28 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices- ^SS^%^SS^SS^£^^ either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka weeKiy a»i* wi « Ngwb <,0 centsf per line In all lines. Average of five ICIiJ, ATJ.UWM.U No black face type used m~ T .v* vunvv NEWS. FRIDAY «*PTttMBKR 14, 1923 "The O -,^____10 cents per line in one paper. -- - RateSâ€" three papers. Minium charge 3 lines words to the line. MThis size type charged as 2 lines. This slae type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. _ . Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions---- accepted up to Wednesday'12 S5S? for /he Lake Shore News or all three papers. Thursday ilr^T^i^^^^SR^:^^^' Iy920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. REAL ESTATE ir^n<£@ y@nn EXTRA SPECIAL WE ARE AUTHORIZED BY OWNER to offer his home in East Winnetka near lake, schools and transportation at a big reduction in price as he is anxious to sell at once. 4 bedrooms, 3 porches, large lot. at the reduced price of $15,000, and with one-third rash this should sell at once. Call and let uS show you the property. Vroom stucco house ^in fine> loca- tion only 2% blocks from lake. 3 bedVoomSy living, dining ,and sleep- ine- porches; near school and trans- portation; owner moved to New York. $15,500; want Offer. FOR RENT 4-room flat in new building; 2 year lease; $125 per month. EoEoStaltsR(galityC@< 790 Elm St. WINNETKA Tel. 1800 REAL ESTATE :P@im91t MSi Have you some friend or acquaintance who would be interested in a beautiful home? Six rooms; lot 50x1-87; wonderful trees and yard; garage; most conveni- ent location East. We are going abroad for a long stay andjwanl to sell completely furnished. This is a rare opportunity and if you or anybody you knoa/v is in the market don't fail to see this home. Call Winnetka 710-M, for ap- pointment; selling price is ^23,500. LT46-ltc WSmiedtlka IHfeiglhte NEW 8 RM. BRICK COL., 2 TILED wall baths 2nd floor. Space for ser- vants' quarters in attic. Vapor ht. Wonderfully large landscaped lot. Htd. gar. Superb construction, a $35,000 gem. ^v ^t„ HE1NSEN & CLARK, Inc. Exclusive Agents ' 556 Center St. (formerly W.R.R. Ave.) Phone Win. 254 Open Sunday P. JL A BEAUTIFUL, HOME *~" In Winnetka's choice east section. 7 rm. stucco, tile bath; sun pch. Nokol ht. Garage. Beaut. 85 ft. wooded lot. $15,000. Shown exclu- sively by HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Win. 254 Open Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. LTG46-ltc FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENTS FOR RENTâ€"LARGE FIRST FLOOR apartments; for particulars address The Lake Shore News, A-314. L4b-ltc ON PRINCIPAL AVENUE 6-ROOMS, 3 PORCHES, WHITE EN- amel finish; fine wooded lot 50x150; only SICGCO;4 small down payment. Close In East Location Stucco, 3 bed rooms, water heat; 50 ft. frontage; sun porch, garage; medium down payment; balance monthly; $13,500. High Class East Locality 1% story brick bungalow; water heat; 2 baths; white enamel; 50 ft.; part payment; monthly; immediate possession! $18,500. Hill & Wla®@S®ir 411 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 93 L46-ltc â- ' _ lurnisnea nouse jjuuu-vwwci *»«. •-â- TVir^f Hoof! Wilmetteâ€"BttYS------May TstT responsible persons. Ad 1 nree ^Wl lw^^J^"/" *rJss Lake Shore News, A-316. _ FIFTH STREET, 8-ROOM STUCCO, large porch, water heat, wooded lot, 50x200, only $15,000. Oakwood. 7-rooms, extra large bedroom, front and rear porches, wooded lot, 50x190, garage $16,500. Greenleaf. 8-room brick, 2 baths, built-in sleeping porch, lars^fun PAtloiUâ€"garageâ€"-attachedâ€"*nd $27,500. Go Ste©@y <§b C®< 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308. A business built on service LTG46-ltc FOR RENTâ€"OCTOBER 1 NEW 4 - RM. apartment; steam heat; i*n}tor Ber- vice; 625 11th St., Tel. Wil.^399. ^ WANTElD TO RENT â€"APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENTâ€"BY RESPONS- ible couple, a small apartment in Winnetka or Wilmette; possession Oct. 1. Address Lake Shore News A-304. ___________________L46-ltp. FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"FURN. 8-ROOM HOUSE, 2 baths: E. side; short or long lease. Gar. Winnetka. Address Winnetka Talk, A-307. ""* LT46-ltp FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED 6 ROOM bungalow Nov. 1 to April 1. For particulars call Winn 789. TG46_ltc FOR REN^ â€" COMPLETELY FURN- ished 7 room brick house; 1426 Lake Ave. Wil. 968-R.__________LTG46-ltc WANTED TO WE^fT^=s^FtrRNISHJED- HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT ROOM WITH private bath; near transportation; suitable for one person. TeL^Winn. FOR RENTâ€"ONE LARGE FURNISH- ed bedroom, suitable for 2; will take couple or gentlemen. 128 linden Ave., Glencoe. LTG46-ltc CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; STEAM heat, hot and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main Sfc^ Wil- mette. LT32-tfc ROOM AND BOARD; REASONABLE; near Indian Hill station; business woman preferred. Address Lake Shore News, A-309. LTG46-ltc. FOR RENTâ€"2-rooms and bath; 1 block from North Shore express and* rail- road. Tel. 769. LT46-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation.______LT25-trc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES WANTED TO RENTâ€"FOR WINTER months, small furnished house in Wilmette; 3 adults. Address Lake Shore News, A-317. > ,, L46-3tp WANTED TO RENTâ€"IN GLENCOE,, furnished house JtoMn-~Octoher-4st- to~ HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN WIL- mette; 6-room frame, N. E, location, convenient to transportation and churches, large bath, extra lavatory on 1st floor, 3 large ijfedrooms and sleeping porch, 1 car garage. Only $14,000.00. 8-room stucco on corner, very choice East location, $16,500.00 This is a real bargain. 7-Room stucco, nearly new, on corner, N, E. location, 2 baths on 2nd -floor, extra lavatory on 1st, heated r sun parlor and sleeping porch, all *?ivory and white enamel trim., 2 car "garage. Owner must sell at once, $30,000.00. â€"- 8-room Stucco home on Elmwood Ave., north. All newly painted and ^decorated and very well built house, V 4ot 50x200. Owner leaving town must s sell this month, $16,500. '- Lot with 2 car garage thrown in; onlv $3,250, with $500 cash down. $20 PER FRONT FOOT FOR LOTS 60x135. Sidewalks, gas, water and electricity In and-paid for. Restricted to 20 ft. bldg. line; at least $5,000 dwelling, no flat buildings. Call Deerfleld 270. LTG46-ltc FOR SALE WINNETKA NEW ENGLISH 7-RO.OM Colonial; 2 baths; lot 73x187; bargain; owner corner Cherry and Glendale, Winnetka. LTG46-ltc FOR RENT iTel. Wil. 640 1157 Wilmette Ave. L46-ltc WILMETTE ibWING ^ TO UNUSUAL CIRCUM- I stances, we can offer 7 rm. home in •i choicest N.E. Wilmette, 4 blocks to %â- â- steam station, llv. rm. 14x26, at- tractive sun parlor, 3 bedrms., one I of which is 14x18, beautiful lot. Pos- â- '$ session Oct. 1st. Owner asking H- $15,000. Wants offer. Owner who has purchased larger S house must sell his 7 room stucco ' and frame, midway between "L" and * steam. Huge liv. rm,, dining pch., h. w. heat, heavily wooded, deep _ irage^ $16.000.â€" Mustr be sold. Make offer. Brand new 7 rm. brick and stucco, choice east aide location, large liv.. rm., breakfast rm., tile floor bath with built in tub, h. w. heat. At- tractive decoration, $18,000. $ H<BW asonnnc T@mpfl@ is especially planned^to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For fates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. ; Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone 1211 WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. FOR RENTâ€"HOUSES for Iiav©8tai@iffitt $14,000 of Village of Kenilworth - 6% Improvement Bonds in $100 and $500 Denomina- tions; maturiny in 1-2-3-4-5 years, normat tax exempt. Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 LTG46-ltc. rO "wia a Fmtdl JDon'l^forget that^HECâ€"are- your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service* 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH EX- perienee as house-man and gardner. who can drive machines, would like position with flat or house included; no children; first class references. Tel. Wil. 997-R._____________LTG46-2tc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults in family; need not be experienced cook, but must be willing and courteous Private room and bath. Apply in person. 415 Washington Ave., Glencoe. LTG42-tfc WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; Scandinavian pre- ferred; small family; small house; no washing; new comer considered; $15. Tel. Winn. 1968. LTG46-ltp WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID TO ASSIST with general housework; no laundry; no Sunday dinners; private room and bath; 910 Chestnut St., Wilmette 2357. I/TG46-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; willing to help with 6. year old- child Best ert wages. Tel; Winn. 1285 for appointment. L,TG4fc-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE MAID for general housework; no laundry; small family; 523 Abbottsford Rd.. Kenilworth 2383. L46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHALMERS "6," MODEL 35-B, needs ?30 repairs; otherwise in good order; good tires; new bat- tery; just painted; any reasonable offer. Winn. 1473. LTG46-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small house; $15 to $18, according to work and experience. Tel. Mrs. Saville, Winn. 976. -------- LTG46-ltc WANTED â€" MOTHER'S HELPER", white; home nights preferred; no cookin; '___ LTG46-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR SECOND WORK and assist children; reference re- quired. 250 Mortimer Rd., Glencoe 820. LTG46-ltc WANTEDâ€"YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with children and housework. 260 Woodlawn Ave., Hubbard Woods. LTG46-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Also nurse for baby 9, months old. Tel. Winn. 6. LTG46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"1917 HUPMOBILE TQUR- ing; first class mechanical condition; new paint and tires; $300. Tel. Win- netka 313. LTG46-2tp FOR SALEâ€"FORD ROADSTER WITH starter; excellent condition; $150. Tel. Wilmette 745-J; 1124 Forest Ave. LTG46-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WOMAN FOR washing, ironing, cleaning; one day each week. 1404 Hill St. .Tel. Wil. 1785. ? L46-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GBN- eral; must understand cooking; no washing; wages $18. Tel. Wil. 2908. LTG46-ltc |-----------------,-------------------------------. CASHIER WANTEDâ€"WITH OR WITH- i out experience Tel. Winn. 870. „ LT46-ltc INVESTORS I can recommend for invest- ment the Preferred Stock in a large Illinois Corporation organ- ized in 1907, that later will yield about 20 percent annually based on present market price of this stock. Telephone Wilmette 2108. EDWARD A. PRATT, INCOME TAX COUNSELLOR Residence: 1224 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette LTG46-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES ^FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES G&ir Safeâ€"Cl©^nimg ©mitt â- â- ".., New WiNs-St. Claire touring.................list $2,700, reduced to $2,300 New Dodge Bros. 1% ton truck express body..list $1,630 reduced to $1,330 1917 Buick. light panel delivery, good condition..................... . $175 1920 Stewart, 1& ton truck, overhauled and repainted................$450 WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA Tel. 165 LTG4«-Ttc SITUATION WANTED-^MAIjE FOR SALEâ€"FIRST MORTGAGE $7500. 5 years secured by new $25,000 homtf in Glencoe just being completed; ex- cellent investrnenti_want- prineipah â€"onlyTTionarokers. Address Lake Shore News. A-312. LTG46-lte FOR^RENTâ€"ROOMS End "L" 410 Linden JPh. WIL 407-408 &*' â- 'â- â- 'â- â- ;â- â- â- â- â- * L46-ltc BEACTCIFtrii ENGLISH COTTAGE • - largS rooms; S baths and extra la -fortrekt; DESIRABLE 7 ROOM HOME IN FINE Hubbard Woods locality, hot water heat, coal in cellar, 2 sleep, porches, breakfast and sun porches heated, attached heated garage; possession October. 1; will rent either furnished or unfurnished to desirable tenant for winter or longer; for price and further particular see «Orffi"OTDNE Winnetka ^Office. T ^Phone Winn. 1&44 **^ LTG46-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NEW HOUSE: 6 ROOMS, 2 glazed porches; rent $135; ready Oct. 1. Tel. WlL_Mft^L:------LT46- A FOR RENTâ€"NEWLY DECORATED and furnished suite; living room. 2 or 3 bed rooms, and r»rivate bnt.h* hot water heat: near transportation: private home. Will consider business men or adult family, or will rent senaratelv. Address 'Lake Shore News. A-313. L46-t.fo. FOR RENTâ€"OCT. 1, LARGE WELL furnished front room or two con- necting rooms; 4 blocks to N. W. station. Tel. Wil. 500. L4fi-ltc WW RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOM; lady preferred. Telephone Wil. 828R. L46-ltp H-FOR RENT â€" FURNISHEDâ€"ROOM: private family; convenient Hubbard Woods station; business man preferr- ed: available Sept. 17th. Address Lake Shore News. A-308. LT46-ltc. FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENTS 7 large rooms; 8 baths ana extra lava- tory: hot water heat; 2 car garaj attached toVhouativ M00 *V^° around *nd $uk$*inms_jgroun& avail- Sble, 935 North Ave., Wittftetka. Ap- '^36 Elm St. *- V Willis Jackson. LTG44-Itp FOR RENTâ€"5*ROOM APARTMENT; two bed' rooms, large sun room, hot water heat; good location. Gceen _J8ay_Rjoa,(L-Glen©0eiâ€"fM-per-rmmthT ?£itSp. Winnetka 142 FOR RENTâ€"BEDROOM AND LIVING room, with or without kitchen and diningroom___privileges; Hubbard â€"WoodsTiome; Protestant; adults. T«>1. Winn. 567. LTG46-ltc WILL GIVE ROOM AND EXCELLENT board to 2 men; Wilmette home. Tel Wellington 9459; 951 Fletcher Ave.. __Ch4cago.-------â€"-^r -â€"------------L4T-Ttc ^OR RmfTâ€"nOOUi ALSO GARAGE at ??5 J%tk avenue. Telephone Wil- mette 1207. LT46-ltc ^â„¢RETr^Ir9,E!LT FURNISHED i^rojoma. TeL Wil. 874-W. L4&-ltp -Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers Interior Decorator Formerly tvith Mandel Bros. \\7 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phono Wilmette 2228 HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Wages $18. Tel. Winn. 717. LTG46-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE---- COLLEGE PREPARATION Ifcfei â- •.. FRENCH....^-,.â€"-. -^ ^m BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior wnd junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355: -. LTG45-tfc NURSERY GOVERNESS DESIRES position; city or country; experienced music and sewing; best references. Address Lake Shoj^lN^w^-A~SlLâ€"-â€" _JiTGA&^Ltp ______SIT*AT1IOWr^WA^Tin^MAXJif SITUATION PMJL -KftUGER ^TXr tona©-MaB<D>Hsi Conaftraielt&r. Builder of Fountains sind Stone Gateways*^ WISCONSIN FLAG STONE NEW^ YO^^jBj^^s^ei^ 730 Center Street, Winnetka > â- Phone Winnetka^ 1530 . SWS*sSS«:*& '*'""• ^1"-......____aii=^