Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. TANUARY 4, 1924 n Sermon topic for Sunday morning: "Some Pages of the New Year Book." Ethel Colwell will lead the Christ- ian Eendavor meeting Sunday even- ing at 5:30. The topic is "Do Better Still." Consecration meeting. The Junior Endeavor society will meet in the church parlor Sunday afternoon at 3 :30. Troop 5 of the Boy Scouts will meet Monday night at the Byron C. Stolp gym at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday this group made a visit to the stock yards. The Junior Scouts will meet Friday afternoon in the church at 3:45. The "Spokes" of the Woman's society will meet next Tuesday, Janu- ary 8, at the following homes: Spoke 1 will have a pot-luck lunch at the home of Mrs. J. M. Brinker. 2740 Woodbine avenue, Kvanston. Spoke 2 will meet with Mrs. D. H. Carter, 1227 Greenwood avenue. Spoke 3 with Mrs. W. G. Colvin, 709 Elmwood avenue. Spoke 4 with Mrs. D. Green, 120 Ninth street. Spoke 5 will meet with Mrs. F. H. Hollister and Mrs. Nash. Spoke 6 with Mrs. C. E. Heck- ler, 1109 Greenwood avenue. Spoke 8 with Mrs. W. O. Morris, 112 Ninth street. Spoke 9 with Mrs. H. J. New- ton and Miss Agnes Scully, 348 Wash- ington avenue. Spoke 11 with Mrs. H. I. Shaw, 1516 Elmwood avenue and Spoke 12 with Mrs. Fred Wild, 628 Greenleaf avenue. Spokes 7 and 10 will meet January 15 instead of next Tuesday. Spoke 7 with Mrs. Charles H. Kraft, 12.% Greenwood avenue and spoke 10 with Mrs. F. R. Quayle, 38 Crescent place. Midweek service, next week we will follow the program arranged by the several churches for the observance of the Week of Prayer. The orchestra will meet at the church Thursday afternoon at o'clock. Girl Reserves will meet as usual next week--Juniors at 3:45 Wednes- day afternoon and Triangle I Friday afternoon at 3:45. First Presbyterian church Ninth and Greenleaf avenue Pastor--Rev. Geo. P. Magill, D.D. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Church service 11:00 a. m Junior Endeavor 3:30 j), m Senior Endeavor 3:30 p. m. We welcome all to our services Cross sewing at the church at 10 o'clock, and luncheon to be served at 12:30, with the program of the day beginning at 2 o'clock. The speaker at the afternoon program will be Miss Marchie Hines of the Kodiac Mission, Alaska. The Wilmette Baptist church is located at Forest and Wilmette ave- nues and welcomes all to its services. The Pastor, Rev. Franci* C. Stiller, may be reached at his study during the mornings or by appointment. The church office, in charge of Miss Bad- ger, is open daily from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The church tele- phone is Wilmette 2235. ! ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN I ¦________J Park and Wilmette Aves., Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M.A., Pastor, 406 Prairie Avenue. Telephone 1396. SERVICES Sunday, January 6 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and bible class. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon. 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- METHODIST CHURCH Come to the Methodist Church Sun- day. January 6, Go-To-Church Sunday in Wilmette. You will meet some of your neighborhood friends. At the door of the church you will be greet- ed by a board of courteous and effi- cient ushers, the chairman of which is Mr. J. R. Harper, for seventeen years the superintendent of schools in Wilmette. In the choir loft you will see a robed choir of forty voices, di- rected by a real musician, Mr. Borch- ers, supported at the organ by a genius, Mr. Heaps. In the pulpit will be Dr. Gilbert Stansell addressing himself to the highest resolution of which the human mind and heart and will are capable, for at this first Sun- day in the New Year he is preaching on the central affirmation. I Will Pray" You will love the hymns. There will be 'welcome to you in every heart in the service. At 9:30 the Sunday school will con- vene; Mr. Thomas H. West, superin- tendent; Mr. F. L. Millington, super- intendent of the Adult department; Mr. S. E. Belote, superintendent of the High school division; Miss Laura Fisher, superintendent of the Junior department; Mrs. A. L. Fuller, super- intendent of Primary department and Mrs. Leonard Osborne, superintendent of the Beginner's department. Bring your children to this highly organ- ized school. There is a class for every age and a good teacher direct- ing that class. At 5 o'clock the Intermediate league will meet and Miss Cora Gault, the supervisor, will have charge of the meeting. All boys and girls from 12 to 15 are heartily invited. The meet- ing is in the Parish House, 1022 1^ avenue. At 6 o'clock the Epworth lean, will hold their regular meeting. %,! Joe Miller is the president of taiji organization and Mr. Orville Bores-i ers, the first vice-president. All ta^ young people are cordially invited. Methodist homes opened for the Week of prayer, next week, are: Monday, January 7, J. R. Harjen 719 Park avenue; Daniel Stedker, «j| 8th street. Tuesday, January, 8, C.A. Lundberg, 1538 Walnut avenue.! Wednesday, January 9, F. P. Proctor,] 314 Park Avenue; F. H. Mason, 10301 Greenwood avenue; A. J. NystronJ 714 Central avenue; John C. Baker,] 347 Maple avenue. Thursday, Janu] ary 10, B. C. Davison, 1441 Forest! avenue; Harry Vroman, 1400 Hill street; F. A. Troy, 828 Ashland ave-l Inue; Louis B. Springer, 430 Maple] mm CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH r BAPTIST CHURCH The Morning service at 11 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, will speak briefly out of the inspira- tion received at the °th Quadrennial convention of the Student Volunteer Movement which has just closed at Indianoplis, and at which the local church was privileged to have seven of its members in attendance. The Ordance of the Lord's Supper will be observed and the Hand of Fellowship given to new members, and the Wil- mette Baptist Choral society will render the music at this service. The completely graded Bible school will meet at the regular hour, 9:45, the adult classes convening at 10 o'clock. The Junior and Intermediate Young People's societies will meet at 3 o'clock, the Juniors meeting in Chil- dren's hall, and the Intermediates in the Assembly room. The Senior B.Y.P.U. will meet at 5:30 in Children's hall. This church co-operates with the Sunday Evening club which meets at the Congregational Church at 7:30 Sunday evenings. Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, president of the General Fed- eration of Woman's clubs, is the speaker and her topic is "This Chang- ing World." Miss Florence Macbeth of Chicago Civic Opera company, will be the soloist. In accordance with the plans for a community observance of a Week of Prayer .no appointments are schedul- ed for Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday nights, but the mem- bers of the church are urged to at- tend the Home Prayer meeting to be held in their district* as outlined else- where in this issue of Wilmette Life. On Friday evening there will be a closing Prayer meeting of the church in Children's hall at 8 o'clock, which will bring the observance of the Week of Prayer to a close. The (amp Fire Girls will meet Tuesday at 3 :Z0 at the church. The Wolf Cubs will meet from 3-5 on Saturday afternoon. The speaker at the Wilmette Sun- day Evening club on January 6 will be Mrs. Thomas G. Winters, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs of America, who will have as her subject, "This Changing World." Florence Macbeth, leading American coloratura of the Chicago Civic Opera company, will sing. The East End Circle, Mrs. H. E. Holdaway, chairman, will meet Mon- day, January 7, at the home of Mrs. Frank Watson. The assisting hostes- ses are Mrs. R. F. James and Mrs. Carl King. The Roosevelt troop Boy Scouts No. 2 will have its regular meeting at headquarters Tuesday at 7:15. Choir rehearsal Thursday night, un- der the direction of Mr. Cain. The Woman's Guild will hold its January luncheon at the church at 1 o'clock Friday, January 11. Lunch- eon will be served to the children at 12:30. The program for Up<i?tvn6on will be jp «kpc?c *8T the Home Mis- * /"department, Mrs. L. E| Perry, chairman. Mrs. Chapin Of the First Church of Oak Park will review Dr. Findley's book "The Debt Eternal." The Guild will have as their guests the Missionary society of the Presbyterian church. The North End Circle, Mrs. C. P. Berg, chairman, will have a Book Sale in conjunction with the Guild lunch- eon at the church. Junior choir rehearsal Saturday night at 7 o'clock, under the direction of Mr. Burtner. On Friday evening the members of each of the churches will assemble in their own church to conclude the series of prayer meetings of the week. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Tcday narks the January meeting The Holy Communion service will of the Woman's society with White be observed January 13. Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, Pastor Services for January 6. Worship with sermon at 11 o'clock. Next Sunday is th* first anniversary of the dedication of our present build- ing. The Rev. J. S. Herold of Chi- cago will deliver the sermon. Dr. Herold is the superinetndent of all the missions of the United Lutheran church within the central and west- ern districts. His territory includes the great mid-west and reaches to the Pacific coast--a vast region embracing millions of people and which, in man> respects, holds the key to the future of our Lutheran church in this coun- try. There will also be special music. New members will be received. We anticipate a large and appreciative audience. Our members and friends should also keep in mind the Bible S.hool a: 9:45. The young people and adults will enjoy the interesting series o lessons from the Old Testament. Mr Mueller's fine class of boys is to be congratulated for its splendid attend- ance record. The new S. S. paper for the boys and girls will be passed ou' for the first time. l«et us make "C< To Church Sunday" a banner day alsc in our school. Let us make it a big- ger day than Rally Day. Next week is also the Week or Prayer. Two of our homes will he open for meetings in their respective districts: at the home of Mr. A. D Gash on Tuesday evening and at the home of Mr. Louis Mueller on Wed- nesday evening. |S A Nation Bowed in Prayer Prayer was central in the life of Jesus. His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray--not to preach. The spirit of a Peter or a James is the need today in our churches, homes and business. More deep-seated communica- tion with the unseen Partner would solve knotty problems of state and individual life. The truth of that statement will be specially emphasized when Wilmette churches join with Christian forces from Maine to California in observance of The National Week of Prayer Commencing Sunday, January 6 Services next Sunday morning will focus on the Week of Home Prayer Meet- ings--Monday to Thursday evenings in- clusive. Plan now on attending. A home near you (the complete list is published in another column) will be the rallying place for Christians intent on making 1924 a year of richer, sweeter experience in promoting the work of the Kingdom. "Prayer is the greatest undeveloped pmver in the world." says Roger Babson. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: First Congregational Church The First Presbyterian Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Ninth and Greenleaf Rev. George P. Magill 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise St. Augustine's Episcopal Church Wilmette English Lutheran Church ^140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hubert Carleton St. John's L riheran Church Wilmette and Park Aves. Rev. Herman IV. Meyer The First Methodist Church I^ake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Gilbert Stansell The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Francis Stifler be; W. E. i jm venue. I addition to I homes there homes or. td that all oi east one of i of the four he Friday R rch should b< engendered preceeding. ch on the st Church and i ir will be pi It service. lere will b< mg Woman'; tsday evening ie of Miss I enwood ave tram is bein The Quarter^ Old People's held at the h |t, Edgewater, 9, 1924, at H i\ meeting wi leers for the cted and yea llmette be we it St. Aug jming Bishop ^n firmed a el mfirmation, i ^ngregation 01 Light of th. IThe following lid" Mrs. E. L. )wler, Mr. twel Johnson Jrayson, Jam food, Edwin llive Humphi Catherine Lin )orothv Nunn, JSt. Clair, May Next Sunday, (First of the E( celebrations of it both the 8 services. It is lunion Sunda id the Girl's i The January fas held in th |esday evening ingements wi mual meetini the evening ry 16. [The rector t< fight services lurch on Nev The radio then, a few lent was m )uld be opi jished by dr |rmer crysta ne had arr buy a tubi i These radi bousands of oming conve prm of enteri earest ,hardi Ought up a s to that ti »ld for the ] fie bells or is engines. Sure enoug ring in the But as the kt fans beca rceiving qua talized that , lot of soun Md to imp: beech or mt

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