Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1924, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1924 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS fZa~*Ml "Mntifar___Classified advertisements will be charged Kjeneral lyOltCeS--- only to persons living In the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either Wilmette Life, Wlnnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe New*. %>„+/,.____10 cents per line In one paper. *0 cents per line in all IS-UILS-----three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words te the line. No black face type used. MThis size type charged as 2 lines. M This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. Deadline for Insertions--ZAXtei ^^'w.t.'.dC % o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 1% o'clock for the Wlnnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- coe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNBTKA »88. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE Now h ft© Tim® to Buj IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL buy, let us show you this 6 R. Bung., H. W. heat, Ruud heater, 1 car garage, 3% blocks from depot. Price $10,500.00. Only $3,000.00 cash and $500.00 per year plus interest. Only $500.00 down will buy a 7 R. house, 4% blocks from depot. In good repair and a bargain for $12,- 500.00. 7 R. stucco, In first class condi- tion and excellent N. E. location. Owner leaving town. Price reduced to $16,500.00. 9 R. frame colonial near Lake and school, 2 baths, H. W. Heat, 2 car garage, best N. E. location. Only $22,000.00. Tel. Wil. 640. 1157 Wilmette Ave. L15-ltc At Twenty Bdtow THIS HOME, NOW OFFERED FOR sale, was kept warm and comfort- able; there are 4 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, 2 porches and double garage; lot 50 x 187, well located In Wlnnetka. Priced at $15,000.00. New brick home in Glencoe, has two-story llv. room, 3 bedroms; slpg. por. 2 baths; atch. gar. An excep- tionally well built home for $36,- 600.00. Several fine lots at bargain prices; 50 to 100 foot frontages, well lo- cated; $47.00 a ft. and up. Call on or phone us for particulars. EoEoSWibReaAyCe, 790 Elm St., Wlnnetka. Tel. Winn. 1800 LTNlS-ltc FOR SALE--ILLNESS COMPELS ME to sell at once my beautiful home lo- cated in Wilmette's most exclusive East section, convenient to lake and transportation. 9 rooms including sun or breakfast room and sleeping porch, fire place, two baths and ex- tra lavatory and toilet in connection with one bedroom, oil heat, two-car garage; lot 70 x 176; also all furni- ture, including grand piano. No reasonable offer refused. Address AID c/o Wilmette Life. LIS-ltc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--7 R. FURN. HSE. FROM Feb. 15th to Sept. 1st, $135 per mo. Also 7 R. furn. )ise. from Apr. or May through the summer months or longer for $150. Also 4 R. apart- ment with sun parlor In North Ev- anston, $1.10. . A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wll. 640 LIS-ltc FOR RENT--IMMEDIATELY, COZY little bungalow near Wlnnetka depot, $75 a month. Inquire 877 Elm Street. Tel. Wlnnetka 1689. LTN15-ltc FOR RENT--6 ROOM HOUSE, MOD- ern, small garage, $125.00 month. 187 Forest Ave. Tel. C. A. Thorsen, Kenilworth 261. LTlS-ltc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FURN- Ished apartment, hot water heat, light and gas included in rental, very large rooms including kitchen and pantry. Tel. Wll. 839-W. LIS-ltc FOR RENT--ROOMS KENILWORTH INN FOR RENT--SUITE OF ROOMS WITH bath; also single room; hot and cold water. Best of food. Telephone Kenilworth 167. LTlS-ltc FOR RENT--ROOMS, REASONABLE, hit water heat, hot and cold run- ning water, gentlemen preferred, 1418 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 911-W. L15-2tc FOR KENT--ROOM. NICE FRONT bedroom in priv. family. Near trans- portation, $5 per week. Tel. Wil- mette 2703. LIS-ltc VERY DESIRABLE SOUTH FRONT room for two adults, hot water heat, private home, 1046 Linden, Wil- mette. LIS-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, LARGE and pleasant, near station. Gent. pref. Address Wilmette Life, A-18. LTNlS-ltc FOR RENT -- 2 WELL HEATED front rooms. East side home. Conv. location. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTlS-ltc FOR RENT -- PLEASANT, SINGLE front room. Breakfast if desired. Telephone Wlnnetka 690. LTNlS-ltc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. RMS. for light hsekeeplng. 818 Elm St. Phone Wlnnetka 2176. LTN15-ltp my $65,000 FOR ALMOST NEW 8 ROOM brick on hollow tile, 3 baths, htd. sun, slpg., pchs., heated, double gar. Wonderfully wooded lot. H@ms@ini&CllaiFlkpEmi(Gc 656 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) LTNlS-ltc (formerly W. R. Wlnnetka 254 TWO FLAT BLDG., 6 ROOMS AND bath with large attic and basement; furnace heat; 2 car garage; located in North Evanston; no commission paid. Price $12,000.00; half cash; will communicate with desirable parties. Address Wilmette Life, A-5. LTGlS-ltp WE HAVE CLIENTS WISHING TO buy in Wilmette, Kenilworth, Wln- netka and Glencoe. List your prop- erty with us at once. AH. EDDINGTON & CO. Tel. Wi». 640 1157 Wilmette Ave. LTNlS-ltc '%0^»J,H"g-W^tte^r&^ coe; should have at least four bed- rooms, large living room and 2 or more baths. Owners only-------give full description. Address Wilmette Life, A.-16. LTNlS-ltc WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE WANTED--TO BUY DIRECT FROM owner 6 or 7 room home in Wil- mette, Kenilworth or Wlnnetka, not to exceed $25,000. Address Wilmette Life, A 14 LTNlS-ltc WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER having farm for sale; give particu- lars and lowest price: John J. Black Chippewa Falls, Wis._________ L14-2tp WILL PAY UP TO $25,000.00 FOR 7 or 8 room house In Wilmette; must have 4 bedrooms and hot water heat Addrefes Life, A-437. L13-3tc WANTED--SMALL HOUSE IN WIL- Stw^m^eW^O.'"^ L15-3tc FOR RENT--REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS., ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all tranauoi uqion._______LT6-tfc CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM T:r=^,ri%^%r%r% LTl-tfc FOB RENT -- ROOMS, 1602 WIL- mette Avenue, Wilmette 3039. ___________________________________ LIS-ltp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HSWK or mother's helper. Private room and bath. Good wages. Near trans- portation. White. Tel. Wilmette 126- LTN15-ltp WANTED--ON SATURDAYS 8:30 TO 12:30, woman or girl for general housework. Call Wilmette 1189. ___Linden Ave., 1123. L15-ltp WANTED -- SALESLADY. APPLY National Tea Store, 352 Park Ave- nue^ Glencoe. LTNlS-ltc WANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN NA- SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE The Fashion Sewing Shop AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES a specialty. Reasonable prices. KlanrAL.T!^?r'Te,. w% 966"J- LIS-tfc MON-MARIE-LOUISE order; reasonable. Tel. Wll. 2943 _________________________ LT14-tfc ______________ LT14-tfc Si)39- _________________ LIS-ltp SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--ON RIVER AT MAO- nolia Springs, Alabama. 4 room furnished cottage; ideal winter re- 52C* ^*'l" Ashing. Mrs. F. Helnig, 782 Center Street, Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 551-J.___________LTN15-ltc FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished house, 9 rms., 2 baths I very large rooms, hot water heat I A-l qond.. near transportation and school;, can have long lease. Ad- dress Life. 8._________________LTlS-ltc ' WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES I wn;L,,;rzr """""LTNX.%;: -JLil__________________LTT-tfc LTlS-ltc DETECTIVE SERVICE zBawwc "'Emma- LTNll-4tc "The Judge"--MerKlaa SITUATION WANTED--MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers Jo Bo MaeF&Ham® Interior Decorator Formerly with Mondel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc SITUATION WANTED MALE AND FEMALE EXP. COLORED COUPLE. COOK AND houseman wish position In or out of city. Good ref. Tel. Victory 2553. LTNlS-ltp COLORED COUPLE DESIRE Posi- tion in private home, excellent ref- erences. Tel. Winn. 1716. LIS-ltp INVESTMENTS PARTY HAS $3,000 TO LOAN ON good Wilmette Real Estate at 6%% for 3 years. See A. R. Edding- ton & Co. 1157 Wilmette Avenue. Tel. Wll. 640. LIS-ltc PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- ing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J.____________ LTN7-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES wm §@n legs DWg® CcmipxB LIKE NEW OUT OF FACTORY only 6 mo., stop light, Johnson trans- mission lock, 2 bumpers, spare tire with cover and lock, motometer with lock, skid chains, cost $1,250. Will sell for $750. Tel. Kenilworth !313. LTNlS-ltc REO TOURING. NEW CRANK CASE and bearings. New rear end. New Zenith carburetor. Good mechani- cal condition. Almost new tires. 3 extra rims with 3 good spare tires- one a brand new cord. Paint, top w\LK'Zf *°°* ^TG%c CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE RE- cently overhauled and put in good running condition, all new glass %%A%,"^%Tf%,'n^: Deerfleld. LTN15-tfc MISCELLANEOUS NOTARY PUBLIC 1924 AUTO LICENSE. WE HAVE all blank application forms. Get them early. JOHN M. EVEY & CO. 525 4th Street Wilmette 500 L9-tfc H©H Your in the New Winnetka Masonic Temple. Excellent floor and other facilities. For rates and dates see Dr. J. E. Fonda WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. LTN15-ltc POR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BABY'S PUSH SLBl| with upholstered seat, sides ui] back rest, $5.00. New ones like thiil cost $15 to $20. 33 Crescent Pltcti Phone Wll. 2608. LH-ltJ FOR SALE--A FINE IMPORTED UN- en table cloth, 4 yds. long wittj heavy fringe. Napkins to matcal Phone Glencoe 790. LTNlS-ltil WE BUILD GARAGES Give your car a home and let us build it for you. Good work- manship, best materials and lowest prices. For further par- ticulars, phone Glencoe 641. L. B. DEAN, 253 Linden Ave., Glencoe LTNlS-tfc H. J. AUTO LAUNDRY Automobile upholstery, seat covers and tops cleaned. Satisfaction Guaranteed •Phone Wilmette 911-RX Phone Douglas 7634 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--1 MAHOGANY AND 1 reed lamp base, also 1 embroidered batiste bed spread, reasonable. Tel. Wll. 192. LIS-ltc FOR SA LE--AUTOMOBILES G®(D)(dl Used Cars Willys Knight 7 pas. tour ..$400 Dodge tour ................. 425 Franklin Sedan ............. 350 Chicago Electric ............ 175 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Phone Wlnnetka 165 LTNlS-ltc Clanim©8® GcxoA Exquisitely embroidered Lin- ens, Filet, Cut and Punch, Din- ner and Lunch Cloths, Napkins. Runners, Etc., In Swatow and Grass. Prices $1.00 to $60.00. Beautifully embroidered Shawls, Mandarin Coats and Skirts, Old Embroideries and Tapestries; Girdles, Chains, Ear Rings, Fans, Bags. Etc. Prices $1.00 to $150. My nephew recently returned from China and brought these articles with him. His family are co-operating In this sale to assist him to complete his edu- cation. Inspection invited. MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA, 719 NINTH ST., WILMETTE TELEPHONE 676 LTNlS-ltc WANTED TO BUY -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE ST( iRE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTNl-tfc N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple', Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 1MJ LTNl-tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST--A STRING OF PEARLS OS Sat. p. m., Jan. 5th, somewhere on 10th St., between Ashland Ave. and 1025 Linden Ave. Finder please re- turn to 933 Ashland Ave., or tele- phone Wilmette 852-R. Reward LI 5-ltc LOST -- FEMALE HUNTING DOG. gray and brown body, dark brown head resembling airedale, wore nickel chain collar, reward. Tel Wil. 192. L15-ltc USED OLDSMOBILE. 8 CYL. SPORT model, inclosed California top, re- cently overhauled, 1st class condi- tion, good tires all around. Must be seen to be appreciated, an excep- tional buy at $550. See owner 1046 Gage Street, Hubbard Woods, 111. Tel. Winn. 86 or 1139. LIS-ltc CADILLAC'S USED CARS The Used Car Department of the Evanston Cadillac Branch offers an unusual assortment of good used cars in both Cadillacs and miscellan- eous makes. To the prospective purchaser of a new automobile in the $2,O00-$2,5O0 c ass, who would not ordinarily con- sider the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to our late model, reconditioned Cadil- lacs. These cars will attract the buy- er who demands dependability, super- %Us%%P%^^ :n?%r^y"UZwred%^""^- ¦&sum C&a&e Mow Car Company Evanston 8600 i«m „- Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Rogers Park 9810 LTNS-tfc LOST--SILVER ROSARY IN CASE Sunday, December 30 on Lake Ave- nue. Reward. Tel. Wil. 857-R. L15-ltp| VILLAGE OF WILMETTE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. ISO IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK; COUNTY, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to mill llili {rm.t%r^p7ei:cr^hrBoa. Boa^r^Y'TC?^.^.: passed and approved by the President! a? ™?,oard. of trustees of the Villa** 1923, said ordinance being on file * j «of„ °^f of th« Village Clerk of t»« j the cost of said proposed Improvement according to the benefits, and an as- sessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be held on the Twenty-first (21) day of January A. D., 1924, at ten o'clock. A. M.. or as soon thereafter as the business of. the said Court will permit. All per- sons desiring may file objections i«| said Court before said date, and m*J| appear on the hearing and make thelrj defense. Said ordinance provides f*l the collection of said assessment I"! ten (10) annual Installments with in-j terest thereon at the rate of six pen centum (6%) per annum. Dated. Wilmette, Illinois, December | *o, A. Jj.t 1923. CHARLES C. SCHULTZ Person appointed by the Presided, of the Board of Local Improvement!^ n i?e rY,l.Ua?e of Wilmette, Co*J County, Illinois, to make said special ' assessment. ILMETTE SI THE COUN COUN In the matte: tillage of Wiln fvy a special jd otherwise kghteen (18) : »uth of Ches Btween the W< id the East 1 Block 13 of linage of Wll linois. [NOTICE IS 1 Monday, th« D., 1924, at soon therea aid court wll rill be made tc lid determine lets stated In )St of local lormlty to req therefor, now c titled case are law in such ci All persons <: [ions in said < and may apea lake their de Dated: Wllmi D., 1924. F. VILLAGI ILMETTE S SPECIAL AS NOTICE IS 1 jersons in teres rilmette, Coot ig ordered tl pentral elghtee JUth of Oaki king from Nint [10th) Street, t Concrete, and lame, all In tl ;ounty of Cool |n accordance < >mmended and lent of the Be lents, submitti movements, an >y the Preside lees of the Vll bounty, Illinoli lay of August, ince being on Tillage Clerk < taid Village I bounty Court c for an assessm proposed impr {the benefits, ar ffor having be to said Court, [on will be he (21st) day of . ten o'clock, A. ! after as the , Court will pen lng may file o before said da the hearing ai Said ordinance lection of said annual instal thereon at the (6%) per annu Dated, Wilm 28, A. D., 1923 W Person apoo of the Board) Of the Vll lag County. Illinoli assessment. FREDEP Villa VILLAGI WILMETTE S IN THE COU? COUN NOTICE IS rsons interet Thnette, Cool ordered th Avenue fr 1st Line of rilmette and ll Avenue * Itreet by gri rith reinforce [nineteen (19) | all excavation grade, temova materials, am same, all In tl County of Coo In accordance ommended and dent of the B< ments, submit! [cal Improveme proved by the Trustees of tl [Cook County, I (7th) day of i [ordinance bein [the Village @

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