8kM Ww m ERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULD work to .take home. Miss esky, 1223 Ashland Ave., Evans- Ill. LT40-ltc KJSfcRIENCED LAUNDRESS DE- â- '"â- *' es work by the day, Mondays and ednesdays. References. Call eve- igs, Evanston 5842. L40-ltc »AN WITH BABY WISHES POSI- n as housekeeper In motherless me, or in family of adults. Tel. jiranston 7615. LTG40«ltc »ERIENCED STENOGRAPHER; pw employed, wishes extra work. Idress Lake Shore News, A-243. L40-ltp ITEDâ€"LAUNDRY WORK ON londays and Tuesdays. No clean- ig. Address Lake Shore News, %244. L40-ltp >ERIENCED COOK AND SECOND Lid (2) colored wish positions. Tel. lencoe 243. LTO40-ltc 3SSMAKING, REMODELING, AND UN SEWING. Tel. Wil. 1091. L40-ltc FOR SALE--BY l OWNER, CADILLAC, seven passenger suburban, perfect condition; run under 9000 miles; fully equipped, $3150. 794 Greenwood Ave. Tel Glencoe 303-M LTG-40-ltp. FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS ONE «4TOBY" MAHOGANY SETTEE: one "Robinson-Tubler" furnace and pipes; 2 doors; 2 glass doors; hard- wood lumber for cabinets; 2 electric bowls, one dome, and other electric and gas fixtures; 1129 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wil. 745-W. â€"------â- L40 FOR SALEâ€"*(JMED OAK DINING room set; table, six chairs, buffet, good condition; $35. Several good mission chairs and rockers; spring for % bed. '"el. Winn. 849. LT40-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg, autos, stoves, 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212. LTG24-tfc CADILLAC'S CADILLAC TOURING !yne 57 with-59 body and hood. Spaint and mechanical condition fgood. To one looking for a car of fthls description, we would say it lis a bargain at the price we are tasking. $750.00 CADILLAC ROADSTER: :"ype 61, completely overhauled ind painted dust-proof gray with >lack running gear. Equipped |with four new tires, one spare' md tire cover, also bumper, step >lates. windshield wiper and nirror. This car carries our »ew car guarantee. Price, $2650.00 MAXWELL ROADSTER 11923 model. This car has run [about 700 miles and looks like mew. Equipped with cord tires land wheel lock. This is an ideal :ar for one who is looking for ^inexpensive transportation. Price $675.00 ©toiF Cstir C<s>o Evanston Branch 820 RIDGE mvi^UE W. 1091 Rogers Pk. 9810 OPEN EVENHSGS LTG40-ltc Do-Yew ©Weil N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. ____________ ____ JLTGie^tfc WANTED TO BUTâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189. -----------_.â€"â- â€"â€"-------------â- --f-. i/rG27-tfc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS MOVING, MUST SELL: OFFICE DESK, letter file, mimeograph, printing press, typewriter; battery charger, garage size; gasoline tank and pump; 2 vulcanizers washing ma- chine; household furniture. Tel Wll- mette 1733. LTG40-ltc FOR SALE â€" BLACK DUVETEYN cape, 96 inches long; practically new; waists, sweaters, and white lace dress. Girl's hand made dresses, 2 to 3 yr. size\ Tel. Winn. 1215. L40-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MAN OR BOY'S BICYCLE, good condition fully equipped; will sell cheap. Inquire 815 Park Ave., Wilmette. L40-ltp FOR SALEâ€"ONE HUDSON SEAL AND and one moleskin coat. Tel. Wil. 1420. L40-ltc Doti'r^pi^ef~TnSr~^w^-Tn,«r- your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL PRICES FOR AUGUST; best time of year to care for scalp because of more frequent shampoo- ing during hot weather. Consult Mrs. Miller, Phone Winn. 1543. LTG40-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOST OR„STOLENâ€"TAN AND WHITE collie pup, about 2 months old. 1538 Walnut Ave., C. A. Lundberg. Tel. Wilmette 1468. L40-ltc LOSTâ€"BUNCH OF KEYS. FINDER leave at Wilmette Pharmacy. LTG40-ltc AKLAND SEDAN, 1920; NEWLY painted; engine overhauled, $400. _ Stewart 1-ton truck, repainted and overhauled, $400. Buickâ€"4 cyl. light panel delivery; 1918; good condition, $225. r ^ wrstodl Motoir C©o 562 Lincoln Ave,, Winnetka, LTG40-ltc fCHELL^ "tWRINW CAR7 iff- inch base, good condition, run 18,000 miles, 8 tires, $250 cash. F. J- Wooleyj 69 Park Ave;, Glencoe^ â- > LTG40-ltc Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cf Moss, 316 Cumnor road, with their two sons, Earl and Irving, left Thursday evening for a combined business and pleasure trip m the paper mill district of Wisconsin and northern Michigan. S|||||| MrTandMrsv Walter FTSBattucfc and Miss Miriam Shattuck, motored home from their summer home at State Line, Wis., with their guests, Richard W. Taylor and Mrs. William J. Taylor, arriving here Monday evening. Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 332 Leicester road, left a week ago to meet her daugh- ter, Virginia, at Sherwood Forest; Wis., where she has been spending the last month at a girls' camp. Both arrived Mr. Edward F. Hamm, ,of Sheridan road, and his daughters, Misses Martha and Harriet Hamm left Monday to spend the rest of the summer in Estes Mrs. J. K. Farley, 300 Abbottsford road, entertained at luncheon Monday in honor of her guest, Mrs. R. H. Reeves, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Samuel D. FloodT 133 Kenilworth avenue^ was hostess at a tea on Wed- nesday afternoon. \fJ'^m^M::-' wm> nnsst^ V»vi^*dwj*ts0<*,v.* Hi-^mi.t k-^*WiM^U^iii^r4S«4^'^^***»^: â- tl-Vf "â- â- Servant or Master? Money is either your servant or your master. Strangely enough, money is a willing servant. Deposited here in a savings ac- count or a certificate of deposit, it will work for you â€" earn for you â€" accumulate for youâ€"night and day, never loafing, never quitting. . • \L __Don't allow your servant to idle. Make your money work for you in this institution where you have National Bank Protection. Rrst National Bank •â€"=s of Wilmette .,,. sis Plt§§ 'IHl 'â- fMiW Miss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex road, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, returned home Saturday, after spending a month' ]*0- a private ranch in Montana. '"w r t Miss Jeanette Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, who has been attending summer school at the University of Wisconsin, returns home today for the rest of the summer. The Misses Elizabeth and Camma Avenue to the West line of Sheridan Road; Hill Street from the East line of 16th Street to the West, line of Prairie Avenue; Laurel Avenue from the East line of 8th Street to the West line of 4th Street and from the Bast line of the CL_KLS. Electric Right of Way to the West line: of the Kigh of Way of the Sanitary District, and from the East line of the Right of Way of the' Sanitary District to the West line of Sheridan Road; Maple Avenue from the East line of 7th Street to the West line of Sheridan Road; Gregory Avenue from the East line of 16th Street to the West line of Park Avenue and from the East line of 10th Street to the West line of 3rd Street; Town, 59 Warwick road, are spending North half "of Isabella Street from the a week at the Fraser's summer home at " Emerald Park on Fox river. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No 148. Notice Is hereby glyen, to all per- sonsâ€"interested. th&L-JJb^J&^A-Lot Trustees and the President of the Vil- East line of NanzigAvenue to the West line of Main Street and from the East line of East Railroad Avenue to Village Limits on the East; East half of Ridge Avenue from Village Limits on the North to Village Limits on the South; 18th Street from Village Limits on" the North to North line of Forest Avenue; 17th Street from Village Limits on the North to Village Limits line of Isabella; 8th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North line^of ^Oafcwood_.AY_ejaue; 7th- Street from the South line of Green- wood Avenue to a point 224 feet South of the South line of Laurel Avenue; Crescent Place from a point 224 feet South of the South line of Laurel Av- enue to the North line of Oakwood Avenue; Woodbine Avenue from the West line of Crescent Place - to the North line of Isabella Street; Broad- way from the South line of Crescent Place to the North line of Isabella Street; 6th Street from the South line of Elmwood, Avenue to North line of Isabella Street; 5th Street from the South line of Forest Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 4th Street from the South line of Lake Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 3rd Street from the South line of Washington Avenue to the North line of Maple Avenue and from the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; Dupee Place from the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; Golf Terrace from the South the South line of Wilmette Avenue to„ VillajtfiLLlmJts^on.the_So.uth; Nanzig _______ Avenue from the South_-Mne of. Wil- lage~ of Wilmette, having ordered that ' mette Avenue to the ^Nprth line of an Electric Street Lighting system be. Isabella Street; 16th Street from a constructed, installed and completed in point 141.2 feet North of the North Chestnut Avenue, from Village Limits, line of Elmwood Avenue to the North on the West to West aine of Sheridan, line of Isabella Street; 15th Street be Roard; Ashland Avenue from a point 149 feet East of the West line of Vil- lage Limits to the West line of 7th Street to the North line of IsabellaStreet; .___....._ __ ___14th Street beginning at the South line Street: OreeAWOOAAveime^rom^il^or Wilmette Avenue to the North line West to West line of Isabella Street; 13th Street begin- lage Limits on the of 7th Street; Elmwood Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street and from the East line of 15th Street to Lake Mich- igan; Walnut Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street; Forest Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street and from the East line of 15th Street to the West line of Michigan Avenue; Lake Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avestte to Lake Michigan; Spencer : Avenue fronr the East line of 17th Street to the West line Of IStlr Streetf-W-ashrngtott - Ay- enue from the East line of Ridge Av- enue to the West line of Main Street and from the East line C. N. S. Electric Right of Way to the West line of Twelfth Street, and from the Bast line of 8th Street to the West line of Mich- igan Avenue; Highland Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the west line of 15th Street;: Centrar Ay* enue beginning at a point 516 68/100 feet West from the Wefet.line of. 17th Street to theWestfllne of Sheridan Road; Greenleaf Avenue beginning at the East line of East Railroad Avenue to the Sanitary District Right of Way; Wilmette .Avenue^ toej|lnntofiyWL_ the East line of Ridge AvenuVnto on the South; Fernleaf Avenue from I line of Maple Avenue to a point 239«? ._ o.__.x,_ .,__ _„ „.„,_-_^_ „-------- feet South; Girard Avenue from Limtll on the Sojtttii..lo__8^„pjDlnt^2il8^a-Jteet^-^^ the North; Garrison Avenue from Vll* lage Limits in the South to a point 208.8 feet on the North; Sheridan Road from Village Limits on the North to Village limits on the South; Michigan ,.„„„....„„..„----------- ------- .----------------_- Avenue from^the intersection of Sher~"" ginning at t^ to the North a*â€"»*_*»...«â- â€"*uii------«x__i.«i,_0*„â€"*. 1Jne ot Lafce Avenue aha from tats South line Lake Avenue to the North !Lne <°f Wa8»Wngti>n«Avienus, ana frog the South line of WaahlwgtKir Aviwil to the intersection of Sheridan ROM and Michigan Avenue; Oakwood Av- enue beginning at the Bast tin* " Park Avenue to the West Una of Street; Bast Railroad Avenus I ning at the South line of Wtl, Avenue to the North line of Isaj Street, In said Village of WUmttts, r ning at a point 166.7 feet North of the North line of Hill Street to North line "of Isabella Street; Prairie Avenue be- ginning at East line of 15th Street to North line of Isabella Street; Park Av- enue beginning at South line of Lake Avenue to North line of Isabella Street; Doyle Court beginning at South line of Oakwood to North line of Prairie AVemre; Wood Court beginning at South line of Oakwood Avenue to North line of Prairie Avenue; Oak Circle be- ginning at South line of Wilmette Av- enue to the NOrth line of the first alley on the-Souihf-Main Street from- benefits. Village Limits on the North to a point 141.5 feet North of Elmwood Avenue and from the South,line of Elmwood Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 13th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North line of Lake Avenue; 12th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North line of Central Avenue; 11th Street from the- South line of Chest- nut Avenue to the North line of Lake Avenue and from the South line Lake Avenue to the North line of Linden Avenue; 10 th Street from Village Limits on the North to North line of Gregory Avenue; '9th Street from the^tSoufh lineart^ei^u^XTOnW to^^he South line of Elmwood Avenue; Linden North line of Oakwood and from the Avenue from the East: line 'ot vPralriel South llife of Oakwood. to * the North Ordinance for the sams b#|; - t y|l| if an County Court- of Coohr" County, in the office of the Vltlagt"cisril said Village, haying1 applied to linois for an assessment of the of said improvement according on ten installmenta each baarlng terest at the rate of six per eent gaf annum, and an assessment therefir having been made said Court. returned to earing thereon will be had A. D. 1923, m. or as. of the AH perst tions in sat and may make their, defense. Dated, Wilmette, 2nd, A. D. 1923. _ L. B. SPRINGER,___ ^ CTommissldner appointed to mi ^r::.s=-,;:^yx-:^ â- â- 111 SBBWISIIIIIIlt ": ------ * Wm i day of August of 10 o'clock •> thereafter as the business will permit. :-M desiring may flle Object Court, before said at the hearing Illinois, August 'â- M'Mih.-- iiM$MStiM!K. 'â- >-<e$m%i