"I'-^W'^SW^fti^^QW:1 raw» WW$f> Tfgg-jg^ i «i^^fciliiw-:?- Mm Louise Logic Becomes Bride of Werner E. Wahlman THE home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ernest Logie, at 1032 Ashland avenue, attractively decorated in roses, peonies, palms and ferns, was the scene of a very lovely wedding on Wednesday evening of last week, when their daughter, Louise, was united in marriage to Mr. Werner E. Wahlman, Ht Chicago. The service was read at dght-thirty o'clock, by Dr. Hubert C. £arleton, rector of St. Augustine's church. The bride wore-a beautiful gown of white satin and lace, trimmed with a | girdle of silver leaves; and pearls. Her \*ulle veil was fastened to the head by a coronet of rose point, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses, Miss Jane Logie, who was her sis- ter's cmly attendant, wore a 4roek of chiffon and gold lace, made with a girdle el,blue, and carried an arm bouquet of fink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Wahlman are enjoy- ing a short wedding trip and upon their return will take 4U> their-=residence in Chicago. Mrs. Foster Branson and daughter, Dorcas, 817 Central avenue, have gone to, Colorado for the summer. They will be joined by Mr. Branson and Miss Florence Branson, who is attending sum- mer school at the University, early in August. - Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Simmons and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Simmons, 1040 Ashland avenue, have gone to California for the summer. Before their return they plan to tour Alaska. Rev.* and Mrs. Gilbert Stansell, 1024 Lake avenue entertained at dinner at the Country club on Monday evening for members of the Official Board of the Methodist church and their wives -o cnvrnES Gaines A. Young, a graduate of Har- vard, is visiting his sister, Miss Edith Ray Young, 1319 Washington avenue, for a few days. Mrs. Raymond Wentz, 1021 Central avenue, returned Tuesday from a sev- eral days' visit at the home of her brother, Leon S. George, in Waukegan. Mr. Lysle Smith, 1325 Greenwood avenue, leaves Sunday to spend the coming two weeks on a training ship on the Great Lakes, as a member of the crew. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Bennett, 1321 Greenwood avenue, are enjoying a fort- night's motor trip through Wisconsin and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline and family, 1311 Greenwood avenue, are leaving today for a summer's outing at Fish Creek, Wis. The Friday Luncheon dub is being entertained in the home of I Mro U/illiam AfaVndrd 731 P»nt«-o1 I Mrs. William avenue, today. and the 731 Bridge ome of Central Miss Dorothy Troy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Troy, of 828 Ashland avenue, returned home a few days ago from Dartmouth College in Pennsyl- vania. " .â- /:â- â- 'â- -.:';":. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Morin and family, of 635 Maple avenue, left Tues- day for Starved Rock, 111., to* spend the holiday. â€"rv. â- Mrs. G. H. Canniff of 723 Central avenue, has as her guest for a few days, her niece, Mrs. Walter Ayers, of Jacksonville. 111. Mrs: Charles E. Ummach and daugh- ter, Lucille, 1236 Forest avenue, are spending the summer in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gurtler and daughter, 1233 Forest avenue, are visit- ing in Davenport, Iowa. Miss Frances Gibbs, 1229 Hill street, leaves Sunday to spend a fortnight with friends in Peoria and TJalesburg, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, & 1317 Greenwood avenue, are spending the summer at Fish "Creek, Wis. Rev. George P. Magill |4 Has Gone Trout Fuhin' Rev. George P. Magill, pastor of the Wilmette Presbyterian church, left the village this week for a trip through the mountains of Colorado. "^'^^SXS-i Mr. Magill expects to spend next Sun- day in Colorado Springs.â- •â- :'jfc*1^KSS5 The Monday following, he will be joined by Harry G. Clark of Wilmette and George H. Martin of Denver, their destination being Wagon Wheel Colorado, from whence thc> start a teriiday ^mhi^^^mm^^tm" tain trout streams and rivefs of •Hfi, W- .HANNAH SCHUMANN AMtataat ^ : OSCAR DBIS* STUDIO Wed»ead«r M9& VvMayv, 13 to : 1200 CeatraT Ave., Phome 064- l:ail^Piyii^gT*B""................ Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson, of 611 Laurel avenue, have recently opened their summer home at Crystal Lake* lit The__ Tuesday. Luncheon,, and. Bridge club will meet during the coming week in the home of Mrs. H. M. Dibble, 530 Lake avenue. â€"»â€" - Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jones and family,. 1045 Forest avenue, have gone to Frank- fort, Mich., for the summer months. Mr. George E. Cole, 911 Greenwood avenue, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Root in Jackson, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon, 706 Laurel, avenue, have opened their sum- mer home in Northern Wisconsin. Mrs. J. W. H. Higbee, 810 Lake avenue, received her bridge-luncheon club Monday afternoon. ft Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes and son, Dick, 816 Forest ayenue, left yesterday Jo spend a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn L. Lodwick in CenterviHe, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Knapp, 900 Forest avenue, announce tne marriage of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Howard Arthur Hammond, which took place on Saturday, May 26. isstmasssttm mmm. JU - ehestnut--avenue, -will compliment the former's sister, Mrs. Michener and Mrs. Ifictney, of California, with a dinner party Saturday evening. '>> Mrs. H. W. Mons, 921 Oakwood ave- nue, who has been confined to her bed for the past -four weeks, is reported greatly improved. -Ijfcf,â„¢<!LMrs, R, C Walter.and son, WJ Central avenue, have moved into their newly purchased home in Western Springs, 111. | Mrs. Volney Underhill, who spent the greater part of the winter at Evergreen, Alabama, has come north to spend the summer at Beaver Lake, Wis. "f Mr-1,^dtTÂ¥"- M*rry W. Betting- ha."?. 1/37 Highlaond avenue, are enter- taining as their houseguest the former's â„¢>â„¢eT>. Mrs. George M Bettinghaus, ; of ^pringfiekl. 111... ' Mrs- Franll A. Brown, 94S Michigan §mmtavenue, was hostess to one of the Tues- ^| daylmdge clubs last week at the Skokie I Golf club. â- t^^'Mr.-and Mfs. George E. White, 1101 ^». greenwood avenue, plan on opening ^^P'toeir:....summer home, on • Eagle: River* ^WWMr7;and:';Mrs. ' jl%. ^Wilkins|ll27 i#rW pxsstnut avenue, entertained at abuffet |Siiil|^ln«r t°r sixteen guests on the evening llgfagl^vthe Fourth. .â- >.-.â- â- - ^^^v^-* ..;v;,.Wl^ Mr. ,and Mrs. D. K. Grant have re- turned from a fortnight's outing at their cottage on Lauderdale Lake, Wis. -Mr. M. R. Rosen, 1045 Elmwood ave- nue, returned Tuesday from a short fishing trip at Hamlin Lake, Mich. •Mj^J*ewis_E^Lai^ Home at 521 ^en!raT~avenue, and with her family is moving to Rogers Park. Miss Olga Angel of Oakland, Cal., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Lutnicki, 1049 Chestnut avenue. Miss Nell Bertsch of Grand Rapids, Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Angelbeck, 1630 Walnut avenue. Miss Dorothy HeissJer, of Lake Shore it^i3yiflR.illi8rrlvgj'^cÂ¥) >Miaa tlllfltii mi |Sj||^jW - I^Miss Hazel Russell spent a few days With friends recently before going to %egoi*^WiS., to spend the summer With. 'ne^0^grandmomer.;iipt«K|?S Cv^'iP". i'Memberi"of' the ThursHf" Broil' Luncheon club will be entertained this week bv Mrs. XV H. Canniff ^ Jfr foilHi^.. a Welch's New Recor 1 Hoiii6,r oh sale at PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street, Evanston Library PlazcTNoMl liiilll! :^^n^#*BillSi!^ pE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jejplry. Few people can vis- uatize how really beautiful and pleas- ant THE (WRING- TON will be. The Jwklic±±as_^ those who have taken * quarters, will be de- lightfully surprised on opening day. J&jK&^p^)*^^^ ;tt J 723 Central avenue. lb ty J?f"^eadint" Circle nwt m lw home |«| Mrsp^. M. Singleton, 522 Maple GRACE FORBES |||;ttk.SHOP' : ||§§|t|j Sport Apparell>â- ^.,\?; ^iK Summer Frocks :. I r ".'.'-;If^p;$ii^too :|fppfll^ Making Gowns and ^rock* â- *%» *W Hoybum Theatre Bids â- Mm enjoyment of your favorite maga- i* zine or newspaper, depends largely upon the coni 1 U *o those whose eyes' tire easily whilei:lldl#pl pair of our glasses:wjM prove a revelation in com- 1 andjgenuine satisfaction. grf-';*.»iSiiiiSiai; mMakeNo Extra Charge0'l£OT^^ Roberts j^ Ggpdil 177 West Jackson *ik§& to, iiMnoisigi Illiiiiiiii^p way is the health way. g^'::,. !P§i|Si %mm B"WMAN,S MILK is a builder of llllll »trong^ ^liWth^ltddiiF1-. .ff^illidb^ If ^^g^^.,jKttd .absolutely .safe and!tt^ Bowman MIRY COMPANY nAimr company Bottled in the Country ^VM^^^^MA^^ ialSS&ffii»M.liiMSill34