IPIMP >filM'&^' JtHE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923 '"'Jilff^fStiftl: «y JUNIOR SCOUTS GO INTO CAMP Leave Saturday for Sojourn at Lake Geneva ___Camp Stansell, Geneva Highlands, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, will be official- ly opened on Saturday of this week when the Junior Boy Scout troop of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist church goes to camp. Messrs. Bontecou, Bennit, Williams, Borchers and Smalling will act as Camp leaders this year, with Otto Clepp, Gor- don Buck, Paul Stoker, LeRoy Stoker and Howard Williams as Boy leaders. Besides this corp of efficient workers, •the following are enrolled for a two weeks' -stay: Bob and Billy Sherman, Tom Smith, Bud and Edward Solomon, Julian Hirsch, Morris Field, Chuck Hub- .bard, Hollis Gleason, George Eaton, Kenneth Bontecou, Bob Hess, John Caukwell, Bradford Fike, L. Jones, Jerome Goldwach, Ted Buck, Tom Holmes, John Zipprich, Carl Anderson, Richard Samuels and George Carring- Chef Ira Smalling has been secured for the entire summer again this year. He arrived iti WiUttette Wednesday morning, to accompany the trucks to Geneva on Thursday. The boys were called for final inspection on Thurs- day night, and will be taken to Geneva in cars, leaving the Methodist church at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. J The regular Boy Scouts camp will open at the same place on August 11. Quits Motorcycle Job to Drive New Fire Truck George Schaefer has passed out of the picture as a Wilmette motorcycle police- man and has entered the role of Village fireman with the job of propelling the new ladder truck recently added to the equipment at the Main street engine house. Schaefer and James Brady will "spell off" on the big truck, according to Chief Zibbel. ' John De Groot, recently added to the police department, has taken Schaefer's place on the motorcycle squad. Other recruits added to the police department in the past month are Ralph Fjellman, Joseph Evert and John Mc- Cormick. f USE jnttmwF Night and Morning IlLUiMSsS: Have qfcan, Healthy Ey* MJjmmrSL If they Tire, Itch, TO>pGgLy>M^ Smart, Bum or Dis- Vni IftJpvjpC charge if Sore,Trri- IUUK LlL*S tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Refreshes, Soothes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write tor Free 6ye Book. Murine Bye Bomedy Co.. 9 Bmmt Ohio St.. Chicago OPENING Factory Branch nrsT T/^n washing machines I HI J K IRONING MACHINES x x X V^XV VACUUM CLEANERS Skilled mechanics at your service Repair parts in stock for all models- WILMETTE THOR SHOP 1135 GreenJeaf Aw. S^S^^«S*i#^S3i#!-«« ?!!§& Meadow Gold Butter For discriminating adults or hungry children, nothing can match it You wul hud it in good restaurants and among the most care- ful of your friends because Meadow Gold butter is ahvajrs delicious, savory and uni- form in quality. For over twenty-four years it has been made to a uniform high quality liBi ifebe ytear rxwincL ||jl§^?Etafcviariwliy'careful housewives choose Meadow m**m Gold butter. They know it is churned fresh every day from richest cream thoroughly pas- teurized. It is triple wrapped and sealed at the creamery to keep it free from dust and odorsâ€"to pro- tect its purity and flavor. _______ y_tjf _ur.de^erJiaeaJwthandleâ€"r Meadow Gold, write us. We s will see that jrou arc supplied. Chicago, Illinois 0$ iff I Before July i&ihl ti lie sure and get just as much money in your savings account prior >If to July 15th as possible, for all money deposit- ed by that day will b||| interest from tl*eS:fif|§.; Here's a chance lo .__make your money do double duiyriDpn't overlooksthe oppor- ' . tunity! ^i^*,,^^^^^; WtLMETTE STATE BANK CentralAve.atTwelfth -M'iMM > M: i 'Your Home Bank' 7 H/fi â- :sliii i^illllis JONTEEL COLD CREAM is a true healing and cleans- ing cream made from veg- etable oils. Delicate, delicious odor .........;.,........v.. 50c, ';': 5§!