Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1924, p. 2

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WILMKTTK Reopen T. A\ Dancing NEED CLOTHING Classes Monday, Jan. 7 The second half of the term of danc AT ARDEN SHORE Undernourished Boys At Camp Need War m Clothes For Outdoor Tramps HEALTH ENTERPRISE Association Helps Many Tenement Youths Sixty boys, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years are "encamped" at Arden Shore, Lake Bluff, the rest camp for undernourished boys who must be "built up" so that they can hecome strong, robust citizens. These hoys spend much of their time in the out of- doors as---a Very essential part "in *Mv rehabilitation process, and they need warm clothing. Right now, With cold weather here t«l,stay for a few months, there comes r tlV call from Arden Shore, for contributions of clothing for these little r?en who arc trying to get well so tint they can pass the exacting physi ca examinations which accompany of the local*- Kaptist clujrch attended ktlKr applications for work . certifithe convention, es. ,.TJu*y are boys who must con, v to. the support oj their famnies^ Children'* Shoe-Expert ^'Mf of "\h'em "come from the tene ments" where every able-bodied tnem jer of the family must do his share lo "make ends meet." Need Greate*! Haw It has been suggested by sponsors of the Arden Shore association that this season is the logical, time for an appeal for clothing since many young .men of those ages, who have recently [returned from school for the holidays, fciave received ne\V supplies of clothing their return to the academies and colleges, thus leaving behind a gener ous supply of used clothing that is just .suited to the needs of the camp. It should be explained that the boys in the Arden Shore Camp are among those who have been denied working certificates bv the Chicago Hoard of iucation. The cam])'supervisors are roughly familiar with every boy's lory and know 'that every contri pion will serve a worthy purpose, le rest camp has been in existence a&& ci&h winter, is in Wilnu-Ue may be -he-die •]•'. (rates, 72X ;iinl in Kenilworth with "Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 2WF,^sv\ road;" "Burn" ? Parent-Teacher Groups In Annual Meeting, Jan. 8 The annual joint meeting of the CenDo your Eyes Burn after tral and l.ogan School Parent-Teacher Exposure to the intense associations will he held in the Byi ">n C. Si<lp school auditorium' Tuesday 'evening, January 8, at M o'clock. C, T. Primni,. former superintendent of Afisual Kducation for tlic state of Michigan, will be the-speaker. His nddress will rkal with the '"subject of J/isual hVducatiou concerning which he ha^ been a recognized authority for many yeaxs^ All the residents • of the community, and more especially the parents of school children, are-invited to attend this uteres ting meeting. COUNCIL GIVES DEGREES Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus, will .exemplify, first... and- second degrees at its regular meeting Odd I'VlIows hall, Wilmette, Tues da y evening, January 7, The ceremonies will be preceded by a regular business session. -CHILD WELFARE CONFERENCE A Child Welfare conference is to be held at the. Gross Point Health Center on Wednesday afternoon,, January 9, from 3 to 5 o'clock, Dr. Sutherland of the Chicago Tuberculo sis Institute will btv in attendance. GOITRE CAUSED Health. XervouftnpMN, Smothering Attrt Throbbing; Kelirveri. Feel Like a » w Pemoa Say* Mm, McKee. r». Jessift McKee, Mom once, 111.. »: "I will write or apeak to Anyone ut my relief from an 8-year goitre Sorhol-Quadruplo, a colorless went." As pleasant to use as a water. at Rennr-ekar DruR Co.. or urijol Company, Mechanloa lo. ing lessons given under auspices of the Central School Parent-Teacher association'begins Monday, January 7, at the Wilmette Woman's club, according to word from the association this week. The schedule has been announced as follows : Monday Aesthetic dancing--first, second and third grades 3 P. M. Aesthetic dancing-fourth, fifth and sixth grades 4 P. M. Ball Room dancing seventh grade 5:15 P. M. Ball room dancing -- eighth grade ; 7 P..M. Ball room dancing -- Adult class 8:30 P. M. Thursday Ball room dancing--first, second and third grades 3 P. M. Ball room dancing--fourth and fifth grades 4 P. M. Ball room dancing -- sixth grade 5 P. M. Stifler Will Report On Student Volunteer Wor k At the-r*u**±4ar morning--services of the Wilmette Kaptist church, Rev. •Frrfncis C. Stifler, the ' pastor, ^ will make, a report on the sessions of the ninth quadr-e-tmial convention--the Student^ohmteer Movement held at Indianapolis early this week. Mr. Stifler and six other members v Joins S. Pool Business E. W. Piper, children's shoe specialist, has become associated with S. Pool, well known women's aruflj^iWraj^s^h^ er at 1608 Chicago avenue, Kvanston, in a new firm known as Pool and Piper, Inc. Mr. Piper brings to the concern 20 years' experience in the juvenile field of the shoe business. MEET AT OLD PEOPLE'S HOME Many members of the Wilmette Parish Methodist Kpiseopal church are planning to attend the quarterly meeting of the Methodist Old.People's home at 1415 Foster avenue, Chicago to be held Wednesday, January 9, at 10:30 o'clock. The meeting will also 1)e_the oc-casionof---fch-er--a-nnual election of officers of the home. Eyes Sun and the Dusty Winds ? Murine bringsQuick Relief. Soothes tired Eyelids and Keetfs the Eyes Clear and Healthy. Murine is the Standard, Safe Eye Remedy used in Medical Practice for over 30 years; now compounded for home use by Dr. McFatrich* Keep a bottle within reach. Sold by all good chemists, A Safe Eye Remedy for Daily Personal Use in the Home. Easy to apply. A bottle lasts a long time. Never be without it. Murine Eye Remedy Co. CHICAGO, U.S.A. Sold and recommended by < HAMS* PHARMACY • - ni. ESTABLISHED 1854 . H.JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Davis Street, Evanston, III. Phone Evanston 449 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phones Randolph 1346-1347 T h e B e s t R e s o l u t i o n o f A l l woul d b e t o resolv e t o ope n a saving s accoun t a t th e Wil mett e Stat e Bank , an d the n kee p steadil y savin g through ou t 1924 . On e ca n rol l u p a surpris ingl y larg e su m i n a year' s time ; th e ma n o r woma n wit h a n accoun t wonder s ho w al l tha t mone y go t there , jus t a s . th e folk s W I T H O U T ac count s wonde r wher e it' s al l gon e to ! B e o n th e righ t sid e o f th e fenc e in~1924! WILMETTE STATE BANK CentralAve.atlWe/ftfi Sold only at 7** Ito^atl Zhvg Man RenneckarPhones Most coughs are caused by disease germs. Some of these can eventually prove very harmful. Even the milder .forms of catarrh germs, when once- in the air passages, multiply rapidly, producing irritation and cough. You're familiar with the ordinary simple cough lasting from a few days to a few weeks, and you know how troublesome it can he. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is an excellent trcatmejvt for this condition because it soothes the irritated-membranes, relieves congestion and checks the needlessly violent spasms of the bronchial tube. When you feel a dryness of the throat, tightness of the chest, a feeling of smothering fever, of headache,, combined with a tight rasping cough, you have a condition which should be treated immediately. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup contains no alcohol, opiates or other narcotic drugs and, therefore, may be given to children with absolute safety. You will find this remedy not only very efficient but also pleasant to take. Drug Co. 28-29

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