k:^&& Those who conduct their financial affairs in a systematic, orderly way through the use of this Institution ^mow^the^joy-of living^n^ IS© ||llfl ISii. fsPt its very essence. We solicit your business. of Wilmette ffieXomecfSaritgs'lkposifors pSlfl if! t;-§Pff§ iltefpi Ptexs SfiifP SftiftfB in some local newspaper of general clr emulation for a period of at least sixty (60) days. Seettea --*«- â€"Thir-ordinance-shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. JBassed by_ theJPresident^and Boarct|M% of Trustees of the Village of Wil- mette on the 17th day of April, 1923, and depositedp-and filed in the Offlct of the Village Clerk of said Village this 18th day of April, 1923. EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. - .Approved by the President of the Village of Wilmette, -â€"~- Cook County, Illinois, this 18th day of April 1923.^w ^ ^ EDWARD ZIPFV President. Village of Wilmette ATTEST: i,^;";> •EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. And that bids for the purchase of aaid property wtMrbe~ received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. July 3, 1923, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meeting of the said Council to be held July 3, 1923, in the Village Hall of the Village of Wilmette at^ eight o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote am- or all bids. The Said real estate -will be conveyed by the Village of Wil- mette by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price therefor to the Village of Wilmette. VILLAGE ^O^^raMETTE, . ,iv: ?*;:"â- -i;S*-.EDWARD'..ZIPP, : . ing and protecting the same, and other lands heretofore acquired by said WILMETTE PARK DISTRK/i lor park purposes, and for the Payment of the expenses incident thereto, there shall be and there is hereby ordered and directed to be issued the negot£ able coupon bonds of the WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT, to the aggregate amount of One Hundred Thousand pol- ?£s m00.000). Said bonds shall he 100 in number, numbered from 76 to 175 Inclusive, and of the den*'"1â„¢"0," of One Thousand Dollars each. They shall bear date June 1, 1923, and shall mature as follows, to-wit: ~-Bonds^^oHfer^r 7^ and-79^ December lrtBondJ*No.80, 81, 82 and 83 December ^j^Mi'm- 88. 89, 90 and 91 DecembeJ- iSB6nds^No. 92 to 101, boJtH inclusive PC^ndbse Nol8ti0219tJ- 111, both inclusive December 1st, 1930. days of "June and December in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons-^heretoâ€"at*- tached as they severally become due; both principal and interest payable at the State Bank and Trust Company, in the City of Evanston, Illinois. .And for the prompt payment of this bond, with interest as aforesaid, at maturity, the full faith and credit of said Dls* trict are hereby Irrevocably pledged.^ This Bond is issued by said District for the purpose of obtaining funds for the payment of land to be condemned or purchased for park purposes, and for maintaining, improving and pro- tecting th* «i«»n«v and other land&hejc&r. tofS?f acquSed^y said WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT for park purposes, and for the payment of the expenses SECTION 3;yi That such bonds shall liil be signed, by the President and Treas- fpfe Tlrer^and countersigned by the Seore-aii|;i tary, with the corporate seal attached,?^): and the coupons shall be signed by theSg^ Treasurer, or have his fac-slmUet|»t signature printed thereon, and thelMM} aforesaid officers are hereby dlrecteAfe© to execute such bonds and coupons^pi# for and in behalf of the DUftrie$^^$$^ ||f||S SECTION 4. That:^ beginnini's"!"Witngii the year 1923, and continuing annually " thereafter until said honds are paid, there shall be and there Is heretoylilfil levied upon all the taxable property int said District, in addition to all other g 4axes authorised by- law to be levted.ffgg a continuing direct annual tax, to meet|H|g ance with the provisions of an Ordin- ance duly passed by. the Board of Commissioners of said District on Jtme 11th 1923, and pursuant to and In tull compliance with the provisions of ^an Act of the General Assembly of ^ the State of Illinois, entitled: An Act to forâ€"the-^>rgan.iaation_JOf par scemoer asi^xwov. â- -^^^.â- â- ,__lll<lt--^ nrovtde forâ€"the-4wcgan>watt©nâ€"ox parit Be^^^NoT^lf^to^Blr^rotlr-tec^ of submerged Said bids will be â- ^baiit^S1iia5e of Board of Trustees of ^^.^"^and Gross Point and will be OP?"6^/",! ^-considered ar the^gjnar^etjnK o« ' â- saldv.v'Bl^iiiS«»fe^ru«tees;.-.tO/'I>a WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING POR AN ISSUE OF BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OP-ONE^ HUNDRED -THOH- SAND DOLLARS, FOR PARK PUR- PO^ES BE IT ORDAINED by the BoanT of Commissioners of WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT. " •^#wk SECTION 1. For the purpose of ob- taining funds for the payment of land to be condemned or purchased for park both Inclusive both inclusive December 1st, 1931 Bonds No. 122 to 131, ^ShfN^sfS* 141, both inclusivl D^ondserNo1Sti4219t2-151. both Inclusive D^SndseNo8,i529?o 161, both Inclusiv^ December 1st, 1935. Bonds No. 162 to 175, December 1st, 1936. They shall bear interest, from after date, at the rate of four and one- half C4i><> per centum per annum pay- able semi-annually on June 1st and December 1st of each year; ^ntah^in- terest shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each bondt, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the State Bank and Trust ^npajiy/ln the City of Evanston, II* TSBX?tih^f 2~Thal said bonds, and the coupons thereto attached shall be substantially in the following to*â„¢> t0"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA^ STATE OF ILLINOIS, BOUNTY OF COOK LMBTTJl^PARKjei^RICT the interest on said bonds as the same _•_,,, , become^djae^and thejprlnclpal^oliiaaldlte acctfra»=|=^s0TOj8 jortmr same^naTUire; to^Be^ln-pt eluded In the respective fax leyie*;^ as- foilowsrritsiS;:; â- ;^|^Sp|giKlf)i^ig||plSilf 'â- "' For' the yellf:'i923;S':fW?;m'terlsf:WBnf6^- For the year 1924, for Interest $44t0,ilt for principal $4000. M#5 For the year 1925, for interestâ- |4ttfc'P for prlnclj?aJL14000«i and PARK BOND aa . â- , KNOW ALL MENJBTjrafiSE PRBS^ ENTS. that the WILMETTE PARK; DISTRICT, in the County of Cook and Stater -of ^llinolsr-a«k«owledge^-4t8el# to owe. and, for value received here* bv joroinlses to pay to bearer the sum of One Thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, on December l, .-,. ...•-.: tor«th*w-with- interest 6h said sum, from the date hereof, until paid, at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum, payable .semi-annual lands to those bordering on navigable bodies o* water/' approved June 24, 1896, and all amendments[thereto.â€" And It is Hereby Certified and Re- cited, that all acts, conditions and things, required by the laws and con- stitution of the State of Illinois to be done, precedent to and in the Issuing of this Bond, have been properly done, happened and been, performed in reg- ular and due form as required by laws; and that the total Indebtedness of said District, including this Bond, does not exceed the constitutional or statutory limitations;.; IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and this Bond to be signed by its President Hand â€" Treasurer after countersigned by its Secretary, this first day of June, A. D. 1923. ,, $855, Countersigned President. Treasurer. Secretary. .â- ",.'.. / n or Coupon* •.v-u---.^- -(Form ._ -------- . .«„.-„ No......... $22.60 THE WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, will pay to bearer the sum of Twenty-Two and 50/100 Dollars^ law- ful money of the United States of America on.........5..^....... •-•"•»• • • • at the State Bank -and Trust Com- nany, in the Citv ofJBvanston Illinois, for semi-annual Interest due that date oa Its Park Bond of June 1st, 1928, No..'. •;*£• • •>â- *;-.• •: ^tf|"S^;ri<|sl|ll:ft:jl:^HVi^^ ':'"J'-yy&yyiMMMlM Treasureri;--^^*«*:>;: Â¥ & mrf&e yearT92«rfor interest "$TQ6»i^ for principal $4000. For the year 1927; for Interest $38*0,:$ for principal $4000. For the year 1928, for interest $3655, for principal $10000. For the year 1929, for interest $3105, for principal $10000. For the year 1930, for interest $2655, for principal $10000. For the year 1931, for Interest $2205, for principal $10000. For the year 1932, for interest $1755, for principal $10000. For the year 1933, for interest $1305. for principal $10000. For the year 1984, for interest for principal $10000. For the year 1935, for Interest $J15,!iI# for principal $14000. â€"W^ehâ€"sumsrxso"^ levied^^re~ lieT^lrlf^ specifically appropriated fox the pay-®!; ment of the principal and Interest on said bonds, and said annual tax shall be collected in the same manner asâ€" the other taxes of said District. SECTION 6. That when 'V properly®! executed, as aforesaid, said bonds shalt^:' be sold as provided by law, and the |; proceeds derived therefrom shall be#l| used solely for the purpose h^erelnhe^|g^ fore set forth.'. â- :>MKtM\yiMy40M/'-i9IMff$ SECTION 6. .ThaT'"'lhtsSr^^f^aiwe*|^ shall be In full force and effect from 91? and after Its passage and due publica- tion. . _:_____^--:.........--'--......-^â€".....â€"........-â€".â- â- â- -$$& Passed by : the ' Board of Commls-; p sioners of Wilmette Park District this ill Eleventh, Cllth) day of June, A. t>.(0 lililiSllHARRY W. HOPP|s^|^^^g â- /"Is^efelar^ of Wilmette Partt -iSurtrloii"^:'^ Published In The Lake Shore Vt&mm^Zi this 15th day of June^ 19$$ IffL8»-lt6l ii^K^li â- 'S'ii5^a£i£i4^i33^4^^£^ ^iS^I5s^^^S^SS>