"?:"*'â„¢*w"'ft'**i. The one thing that a community desires most in its bank is Strength! Strength to resist financial storms, to support its patrons in their industrial enter pris§§. Citi- zens look to their bank for en- couragement ana inspiration. If] 211 /°-th%!r bank is strong, they them| selves take on added strength ancl energy. The First National Bank olWilmette is solid, substantial and strong. Its available resources are un usually large. Its reputation is '&m THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 'M&Mi:'^ 'WISS^ ^^M^IIllB^MBlf l1'^ \§ME-d£ i 2,13^^^^2mS^^M^:j -llllllltte mimm. â- W<1&'- Sail-. ~:iMMMWl$iM$M$ii:i •M&tZ sip