|S§, 12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS;%RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1923 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS tZottoV/ll Afaf7/v>e_ Classified advertisements will be charged \JVJHSTi** AVUHLe*â€"- 0niy to persons living in the district from Jvyanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. D/,*v>câ€"-10 cents per line in ,one paper. *0 cents per line in all *%c**c?a three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. MThis size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. Dp/ldline far htesrtinnsâ€" Classified advertisements wilt be UfSUUime JOr J.TiSemonS-^s^ accepted up to WeUnesday^ 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. REAL ESTATE © iB&s'g&iLinis VERY ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM KEL- lastone home. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, library, bed- room and tile bath on first floor. 2 ___Jbedrx>oms and lavatory and toilet on 2nd. Also storage room. This house is modern, only 2 years old, is hot water heated and has a heated ga- rage in connection with the house. The lot is 50 by 150. The price is 114,000.00. Terms can be arranged. 7 room stucco on a corner lot in the finest northeast section, offered <; for sale at 116,000. There is a ga- " rage. Modern 8 room stucco in choice location convenient to both L and steam. °Hot water heat, 2 baths, very beautiful corner lot. This is an un- usual offering at the priceâ€"$18,000. :_ Terms. Practically new and very modern home in the northeast section of Wil- mette. All beautiful large rooms. -Large porch with tiled floor. This home must be seen to fully appre- ciated. Price 127,500. ' L 340 Linden Ave., Phones Wil. 68 and 444 REAL ESTATE GLENCOE A SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH SLEEP- ing and open porches and a two- car garage; 3% blocks from station; nr. school; on wooded lot; $12,500. Only $3,000 cash needed. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. 352 Park Ave. Tel. Glen. 971 LTG45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"By owner leaving city, house and garage; also com- plete set of household furnishings, oriental rugs, piano, etc. Address^ Lake Shore News, A-299. LTG45-ltc FOR RENT ROOMS HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN WIL- mette; 6 r. frame. N. E. location, convenient to transportation and < churches, large bath, extra lavatory * on 1st floor, 3 large bedrooms and j: sleeping porch, 1 car garage. Only f $14> 000.00. _8 r. stucco on corner, very choice East location, $16,500.00. This is a real bargain. 7 r. stucco, nearly new, on corner, N.E. location, 2 baths on 2nd floor, extra lavatory on 1st, heated sun parlor and sleeping porch, all ivory and white enamel trim, 2 car garage. OWner must sell.at once, $30,000.00. 8 r. stucco home on Elmwood Ave., nOrth. AH newly painted and deco- rated and very well built house, lot 50x200. Owner leaving town must sell this month, $16,500. jko Ro E<M5Mtoim Tel. Wil. 640 FOR SALEâ€"9 ROOM HOUSE, 3 TILE baths, glazed liv. pch.. newly re- modeled and decorated, h. w. ht; 2 car garage; lrge. lot; shade and frjiil Xrees; convenient ^to trains and schools; immediate possession; terms. 545 Provident Ave., Winn. 1765. L45-ltp FOR RENTâ€"4 LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished bedrooms, y2 block from cafeteria, 1 block from Northwestern; no small children. 1021 Central Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2791. LTG45-ltc. FOR RENTâ€"TWO LARGE, LIGHT furnished rooms, single or in suite; east near New Tjier H. S. and trans- portation; private bath; kitchen privileges. Tel. Winnetka 1543. LTG45-ltc FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOM suitable for 2; private family; near transportation and restaurant; breakfast optional. Tel. Winn. 985. LTG45-ltc FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"GLENCOE modern house with h. w. ht., garage. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. Box 165. L45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LOT 50x150, COVERED with bearing fruit trees; $3,250; terms. Tel. Wil. 2370. LTG45-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSES 1157 Wilmette Ave. L45-ltc frflPlLMETTE Owner leaving, anxious to sell 6 rm. home, located choicest west side section, 4 blocks steam line, extra lge. Hv. rm., 3 bedrms., one very large, garage, beautiful lot. Only 910,500. 7 rm., stucco, huge liv. rm., din- ing pch., h. w. heat, heavily wooded deep lot, garage, midway between r; *'L' and steam. A real buy at $16,000. Most attractive 8 rm. stucco, on Chestnut Ave. Lge. liv. rm., music ^mj» «? ,flne. Pcns» 3 master bedrms., and 2 baths on 2nd fl., maid's rm. and bath on 3rd ft., garage. Won- derful 100 ft** corner, $36,000.I*«S End"!/ G<i<a>3rg@ <§k 410 Linden :Ph. Wil. Wi& C@o 407-408 L45-ltc RESPONSIBLE PARTY WHO HAS just sold Evanston home wishes to buy modern home in Wilmette. Must have 4 bedrooms and would like 2 baths. Possession now or can stay where we are and take possession next May. Addresa Lake Shore News. A-296. L45.-ltc FOR RENT â€" TWO LARGE FURN- ished rooms, single or in suite; kitchen priveleges. Tel. Wilmette 2093. LTG45-ltp E^p@o@ini(S@(dl WANTS FURNACES TO CARE for. Call Glencoe 1095. LTG45-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED â€" FANCY NEEDLE AND crochet work; reasonable prices* i- good work. Telephone Glencoe 237 I* 345 Madison St., Glencoe. IS .-.-â- :-â- LTGM'S.^itb'j^ WANTED â€"MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults in family; need not be experienced cook, but must be willing and courteous. Private room and bath. Apply in person. 415 Washington Ave. Glencoe. LTG-42-tfc. CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; STEAM heat, ht. and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St. Wilmette. LT32-tfc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, or young girl to help with work and to take child out in -afternoons. Mrs. Clark, Wil. 1615. L45-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M near all trans. LT25-tfc FOR RENTâ€"2 LIGHT, ATTRACTIVE connecting rooms. Tel. Wil. 1302. L45-ltc WANTEDâ€"SMALL HOUSE NEEDING remodeling; good lot; property must 12e«£lear- Address Lake Shore News, A-298._________________ LT45-ltc TO RENT $ Ftew 3%': â- ':'$*. .'?&.â- â- Tr^iiIe ^Service You Will hike §tlfmm. r Special. Offering- iilSiSp: ROOM STUCCO HOUSE II....._ liiltpi location, only 2% blocks from lake; ||§||gil^:3.. .bedrooms,, living,, dining,- and sleep- lliMf*«« porches; near; school;, and trans.; H!#fStfv .owner moved to New York. $15,500. P|g|p.' Want offer. â- |§ii|^-. Many mother- houses at prices from W0Mv$i, .18,000 up. Also: a few-..good buys in ^'^ ^' vacant. Call and see us E.E.StatoE©aMy€«», 790 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1800 LTG45-tc is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances,, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- -'tee. ^--'---^1â€" â- "---Tfv ^,-- . j: -^ Dr. J. E. Fonda ^WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. >Rone 1211 WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTED â€" TWO SMALL UNFUR- nished rooms suitable for light house- keeping. Tel. Wil. 821-W. or ad- dress Lake Shore News A-268. LT45-ltp WANTEDâ€"TWO OR THREE UNFUR. rooms, Wilmette; lady employed; $20 per month; address Lake Shore News A-291. L45-ltp WANTED TO RENTâ€" 3 OR 4 FUR- nished housekeeping rooms, West Wilmette, Gross Point, or Evanston. Reasonable to reliable party. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-293. _____________________________ L45-ltp WANTED â€" RELIABLE ^MAID FOR general housework; reference re- quired. Call 1520 Walnut Ave., Wil- mette or Tel. Wil. 749-W. Mrs. Souther. LTG45-ltc SALESLADY WANTED, ONE WITH some experience preferred, to work in Wilmette store half days. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-297. LT45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED, WHITE maid, general housework; small house; good ho.me. A. J. Weisberg, 388 Woodlawn Ave., Winn 1931. LTG45-ltc WANTED â€" RELIABLE GIRL TO help with general housework; good wages; Winnetka 601R. 1457 Asbury Avenue. LTG45-ltc WANTED â€"GIRL tlonal Tea Co. mette. HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"BOY TO WORK AT SODA fountain afternoons after school and evenings. Village Chocolate Shop, Wilmette. . ^ LT45-ltc AS CLERK, NA- 623 Main St.. Wil- LT45-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL OVER 20 YEARS OF age to work during day in Village Chocolate Shop, Wilmette. LTG45-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEN'L HSWK.; L ,".!$? and one baby; no washing; Tel. Winnetka 1001. LTG45-ltc Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. ©toir 712-714-716 Elm«treet Winnetka Authorized Ford and Dealers Lincoln 1922 LIBERTY, GOOD PAINT AND mechanioftl cotiditfoti- disc wheels, 6 cord tires, driven less than 5,000 miles; will sacrifice this car for first offer. 1922 Overland touring, hardly be told from new. $250. 1921 Overland touring; just over- hauled; in good mechanical condi- tion. $225. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers Jo IB. FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENTS FOR RENTâ€"5-ROOM APARTMENT: two bed. rooms, large sun room, hot water heat; good location. Green Bay Road, Glencoe. $65 per month. HILL & WHEELER Interior Decorator Formerly zvith Mandel Bros. |17 Fourth Street, Wilmette .....___ Phone Wilmette 2228 WANTED â€" RELIABLE WHITE "."f'S.,"1***11 home nights preferred. Tel. Winnetka 1137. LTG45-ltp WANTED â€" IMMEDIATELY CHIL- dren's^experienced nurse. Tel. Winn. 58 • LTG45-ltc .<§©< 566 W. Railroad Ave., Winn. Tel. 1128 LTG45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MARMON 1921 4 PASS, sport; good condition; new cord tires in July. 266 Forest Ave., Win- netka, Tel. Winn. 1312. LT45-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES iiiii fift: CHOICE 75'FT.'"LOT IN EXCELLENT" iKf" /;â- neighborhood at $&0.&©;'â- •â- •â- â- >â- - â- â- â„¢T Beautiful 60 ft.-lot,, east of tracks, •if:;j->«:i&9%jp*to: W.QV in |10© neighborhood. y.vft.W'.; Glencoe, beaut, wooded cor. JC:;;:;;t*|Mlfc: -â- Â¥â- -'â- â- "â- *w-"--â- â- â- ;•-,'•'-â- â- â- £':l ^ ~ â- â- )H. â- 8> a* '• â- 'WinfretkipfWondertut" 1& ft. cor. -at |115. -•>»..->tpgs â- â- wmm 556 Center St.:>W§r::nM Winnetka 254 w?®g^iffrf>Pen SundayVB.;W.. 2 to 5,. â- â- :•,.â- :-mmSm" '"-':- ~rX%"*-i: LTG45-ltc jra^MBTIB^r-JNjaiAR^ LAKE, -8- HOOM M:»Tucco, lge. screened front and* rear " porches, water heat, wooded lot 50 liMti; *2©0; see :this,- HM00. I^»| Beautiful. brick, exclusive and ar- P^M'ttette--design 8.....rma., 2 baths,.....ex. «g^l«vv'lge. .built-in.sip....:pch,, lge. sun m$Mm narlor, gar. attached and â- htd.; cor. i^l^lor^centrally located.' -, f 27.500. ' Sfpli^ .We: are exclusive agents .for the gi||p|S|g|ahoye properties. - X ;:::>' '"' I â- ^•/â- â- 'â- ,,.k. 736 Elm St Winnetka 142 LTG45-tfc FOR RENT â€" OCT. 1 NEW 4-ROOM apartment; steam heat; janitor service; 625 11th St., Tel Wil. 2399. ------ LTG43-4tc F?^i^teN^-4 ^OOM FLAT IN NEW S.uU.dlJlff». 2 year lease, $125 a month. B.E,S^ults Realty Co,, tel, Winh? W00 . f LTG45-tt«> FOR RENT~.HOlTSE» P(S«^t^'Pur?tM- BRICK HOUSE; y^o?^^ ^^^STUL-rS REALTY CO. ^ FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOir«re« *l£„*?Wi "1Z WELL FURNISHED fioe $J4. T.TftiK!^ jPainting and Decorating 1632 Central Ave. Wilmette I Phone Wilmette 2934 ELDERLY MAN, 25 YEARS' EXPERI- ence wants care small place; handy. -^" ki°^S repair wpjrjk^Jtef. Jkddreas^ â€"^LakB^moTe-NewS, A-295. LTG45-ltp FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES @ ©mi M@w .aimdl Umd C&ir® Onlv a^ few left at these bargain prices. New Wills-Sainte Claire Tour. ....... . $27ft0 New Dodge Bros. 1 ^ ton truck, express body'c'axi ,nn exchange body to suit ......... K i«qn 4f4tfnley Steamer 740 Tour- revarnished, mileage 1917c?ndmo4nbyl' Paneld;i-: goodiires; body and mech. 2*75 ^^and^tpainSd^" ^^ pI'a{form' ^^' overhauled" WERSTED MOTOR CO. $2300 1330 " 1350 200 450 562 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA Phone 165 HELP WANTF.Dâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEN'L HSWK. S1*. Tel. Win. 717. L>r>^45-Ttc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD UOOUS SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE FO]R SALEâ€"FURNITURE^------fUK â€"anY nonsenoia goods, includi WANTED TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED .'HOUSE; *»* ffiiien^ Ave. Ph; Wilmette 308 4. business toullt OVk service. ^ f^ #»M'ldii,». rd^nlr impÂ¥6vef«etrts in ptnd paid for; near N. -T.v High and grammar school. Tel. l?Vinn. .-â- jipMumri 'brok •izr'APX:. BUNGALOW. ifnfl ........ f|f ^^<^ojne_my L45-ltc WANTED â€" SMALL FURNISHED m;:;«puse. for winter months: immediate __gh^re_News. A-300. fef| L45-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE- EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND chauffeur. Phone. Wauconda 34-W. â- â- .....,.: Liii^il L44-2tc COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRENCH BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. B«>ryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd„ Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTGlS-tfc ------------------ 0 „.„„„, tlli;iuuing swings, stoves, refrigerator, Federal washing machine, sewing machine, garden tools, etc. -An â- *t â- â- â- **&&**« prices for quick sale. 1049 CJiestnut Ave. Tel. Wil.1198. LTG45-ltc SITUATIONS WANTEDâ€"MALE PIANO LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS in connection with the weekly class â€"tn^^m^slcalappreTciatTdn, the latter will take up training for the music memory contest,^as well as history ?Lt.musi^-i Classes will begin Sept. 15th. Tel. Glencoe 1057. â- " • ',--'. L45-ltp FOR SALEâ€"METAL BED, SPG. AND matt., $25. "Simmons" - twin beds, spgs. and matts., $50 each. Dinner set $17.50; cretonnes; coal h. w. neater, $10; gas stove $10. Tel. Wil. 844'J-___________ L45-ltp SITUATIONS WANTfeilâ€"»».«â- FOR RENTâ€"PARAGE. 474 MADISON f^ve^ Glencoe.- sTeli Glencoe M52. ' FOR RENTWROOMS FOR RENT-----TWO ^FURNISHED room«; near â- * transportatfon »nd *«wols. Breakfast i^lfe^f #2 Wilmette 515. * LT45-itp ..... ------*~9 "JWS4-front room: east sider* n«ar ♦-«nsportation, cafeteria; 'Tel.' Wil. â- !*%;â- •â- .'•. ^^^wpjiB'..-: -â- â- â- â- LTG45-ltc $$M£JiJh&Wmm& Stone Gateways ^30 Center k .... mmmm': UE STONE Phoiie Winnetka 1530 . ~g|^?j^yga^«^ WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, â€"pianos, anythingruseful. SOS OaTc St! ________________________t________LTG45-tfc FOR SALEâ€"TWO UPRIGHT PIANOS at the Winnetka Woman's Club. For information telephone Winnetka 406 • ______________________ LTQ44-2tp N„^P^L^~PEAL®R IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc SALEâ€"DINING ROOM SET IN pa condition, $45. 859 Elm St innetka. Tel. Winnetka 1325 LTG45-ltc P?R SALEâ€"FURNITURE FOR LIV An& diiJin8r J2J?d bedrooms. 727 Park' Ave. Tel. Wilmette 84ft,.T lUI-ltc lis i^iiii^^Li> tr< WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS miLkIo* e a,nd other household g-oods. S&nHLFLV paid for same. Crost S5SISS? Store 1Q04-8 Emerson St., JSiVanston, 111. Phone 189. ^L__----_----------------_ .- --- -::--i/r027-ItfC" m§