Jil-U.......1!................i..........I. ssasssssimms^^..........â- '"j"" â- """ - " mm mfmS*imm> nrrMW>imluiiiil liiiiij Ml'i|l iJjii'Iid in u'• id^^jlli^iliiliW^-Siil'lffiaB^ sjgBSSSB&k Sill Iftllft mm if a â- Ps,ff$f§§ Ifif •pli .gift ',:. -'?$ii'p" f. >$P$8 .,.";â- V>":V® " :â- '•â- â- -..â- ^S||i;| v.fiiiiiy .: '--K;tf**j|- • t*?4t:li--.: . 'SSlsSi <--7T%-' ,-r^- '.rszzr. â- ' ^ ' â- â- â- ". -^Ii •.#>r:.*^' .'â- '•'•.';"? 'M 'rSli llSfl - iS:$';%' llil '. ft;iÂ¥; *i 'S?i(/':»?j â- â- â- *,i.':/-f â- *â- HI ON SATURDAY, September first, THE ORRINGTON will open its doors in- formally to over one hundred families who ^ have taken q^ters m this^^m place toJivje^^JTh& formal opening to the. ^general pubHp will-fpllow three weeks l^ter,| on Saturday, September Twenty-second;" iFrom the Moment gpst^ at the, l^orte-Cochere by the doorman, it shall be our Iconstai^ cere courteous-servicer^t7.Jw^jy«tily;-*e^ confidence disph*^ arrangements to locate with us. | Visitors and. guests will observe in TH% ORRINGTON a new departure in residen- tial hotels, singular in beauty and richi^s^ o£ furnishings.? The general tone of T|iE| ORRINGTON is that of a most magnificent; home, tastefully planned, skilfully managed, and fostered by a gonial spirit of hiospitgyity and cordiality. Qvi^%^..d^^^:0^ff by having baggage and special items, such as pianos, and so on, delivered on or after September First, rafher than before that date* > ^: There are still a number of very desirable ^aP^tments available in TJBOLJQBBIMfflb TON which will be described and shown upon application. EVi\NSTONA ILLINOIS s!Wi .â- ;;â- â- ......;• -.; -a ..-^ ^K^0^,;*;%«%f^,--- Rentlng. offices diagonally op- '&/%M$WM posite the-Hotel and N, W. Iv^^lppafep-., _corner jotxDav-i«--^tr«et-^L4md^-;Aiiipp Hinman Aventie. â- . Telephonefr^fejgfetj'f^ Evanston |7©f and. ,^%._^p||^|ig ills :4^S£-S%M## 'm&r^- m§UMmÂ¥i^^^BMJMM ill if