11 wi?. TAKE SHORE NEWS, F^rnAV: AUGUST 3, 1923 Summer Bridge-Musicale Aids David Bispham Fund *HE luncheon, musicale and bridge |-----------------------" . "T7I for the benefit of the David Bisp- Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Little, 1818 ham memorial fund, arranged by Sheridan road, Evanston, announce tne a group of prominent north shore so- ciety women for Tuesday afternoon, August 7, at the Moraine hotel, High- land Park, will be one of the largest and most elaborate of midsummer gath- erings. Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick, Mrs. Archibald Freer, Mrs. Albert Ochs- ner, and Mrs. Louis Yaeger, are the of- ficers for the local organization sup- ponrng the ran«« ~»J Mrs. Howard van Sinderen Tracy, of Winnetka, is chair- man oi the entertainment committee. Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Tracy are in charge of the sale of tickets. Following the luncheon will be the musicale program for which Hazel Eden and Lydia Van Gilder of the Chi- cago Civic Opera company are to be the soloists. Unusually handsome prizes are to be offered at bridge afterward, according to Mrs. Tracy, and unless the party assumes too impracticable pro- portions', a souvenir will be provided for the winner at each table. The memorial fund which bears the name oi "America's greatest baritone" is maintained to assist the American composers, notably of opera and to keep alive the name of David Bispham and his art through a fine memorial. Among the north shore women who have taken either tables or single reser- vations, are Mrs. Frank Fuller, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. Frederick Christo- pher, Mrs. Lon C. Hill, Mrs. James Rawley, Mrs. Norman Westerhold, Mrs. John H. Sutter, Mrs. William Mc- Adams, Mrs. Robert Butz and Mrs Randolp Buck. engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mitchell Harper, son of Mr. and Mrs. G Lewis Walters of Winnetka. Miss Little is a graduate of Northwestern university in the class of 1923 and a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulvey, son, Junius and daughter, Elizabeth, 800 Oak- wnnH avenue, have returned frprn^a drive to northenr^VTSconstn, wiicic tivojâ€"m** Miss Elizabeth, who has been attend- ing Camp Sherwood for several weeks. Miss Mulvey plans to visit friends at Crystal Lake, during the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rich, of Jersey City, N. J., have been visiting at the home of Mr. Rich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rich, 1016 Linden ave- nue. Mr. Rich has gone on to Mexico where he has interests in the oil fields, leaving his bride here temporarily. Mr. F. A- Simmons, 1040 Ashland ave- nue, has returned from a trip through the Canadian Rockies and Alaska, with Mrs. Simmons and their daughter, Eli- zabeth, Mrs. Simmons and her daugh- ter have gone on to California, to re- main a month. Mrs. Perry Crippen and daughter, Miss Sarah Crippen, of Utica, N. Y., arrived yesterday to be the guests of Mrs. Crippen's sister, Mrs. F. L. Joy, 812 Central avenue, for a fortnight. Miss JorScheidenhelm and her cousin, Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, re- turned yesterday from an extended trip through the Canadian Rockies and a visit in Seattle, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. John Segsworth, of Forest avenue, are touring the New England states. -a Mr. Edwin Kracke, 1010 Elmwood avenue, left Wednesday on a business trip in the East. Frederick Harbaugh, 1219 Forest ave- nue, has gone to Malta, 111., to spend several weeks on a farm. Miss Carol Knapp, 900 Forest ave- nue, has just i^ttrnedj^rwnA-fivfi_Sfida' sfax M Pine Lake, Michigan. "Bob" Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue, has returned from Camp Eberhart, the Y. M. C. A. camp in northern Michigan. HANNAH Pteatet SCHUMANN Teacher •ad Ammimtmmt at tae OSCAR ORIS STUDIO Wednesday* and Fridays, 12 to S 1340 CeatraJ Ave, Pfcone •84-M WILHKTTE The various groups of Camp F re Girls who have been in camp near South Haven for two weeks, returned home Monday evening. Miss Edith Ray Young is spending the month of August with her parents at Vincennes, Indiana. Tom Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, re- turned home Friday from a two month's visit in the east. Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood avenue, spent last week-end at Grand Beach, Mich. LECTURES AT THE V|||||5||frEMPLE .„' :' Foundation fclHaH,".'.' :[to*mk Road and liinden Ave., «i on Ldnden Ave. ^ Sundays at 3:30 p. niP July 29â€""The Eternal chn.*i lii the World otToday"-4PStl August 5-r-"Religion ShoWd ki the Cause of Unity 'â€"Mrs" c«r inne True. v«r«, Friday evenings at 7 MB-^L-ej ures Upon the Union of Sclentfl and Religion. iM: Mrs. Albert W. Rockwell and her small son, Albert, Jr., of San Francisco, .are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr7"ani Mrs. Byron H. Knapp, 900 Forest avenue. During their absence, Mr. Rockwell is making an extensive business trip in the north. ~ ^frs.Edward D. UHenfield, 816 Mich- igan avenue, was hostess at a boat-house luncheon on Wednesday given in honor of Mrs. Edwin C. Barnes, of Braden- town, Florida, the guest of Mrs. Mar- shall Lloyd Doty, of the Greenwood Inn, Evanston. Mrs. IraQJ? Grimshaw and little son, are visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker, who are occupying Miss Alice Burchard's home during her ab- sence1. Dr. Barker has taken Mr. plover's home at 1240 Forest avenue, for the month of August. Last Thursday evening, July 26, Mrs. F. L. Bateman was hostess to a group <rf out-of-town friends and business as- sociates at a large birthday dinner party given in honor of Mr. Bateman. There _ werejcovers for thirty guests. ! ; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Guertler and daughter, Alice Marie, 1233 Forest ave- nue, returned this week from a three --weeks' motor trip through Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. The Misses {Catherine and Florence Winship, 803 Chestnut avenue, are leav- ing Thursday for the western coast -where they will spend four or five weeks in Portland and Seattle. ^ f Mrs. Mary L. DeLong, 1202 Lake avenue, left Monday for Plymouth, Wis., to visit with her son, Charles, and his wife. She expects to return early m September. Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1012 Greenwood avenue, returned recently from a sev- eral weeks' stay at Post Lake, Wis. Her son, Billy, will return sometime during the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, returned Wednes- day morning from an extended tour of the Canadian Rockies and. Glacier â- Natioi^*P!^â„¢'""^"'"~w~~'......"~ " / Miss Helen Pancoast, 1301 Greenwood avenue, who left recently to spend sev- eral weeks in the west, is enjoying a motor tour from Denver to Estes Park and various other points of interest in Colorado. Mrs Charles E. Ummach and daugh- ter, 1236 Forest avenue, who have been visiting friends and relatives in the east for several weeks, returned home Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter of Chi- cago, are now occuping the house at 601 Washington avenue. The Carpenters ex- pect to make their permanent home in this village. Miss Betty Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, is returning tomorrow from a month's outing at Camp A-Wa-Ki-Ya, near Watervliet, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers and family, 711 Lake avenue, have gone to Rhinelander, Wis., for the remainder of the summer . Mr. Leland Pierson, 931 Twelfth street, has returned from Battle Creek, Mich. _Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 ^Elmwood avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. W.| C. Braun, 807 Central avenue, left early! this week for an extensive tour of, northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. English and Mrs. English's father, Mr. Dunham, 1007 j "Greenwood avenue, have returned from a month's sojourn in the mountains of r!Wew Hampshire. ^ H. B. Pruden and family returned last Tuesday from a month's vacation in Baldwin, Mich« to their home at 631 Central avenue.;..^^^^^i^.^.,. .â- -,,..,,.' â- â- . | ^krorMrsr^t: E: Meierhoff of 1714 Wilmette avenue, left Friday for a two peeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben MeierhoffofDuluth,Minn. . â- It'?Mrs.' Blanche Wanner, 729 Central' avenue, spent the week-end with friends af Lake Koshkonong, Wis, I The, bedroom furni* ture of THE OR- RINGTON is excep- tionally exqu isite* The coloring is a beautiful rose putty shade with hand painted decorations executed by a colony of clever Japanese artists. * Try cms Jfe1^on> Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Arenoe EVANSTON Bungalow Room i?lt FOOD SHE'LL ENJOY After the Show THE BEST OF FOOD and Service AT CAFETERIA PRICES Make yourself â€"-*- at home at the ----- BUNGALOW Under Personal Supervision of JesseyR. Gathercoal. Jr. â- *$?M Dance :$m 1122 Central Ave. Three Photographs for the Price of One ffgAs a special get-ac^Uainted of- ^f-fer for the month of August, |v- we will give you this reduc- U|tion in your choice of finishes |||;|ahd sizes. t|||4 portrait of the highest %fqmmyaTpist ONE THIRD tfte regular price. Hoybnm Bld£. EVANSTON Phone Bvanston 2238 for ^'.V'.-v', -"'" . sitting *>;>â- â- â- â- '.»<%- EqualtoAll 'Salaries •***â- •â- â- â- • ."::M i^s THEjyLcocsiftfes served with gas or electricity by this Company form a Zone of Plenty unequaled in productivity, probably, *iy any sim- ilar sized area in the United States. The present salaries of all state gover- nors, including Porto Rice and the Philippines, could be paid for 100 years by the receipts from one crop of corn grown in these 15 counties. A, - The valuation of diary products alone in this area,â€"$23,157,525.00-â€"exceeds inoneyear the combined postal savings deposits in the states of California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas and New Jersey. The richness of the land and other natural resources of this remarkably productive area are back of the securi- ties of this Company. i w -^g t ThePublic Service Company furnisher services of a nature so essential to the agricultural, industrial and residential development of this territory, that the prosperity and future growth of North- ern Illinois and the Company are largely inter-dependent f /fa&Cs^A/bu**, EsS '*&*&£&& Public Service Company _ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS *m»g S*2* *P*re miles including 177 cities, towns 1.. S. REESMAN, Dfet. Suptlll 911 Church SL,: Evamtwi^ Jill 'â- â- Telephony Evanston 3900 ^f^SS IP 'wi Mi m imh