W1LM I- LIFE, ^i - ' ^v VKBRUAKY 1. 1^24 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Wilmette, Illinois Cordially Invites You end Your Friend* to Attend A Free Lecture on Christian Science by Charles I. Ohrenstein Of Syracuse, New York Member ui Board of Lectureship, oi Th- Mother Church, The- Fir&t Church of Chris*, Scientist, in Boston. Mas*. Monday Evening, February 4, 1924 At 8 O'clock In the Church Edifice Central Avenue at Tenth Street, Wilmette, Illinois R A D I O HE finest jewelry shop on the North SrTOfeT maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clock* and Tewetfy. " | I i aza Sno r i r r LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON N E W Depar t ment V Ope ni ng F E B. 5t h tt If It's fr CVA M STON ^ O C I A L R C T I V i T l f Logan School February Meeting Legislature rj^HE Logan School Parent-Teacher association will holdils uliir tnonthlv meeting at the library as has been the ^ at 3 o'clock next Monday afternoon. It is the aim of the ptoj cummittee to furnish a varied program throughout the year so* cover various branches of the work which the organization ierested in. Hooks, Art and Visual education have been soid the subjects already discussed. At the coming meeting Mrs. Charles Hurlbut, member $\ National Child Welfare committee, also the Evanston Woman's,- representative on that committee will talk on legislative affecting the welfare of the child. This is an opportunity fj| Logan School mothers to become better informed on this irnporj subject. . Violin solos by Miss Catherine Grandquist will fumisb musical feature. The social committee is planning its usual i refreshments. One More Opportunity to See "Puss in Boots" T HE last performance of "Puss' in Boots" as presented by< Junior League players will be given tomorrow morning «1 Plavhouse. Youngsters "as well as the grown-ups have been enjojj the'opportunity of seeing this old-time fairytale brought tojife; just-as-a little reminder for the-procrastinators, attnourkeracij. made of the rinal performance. "Puss in Boots" is acted by the lowing troupe, many of whom are well known on the north sb PiTss in Boots, Mts's Emily Kimborough; the miller's eldest Miss Janet_ Fairbank; his second son, Miss Marion Holt; his I on e, \' i rgi ni aFi tz^^ Mrs Pr>st onjiovj ToWser, life ^>g7" K'~C: iLetts Jr. \ trie king; SITsYTidith C tilings; the chamberlain, Mrs. William Mitchell; the princess, William Hubbard; the governess, Miss Eleanor Holden; the b Miss Dorothy Marston; and the policeman, Mrs. Thomas Coi m 1555 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Tel. Ev. 7904 Blatchford-BerryJNu^ M ISS Clarion Blatchford, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank! Blatchford of Winnetka, has chosen the afternoon of 1, as the day for her marriage to Lieut. Albert Cleaves Berry,] now stationed at Great Lakes. The ceremony will be r^eadbvl E. Ashlev Gerhard at four a'clock in Christ church, Winnetka. Ouilmette Country club issues its calendar of events for the month of February today, to read as follows: Saturday, February 2,. Informal Din- ner Dance. Monday, February 4, Buffet Lunch- eon, Bridge, Bowling. Thursday, February 7, Buffet Dinner, Dancing. Saturday, February 9, Hearts Party. Monday, February 11, Pivot Bridge and Mah Jongg. Bowling. Thursday, February 14, Buffet Din- ner, Bridge. Saturday, February 16, Specjjy^E^ Monday, February_18, Buffet Lunch eon,- Bridge, Bowling." Thursday, February 21, Buffet Dinner, Motion Pictures. Friday, February 22, Juvenile Party, Saturday, February 23, Washington Birthday Formal Dinner Dance. Monday, February 25, Bowling, Smoker. Thursday. February 2H, Buffet Din- ner, Bridge Of interest to many on the. shore is the wedding of Miss Pe Prince? daughter of Mr. tad Harry F. Prince of Evanston, will be married to Spencer Phil of Montclair, N\ J., on Febuary9j St. Mark's Episcopal church, ceremony will be followed by a reception at the Evanston \Vora| club. Miss Henrietta Bush Of ft\ea«rtij be maid of honor; and Mrs, Go^ Clark, of Wilmett^MheJMiiifL' Singer and ~LoTu.se Thompson oi nrrrsion .a*uUMJ*#H£fgtt< Pontiac, will be bridesmaids. S:« Phillips will be his brother's best! and the ushers will include E<h Fargo, Gordon Clark, Harry Ma gomery and Charles Carnev. Friday , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ -Psrtyr Aii university romance culminated in marriage last_ Sa tu rda v evening*.. ivhen Jii5^^Tro^V\^rriTth Carney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Carney of Ev- anston, became the bride of Leslie Good- win Arries of Chicago. The ceremonv was read at six o'clock at St. Mark's church, Evanston, by Rev. Arthur Rogers. The bride is a graduate of Northwestern university in the class of 1921, and is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Mr. Arries whn, was graduated from Northwestern in 1918 belongs to the Delta Tau Delta fra- ternity. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Arries have gone to California for a six weeks' trip and .upon 4luw-i«tur-fr-^-oct-upv "an apart> mem either in Evanston 'or Rogers Park. Byron H. knapp, Jr., a student at St. John s Military academv. and Carol Louise Knapp, who is attending St. Marys school at Knoxville, 111., spent Kst week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Knapp at the Orring- ton hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp left yesterday for a six weeks' sojourn in California. Dr. and Mrs. C. H.. Burke of Mech- anicsvillc. Iowa, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koza, 627 Maple avenue, this week, called by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Grissell, who has been the guest or her daughter, Mrs. .Koza for the past two months. ,-i store ior fine furniture at reasonable prices. / isit-us next time \ou are in Evanston. Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. 236 Lin- den avenue, and Miss Ruth Ohlcndorf. 237 Linden avenue, entertained at cards at the home of latter last Wed- nesday evening in celebration of Miss Ohlendorfs and Mr. Smith's hirth- day anniversaries. Miss Dorothy Trov. 828 Ashland avenue, who is attending Swarthmore college, is spending this week with tnends m Washington, D. C. Mr. Fred White left Monday eve- ning to join Mrs. White in Clear- water, Fla. i The Chicago chapter of Beta Pi has invited the Northwestern ter to a dunce and frolic at the Pierre February 18.- Plans have promulgated for more tl . -gct~the~Twt>,_chaptg:* ^together to fjj Tftofe harmony between them, year the two schools have been iug_ sings at , which time the two n| ennties-gaiher around the shrine oi?t lowship. This month's innovation V{ been promoted by the Chicago cha~| members who expect more that < hundred active chapter men from tw;o schools to take part. Promn alumni of the schools and the. cha have been asked to act as sponsors, Chez Pierre will be specially deccu to the tastes of the Chicago men.*] social committee of Northwestern * is furthering plans for the affair, composed of Townsend Copeland _ Chicago, Ellsworth Tayler of WW] and Cameron Garbut of Shendak Wji The Crescent circle of the Cons! gational church will hold an alM] meeting next Tuesday in the honxl Mrs. Frank McCullin, 514 Maple il nue. Assisting hostesses will I Mesdames Gapen, Austin, Denman4 Calloway. ' The circle will hold 1 bakery sale on Friday of next m at the Guild meeting in the chsj parlors, the sale to open at 11 o'ctofl Mr. and Mrs.lprTnk Flanner A have been in the East for a fortniffl returned to Blackwell, Wis.. y*q day with their small son, Edward,*! has been the guest "of his grandtfl ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch.w Washington avenue. Mrs. Hubert Carleton, 1104 F#\l avenue, has as her guest for 5¾* days, Mrs. Thomas Duncan of ^ waukee. On Thursday she « Rte J tained for her guest and members the Wilmette colony who were -at Post Takfe" this summer. Miss Dorothy~Yonkers, 911 S*«j dan road, and Miss Isabel P n Kj | Lake avenue, are leaving Wernies* •>r Hanover, N. H., to attend l * Carnival ai Dartmouth college, February 7, 8 and 9. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sfmrnons. J the Nelson apartment*, have ^ c . t New York to join a group of f ^^J Syracuse who plan to spend/ a fortfliP or. so at the Lake Placid jelub.