THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRTnAV. fULY 20. 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS t *r ** Classified advertisement* will be «*•**** General Noticesâ€" â„¢iyto persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe «nclua*ve. whose names app•^to^grJeIte0 eftne? STS& &S «WS^W^^^ to^-{nree%^^^^^^ 2SS. *^gi^t£ charged double price. Average of five word, to the line. _ __. - , ., Classified advertisements will do Deadline for Insertions--- accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday ?2 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the GlScoS New* Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 888. "The Judge" ^|l|||ii|||||l||i REAL ESTATE owaitttK'TTT. AIRFLAIN BUNGALOW, ; be seen to be appreciated. see ; about P"«» »rdh"r.^s'water heat. 6-rooro frame nouse, »»£C1 r>„au. â- â- ; dining porch, also sun parlor Beau ♦if ul wooded lot witn gar as*:. * ' i, a s"mi-bungalow type andl t. to- cited on <3rfcn,T'0?4iIA,v°- .Lit this t^TUrar'e'fo'oUng^r a neat of the longest lots on the Norin ^„eTanmyu8°tthSeeril. "SffiS ^.000.00; m?!Cr3oo0merhouse on Elmwood Ave h. w heat (Newport Boiler) requires only $2,000 cash. Price $9,500. " Beautiful brick colonial on Ashland Ave 7-rooms, and two _Da5"HLJi" ^ond floor. Lot 75x178. 2 cainrar- agHavf'yo°u0seen the new fubdivi- =5«i «t 17th St. and Wilmette Ave. b r£eEDDINGf6N We have a client who has a 7- ss hTi%eSn .nrs^Z' JwUo wishes to trade equity for lot on North Shore. What have you to of- illfwilmette Ave. Phone WiL _640 HEAL ESTATE Service You Will Like SPECIAL OFFERING 6-ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL, NEW heated, sun and sip. pch. water heat, tile bath, ex. lav. on 1st, fl., 8-room solid brick home. h. *. heat, lot 63x150. 2 car garage, east loc. $18,500. 9 rm. brick, close to lake. 5 bedr., 3 baths, vapor heat, oil burner, large lot, want offer. Price $35,000. Small home in finest loc. on Scott Ave., h. w. heat, 2 bedr. and sip. pch., large end. liv pch., beautiful grounds. $16,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 Elm St., Winnetka, Phone Win. 1800 CHARLES H. BBETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Leases --------- REAL ESTATE 548 Mala Street Wilmette. HI. Telephone 66 LTG-20-tfc. WILMETTE FOR SALEâ€"Most Artistic 6 room home. Choice North East loc. bed rm. »S? bath 1st fl., 2 elegant bed rms. and WSS and toilet on 2nd floor, ibmiou ward-robe closets, sun parlor, break- fast rm, h. w. heat, garage, deep heavily wooded lot. Remarkable buy *lIdeSf 6 rm stucco, in perfect condi- tion, Choice East side loc. convenient Iboth steam and "L" Stations, h w. Iheat. all lge. sunny rms. sun Parlor |and sleep, pch. garage, wonderful 60 ^i*^wne^8fl^v4ng- Wilmetter offers at fapecial price, 7 rm brick residence, built one year, liv. rm and master ~" bed rm each 15 x 25 feet, beautiful sun parlor, breakfast rm. h. w. heat, tile fath. heated garage attached. Only §23,500. TR1NT GErORGE. A CO.,,. JSnd "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-408 3 ">' L-38-ltc. BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL new 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 Immediately possession all im- prvts. in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me. an offer. 1739 Washington Ave., Wilmette. LTG38-ltp FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURN. BED- roonr and living room. Gentleman pref. Good trans. Priv. family. Breakfast if desired. Will rent separately if necessary. Telephone Wil. 814-J. L-38-ltp. FOR RENTâ€"LARGE BED ROOM AND sitting room or smaller bed room: bath adjoining, hot water, one or two people; modern home. Two blocks from Hubbard Woods Station. Tel. Winnetka 1119. LTG38-ltc TO RENTâ€"LOVELY LARGE FRONT room. East side, convenient to all transportation, cafeterias and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT38-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"WE HAVE A client who desires a 7 or 8 room brick or stucco home in good North Wilmette location. Large wooded lot desired. Phone at once. X^ WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 4th St. Phone Wilmette 1304 LS38-ltc FURNISHED ROOM, EAST SIDE home; cool, comfortable; convenient cafes and transportation. Tel. Wil. 844-J. L38-ltc WILMETTE CJHARMING COLONIAL. *6 ROOMS M and-auir parlor, very attractive liv- ling and dining: rooms, choice light S kitchen with breakfast nook, water Iheat equipped with Klean Heat Oil S Burner controlled by Thermostat, '-â- ii double garage with cement drive. s$ie,ooo. « â- :"-'â- -':m.;m> . ~ â- ~M Pretty 6 tin. stucco, sun plr. sip. pch., artistically landscaped, 3 oiks. â- }$â- to lake, owner leaving N. Shore, ask 4 to see this and make offer. Exclusive Ajgenlsu^~-^â€"^ I w. a STAGEY & cor 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 808 A BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICE! LTGSS-ltc T All My Vacant 'â- M^^-^ â- â- ' IN WILMETTE :*^GAGES AD^SIDlt^CO^-WJEUtETTI "TocafeoTon Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh ave., comprising: X»ots 2-7-10. 1LX-L2 Bl=S^w4th^Hpayiaar^ghiarl? 4L5L4B16L 3-4 Bl 9 L 0-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L 1 & 3 Bl 17 and L16 Bl 18. ; Oeven Wilmette Agents will snow * fchese lots; or write direct to the 'owner J. P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. - I/TG-20-tfe. \ A PEACH OF A HOME FOR A JKAMJl^ WITH CHILDREN, -=-r-ln"""one of the very chcflce sections « df Winnetka. 10-room stucco IB. R. :-.;S»,;ii_l bath (shower) on 1st. 4 B. R.â€"2 «; baths on 2nd. Fire place in master SB. R. 2 maid's rooms, 1 bath on 3rd. ^i*L W- ht. (both coal and oil, with^pil SfI*Storage tanks), 2 car .garage. Ex- ;-Ma»eptionally large wooded and land- ^ ^caVed lotâ€"115x150. Price $27,000. Shown by appointment only. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. &S6 Center St. Winnetka 254 Yjpen Sunday Afternoons â- jJLZ__ ' LTG38-ltc VfM. RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE ^opportunity of aiding you in selling lyour property; and as brokers, ex- ' Icellent for resldents-a^d^^acan't prop- iierty along the North Shore, we offer lyou the local offices. List your prop- ferty with usâ€"-we have the buyers. §E. S. WISDOM A CO. 1:11 FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL WOODED lot in Winnetka near Indian Hill Club, South East corner Garland and Forest Aves. Call owner, Room 5SU North Shore Hotel. Evanston. LT-38-ltc. ONE HUNDRED ACRES â€" SIXTY wooded on hard road; suitable for golf club or subdivision; for prices see Wyatt & Coon. Tel. Glen view 81. LTG38-ltc ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; E. side; suitable for couple. Owner «*^©«ra",',,"tl***',THBotfii. Tel. Wifc 17$C 1775 Wilmette Ave. LTG38-UC FOR SALEâ€"50 ACRES ON WAUKE- gan road; good improvement, rolling, partly wooded. Wyatt and Coons. Tel. Glenview 81. LTG38-lte FOR RENTâ€"HOD 9ES FOR RENtli from Friday.;,â- "- i;* •--->---- Aug. 3 to Sept. 1 in Hubbard Woods, com- % pletely • If furnished__house,'% practically hew, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oh the second floor- four rooms including sun porch on the^ age for one car. located in good s^tion^jgnpjjUleci party. House well residential Phone Winnetka 247 WANTEDâ€"TO RENT WANTEDâ€"TO RENT FIVE OR SIX room . co.ttaj£&,jor. bungalow -by- "Sept. """Ifffteen; young couple with two chil- dren; Will sign two year lease. 'Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-227. _________________ L38-ltp FOR RENT g:$o. Dearborn St, tit Elm St. Randolph 6835 Winnetka 88 LTG38-ltc â- "<.*â- â- BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN ^ Fj|R^AI^E==RY^OW^EI^B«A^fTIFUl7 ~T~r~^~. 3hew 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; ::S^ hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 immediate possession all im- f"i »rvts. In. Must sell quick. Call ^ * Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Ave„ Wilmette. V _______ .________ LTG38^1tp .SfSiNiR SALE-^NEW 5-RQQML ^STU€GG ^^^^-^untraiowrtot^T Ip Gross Point. ^; PM O"* electric, plumbing, hardwood .Ti:$.i;??,"rM"-â€"*» fu-*»a^e heat, painted and dec- iles ;6rat»»f*. $7,500. W. E. Kempe. Pfiohe ^lllflNNETKA'S NEW MASONIC TEMPLE is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable ^or lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates, and available I dates see the chairman of Ithe Temple House Gotnmft- CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; ST. HEAT ht. and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. L32-tfc Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly ivith Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone WUmette 2228 FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M, near all trains. LT25-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"'MALE: TWO SALESMEN WANTED _, We want two industrious young men with or without experience to sell high class products for a rapidly growing concern located on the North Shore. Leads furnished, close co-operation guaranteed^ If you axe- interested, write us for an appoint- ment. Address Lake Shores News A-228. L38-ltc A CHANCE FOR FIVE YOUNG MEN to learn salesmanship and earn a generous amount ofx money at the ^ime*tlhie;«sening a dignified cort* tract line to homeowners. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. to Mr. Sieben c/o Schaefer & Golbach, 909 Ridge Ave. at Lake Ave. Wil. ar Tel. Wil. 364. LTG-37-2tc. WANTEDâ€"AUTOMOBILE MECHAN- IC, must be experienced and of good character* Wersted Motor Co., Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG38-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAN TO~RUN ELECTRIC dish washer and kitchen work. Call in personâ€"Welch's Cafeteria. L38-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAN TO WORK IN GAR- â€"dens^evenihgs. Tel. Kenilworth 268« ____________.___ LTG38-ltc SITUATION ' WANTEDâ€"MALE Paul Kruger Builder of Stone Gateways Founjiajn^and Ckrdgn^^ furniture in Stone Wisconsin Flag Stone New York Blue J>tone Phone Winnetka 1S30 730 Center Street, Winnetka ^Phdn«f*!! Meyer Bank Bid*. m WINNETKA FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE â€" ,1722 LAKE AVE: Umette ??5-R, s L38-lt& KARLPAPE I"-'-"-- .â- â- f'^f^f$M^m^^' â- -'• Painting and Decorating Phone WUmette 2934 HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG CAPABLE GIRL for geheral work; three in family; apply in person, 630 Central Ave., Wilmette. L38-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENERAL hswk.; to go home nights. Tel. Mrs. Snyder; Wilmette 1167. L-38-ltc Do You Owi a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. '-Jjf SkokieMotorCo. 712-714.716 Elm Street Winnetka Aathortsed Ford <ml Lin^a Dealers WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework where assisting nurse is kept. Phone Winn. 1713. LTG38-ltc WANTEDâ€"GENERAL GIRLâ€"WHITE; __small family; no washing; Refer- ences required. Tel. Winn 498. LTG38-ltc WANTEDâ€"TWO WAITRESSES; NEAT appearance for Welch's Cafe. Call in persnn. LTG38-ltc Wantedâ€"bookkeeper familiar with double entry. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG38-ltc WANTEDâ€"WAITRESS AND SEAMS- tress; experienced; best wages. Tel. Winnetka 58. LTG38-ltc SITUATIONS WANTEDâ€"FEMALE College Preparation in French BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Speck. 228 Green Bay Rd., Hubbard xWoods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTG38-ltp MIDDLE-rAGEB WOMAN # (WHITE), married, husband employed, wants steady place as cook; general house- work; where self and husband can have room together; best references; _jsiojierate~wagesi Addressr-LSke Shore News, A-229. L38-ltp MRS. F. S. MILLER, GRADUATE-OF ©A«^ha^n»HSch^ror^oT^Beauty Culture world's best method in care of hair face, and hands. Special prices for July and August. Tel. Winn. 1543. 164 Woodland Ave. L38-ltp KATHRYN VERNON, A TEACHER IN the Wilmette School will tutor in Grade School work in August at the Byron C. Stolp Bldg. Telephone Ev- anston 8422. L39-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN Wishes ironing or cleaning or other hswk. by day. Call before seven w,tM- *?r »^foter 6 p- M- Telephone Wilmette 2987. L38-ltp ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE IN ^ ray» ow,n, n?"le- Best of references. " Tel.- Wil... 1091. ;r; , ,.4>£igL38-ltp SEWING WANTED â€" PLAf N AND fancy dressmaking. Phone Wilmette 2785. s LTG-38*ltp. WILMETTE SHOE SHINING PARLOR Hats Cleaned an^SBIoliiced UWHs U W#H fEKipett Shoe Repairiaff ^ELECTRIC-PiAa MlMMMiM. NURSE WILL CARE FOR SEMI-IN- yalid in own home. Telephone High- land Park 1812. LT38-ltp LADY WOULD LIKE LAUNDRY work by day. Telephone Wilmette Ave*.-....... ,-:.......â- â- ^0,eMj^i$.j*... ,£»*â- * l-;"'L38-itp' Wti^?IN*? t°. TAKE HOME. PHONE Wilmette 834-R. LT38-ltc || BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Chicago business man Jisudhg^r-e-- cently-â€"returned' from South America desires meeting respon- sible party with ten thousand dollars; money to be used to suc- cessfully complete large cdm^ mercial enterprise. Money se- cured to be refunded within six months. Lender to secure per- manent executive office aa soon as details are completed. ^z ^â€"A^dT*ss-^a^eTSTio^"News, A- L**S^_Ph0n1a- Wilmette^lr^Mr^ ;J^|^|S|^9^ A CUSTOMER OF OURS HAS GONBs to Europe and has left her electric with us for sale, as she wanta a gas car when she returns. An ex- cellent. Detroit double drive, life passenger car, new batteries afid paint, may be bought^very reason- able. .|-v MOTORS SERVICE, Inc« 721 Main Street, Wilmette LTG38-l|tc FOR SALEâ€"STANLEY ^STEAMBfc 1922 touring; haa only been drivfj four thousand* miles*, has bf» rw taken care of, runs like a nej^wW- Tel. Winnetka 165. LTQ-lhs FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOOD* STEAMER TRUNK, LARGE DRESSE* trunk, covered cot, 3-burner oil stove, draperies, lace curtains, portieres, other articlear~WflT~Ber liver. Tel. Wil. 464. L-38-"' FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGR cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves, 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212. LTG24-t«c FOR SALEâ€"PITTSBURGH INSTANT- aneous automatic hot water heater; suitable for eight room house, per* feet condition, very low figure. Telephone Wilmette 2665. L38-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FINE LARGE ICE BOX, inside icing; and gas range^JiOlii aJb_ mos*-newurTTmst_seTl-soon. Tel. Glen* coe 960. TG19-UC B AJOL G^A^TjL=BEANOF===ieT===€fcA! ""^cWdrtron. Address, Mrs. J. L. Ham- mond, 815 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. LTG38-UC FOR SALEâ€"NINE PIECE DINING room set; table, seven chairs, and. serving table. Tel. Ken'l 2206. L-38-ltcg N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston,„PJion^~ Evans;~ 103*:* LTG16-tfej FOR SALEâ€"ODD PIECES OF FURN- iture; must sell at once. Tel. K*»^ ilworth 183. LTG-l^c WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUT-^SECOND HAND 'furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston, 111. .Phone 189. ________________ . LTG27-tfc pOB SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"ONE 4 BY 36 INCH, deep well pumpâ€"head; 4nfjrd. by Anierle^^ell-WorKs, Two hundred dollars; One three ton, four horse roller. Thirty dollars: J. A. Sears. 417 Warwick Road. Kenilworth. Tel. lg3« _______ LTG-38-ltc. ; FURNACE BARGAINâ€"CAHlLL NO. 21 t pipeless taken on debt, S175; costLJi _wh^esajfi,„ji90, wiH^heat 30^olTcX~l ^L<Hobt*Sehrke- 16?s w- Illinois St.. I Chicago, I1U *• L38-ltp * FOR SALE â€" BEAUTIFUL TAME, young Shetland pony: child's play- mate, priced reasonably. Tel. Winn. ^ 1284 • I LTG38-ltc FOR S^LEâ€"ONE "RIVIERA" COPY ^^^.P^0!1^^1^^ new: child's Tel. Wil. 389. ^fe ..* L$8-ltc ?SkJli2i!t~TY0 SfRST CLASS 2ND JS?r|g»SeaJ_at a. 14beral-itt8couht"Gr^ W. STocum. Tel. Winnetka 713. IiTG3«-Itc" ^roronghbr^d white leghorn hens. Best offei^_T^UJHi^â€"~^-i^OZi=ttG^